divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014

HLR i MVBR aquest cap de setmana

Aquest cap de setmana tornen a emetre HLR i MVBR. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

HLR & MVBR Schedule for this weekend

Saturday is HLR:

06 - 09 UTC on 7265 KHz
09 - 12 UTC on 6190 KHz
12 - 16 UTC on 7265 KHz

Sunday is MVBR and HLR:
09 to 10 UTC, MVBR on 7265 KHz
10 to 11 UTC, MVBR on 9485 KHz  (New Channel)
12 to 14 UTC, HLR    on 9485 KHz  (New Channel)

Please all reception reports for MVBR to QSL@mvbalticradio.de

dijous, 27 de febrer del 2014

QSL Northsound Radio

Northsound Radio, 1035 KHz. Rebuda QSL d'aquesta emissora escocesa amb seu a Aberdeen per informe enviat a info@northsound.co.uk. v/s Ken Hancock.

dimarts, 25 de febrer del 2014

QSL Radio Praha via Radio 700

Radio Praha, 3985 KHz, via Radio 700, Kall-Krekel, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a cr@radio.cz. Després d'abandonar l'ona curta, Radio Praga ha tornat a emetre via l'emissora alemanya Radio 700 només en alemany. Malauradament la QSL no esmenta el nom de l'emissor.

diumenge, 23 de febrer del 2014

QSL VOA Radiogram

VOA Radiogram, 17860 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per la recepció d'aquesta emissió experimental d'imatges a través de l'ona curta. Informe enviat a radiogram@voanews.com. v/s Kim, qui m'informa que l'emissor es troba a Carolina del Nord, Estats Units. Per a més informació sobre aquestes emissions, cal visitar el web www.voaradiogram.net.

divendres, 21 de febrer del 2014

QSL Atlantic 2000 International

Atlantic 2000 International, emissora francesa emetent via Radio 700, Kall-Krekel (7310 KHz) i via MVBR, Göhren (9480 KHz), ambdós emissors a Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

HLR, Radio City i Radio Gloria aquest cap de setmana

Aquest cap de setmana tindrem noves emissions d'acord amb la següent informació rebuda avui:

HLR, R City and R Gloria Relays this weekend

Transmissions on Saturday, All time in UTC

  6 -  9,  HLR on 7265 KHz
  9 - 12, HLR on 6190 KHz
12 - 13, HLR on 7265 KHz
13 - 14, R City on 7265 KHz
14 - 16, HLR on 7265 KHz

Transmissions on Sunday, All time in UTC
  7 -  9,  RGI  on 7265 KHz
  9 - 11, RGI  on 9480 KHz
10 - 11, RGI  on 6005 / 7310
12 - 14, HLR on 9480 KHz
16 - 18, RGI  on the Internet ! „ColoRadio.org“ or „laut.fm/jukebox

dijous, 20 de febrer del 2014

QSL Radio Free Asia

Radio Free Asia, 5855 KHz, via Tinian (Illes Marianes). Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org

dimarts, 18 de febrer del 2014

QSL Pink Panther Radio

Pink Panther Radio, 6308 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

dilluns, 17 de febrer del 2014

QSL Radio City

Radio City, 7290 KHz, via IRRS, Tiganesti, Romania. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a citymorecars@yahoo.ca

diumenge, 16 de febrer del 2014

QSL States of Unrest Radio

States of Unrest Radio, 6300 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebudes E-QSL i imatge per informe enviat a mailliw46@gmail.com

Logs 16 febrer

  • 6205 KHz, 18.50, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 44444
  • 6285 KHz, 16.15, Radio Twentana, music, playing "San Francisco", 22442
  • 6285 KHz, 17.50, Radio Black Arrow, music, 23442
  • 6305 KHz, 18.20, Unid, Dutch, non stop music, c/d at 18.38, 33443
  • 6325 KHz, 17.15, Radio Experience, E, id, e-mail, music, playing Madonna, Bon Jovi, greetings to listeners, 22442
  • 6325 KHz, 17.55, Radio Bogusman, E, music, 44343
  • 6747 KHz, 17.43, Radio Pioneer, instrumental music, 33443 
All times UTC

dissabte, 15 de febrer del 2014

Fotos d'Horizon FM

Imatges rebudes d'Horizon FM, la nova pirata de parla anglesa que emet pels 5780 KHz. Des de l'emissora es diu que emet des de les Illes Canàries, tot i que les últimes informacions semblen indicar que ho fa des d'Irlanda. Les fotos mostren el seu emissor i l'estudi.

