dijous, 30 de juny del 2011
QSL Radio Powerliner
dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011
QSL Radio Marshaal

La QSL és de RFE, però el verificador hi ha anotat "Radio Marshaal", com vaig demanar.
dimarts, 28 de juny del 2011
Logs FM 28 juny
Un altre cop bona propagació en FM, bàsicament cap a València. Un munt d'emissores d'aquesta ciutat entraven amb bon senyal, en alguns casos emissores noves per a mi. Escoltes fetes bàsicament entre les 13.30 i les 15.30 hora local.
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música non stop, id. RDS: /SI RADIO/
- 88.5 MHz, Aire Latino, música llatina.
- 89.3 MHz, Radio María, València, programa religiós. RDS: /R.MARIA/
- 89.5 MHz, Tropicalísima, Mislata, música llatina, ids.
- 89.6 MHz, COPE Denia, notícies, publicitat.
- 90.9 MHz, Radio Marca Valencia, id, esports. RDS: /RADIO/MARCA/VALENCIA/90.9 MHZ/. Id: "Radio Marca Valencia, 90.9" i "Radio Marca, diez años haciendo afición".
- 91.3 MHz, Radio Marina Alta, Onda Cero, Dènia, música.
- 92.0 MHz, Punto Radio, Valencia, programa nacional. RDS: /PUNTO R./
- 92.9 MHz, La Calle, música llatina. RDS: /LA CALLE/C.LATINA/VALENCIA/
- 93.1 MHz, Radio Exprés, València, música.
- 93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
- 95.4 MHz, Radio 7, música. RDS: /RADIO 7/
- 95.7 MHz, Máxima FM, València, música dance.
- 96.6 MHz, Onda Uno, València, música, id, publicitat. RDS: /ONDA UNO/
- 98.4 MHz, Cadena Dial, Valencia, música, ids.
- 98.8 MHz, Punto Radio, Mallorca, publicitat local.
- 99.5 MHz, Oxígeno FM/99.5, música llatina, ids, e-mail: oxigeno-fm@hotmail.com
- 99.9 MHz, Radio María, Xàtiva, programa religiós.
- 100.7 MHz, Gestiona Radio, Valencia, notícies. RDS: /GESTIONA/RADIO/
- 100.9 MHz, La Reina, València (//101.9), notícies esports.
- 101.5 MHz, Es Radio, València, programa local.
- 101.8 MHz, La Onda, Alberic, música, publicitat. RDS: /LA ONDA/FORMULA/RIBERA/101.8/2443451/
- 101.9 MHz, La Reina, València (//100.9), notícies esports.
- 102.2 MHz, Ràdio 9, València, notícies.
- 102.9 MHz, Factoría FM, música llatina, ids: "Bienvenidos a Factoría FM, 102.9"
- 104.4 MHz, Ràdio Klara, València, notícies, entrevista, RDS: /RADIO/KLARA/VALENCIA/104.4/
- 105.5 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, València, notícies.
- 107.1 MHz, La Mega Radio, música dance. RDS: /LA MEGA/ RADIO/
dilluns, 27 de juny del 2011
diumenge, 26 de juny del 2011
Logs 26 juny
- 6220 KHz, 19.50, Geronimo Shortwave, E, rock music, id, 34433
- 6305 KHz, 19.40, R. Merlin International, E, music, id, 34333
- 6325 KHz, 19.45, R. Mustang, music, 23332
- 6930 KHz, 19.50, Irish Music Radio, E, mx, 23222
- 6945 KHz, 19.55, Laser Hot Hits, E, mx, 23332
- 7685 KHz, 20.00, R. Star International, E, mx, ids, address, e-mail, 44444
All times UTC
Logs FM 26 juny
Aquesta tarda hem tingut bona propagació un altre cop cap a València i després cap a les Illes Balears. Escoltes fetes de 16.00 a 17.30 hora local.
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música non stop, id. RDS: /SI RADIO/
- 88.5 MHz, Aire Latino, València, música llatina, RDS: /AIRE88.5/
- 89.3 MHz, Radio María, València, programa religiós.
