diumenge, 31 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 31 octubre

  • 6005 KHz, 09.35, FRSH, via R. 700, E, mx, special px (//7600), 24332
  • 6220 KHz, 09.25, R. Geronimo, mx, 23322
  • 6325 KHz, 08.50, R. Merlin, E, mx, 23222
  • 6515 KHz, 09.05, R. Face de Blatte, mx, playing "Tubular bells" or "Ghostbusters", 34443
  • 6960 KHz, 07.55, Atlantic Radio, E, mx, 24332
  • 7600 KHz, 09.00, FRSH, E, mx, playing "Celebration", special px, 34443
  • 7610 KHz, 07.45, R. Amica, It, dance mx, 44444
  • 7630 KHz, 09.20, Free Radio Victoria, mx, 23222
  • 12257 KHz, 07.50, WR International, E, mx, 23332

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

QSL Radio Universe

Radio Universe, 6425 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiouniverse@hotmail.com

dissabte, 30 d’octubre del 2010

Programa especial de FRS Holland

Dear FRS Friend,

Following lengthy preparations the time has come to celebrate 30 years of FRS-Holland on SW.
Next Sunday October 31st we kick off with the first out of a total of 3 different broadcasts. The FRS Anthology !
Factual, accurate, ups and downs....countless extracts, former presenters, listeners' contributions, a competition,
fact files, the FRS Story ánd great 80s music. Next Sunday in part 1 we will feature 1980- 1987. The first eventful 7 years.
Here's the schedule:
08.52- 15.00 UTC 7600//5800 kHz
09.00-11.00 UTC and 12.00- 16.00 UTC 6005 kHz

That means that between 11.00-12.00 UTC there won't be any signal on 6005 kHz. As from 12.00 UTC onwards 6005 is back and will be
one hour behind of 7600//5800 kHz.
The October 31st broadcast will be streamed between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/ 15:52- 22:00 CET via <>

The period 1988- 2010 will be featured in part 2 (late November) and part 3 (December).

We have received quite a number of contributions. If you feel you want to be part of the celebrations with your personal FRS memories:
you can still do so as we can include that in one of the two broadcasts which follow after the October 31st one.
Of course we have special QSLs for the three broadcasts...one based on the 80s, one on the 90s and one on the 00s.
Hope to have your company next Sunday...it will be an unforgettable Sunday. October 31st 2010: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!

73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>

divendres, 29 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 29 octubre

  • 1621 KHz, 21.00, Unid, Greek mx, 24332
  • 1665 KHz, 20.45, R. Barones, Dutch, polka, 43443
  • 3905 KHz, 20.50, R. Skyline Int, Dutch, mx, playing ABBA, 44343
  • 6960 KHz, 20.35, Atlantic Radio?, E, mx, 24432

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

QSL Deutschlandfunk

Deutschlandfunk, 1422 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a hoererservice@dradio.de

dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010


WTWW, 5755 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a george@wtww.us. v/s George McClintock.

dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 International, 7610 KHz, via Radio Amica. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

dimarts, 26 d’octubre del 2010

QSL NHK via Santiago, Xile

NHK, Radio Japan, via Santiago, Xile, 9485 KHz. Rebuda QSL del servei portuguès per informe enviat a través del seu web.

dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Radio Lowland

Radio Lowland, 6310 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiolowland@hotmail.com

diumenge, 24 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 24 octubre

  • 6205 KHz, 08.25, R. Borderhunter, E, mx, lots of Ids, 34433
  • 6210 KHz, 06.40, Unid, LHH?, mx, 24332
  • 6310 KHz, 06.50, R. Lowland, E, playing ABBA, 23332
  • 6325 KHz, 16.00, R. Merlin, mx, 23332
  • 6375 KHz, 07.10, R. Black Bandit, mx, playing Bob Dylan and 4 Non Blondes, 24332
  • 6380 KHz, 06.55, Unid, Sonic?, mx, 23332
  • 6953 KHz, 17.25, R. Jan van Gent, country mx, 23222
  • 6960 KHz, 17.10, Atlantic Radio, E, mx, 34443
  • 6965 KHz, 18.05, R. Tropiq, salsa mx, 34443
  • 7610 KHz, 08.35, R. Amica, disco mx, 44444
  • 12256 KHz, 08.30, WR International, E, rock mx, 24432

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

QSL Radio Tropiq

Radio Tropiq, 6965 KHz, pirata hongaresa. E-QSL per informe enviat a radiotropiq@gmail.com.

divendres, 22 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Report

Caribbean Beacon, 6090, QSL in 6 months for e-report to beacon@anguillanet.com. v/s Doris Mussington. It is the same old QSL received many years ago!