Radio Geronimo i HLR demà

Radio Geronimo i HLR tornaran a emetre demà. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Radio Geronimo on 16th of February 2014:
10.00 to 12.00 UTC (Gohren) on 9480 KHz  
Please send all reports to: geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com  Thank you!
Every Sunday the programs of HLR:
12.00 to 14.00 UTC (Gohren) on 9480 kHz  program in German
Please send all reports to: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!

QSL Horizon FM

Horizon FM, 5780 KHz, emissora FM de Tenerife que emet també el seu programa en ona curta, com anuncia en el seu web http://www.horizon.fm/. Rebuda confirmació amd dades completes per informe enviat a studio@horizon.fm. La confirmació ve signada per Andy, que em facilita els següents detalls tècnics de l'emissió en ona curta:
Our broadcast parameters are as follows - 
75w carrier fed in to an inverted V antenna around 15 meters
Transmitter location - Icod, north Tenerife, canary Islands
Audio processing - Optimod 8400

L'Andy promet també enviar-me una E-QSL tan aviat com la tinguin preparada. Esperem que així sigui!

Logs 14 febrer

  • 5780 KHz, 20.45, Horizon FM, E, music, ids, relay on SW of a Tenerife FM station, 23442
  • 6205 KHz, 18.50, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 33333
  • 6300 KHz, 18.35, States of Unrest Radio, music from a single band, id, web, e-mail, 23432
  • 7510 KHz USB, 19.30, Radio Eldorado, electronic music, id, 23332
  • 6803 KHz, 19.00, Pink Panther Radio, id, music, playing "Gold" by Spandau Ballet, 33443
  • 7290 KHz, 19.20, Radio City via IRRS, E, music, ids, 55444
All times UTC

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014

Nous programes de Radio City, EMR i HLR

Aquest cap de setmana tornen a emetre Radio City, EMR i HLR. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Radio City will be on the air today Friday February 14th on 7290 kHz via IRRS from Romania with 150 KW, and via Challenger Radio, Italy on 1368 kHz at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC with 10 KW.
Radio City will also have a repeat Transmission on Saturday February 15th between 09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 9510 kHz. There is also the weekly transmission via Radio Mercurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz on Saturday evenings at 20.00 to 21.00 UTC.
The 4th Saturday of the month there is a transmission via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz (carrier and upper side band) at 13.00 to 14.00 UTC
Please send all reports to: citymorecars@yahoo.ca   Thank you!
European Music Radio Relay on 16th of February 2014
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 7265 KHz  Stewart Ross
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 9480 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  (Nauen)  on 6045 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor   
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk  Thank you!
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:    
Programme repeats are at the following times: 08.00, 13.00, 17.00, 20.00 UTC
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR.
06.00 to 09.00 UTC, program in Spanish, English, German on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, program in German on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC,program in German, Spanish, English on 7265 KHz

dijous, 13 de febrer del 2014

QSL Report

NDR, via Moosbrunn, 9885, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to technik@ndr.de

Radio Eli,
1035, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to am1035@bk.ru. v/s Helena Vesalauskas.

NDR, via Issoudun, 11955, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to technik@ndr.de

Lutherische Stunde
, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to info@lutherischestunde.de. v/s Hans-Heinrich Dittmer.