- 89.5 MHz, Tropicalísima, Mislata, música llatina, id: "Tropicalísima, 89.5".
- 91.3 MHz, Radio Marina Alta, programa d'Onda Cero.
- 92.6 MHz, RM Radio, València, música.
- 92.7 MHz, Onda Cero Radio, Manacor.
- 93.1 MHz, Radio Exprés, València, música, id: "Radio Exprés, 93.1 de la FM".
- 93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, publicitat.
- 93.6 MHz, M80 Radio, Maó, Menorca, música.
- 99.9 MHz, Radio María, Xàtiva, programa religiós.
- 100.4 MHz, RNE Radio 5 TN, Mont Toro, Menorca, notícies.
- 101.0 MHz, Onda Cero Radio, Mallorca, entrevista.
- 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, Mallorca, música (//102.7).
- 101.6 Mhz, Radio Dimensione Suono, Es Castell, Menorca, música italiana.
- 102.1 MHz, Radio Marca, Ciutadella, Menorca, notícies esport.
- 102.7 MHz, Radio Balear, Alaior, Menorca, música (//101.4).
- 103.2 MHz, Radio Mallorca, notícies.
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Radio 5, TN, Mallorca, notícies.
- 104.8 MHz, Vida FM, Mallorca, música, programa religiós, RDS: /VIDA FM/
- 105.9 MHz, Vinilo FM, València, música.
- 106.8 MHz, IB3 Ràdio, Alfàbia, programa musical.
divendres, 24 de juny del 2011
Programa especial de Scandinavian Weekend Radio
L'emissora finlandesa Scandinavian Weekend Radio emet un programa especial avui i demà en ona curta. Més dades a:
The Finnish station Scandinavian Weekend Radio is broadcasting today and tomorrow a special programme on shortwave. More information at:
The Finnish station Scandinavian Weekend Radio is broadcasting today and tomorrow a special programme on shortwave. More information at:
dijous, 23 de juny del 2011
QSL ERT Thessaloniki

dimecres, 22 de juny del 2011
Logs FM 22 juny
Avui hi havia una mica de propagació cap a les Illes Balears. Les poques escoltes de 13.30 a 14.15 hora local són les següents:
- 101.0 MHz, Onda Cero Radio, Mallorca, RDS: /ONDACERO/
- 102.7 MHz, Unid, Àrab, probablement Radio Algerienne, Chaine 1, Tessala.
- 103.2 MHz, Radio Mallorca, SER, publicitat, id: "Cadena SER Baleares".
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Radio 5 TN, Alfàbia, Mallorca, notícies.
dimarts, 21 de juny del 2011
Logs FM 21 juny
Un cop més bona propagació avui cap a València sobretot. Escoltes fetes de 13.30 a 14.30 hora local.
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música non stop, ids. RDS: /SI RADIO/
- 88.5 MHz, Aire Latino, música llatina, ids. RDS: /AIRE88.5/
- 89.3 MHz, Radio María, València, programa religiós.
- 90.1 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Alfàbia, Mallorca, notícies.
- 91.3 MHz, Radio Marina Alta, música, id: "Radio Marina Alta, 91.3".
- 91.4 MHz, Radio Esport Valencia, notícies esport.
- 93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
- 101.6 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Eivissa, notícies.
- 102.9 MHz, Factoría FM, València? Ex-Latinos FM?, música llatina, ids.
- 103.0 MHz, Ràdio 9, Alacant, notícies. RDS: /RADIONOU/
- 103.2 MHz, Europa FM, València, música, publicitat, ids: "Europa FM, Valencia, 103.2, La Ribera, 91.6".
- 104.4 MHz, Ràdio Klara, debat sobre la vaga general.
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Radio 5 TN, Palma de Mallorca, notícies.
- 104.8 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Aitana, Alacant, notícies.
- 105.4 MHz, Ràdio 9, Vinaròs, notícies.