HCJB Australia, 11750, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to english@hcjb.org.au

R. Rebelde, 5025, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to web@radiorebelde.icrt.cu. v/s Osana Osoria, Editora.

Missionswerk Friedensstimme, via Wertachtal, 11695, QSL, info in 2 weeks for report to Postfach 100638, 51606 Gummersbach, Germany. Sent 1 US dollar. v/s N. Beog.

RMRC, via Sitkunai, 9770, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to mail@rmrc.de

RTE Meyerton, 6225, QSL in 16 weeks for e-report to freqdept@wrn.org

COPE Jaén, 1143, E-QSL in 8 days for e-report to direccion.jaen@cadenacope.net. v/s David Santos Aláez, Director. Address: Federico Mendizábal 10, 4º, 23001 Jaén, Spain
COPE Valladolid, 882, E-letter in 4 days for e-report to tecnico.valladolid@cadenacope.net. v/s Julián Pastrana.

Radio Mustang, 6313, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to mustangradio@live.nl
Mike Radio, 6940, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to mikeradio@live.nl
R. Napoleon, 1645, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to radionapoleon@hotmail.com
R. Amica, 7610, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radioamica@gmail.com
R. Northcoast, 1635, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radionorthcoast@live.nl
R. Sonic, 6375, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to jaccoenmirjam@hotmail.com
R. Merlin, 6305/6325, E-QSLs and photos in 1 day for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
R. Caroline int/R. Rainbow, 6319, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to carolineradio@hotmail.com
R. Borderhunter, 6205/6210, 2 E-QSLs in 2 weeks/2 days for e-report to borderhunterradio@hotmail.com
R. Marconi, 6305, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to radiomarconi@msn.com
R. Orban, 1660, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to orbanradio@hotmail.com. QSL came from g.b.terhaar@hetnet.nl
Skyline Radio Int, 3905, E-letter and photos in 4 days for e-report to skylinehorizon221@hotmail.com

QSL Radio Rebelde

Radio Rebelde, 5025 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a web@radiorebelde.icrt.cu

dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Caribbean Beacon

Caribbean Beacon, 6090 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a beacon@anguillanet.com. v/s Doris Mussington.

dimecres, 20 d’octubre del 2010

Fotos de Skyline Radio International

Rebuts e-mail de confirmació sense dades i fotos de la pirata holandesa Skyline Radio International, per informe enviat a skylinehorizon221@hotmail.com. v/s Henk

dimarts, 19 d’octubre del 2010


COPE Jaén, 1143 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a direccion.jaen@cadenacope.net. v/s David Santos, Director.

diumenge, 17 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 17 octubre

Pirate stations
  • 6220 KHz, 09.00, Mystery Radio, non stop mx, 55444
  • 6265 KHz, 09.10, R. Geronimo, E, mx, 24332
  • 6301 KHz, 09.15, Unid, Dutch mx, 24442
  • 6310 KHz, 15.20, R. Malaysi, non stop disco mx, 34433
  • 6317 KHz, 15.35, Oldtimer Radio, mx, playing "Unchained melody", 23322
  • 6400 KHz, 09.40, R. Star Int., E, mx, Id at 10.00, 23222
  • 7610 KHz, 15.00, R. Amica, Id: "Radio Amica en onde corte con te", 34333
  • 7610 KHz, 15.08, Atlantic 2000, via R. Amica, Fr, mx, 34333
  • 12257 KHz, 10.15, WR International, E, mx, 24342

Other stations

  • 5025 KHz, 05.00, R. Rebelde, La Habana, Sp, mx, 24332
  • 5755 KHz, 05.25, WTWW, E, Rel, announcing "Scriptures for America" address, 54444
  • 6130 KHz, 04.30, R. Japan, Sitkunai, Russian, Id, nx, 54444
  • 11585 KHz, 16.00, R. Pakistan, E, nx, only 10' px (//7530), 43443
  • 11650 Khz, 10.25, R. Teos, via KFBS Saipan, Russian, Rel., 44343

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

divendres, 15 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 15 octubre

  • 1632 KHz, 19.10, R. Barones, Dutch, playing "Rolling on the river", 24432
  • 3905 KHz, 20.35, Skyline R. Int, E, rock/heavy mx, 34433
  • 6220 KHz, 17.30, Mystery Radio, non stop mx, 55444
  • 6301 KHz, 17.05, Sallandse Boer, Dutch, mx, 23322
  • 6305 KHz, 18.55, Unid, Paandenkracht?, mx, 23222
  • 6305 KHz, 21.25, R. Marconi, Dutch mx, 24442
  • 6965 KHz, 18.05, Tropiq Radio, mx, playing "Something stupid", 24432

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

Nou programa Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 sera sur 7610 kHz ce dimanche 17 octobre, de 15:00 à 17:00 UTC (17:00 à 19:00, heure de Paris). A la même heure, vous pourrez nous écouter également en streaming sur notre site Internet. En plus de notre programme musical habituel, vous pourrez retrouver la 2ème partie de l'histoire des radios pirates françaises en ondes courtes.