Geronimo Shortwave, via MVBR, 9480, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com
EMR, via KBC Nauen, 6045, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to studio@emr.org.uk
Nord AM, via Radio 700, Kall, 3985, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to nordam@shortwaveservice.com
PCJ Radio, via Nauen, 5995, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com. v/s Victor Goonetilleke.
FRSH via Radio 700, 7310, E-QSL in 1 month for e-report to frs@frsholland.nl
NDR, via Nauen, 6125, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to technik@ndr.de
Hamburger Lokalradio, 6190/9480, 3 QSLs for e-reports to Kulturzentrum LOLA, 21031 Hamburg, Germany

Vahon Hindustani Radio, 1566, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to qsl.vahon@ziggo.nl. v/s Koos Wijnants.

Indian DX Report,
via KBS, 9515, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to indiandxreport@gmail.com

RNE Cáceres, Radio 5
, 1107, full detailed E-letter in 8 weeks from direccion.bam.rtve@rtve.es. v/s Urbano García Alonso, Director. A full detailed letter arrived by post from Miguel Ángel Pulido, Adjunto de Medios.

Kismat Radio, 1035, full detailed E-letter in 3 weeks for e-report to reception@kismatradio.com and studio@kismatradio.com. Answer came from reception@sunriseradiogroup.com.

Voice of Vietnam, via WHRI, 6175, QSL in 4 months for e-report to vovmundo@gmail.com

Radio Groenteboertje, 6325, QSL and view card in 10 days for e-report to aafink@home.nl
Radio Norton, 6291, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radio.norton@hotmail.com
Radio Underground, 6299, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radioundergroundsw@gmail.com
SWCH, 6380, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to swch@live.nl
Radio Action Holland, 6200, n/d E-letter, photo QSL in 1 day for e-report to radioactionholland@gmail.com.
U-Boat 66 Radio, 7300, 2 E-QSLs for e-report to uboatradio@gmail.com
Pink Panther Radio, 6799, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

diumenge, 9 de febrer del 2014

Logs 9 febrer

  • 6220 KHz, 17.25, Radio Tip and Elvis, music, playing Whitesnake, 54444
  • 6255 KHz, 17.30, Radio Telstar South, E, music, comments about old free radio stations, 44343
  • 6285 KHz, 17.43, Radio Tango Italia, usual non stop tango music, 44444
  • 6325 KHz, 17.37, Radio Underground, E, music, greetings to listeners, 23442
  • 6745 KHz, 17.50, Radio Pioneer, music, 33443
  • 6803 KHz, 17.45, Pink Panther Radio, E, music, id, playing Blondie, ELP, 24443
  • 6910 KHz, 17.40, Premier Radio, music, playing "Pretty woman" by Roy Orbison, 23342
  • 7310 KHz, 09.00 UTC, Atlantic 2000 International, via Radio 700, Fr, ids, music, playing Paul NcCartney, Pet Shop Boys, (//9480), 33333
  • 9480 KHz, 09.00 UTC, Atlantic 2000 International, via MVBR, Fr, ids, music, playing Paul NcCartney, Pet Shop Boys, (//7310), 33443
All times UTC

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

QSL Vahon Hindustani Radio

Vahon Hindustani Radio, 1566 KHz, emissora holandesa de la comunitat índia. Rebuda E-QSL (amb un format curiós, preparada per ser impresa, retallada, plegada i enganxada per crear una targeta QSL tradicional) per informe enviat a qsl.vahon@ziggo.nl. v/s Koos Wijnants, QSL Manager i membre del Benelux DX Club.
El Sr. Wijnants m'informa que l'emissora ha aturat els seus tests pels 1566 KHz però pensa tornar a reactivar-los cap a la segona meitat de febrer.

dimecres, 5 de febrer del 2014

QSL Radio Amigos

Radio Amigos, 3995 KHz, emissora religiosa alemanya (tot i el seu nom en castellà) que emet via HCJB Weenermoor, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a marktorstenwardein@gmx.de. v/s Mark Torsten Wardein.

dilluns, 3 de febrer del 2014

QSL Radio Eli

Radio Eli, 1035 KHz, emissora religiosa. Rebuda E-QSL en format word (una mica desmuntat en transformar-lo en imatge per publicar-lo aquí) per informe enviat a am1035@bk.ru. v/s Helena Vesalauskas.