- 105.9 MHz, Vinilo FM, València, música. RDS: /VINILO/
- 107.1 MHz, La Mega Radio, València, música. RDS: /WWW./RADIO/RADIO.FM/LA MEGA/RADIO/
dilluns, 20 de juny del 2011
QSL La Calle FM

diumenge, 19 de juny del 2011
Logs 19 juny
- 6220 KHz, 20.55, Radio Powerliner, mx, 24442
- 6308 KHz, 18.40, Radio Marconi, mx, 24432
- 6325 KHz, 19.30, Radio Mustang, mx, playing Simon and Garfunkel, 34443
- 6425 KHz, 19.00, Unid, non stop music, Black Bandit?, 24432
- 7685 KHz, 19.15, FRSH, E, mx, id, promos, 34433
All times UTC
dissabte, 18 de juny del 2011
Més QSLs Radio Merlin International
divendres, 17 de juny del 2011
QSLs Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, pirata anglesa, 6325 KHz. Rebudes diverses QSLs per un únic informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
dijous, 16 de juny del 2011
Logs FM 16 juny
Nou dia de bona propagació en FM, cap a València i cap a les Illes Balears. Escoltes fetes al migdia:
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música non stop.
- 87.9 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, Mallorca, música.
- 89.5 MHz, KISS FM, Palma de Mallorca, música, id: "KISS FM, 89.5 Palma de Mallorca".
- 91.2 MHz, Europa FM, Palma de Mallorca, música, ids.
- 91.3 MHz, Radio Marina Alta, notícies.
- 93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
- 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, Mallorca, programa "Radio Esport" (//102.7)
- 101.6 MHz, RDS, Radio Dimensione Suono, Es Castell, Menorca, música.
- 102.7 MHz, Radio Balear, Alaior, Menorca, programa "Radio Esport" (//101.4)
Nou programa de FRSH
FRSH Holland tornarà a emetre aquest diumenge, 19 de juny, pels 7685 KHz. Horari: 16.52-22.00 UTC.
Aquí hi ha el llarg missatge rebut de l'emissora:
Dear FRS Friends,
If you have just joined our address book and this is the first mail you are receiving, be welcome as member of the FRS family!
Next Sunday (June 19th) FRS-Holland will be on air with full programming. Opposite to our usual broadcasts, this one will take place in the evening hours between 16:52- 22:00 UTC/ 18:52- 24:00 CEST. FRS-Holland will be on 7685kHz avoiding 7600 and 7595 interference during the first part of the broadcast.
7685 isn’t affected by adjacent channels being used by other stations. Especially during the last part of the broadcast it will be interesting if & how signals will be received to the east (Russia, Ukraine etc.).
We will take our time...it'll be an 'old fashioned' long FRS broadcast: 5 hours!!. Our full staff will be involved including Paul Graham who was absent for quite some time. This time we will deviate from the usual schedule: 3 blocks of resp. 60s, 70s and 80s tracks, a DX Show and a show with mostly tunes. We will handle no letters, there’s no Phrase that Pays,
the music comes first! Although each show will include 1 or 2 short radio related items !
We like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you who responded to our brief evening tests May 22nd (7685). These two 15 min. tests were widely heard across Europe and beyond. For 30 minutes we received some 30 reports.
And last but not least: we will soon start replying to the many, many listeners who responded to one or more of our 30th Anniversary broadcasts back in October & November 2010 and February 2011.
FRS has produced a special & informative commemorative 30th Anniversary booklet which will be available to each and everyone who sent a report/ letter. This booklet is almost finished. So please have a little more patience, you will get your special QSL card(s) and the booklet.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!!
Hope you are able to tune in next Sunday. We hope the full June 19th shows will go out via the Internet one week later, Sunday June 26th.
More news about that will follow.
73s, Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the entire FRS staff)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland@hccnet.nl>
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
Aquí hi ha el llarg missatge rebut de l'emissora:
Dear FRS Friends,
If you have just joined our address book and this is the first mail you are receiving, be welcome as member of the FRS family!