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday, October 17, from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC on 7610 kHz.
At the same time, we will be streaming on our website.
As usual, we will play music. Our show includes the story of the French free radio stations on shortwave (part 2).

Visit our website :

QSL Radio Marconi

Radio Marconi, 6305 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a radiomarconi@msn.com

dijous, 14 d’octubre del 2010


Rhein Main Radio Club, 9770 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL pel programa especial via Sitkunai, a Lituània. Informe enviat a mail@rmrc.de. La QSL ha arribat amb un correu amb les dades completes de l'escolta, inclòs l'emissor.

dimecres, 13 d’octubre del 2010

QSLs Radio Merlin

Radio Merlin, 6305 KHz. Rebudes tres E-QSLs diferents per un únic informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk

dimarts, 12 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Radio Orban

Radio Orban, 1660 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL en un correu electrònic per informe enviat a orbanradio@hotmail.com

dilluns, 11 d’octubre del 2010

QSLs Radio Borderhunter

E-QSLs rebudes de Radio Borderhunter, 6205 i 6210 KHz, per informes enviats a borderhunterradio@hotmail.com

diumenge, 10 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 9/10 octubre

Dissabte, 9 octubre
  • 1620 KHz, 20.10, R. Barones, Dutch, mx, 44343
  • 1650 KHz, 21.20, De Vrolijke Mijnwerker, Dutch, polka, 23222
  • 1660 KHz, 20.15, Orban Radio, Dutch, playing Rolling Stones, 24332
  • 1673 KHz, 20.50, Overijssel Radio, Dutch, polka mx, 23322
  • 3925 KHz, 21.40, Unid, mx, playing "Lili Marlen", 24442
  • 6205 KHz, 21.25, R. Borderhunter, E, playing Moody Blues, 34433
  • 6305 KHz, 17.20, R. Merlin, E, rock and roll mx, 23332
  • 6325 KHz, 18.00, R. Mustang, Id, mx, playing "Don't hurt me", 43443
  • 6375 KHz, 17.35, R. Volle Melk, Dutch mx, 24422
  • 6400 KHz, 18.10, Unid, Waldmeister?, mx, 23222
  • 6420 KHz, 19.55, R. Alice, mx, 34433
  • 6425 KHz, 18.25, R. Universe, mx, playing U2, 23222
  • 7610 Khz, 15.20, R. Amica, It, px about radioamateurs, 43443
  • 9770 KHz, 15.30, RMRC, via Sitkunai, German, special px, 55444

Diumenge, 10 octubre

  • 6207 KHz, 08.30, R. Borderhunter, E, mx, playing Nena "99 red balloons", 23322
  • 6220 KHz, 08.15, Mystery Radio, mx non stop, 34333
  • 6300 KHz, 09.25, Unid, mx non stop, 24332
  • 6325 KHz, 09.15, Unid, R. Merlin?, E, mx, 23222
  • 7610 Khz, 08.20, R. Amica, It, 44433

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

dissabte, 9 d’octubre del 2010

QSL RTE via Meyerton

RTE Irlanda, 6225 KHz, via Meyerton, Sudàfrica. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a freqdept@wrn.org

MW Logs, 8 octubre

  • 1134 KHz, 05.50, COPE Navarra, Id, nx, local px, 43333
  • 1143 KHz, 05.55, COPE Jaén, local nx, 23222
  • 1215 KHz, 05.52, COPE Lorca, local px, 34333
  • 1440 KHz, 17.30, R. Freundesdienst, via RTL, German, Rlg, 55444
  • 1440 KHz, 17.45, Missionswerk W. Heukelbach, via RTL, German, Rlg, 55444
  • 1512 KHz, 18.45, ERA Chania, Greek, talks, 43443
  • 1620 KHz, 18.00, Unid, Greek mx, 34443
  • 1665 KHz, 20.50, R. Relmus, Dutch, playing "Bette Davis eyes", 23332
  • 1700 KHz, 21.00, Unid, Greek talks, 44343

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010

Programa especial RMRC via Sitkunai

El club DX alemany Rheim and Main Radio Club (RMRC) produeix un programa especial sobre Radio Saint Helena 2009 que s'emetrà dissabte 9 d'octubre via Sitkunai, Lituània. L'esquema previst és:

Europa, 15.30-16.30 UTC, 9770 KHz, Alemany
Amèrica del Nord, 22.30-23.30 UTC, 6130 KHz, Anglès.

