Radio Jingle Bells, 3901.7 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dijous, 31 de desembre del 2020
QSL Speedwing Radio
Speedwing Radio, 3940 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dilluns, 28 de desembre del 2020
QSL Cool AM via Radio Merlin
Cool AM, 6305 KHz, pirata holandesa via l'emissora pirata britànica Radio Merlin. Rebudes 2 E-QSL pel mateix informe enviat a Cool AM ( i Radio Merlin (
diumenge, 27 de desembre del 2020
QSL All Tribes Radio
divendres, 25 de desembre del 2020
dimecres, 23 de desembre del 2020
QSL À Punt, València
À Punt, 102.2 MHz, emissora pública valenciana. Després de llarga espera, rebuda finalment aquest E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Victòria Piñeiro, Cap d'Explotació i Continuïtat.
Nous programes d'Speedwing Radio
Speedwing Radio - Germany´s Funk and Soul Station since 1995 will be back on the air around Christmas as follows:Expect all programs about more than 1 hour duration.
dimarts, 22 de desembre del 2020
Nous programes de RNEI
Radio Northern Europe International’s Christmas Special Announcement!
After lots of work and careful song selection we have completed our Christmas special show for 2020 and we hope you get to hear it and love it!
Musical Features:
- Some Norwegian cheese to open the show
- Some really nice Christmas songs from artists like Eivør, Zophia, Saara Aalto
- A wonderful song by My & Mats featuring loads of lovely stereo seperation (in Comb Stereo on Shortwave – Give yourself a bigger treat and set up shortwave stereo!)
Data Features:
- PSK500R playlist with shortened comments in the final song of the show
- HamDRM (Easypal or WinDRM decoder) 7Zip file with a HTML animation along with the full playlist tirelessly coded by Daz!
- Comb Stereo – This is something you’ll really want to be using on this show for sure!!
Being a special the broadcast times are abnormal so here is a table to know when to hear it!
Date | Time | Frequency | Transmitter | Direction |
23rd December | 19:00 UTC | 6070KHz | C292 South Germany | ND |
24th December | 01:00UTC | 5010KHz 5850KHz | WRMI Florida, USA | 181° S.America 315° N.America |
25th December | 11:00 UTC | 9670KHz | C292 | 293° Benelux UK & Ireland NE America |
26th December | 4:00 UTC | 9670KHz | C292 | 60° China & SE Asia Australia & NZ |
31st December | 01:00 UTC | 5010KHz 5850KHz | WRMI | 181° S.America 315° N.America |
dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2020
QSL Radio Tirana via WRMI
Radio Tirana, 7780 KHz, servei de la ràdio pública albanesa via els emissors de WRMI, Okechobee, Estats Units. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat
dissabte, 19 de desembre del 2020
divendres, 11 de desembre del 2020
QSL WWCR, Nashville
WWCR, Nashville, TN, 6115 KHz, emissora religiosa nord-americana. Després de llarga espera i algun recordatori, rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000 demà
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday, 12th of December from 0900 to 1000 UTC on 9670 kHz via Channel 292,and at the same time on our web stream which is now available 24 hours a day.
Good listening!
dilluns, 7 de desembre del 2020
QSL Time Radio
Time Radio, 6275 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
diumenge, 6 de desembre del 2020
QSL The Mighty KBC via Yerevan
The Mighty KBC, 6080 KHz, via Yerevan, Armènia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Eric van Wigellen.
Noves freqüències de WMR i Radio 208
New frequencies
This time we have to start with some very sad news. For a long time (first time was in the spring of 2004 when WMR began broadcasting from Denmark on 5815 and 15810 kHz) WMR – and now also Radio208 – have been allowed to use “out-of-band” frequencies on a non-interference basis by the Danish telecom authorities. Now this has come to an end. The Danish telecom authorities has now finally decided that Denmark will not comply with the ITU Radio Regulations article 4 which allows the use of out-of-band frequencies. As all Shortwave listeners know, the use of out-of-band frequencies is very widespread – it is the case for all or most of the Shortwave stations in the US, for BBC, in Norway, Armenia, Thailand, The Netherlands, France, Germany, India etc. And many of these stations utilise transmitter power of more than 100,000 Watts while WMR and Radio208 are using only 500 Watts at most.
So WMR and Radio208 are now forced to change frequencies - at a rather short notice. This means that it will no longer be impossible to reach our listeners on Shortwave during evening hours, at night and in the early morning hours due to the crowded 49 meter band.