Next Sunday (June 19th) FRS-Holland will be on air with full programming. Opposite to our usual broadcasts, this one will take place in the evening hours between 16:52- 22:00 UTC/ 18:52- 24:00 CEST. FRS-Holland will be on 7685kHz avoiding 7600 and 7595 interference during the first part of the broadcast.
7685 isn’t affected by adjacent channels being used by other stations. Especially during the last part of the broadcast it will be interesting if & how signals will be received to the east (Russia, Ukraine etc.).
We will take our time...it'll be an 'old fashioned' long FRS broadcast: 5 hours!!. Our full staff will be involved including Paul Graham who was absent for quite some time. This time we will deviate from the usual schedule: 3 blocks of resp. 60s, 70s and 80s tracks, a DX Show and a show with mostly tunes. We will handle no letters, there’s no Phrase that Pays,
the music comes first! Although each show will include 1 or 2 short radio related items !
We like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you who responded to our brief evening tests May 22nd (7685). These two 15 min. tests were widely heard across Europe and beyond. For 30 minutes we received some 30 reports.
And last but not least: we will soon start replying to the many, many listeners who responded to one or more of our 30th Anniversary broadcasts back in October & November 2010 and February 2011.
FRS has produced a special & informative commemorative 30th Anniversary booklet which will be available to each and everyone who sent a report/ letter. This booklet is almost finished. So please have a little more patience, you will get your special QSL card(s) and the booklet.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!!
Hope you are able to tune in next Sunday. We hope the full June 19th shows will go out via the Internet one week later, Sunday June 26th.
More news about that will follow.
73s, Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the entire FRS staff)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland@hccnet.nl>
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
Nou programa de Radio Marabu
El proper dissabte, 18 de juny, Radio Marabu tornarà a l'ona curta a través de Radio 700 pels 6085 KHz. Horari: 10.00-17.00 UTC. E-mail: info@radiomarabu.de
Més dades a: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de
Next Saturday, 18 June, Radio Marabu will come back on shortwave via Radio 700 on 6085 KHz. Time: 10.00-17.00 UTC. E-mail: info@radiomarabu.de
More info at: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de
Més dades a: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de
Next Saturday, 18 June, Radio Marabu will come back on shortwave via Radio 700 on 6085 KHz. Time: 10.00-17.00 UTC. E-mail: info@radiomarabu.de
More info at: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de
dimecres, 15 de juny del 2011
Logs FM 15 juny
Avui ha tornat a haver-hi bones condicions en FM sobretot cap a València (uns 420 Km des del meu QTH). Aquestes són les escoltes fetes aquesta tarda i vespre:
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música non stop, id: "Sí Ràdio, la ràdio musical de la comunitat".
- 88.5 MHz, Aire Latino, València, música llatina, RDS: /AIRE88.5/
- 91.3 MHz, Radio Marina Alta, Dènia, música.
- 91.4 MHz, Radio Esport Valencia, programa esports, atletisme.
- 92.9 MHz, La Calle FM, València, música llatina, anuncis, id: "La Calle, 92.9, tu nueva radio. La Calle es una locura". RDS: /LA CALLE/C.LATINA/VALENCIA/
- 93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
- 95.4 MHz, Radio 7, València, música, anuncis, id, px "Entre comarcas".
- 100.6 MHz, Radio Inter, Gandía, programa sobre Santiago Carrillo!
- 100.7 MHz, Gestiona Radio, València, debat, RDS: /GESTIONA/RADIO/
- 100.9 MHz, 101.9 La Reina, València, música, anuncis (//101.9). Nova freqüència?
- 101.2 MHz, Onda Cero, València, notícies, RDS: /ONDACERO/VALENCIA/
- 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, música, id: "Sa nostra ràdio".
- 101.9 MHz, 101.9 la Reina, València, música, anuncis (//100.9)
- 102.2 MHz, Ràdio 9, València, notícies.
- 102.7 MHz, Radio Balear, Alaior, notícies, música.
- 104.4 MHz, Ràdio Klara?, València, debat.
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Mallorca, Alfàbia, notícies.