Adreça per a informes de recepció: RMRC e. V., Postfach 700849, 60558 Frankfurt am Main, Alemanya. E-mail: mail@RMRC.de

The German DX Club Rhein and Main Radio Club (RMRC) produces a special programme concerning Radio Saint Helena Day 2009 next Saturday, 9th October, via Sitkunai, Lithuania. The schedule is:

Europe, 15.30-16.00 UTC, 9770 KHz, German
North America, 22.30-23.30 UTC, 6130 KHz, English

The address for reception reports is: RMRC e.V., Postfach 700849, 60558 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. E-mail: mail@RMRC.de

dimarts, 5 d’octubre del 2010

QSL Missionswerk Friendensstimme

Missionswerk Friedensstimme, 11695 KHz, via Wertachtal (Alemanya). Rebuda QSL i info per informe enviat a Postfach 100638, 51606 Gummersbach, Alemanya.
Emet en rus només els dissabtes de 15.00 a 15.28 UTC.

dilluns, 4 d’octubre del 2010

QSL COPE Valencia

COPE Valencia, 93.4 MHz, E-QSL rebuda com un document de Word per informe enviat a tecnico.valencia@cadenacope.net

QSL Radio Caroline Int. / Radio Rainbow

Radio Caroline International / Radio Rainbow (programa conjunt), 6319 KHz, QSLs per informe enviat a carolineradio@hotmail.com

diumenge, 3 d’octubre del 2010

Logs 3 octubre

  • 5820 KHz, 07.40, Orion Radio, playing Van Halen, 24442
  • 5980 KHz, 07.50, Hamburger Lokalradio, Kalle, German, mx, 23342
  • 6220 KHz, 07.30, Mystery Radio, usual non stop mx, 54444
  • 6220 KHz, 16.30, Playback, via Mystery R, mx, Ids, 55444
  • 6305 KHz, 16.00, R. Marconi, Dutch, QSO to Black Arrow, Mustang, playing "Every breath you take", 24432
  • 6319 KHz, 17.05, R. Caroline Int/R. Rainbow, joint px, playing M. Jackson, 24322
  • 6375 KHz, 17.50, Unid non stop mx, 24432
  • 6960 KHz, 16.20, Atlantic Radio, E, mx, 23332
  • 7610 KHz, 16.10, R. Amica, It, dance mx, 33433
  • 12257 KHz, 08.15, WR International, E, mx, 23432

All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909

dissabte, 2 d’octubre del 2010

MW Logs, 1 octubre

Aquest matí COM Ràdio no emetia pels 882 KHz cap a les 05.30 UTC, per raons desconegudes. Això ha deixat lliure el canal i m'ha permès escoltar emissions locals de COPE Alacant i COPE Valladolid, normalment tapades per la COM. A migdia COM Ràdio tornava a ocupar la freqüència com ja és habitual.

This morning COM Ràdio was off the air on 882 KHz at around 05.30 UTC, I don't know why. That has freed the channel and I could listen to local programmes of COPE Alicante and COPE Valladolid, usually blocked by COM. At midday COM Ràdio was again on the air, as usual.

  • 882 KHz, 05.49, COPE Alicante, Sp, local news, Id: "Así son las mañanas de la COPE en Alicante", 44343, dominant on this channel.
  • 882 KHz, 05.52, COPE Valladolid, Sp, local newx, Id, 32332.
  • 1170 KHz, 18.20, R. Sawa, Al Dhabbiya, UAE, Arabic, 43443
  • 1431 KHz, 20.30, R. Sawa, Arta, Djibouti, Arabic, 34333
  • 1458 KHz, 17.50, China R. Int, Fllakë, It, 44444
  • 1575 KHz, 20.50, R. Farda, Al Dhabbiya, UAE, Farsi, 43443
  • 1661 KHz, 20.40, Unid, Greek talks, 43443
All times UTC

QSL HCJB Australia

HCJB, Kununurra, Australia, 11750 KHz. QSL received for e-report to english@hcjb.org.au