diumenge, 28 d’abril del 2019

QSL Skyline Radio Germany

Skyline Radio Germany, 3975 KHz via Shortwave Radio, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a skylineradiogermany@web.de

dissabte, 27 d’abril del 2019

QSL Radio Sovereign

Radio Sovereign, 6320 KHz, piarata irlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a 1494radio@gmail.com


FRSH (Free Radio Service Holland), 5800/7700 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebudes 2 E-QSLs per informes antics (de desembre de 2017 i 2018) després d'enviar un recordatori. Informes enviats a frs@frsholland.nl.

Programes de VORW

Dear Listeners, 

It has been 4 months since my last formal newsletter - I hope all has been well in the meantime!  There have been many schedule changes since the New Year, the most important is that programs containing music are not available online and may only be heard via shortwave. A talk-based Podcast is now available online.

Whether you are a regular or an infrequent listener, I invite you to tune in to my newest show! An updated broadcast schedule is below, any reception reports requesting a QSL will get one so please spread the word to any shortwave listeners, hobbyists and DXers that may be interested.

9 AM Eastern - 1300 UTC - 15770 kHz to Europe & North Africa (New)
5 PM Eastern - 2100 UTC - 7780 kHz to Europe & North America
6 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 9955 kHz to South America
8 PM Eastern - 0000 UTC - 9395 kHz, 7730 kHz to North America
9 PM Eastern - 0100 UTC  - 7780 kHz, 5850 kHz to Europe & North America

5 PM Eastern - 2100 UTC - 9955 kHz to South America

6 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 9395 kHz, 7780 kHz to Europe & North America
9 PM Eastern - 0100 UTC - 5850 kHz to North America (New)
11 PM Eastern - 0300 UTC - 4840 kHz to North America (New)

6 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 7570 kHz to North America
This show is on the air exclusively by your support, if you enjoy what you hear please consider a donation via PayPal to: vorwinfo@gmail.com

Online listeners may hear the talk-only Podcast via one of the many streaming services:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/vorwpodcast
iTunes - https://apple.co/2WVs5er
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2BsmWlg
SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/vorw_radio_int
Stitcher - https://bit.ly/2RRY3Vg
Google Play - https://bit.ly/2tfWwi4
John (VORW Radio International)

dilluns, 15 d’abril del 2019

QSL Radio Belarus

Radio Belarus, emissora nacional de Bielorússia, 3985 KHz, via Shortwave Radio, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL manuscrita i fulletó sobre l'emissora per informe enviat a radio_belarus@tvr.by, a l'atenció del Departament espanyol.

divendres, 12 d’abril del 2019

QSL "I love Italy" via WRMI

"I love Italy", 7780 KHz, programa en italià i anglès que s'emet via WRMI, Okechobee, Estats Units. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a andrea@mangiarotti.org

FRSH repeteix el seu programa

Dear FRS Friend,

Next SundayFRS-Holland will be repeating the 4 hour broadcast from Sunday March 31stFor full info (including schedule web streams) surf to: 

New and added on our website: an article about former Radio Delmare short wave front man Johan Roodwho passed away some weeks ago. 

Hope to have your company next Sunday!! Reports & personal comments are appreciated.

73s, Peter V. (on behalf of FRS Crew)

dimecres, 10 d’abril del 2019

QSL Encore Radio Tumbril via Channel 292

Encore Radio Tumbril, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Tercera QSL rebuda en pocs dies d'un programa emès via Channel 292. Informe enviat a encoretumbril@gmail.com. v/s Brice Avery.

Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air :

- Saturday 13th of April from 0800 to 0900 UTC on 6070 kHz (music and radio news)
- Sunday 14th of April from 0800 to 0900 UTC on 7440 kHz (music and dedications)

+ streaming at the same time on our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
- 64 kbps
- 24 kbps
Visit our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr   
Listen to our Podcasts and follow us: https://www.mixcloud.com/atlantic2000

Nou programa d'Skyline Radio Germany


After a long time of absence - WE ARE BACK ON THE AIR!

Shortwaveradio.de kindly gave us the possibility to be on air with
our shows via their transmitter located somewhere in Northern Germany.

If you would like to try to catch our programmes, six hours,
on April 20th, 2019, Easter Saturday afternoon local (15.00 - 21.00 UTC)
would be a good time to give us a listen.
Try the 75 metre band shortwave on 3975 kHz!
Let's keep fingers crossed for no geomagnetic storms!
If propagation conditions should be bad the transmission
will be postponed until further notice.

It might be a good chance for you to catch our special eQSL-card.
We look forward to your reception reports and comments to:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
or via e-mail to: skylineradiogermany@web.de

Have a great time with us and Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik


Nach langer Abwesenheit - wir sind wieder in der Luft!

Shortwaveradio.de hat uns freundlicherweise die Möglichkeit gegeben,
über seinen Sender in Norddeutschland mit unseren Shows auf Sendung zu gehen.

Wenn Sie versuchen möchten, unsere Programme zu empfangen, sechs Stunden,
am 20. April 2019, Ostersamstag nachmittags (15.00 - 21.00 Uhr UTC)
wäre ein guter Zeitpunkt, um uns zuzuhören.
Probieren Sie das 75 Meterband Kurzwelle auf 3975 kHz!
Wir drücken die Daumen, dass es keine geomagnetischen Stürme gibt!
Sollten die Ausbreitungsbedingungen schlecht sind, wird die Übertragung
bis auf Weiteres verschoben.

Es könnte eine gute Gelegenheit sein, unsere spezielle eQSL-Karte zu erwerben.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Empfangsberichte und Kommentare an:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Niederlande
oder per E-Mail an skylineradiogermany@web.de

Viel Spaß bei uns und Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik

diumenge, 7 d’abril del 2019

QSL Radio TW 6070 AM via Channel 292

Radio TW 6070 AM, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiotw6070am@gmx.de

divendres, 5 d’abril del 2019

QSL Easy listening via Channel 292

Easy listening, 6070 KHz, emissora holandesa que surt a l'aire a través de Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a easylistening.sw@gmail.com