dilluns, 23 de gener del 2017

QSL RTBF Vivacité

RTBF Vivacité, 621 KHz, emissora de la ràdio pública belga de parla francesa. Rebuda QSL i adhesius (vegeu entrada següent també) per informe enviat a fwa@rtbf.be i cdw@rtbf.be

Adhesius de RTBF

Programa especial de KCR

Cari Amici, come molti di voi sapranno, questo mese festeggiamo il primo anno di trasmissioni.
Per la verità, il nostro programma di gennaio 2016 è stato ascoltato da pochi agguerriti Dxer, il Massi, infatti, dopo un volo dal tetto, non è riuscito ad istallare l'antenna a dovere e noi ragazze abbiamo dovuto attaccarla alla grondaia con pessimi risultati. “Happy Birthday KCR” è il nome del programma che andrà in onda sabato 28 Gennaio 2017 con la collaborazione di Radio Dr. Tim dalla Germania. Radio Dr.Tim è un istituzione nel mondo delle Free e siamo davvero felici e onorati di questa bella novità. Nei prossimi mesi potrete ascoltarci anche dalla loro Stazione!!
Per il nostro compleanno abbiamo coniato una QSL Speciale che come sempre sarà inviata a tutti gli amici che ci scriveranno.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi !

Dear Friends, how many of you know, this month we celebrate the first year of broadcasting.In truth, our January 2016 program was heard by few big DXers, the Massi, in fact, after a flight from the roof, failed to properly install the antenna and us girls we had to stick it to the gutter with bad results .
"Happy Birthday KCR" is the name of the program that will air Saturday, January 28, 2017 with the collaboration of Radio Dr. Tim from Germany. Radio Dr.Tim is an institution in the world of Free and we are very happy and honored to be this good news. In the coming months you can also listen to their station !!
For our birthday we have coined a special QSL which as always will be sent to all the friends who will write.
We hope many of you will come !

Jasmine and "The Team KCR"

dijous, 19 de gener del 2017

QSL Radio Studio X

Radio Studio X, 1584 KHz, emissora italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a qsl@radiostudiox.it

dilluns, 16 de gener del 2017

QSL Radio Waves International

Radio Waves International, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL i material divers per informe enviat a rwaves@free.fr.

diumenge, 15 de gener del 2017

QSL Radio Enterhaken

Radio Enterhaken, 6930 KHz, emissora pirata escandinava. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a enterhaken@gmx.net

dimarts, 10 de gener del 2017

QSL Radio Jingle Bells

Radio Jingle Bells, 3940 KHz, emissora pirata d'origen desconegut. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radio.jinglebells@gmx.net

diumenge, 8 de gener del 2017

QSL BBC Radio Sheffield

BBC Radio Sheffield, 1035 KHz, emissora britànica. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a radio.sheffield@bbc.co.uk. v/s Mike Woodcock.

dilluns, 2 de gener del 2017

QSL Blueman Radio

Blueman Radio, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a bluemanradio@hotmail.de

QSL Atlantic 2000 International

Atlantic 2000 International, 3985 Khz, emissora francesa emetent a través de l'emissora alemanya Radio 700. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Convocatòria de l'EDXC 2017

Hello All,

The Finnish DX Association wishes you all good DX for 2017.

We also have the pleasure of inviting all DXers and shortwave  
listeners to join the jubileum European DX Conference to be held in  
Tampere, Finland on 18-20 August 2017. It is time to celebrate, as  
this year is Finland's centennial and The European DX Council will  
have its 50th anniversary. The meeting will be organized by The  
Finnish DX Association (soon to be 60 years) and Tampereen  
DX-Kuuntelijat (local DX club celebrating its 50th anniversary).

We will follow our tradition of successful EDXC conferences held in  
Finland in 1971, 1987, 1992, 2002 and 2008. So it will be three days  
of lots of program, lots of events and lots of fun.

We plan to open the website of this conference during January. The  
website will be set to be a part of the FDXA website www.sdxl.fi and  
when the conference site is open, a link "EDXC Conference 2017" will  
be found on the main page.

The conference will start on Friday afternoon 18th of August and end  
on Sunday afternoon 20th of August. This time of summer is not anymore  
high-season in Finland, so if you like, you should be able to book  
extra nights pretty easily and with reasonable prices.

Also a post-conference tour is planned. This would last a few days and  
the target would be Finnish Lapland including visits to the well-known  
LEM and AIH DX sites and also possibly including a visit to Nordkapp  
(the northernmost point of the European continent). If you are  
interested in joining this tour, please don't make any flight bookings  

The conference organizing committee has been set. The committee  
chairman is Risto Vähäkainu. You are welcome to address your special  
questions to rv at sdxl dot org.

Hoping to see many many of you in Tampere next summer!

Risto Vähäkainu

Nadala Radio Zeewolf