- 104.8 MHz, RNE Alacant, Aitana, notícies.
- 104.9 MHz, RKM, València, programa religiós, predicador. RDS: /RKM/DARIA/
- 105.5 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, València, notícies economia.
- 105.9 MHz, Vinilo FM, València, px mx, anunci web: http://www.vinilofm.es/ RDS: /VINILO/
dimarts, 14 de juny del 2011
QSL Radio Gloria International

Radio Gloria International, via Wertachtal, 6140 KHz. Rebuda QSL escanejada (perquè un mateix hi posi les dades, segons diuen) per informe enviat a radiogloria@aol.com
dilluns, 13 de juny del 2011
Logs 13 juny
- 4780 KHz, 19.05, R. Djibouti, Vn, mx, 34443
- 4880 KHz, 18.55, SW Radio Africa, Meyerton, E, interview, 33333. At 18.59 UTC, Id by WRN announcing www.wrn.org.
- 5905 KHz, 18.05, Family Radio, Meyerton, mx, 34333
- 6260 KHz, 18.00, CVC International, Tashkent, Hindi, mx, 34443
- 7215 KHz, 18.20, R. Rossii, Moskva, Russian, nx, 44444
- 7255 KHz, 18.25, R. Belarus, Minsk, German, Id: "Radio Station Belarus", 34333
- 7290 KHz, 18.40, IRRS via Rimavska Sobota, E, relig. px, 55444
- 7495 KHz, 18.45, Deewa Radio, Iranawila, Pashtu, mx, 34443
- 9330 KHz, 18.15, R. Damascus, German px, nx, 34433
- 9410 KHz, 18.35, BBC Mahe, Seychelles, E, nx, 44333
- 9625 KHz, 18.50, Voice of Vietnam, Moosbrunn, Fr, 44444
- 9975 KHz, 18.52, Voice of Korea, Pujang, Fr, 24442
- 15850 KHz, 18.10, Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv, Hebrew, mx (//6977), 54444
All times UTC
diumenge, 12 de juny del 2011
Logs 12 juny
- 6305 KHz, 17.20, R. Marconi, mx, 33433
- 6325 KHz, 17.25, R. Merlin International, E, mx, playing "Mambo number 5" and Robbie Williams, 23322
- 6390 KHz, 21.15, R. Mustang, mx, playing "Heat of the moment", 34443
- 6930 KHz, 20.55, Irish Music Radio?, E, mx, 23332
- 6937 KHz, 17.45, Pirate Radio Malta, mx, E ids, 34443
- 6945 KHz, 21.05, LHH, E, mx, 24432
All times UTC
Vídeos de Radio Merlin International
Es poden veure vídeos d'uns quants programes de Radio Merlin International en el següent link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/radio-merlin-international
Vídeos of some programmes of Radio Merlin International can be seen on the next link:
Vídeos of some programmes of Radio Merlin International can be seen on the next link:
divendres, 10 de juny del 2011
QSL Report
R. Australia, 11945 KHz, QSL and schedule in 6 months for reports sent via their web.
European Music Radio, via Wertachtal, 6140 KHz, QSL and info in 2 weeks for e-report to emrsw@sky.com
Deutsches Radio Ulaanbaatar, via R. 700, 6005 KHz, QSL in 9 weeks for report to Centralpost Post Box 711, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The Overcomer Ministry, 9655 KHz, via Jülich (or Moosbrunn?), QSL, personal letter, schedule in 2 weeks for e-report to brotherstair@overcomerministry.org
RAI Piemonte, 999 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks (with mention of regional programme) for e-report to Raiway: raiway@rai.it. No answer from regional centre in Torino.