Today Monday November 30th a license was received from the Danish telecom authorities to use these new frequencies:
5930 kHz – World Music Radio – Bramming – 100W (soon 500W) – daily schedule: 0700-1745 – change from 5840 to 5930 due late December 2020
5970 kHz – Radio208 – Hvidovre – 250W – daily schedule: 0700-1600 – due on air early December 2020
15790 kHz – World Music Radio – Randers – 200W – Saturdays & Sundays 0700-2000 UTC – change from 15805 to 15790 due as of December 12th 2020
No changes for Medium Wave 927 and 1440 kHz
dissabte, 5 de desembre del 2020
QSL Bible Voice via Tajikistan
dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2020
QSL Antena Satelor
Antena Satelor, 153 KHz, canal de la ràdio nacional romanesa. Després de múltiples intents amb la ràdio nacional, vaig reenviar l'informe al servei anglès de Radio Romania International, qui m'ha enviat com a confirmació una E-QSL que he hagut d'emplenar jo mateix. Informe enviat a
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2020
Nou programa de Radio Classic Sunday
Zondag 29 november is het weer zover, dan gaan wij weer uitzenden op 3920 Khz.
Mart Walther, Jan Staphorst en René van Elst zullen weer een 3 uur durend programma brengen.
We starten om 19:00 uur Nederlandse tijd.Thema voor die avond is de Billboard Hot 100.
Ieder van ons neemt een speciaal jaar, zie ook het programma overzicht op onze website.
Sunday, November 29 is that time again, then we will broadcast again on 3920 Khz.
Mart Walther, Jan Staphorst and René van Elst will again present a 3-hour program.
We start at 7:00 PM Dutch time.
The theme for that evening is the Billboard Hot 100.
Each of us takes a special year, see also the program overview on our website.
Sonntag, 29. November ist wieder der Tag, dann werden wir wieder auf 3920 Khz senden.
Mart Walther, Jan Staphorst und René van Elst präsentieren erneut ein dreistündiges Programm.
Wir beginnen um 19.00 Uhr Niederländische Zeit.
Das Thema für diesen Abend ist das Billboard Hot 100.
Jeder von uns nimmt sich ein besonderes Jahr, siehe auch die Programmübersicht auf unserer Website.
dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2020
QSL Kan Bet, Israel
dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2020
QSL La Chispa Estéreo
dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2020
QSL Radio Grote Versieder
Radio Grote Versieder, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL i imatges del seu equipament (vegeu a sota) per informe enviat a
dijous, 5 de novembre del 2020
QSL Texas Radio SW via Mike Radio
Texas Radio Shortwave, 3940 KHz, via Mike Radio, Holanda. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, 15476 KHz USB, emissora de l'exèrcit argentí a l'Antàrtida. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dimecres, 4 de novembre del 2020
QSL Radio Spaceshuttle
Radio Spaceshuttle International, 12265 KHz, pirata finlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
Nova QSL de RAE via Armènia
RAE, servei internacional de la ràdio argentina, en un programa especial des dels emissors de Gavar, a Armènia, 7500 KHz. Després de rebre una E-QSL sense dades de l'emissor (vegeu entrada del 24 d'octubre passat), ara he rebut una nova QSL especificant l'emissor, sense haver-la reclamat! Arriba des de l'adreça v/s Arnaldo Slaen.
Nous programes de Radio 60 i Studio 52
Radio60! & Studio52 is back on shortwave again.
Listen us, because we turn on the transmitter:
- Saturday 14th. November 2020, 11 – 14 UTC, 6045kHz, 100kW, via Nauen/Germany
- Friday, 01th. January 2021, 12 – 14 UTC, 5990 kHz, 100kW, via Nauen/Germany and
- Saturday 02th. January 2021, 11 – 14 UTC, 6045kHz, 125/100kW, via Nauen/Germany
We Play again good old Rock- and Pop-Music from the 70´ and 80` (because we was young on this time 😉). For additional infos check our little Websites: &
i hope for good conditions on this tree days. All listeners with wrong conditions can hear our Shows via Online-Stream too > klick on our Website „to our Stream…). All correct reports we requested with a new eQSL-Card only via E-Mail.
If you cant or not completely hear the Radio60-Broadcast live, you can all our Radio60-transmissions later download on our Website.
Now i wish all listeners a good reception & good mood and pleasure to watch the transmissions.
Musicwishes, Greetings and all others please use our E-Mail (erdenman(at) oder via Facebook (
dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2020
QSL Radio Klein Paris
divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2020
QSL Radio CAE via Armènia
La QSL ha estat rebuda també gràcies a l'ajuda de l'amic Eckhard Röscher, qui em va facilitar la informació de contacte per aconseguir la QSL!
dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2020
QSL Radio Parade
QSL Radio Classic Sunday
Radio Classic Sunday, 3920 KHz, via Radio Piepzender. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a través del seu web: