diumenge, 30 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio OZ Viola
Radio OZ-Viola, 5825 KHz, emissora danesa que afirma ser legal. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a jansteendk@hotmail.com
divendres, 28 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio Zwarte Non
Radio Zwarte Non, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL sense dades per informe enviat a radiozwartenon@gmail.com
QSL Atlantic 2000 International
Atlantic 2000 International, 7440 KHz via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com
QSL Premier Radio International
Premier Radio International, 6280 KHz, pirata irlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL i fotos (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a premierradio@yahoo.ie
Nova emissió de WMR
World Music Radio (WMR) commenced broadcasting on 15805 kHz on December 24th
2018 with a power of 200 W. Transmissions were irregular for the first
couple of days, but should hopefully now be regular. The old transmitter and
the simple aerial willing. Until January 6th 2019 the approx. hours of daily
operation will be 0700-2000 UTC. As from January 7th 15805 kHz will
probably be on the air Saturday-Sunday only.
Power is only 200 W, which of course is a very low on the 19 meter band,
propagation is quite poor on this band now - and the aerial (a simple
dipole) is not very efficient so reception is quite difficult and irregular.
So far - poor to fair reception in Southern Europe has been observed in
daytime till around 1300 UTC and fair to good reception in Ireland,
Scotland, western England and Iceland has been experienced during evenings
around 17-20 UTC.
Transmissions on 5840 kHz continues 24/7 with a power of 100 W.
The transmitter site for 5840 as well as 15805 kHz is Randers, Denmark.
Please note that the current QSL-design will be used for reception reports
covering reception in 2018 only. A new design will be used in 2019.
An eQSL is available for reports sent to wmr@wmr.dk - a reply can be
expected within a month or so.
A printed QSL is available for reports sent to World Music Radio, PO Box
112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Return postage is kindly required. For a
fast reply enclose 5 euro or 5 USD (QSL will be mailed from Denmark, where
postage rates are the highest in the world - 29DKK for a post card). If less
return postage is enclosed, you will still get a QSL-card, but will have to
wait some time till the QSLs can be mailed out from outside of Denmark.
Please note that no QSLs are available for reports made by listening via
remote receivers.
2018 with a power of 200 W. Transmissions were irregular for the first
couple of days, but should hopefully now be regular. The old transmitter and
the simple aerial willing. Until January 6th 2019 the approx. hours of daily
operation will be 0700-2000 UTC. As from January 7th 15805 kHz will
probably be on the air Saturday-Sunday only.
Power is only 200 W, which of course is a very low on the 19 meter band,
propagation is quite poor on this band now - and the aerial (a simple
dipole) is not very efficient so reception is quite difficult and irregular.
So far - poor to fair reception in Southern Europe has been observed in
daytime till around 1300 UTC and fair to good reception in Ireland,
Scotland, western England and Iceland has been experienced during evenings
around 17-20 UTC.
Transmissions on 5840 kHz continues 24/7 with a power of 100 W.
The transmitter site for 5840 as well as 15805 kHz is Randers, Denmark.
Please note that the current QSL-design will be used for reception reports
covering reception in 2018 only. A new design will be used in 2019.
An eQSL is available for reports sent to wmr@wmr.dk - a reply can be
expected within a month or so.
A printed QSL is available for reports sent to World Music Radio, PO Box
112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Return postage is kindly required. For a
fast reply enclose 5 euro or 5 USD (QSL will be mailed from Denmark, where
postage rates are the highest in the world - 29DKK for a post card). If less
return postage is enclosed, you will still get a QSL-card, but will have to
wait some time till the QSLs can be mailed out from outside of Denmark.
Please note that no QSLs are available for reports made by listening via
remote receivers.
dijous, 27 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
dimarts, 25 de desembre del 2018
dilluns, 24 de desembre del 2018
QSL Studio Denakker
Studio Denakker, 1395 KHz, emissora privada holandesa. Rebut un correu electrònic sense dades agraint l'informe enviat a info@studiodenakker.nl.
Sobre les emissores holandeses en ona mitjana, l'amic i col·lega belga Hugo Matten m'ha fet arribar aquest interessant link: http://radio-tv-nederland.nl/am/am.html
Programa de Nadal de VORW
Dear Listeners,
From VORW Radio International we wish you all a happy and healthy Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year!
I am pleased to announce that there will be a special holiday broadcast on Christmas Day for our listeners in North America and Europe!
This show will feature mixed talk and music of all genres (including holiday songs) and a newly designed E-QSL will be sent out to any and all reception reports received! Please spread the word to any shortwave listeners, hobbyists and DXers that may be interested. Here is the schedule:
Tuesday 2100 UTC (4 PM Eastern / 3 PM Central) - 9350 kHz - WWCR 100 kW - North America & Europe
If you will be unable to listen live, the show will be uploaded to SoundCloud at https://soundcloud.com/vorw_radio_int
Nou programa de Nadal de FRSH
On Sunday December 30th, FRS-Holland will be traditionally ring out the Old Year with its Seasonal broadcast on 7700//5800 kHz. Programmes will run from 08:52- 14:05 UTC/ 09:52- 15:05 CET.
In addition all prohrammes will be repeated following close down of the first run: 14:05- 19:10 UTC/ 15:05- 20:10 CET. Particularly during the final hours of the second run, conditions will be changing and as a result signals will likely skip large areas. For that reason the final three hours- starting just after 16:00 UC/ 17:00 CET- will go out on an extra 3rd frequency: 3975 kHz.
The complete FRS team will join the party including Dave Scott, Jan van Dijk, Roger Davis, Bert van Leer & Peter Verbruggen. Traditionally it will be a mix of carefully selected rock/pop music and a number of (radio related) programme items as well as mail from November 18th and Seasonal greetings. We also look back in the comprehensive FRS archives: a flashback to a December broadcast many years ago. And: a new edition of FRS goes DX will be aired including news from the world of (free) Radio. Just listen out for yourself!! Important: it can happen that we are forced to change frequency during the broadcast. In such case FRS will publish it on the website. So...if there's latest news...you will find it on http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/115-december-30th-broadcast.html
In addition all prohrammes will be repeated following close down of the first run: 14:05- 19:10 UTC/ 15:05- 20:10 CET. Particularly during the final hours of the second run, conditions will be changing and as a result signals will likely skip large areas. For that reason the final three hours- starting just after 16:00 UC/ 17:00 CET- will go out on an extra 3rd frequency: 3975 kHz.
The complete FRS team will join the party including Dave Scott, Jan van Dijk, Roger Davis, Bert van Leer & Peter Verbruggen. Traditionally it will be a mix of carefully selected rock/pop music and a number of (radio related) programme items as well as mail from November 18th and Seasonal greetings. We also look back in the comprehensive FRS archives: a flashback to a December broadcast many years ago. And: a new edition of FRS goes DX will be aired including news from the world of (free) Radio. Just listen out for yourself!! Important: it can happen that we are forced to change frequency during the broadcast. In such case FRS will publish it on the website. So...if there's latest news...you will find it on http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/115-december-30th-broadcast.html
dissabte, 22 de desembre del 2018
Jake FM, 7440 Khz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a Radio@Jake-fm.de. v/s Michael Fischer.
dijous, 20 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio Buenos Aires
Radio Buenos Aires, 1350 KHz. Rebut e-mail de confirmació de l'escolta amb dades completes i el mateix a través de facebook. v/s Víctor Hugo González, Oficina técnica LS6.
diumenge, 9 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio Taiwan via Kostinbrod
Radio Taiwan International, 5900 KHz, via Kostinbrod, Bulgària. Rebuda QSL detallada per informe enviat a deutsch@rti.org.tw
Programa especial de Radio Igloo
ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 22.00-22.45 CET (21.00-21.45 UTC)
Radio Igloo will be on air with a new mixed music-program
This time with music from a selected part of the world.
Reception-reports are highly appreciated, and we love audio clips.
Send your reports to: radioigloo@gmail.com
Correct reports will be verified with a brand new e-QSL
Greetings from the Igloo-studio
The Radio Igloo team
dissabte, 8 de desembre del 2018
Programa de Nadal de Grimeton Radio
| |||||
Programa de Nadal d'FRSH
Sunday December 30th FRS-Holland will be on air with its annual Holiday Season broadcast.
The broadcast will be on 7700//58xx between 08:52- 14:00 UTC/ 09:52- 15:00 CET.
Similar to November 18th, the full broadcast will be repeated in the afternoon.
More info follows later in December.
FRS-Holland offers you the opportunity to send in your December Greetings to radio friends and relatives.
Your contributions are highly appreciated and will add something special to our programmes!
You can easily produce a little (written) message and send it to [frs@frsholland.nl]. It only takes a few minutes of your spare time....
We raffle a radio DVD among those who participate in our December broadcast with their Seasonal greetings.
We'd like to ask you to do it as soon as possible as some shows will be recorded within 10 days.
Don't hesitate but just do it!
If you have the opportunity to send in an audio (mp3) clip you are more than welcome!
Written messages are also welcome via POBox 2701, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands.
Join us ringing out 2018....the FRS-Holland staff is looking forward to hear from you...
dimecres, 5 de desembre del 2018
QSL Radio Orion 2000
Radio Orion 2000, 6925 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioorion2000@gmail.com
dijous, 29 de novembre del 2018
QSL AWR Erevan
Adventist World Radio (AWR), 9905 KHz, emissora religiosa via els emissors a Erevan, Armènia. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a QSL@awr.org
Programació de VORW
5 AM Eastern - 1000 UTC - 5950 kHz to Western North America
4 PM Eastern - 2100 UTC - 7780 kHz to Europe & North America
6 PM Eastern - 2300 UTC - 9955 kHz to South America
7 PM Eastern - 0000 UTC - 7730 kHz to Western North America
8 PM Eastern - 0100 UTC - 5850 kHz, 7780 kHz, 9395 kHz to North America & Europe
5 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 9955 kHz to South America
9 PM Eastern - 0200 UTC - 5130 kHz to North America
6 PM Eastern - 2300 UTC - 9395 kHz to North America
8 PM Eastern - 0100 UTC - 4840 kHz to North America (Likely to Discontinue Dec. 01)
5 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 7570 kHz to North America
6 PM Eastern - 2300 UTC - 9395 kHz to North America
8 PM Eastern - 0100 UTC - 4840 kHz to North America (Likely to Discontinue Dec. 01)
5 PM Eastern - 2200 UTC - 7570 kHz to North America
Please send correspondence and QSL Reports to - vorwinfo@gmail.com
You can hear VORW Radio International on Tunein at the following time:
6 PM Eastern every Thursday: https://tunein.com/radio/WRMI-9955-s50329/
Latest programs may be heard on-demand via SoundCloud here:
dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2018
QSL Ràdio Cabrera de Mar
Ràdio Cabrera de Mar, 107.1 MHz, emissora municipal. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a info@audiovisualcabrera.net. v/s César Escobedo, Director.
divendres, 16 de novembre del 2018
QSL RNE Tenerife, Radio 5
RNE Tenerife, Radio 5, 720 KHz. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a emisiones.tf.rne@rtve.es. v/s Juan Fernando Rojas, Responsable Emisiones de RNE Canarias.
Nou programa d'FRSH
Next Sunday November 18th FRS will take to the air. For detailed info
check our website at:
check our website at:
dimarts, 13 de novembre del 2018
QSL Radio Mazda
Radio Mazda, 6260 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL en blanc per un informe del 2016! Informe enviat a radiomazda@hotmail.com
diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2018
QSL Harbour Light of the Windwards
Harbour Light of the Windwards, 1400 KHz, emissora religiosa que emet des de l'illa caribenya de Carriacou, a Grenada. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a harbourlight@spiceisle.com. v/s Randy Cornelius.
divendres, 9 de novembre del 2018
Nova QSL de Rádió 1, Hongria
Rádió 1, 87.9 MHz, transmissor a Szeged, Hongria. Després de rebre una confirmació des del centre regional de Szeged d'aquesta emissora hongaresa escoltada en una esporàdica del juny passat (vegeu entrada del 23 de juny), ara he rebut aquesta carta de confirmació de la seu central de l'emissora a Budapest, això sí, gràcies a l'ajuda de l'amic i col·lega hongarès István Hegedüs.
Signa aquesta confirmació: v/s Levente Muranyi.
Nova QSL Radio Mosoj Chaski
Radio Mosoj Chaski, 3310 KHz, emissora boliviana. Després de rebre ja un correu de confirmació sense dades (vegeu entrada del 14 de maig passat), ara he rebut una nova confirmació amb dades completes i amb signatura: v/s Anna de Wheeler.
dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2018
QSL Radio Emmeloord
Radio Emmeloord, 6095 KHz, emissora holandesa amb un programa especial del passat 6 d'octubre via Nauen, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL amb tres imatges diferents per informe enviat a info@radioemmeloord.nl i a través del seu web: https://radioemmeloord.nl/
diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2018
QSL Radio De Blauwe Koe
Radio De Blauwe Koe, 1634 Khz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL (després de poc més d'un any!) per informe enviat a deblauwekoe@hotmail.com
dissabte, 3 de novembre del 2018
divendres, 2 de novembre del 2018
QSL Yanbian RGD Radio
Yanbian RGD Radio, 1206 KHz, emissora de la regió xinesa de Yanbian. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat al Servei anglès de China Radio International. v/s Ying Lian.
dijous, 1 de novembre del 2018
QSL Radio Cuckoo
Radio Cuckoo, 6264 KHz, pirata irlandesa. Després de rebre una confirmació amb un simple e-mail, ara he rebut per correu postal aquesta bonica QSL. Informe enviat a radiocuckoo@yahoo.com
diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2018
QSL Sonnet Radio Europe
Sonnet Radio Europe, 6070 KHz, emissora britànica via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a través del seu web: https://www.sonnetradio.co.uk/blank
QSL Chaos Radio International
Chaos Radio International, 6335 KHz, pirata hongaresa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a kosqsl@gmail.com
QSL Pan American Broadcasting via Media Broadcast
Pan American Broadcasting, 9515 KHz, via els emissors de Media Broadcast a Nauen, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL precisament de Media Broadcast a qui sembla que Pan American Broadcasting ha reenviat el meu informe de recepció. La resposta ve signada per Michael Puetz (E-mail: QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com).
QSL Atlantic 2000 International
Atlantic 2000 International, 6070 Khz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)