Studio DX, via Challenger Radio, 1368 KHz, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to info@bclnews.it
R. Rasant, via Challenger Radio, 1368 KHz, QSL, letter, info in 6 weeks for e-report to redaktion_radio_rasant@yahoo.de
Gemeinde Gottes Herford (Botschaft des Heils), via HCJB, via Sitkunai, 5940 KHz, QSL and personal letter. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
DW Grigoriopol, 5925 KHz, QSL in 11 weeks for e-report to info@dw-world.de
R. Pakistan, 11585 KHz, QSL and schedule in 24 weeks for e-report to fmcell@radio.gov.pk. v/s Iftikhar Hussain Malik.
Star FM, 1035 KHz, E-letter in 14 weeks for e-report. v/s Pedro Marques, Director Adjunto Programas. Answer came from PMarques@mcr.iol.pt
R. Radonezh, 846 KHz, QSL letter in 18 weeks for report to ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, 115326 Moskva. Sent 1 US $. v/s E.K. Nikiforov.
R. Beograd, 1107 KHz, QSL by registered mail in 10 weeks for report to Emisiona Tehnika i Veze, Kneza Viseslava 88, 11030 Beograd, and Hilandarska 2, Beograd. Answer came from the first address. v/s Milan Misic.
HLAZ, 1566 KHz, QSL in 14 weeks for report to MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea. Sent 1 US $
RNE Salamanca, R.5, 1314 KHz, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to emisiones.sa.rne@rtve.es. v/s Mauricio Molano.
R. Asturias, 1026 KHz, QSL, stickers in 10 days for report to Calle Asturias 19 Bajo, 33004 Oviedo. v/s José María García, Técnico.
RNE Ciudad Real, R. 5, 1305 KHz, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to emisiones.cr.rne@rtve.es v/s Manolo Herrera.
RNW Trincomalee, 9895 KHz, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to cartas@rnw.nl
Family Radio, Tanshui, 6280 KHz, QSL, lots of info, sticker in 5 weeks for e-report to international@familyradio.com
R. Japan, via Tashkent, 15735 KHz, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to nhkworld@nhk.jp and via their web (English Service).
R. Sadaye Zindagi, 11755 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@sadayezindagi.org
Free Radio Nova, 3935 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@freeradionova.com
R. Waves International, 11401 KHz, QSL, CDs, info in 4 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr
Magic AM, 3940 KHz, QSL, letter in 17 weeks for e-report to magic.am@online.nl
R. Relmus, 1624 KHz, E-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to relmusfm@hotmail.com
R. New Wave, 6295 KHz, E-letter, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to shortwave@live.nl
R. Ramona, 6524 KHz, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to radioramona@hotmail.com
Wizard Radio, 6296 KHz, E-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to wizardshortwave@gmail.com
R. Marabu, 6220 KHz, QSL for an old report of December 2009! sent again to info@radiomarabu.de
R. Spaceshuttle, 12265 KHz, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
Blue Star Radio, 6217 KHz, E-QSL in 25 weeks for e-report to bluestarradio@live.nl
Sonnet Radio Europe, 6309 KHz, E-QSL in 17 months after some reminders. E-report to sonnetradio@hotmail.com
Pirate Radio Malta, 6930 KHz, E-QSL in a few hours for e-report to shortwavemalta@hotmail.com
R. Shadow, 6282 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to sw.radioshadow@gmail.com
R. Zodiac, 6390 KHz, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to radiozodiac@hotmail.com
R. Tarzan, 4085 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiotarzan@hotmail.nl
R. Australia, 11945 KHz, QSL and schedule in 6 months for reports sent via their web.
European Music Radio, via Wertachtal, 6140 KHz, QSL and info in 2 weeks for e-report to emrsw@sky.com
Deutsches Radio Ulaanbaatar, via R. 700, 6005 KHz, QSL in 9 weeks for report to Centralpost Post Box 711, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The Overcomer Ministry, 9655 KHz, via Jülich (or Moosbrunn?), QSL, personal letter, schedule in 2 weeks for e-report to brotherstair@overcomerministry.org
RAI Piemonte, 999 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks (with mention of regional programme) for e-report to Raiway: raiway@rai.it. No answer from regional centre in Torino.
Studio DX, via Challenger Radio, 1368 KHz, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to info@bclnews.it
R. Rasant, via Challenger Radio, 1368 KHz, QSL, letter, info in 6 weeks for e-report to redaktion_radio_rasant@yahoo.de
Gemeinde Gottes Herford (Botschaft des Heils), via HCJB, via Sitkunai, 5940 KHz, QSL and personal letter. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
DW Grigoriopol, 5925 KHz, QSL in 11 weeks for e-report to info@dw-world.de
R. Pakistan, 11585 KHz, QSL and schedule in 24 weeks for e-report to fmcell@radio.gov.pk. v/s Iftikhar Hussain Malik.
Star FM, 1035 KHz, E-letter in 14 weeks for e-report. v/s Pedro Marques, Director Adjunto Programas. Answer came from PMarques@mcr.iol.pt
R. Radonezh, 846 KHz, QSL letter in 18 weeks for report to ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, 115326 Moskva. Sent 1 US $. v/s E.K. Nikiforov.
R. Beograd, 1107 KHz, QSL by registered mail in 10 weeks for report to Emisiona Tehnika i Veze, Kneza Viseslava 88, 11030 Beograd, and Hilandarska 2, Beograd. Answer came from the first address. v/s Milan Misic.
HLAZ, 1566 KHz, QSL in 14 weeks for report to MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea. Sent 1 US $
RNE Salamanca, R.5, 1314 KHz, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to emisiones.sa.rne@rtve.es. v/s Mauricio Molano.
R. Asturias, 1026 KHz, QSL, stickers in 10 days for report to Calle Asturias 19 Bajo, 33004 Oviedo. v/s José María García, Técnico.
RNE Ciudad Real, R. 5, 1305 KHz, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to emisiones.cr.rne@rtve.es v/s Manolo Herrera.
RNW Trincomalee, 9895 KHz, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to cartas@rnw.nl
Family Radio, Tanshui, 6280 KHz, QSL, lots of info, sticker in 5 weeks for e-report to international@familyradio.com
R. Japan, via Tashkent, 15735 KHz, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to nhkworld@nhk.jp and via their web (English Service).
R. Sadaye Zindagi, 11755 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@sadayezindagi.org
Free Radio Nova, 3935 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@freeradionova.com
R. Waves International, 11401 KHz, QSL, CDs, info in 4 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr
Magic AM, 3940 KHz, QSL, letter in 17 weeks for e-report to magic.am@online.nl
R. Relmus, 1624 KHz, E-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to relmusfm@hotmail.com
R. New Wave, 6295 KHz, E-letter, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to shortwave@live.nl
R. Ramona, 6524 KHz, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to radioramona@hotmail.com
Wizard Radio, 6296 KHz, E-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to wizardshortwave@gmail.com
R. Marabu, 6220 KHz, QSL for an old report of December 2009! sent again to info@radiomarabu.de
R. Spaceshuttle, 12265 KHz, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
Blue Star Radio, 6217 KHz, E-QSL in 25 weeks for e-report to bluestarradio@live.nl
Sonnet Radio Europe, 6309 KHz, E-QSL in 17 months after some reminders. E-report to sonnetradio@hotmail.com
Pirate Radio Malta, 6930 KHz, E-QSL in a few hours for e-report to shortwavemalta@hotmail.com
R. Shadow, 6282 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to sw.radioshadow@gmail.com
R. Zodiac, 6390 KHz, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to radiozodiac@hotmail.com
R. Tarzan, 4085 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiotarzan@hotmail.nl
dijous, 9 de juny del 2011
QSL DW Grigoriopol

dimarts, 7 de juny del 2011
QSL NHK via Uzbekistan

NHK, Radio Japan, via Uzbekistan, 15735 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a nhkworld@nhk.jp i via el web de NHK English.
dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011
diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011
QSL Blue Star Radio

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011
QSL The Overcomer Ministry

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011
QSL Son Latino

Son Latino, 104.2 MHz, emissora llatina de Girona. Rebut e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a sonlatino954@yahoo.es. v/s Wilson Molina, Director, i Germán Discua, Director de publicitat. Web: www.sonlatinofm.net
dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011
QSL Radio Radonezh
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