diumenge, 30 de juny del 2013

QSL Laser Hot Hits

Laser Hot Hits, 4026 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a studio@laserhothits.co.uk i laserhothits@hotmail.com. La resposta va arribar de la segona adreça.
L'emissora, que ha estat inactiva durant un temps per problemes tècnics, torna a estar en l'aire pels 4026 KHz. També m'informa que la seva adreça postal al Canadà (Box 293, Merlin, Ontario, Canada NOP 1W0) serà tancada a l'octubre del 2013.

Logs 29 juny

  • 4020 KHz, 21.25, Unid, music, 22332
  • 4026 KHz, 21.40, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 22332
  • 6245 KHz, 20.20, CWR, E/G, id, music, playing "It's my life" by Bon Jovi, 23442
  • 6250 KHz, 20.25, Radio Morningstar, E, rock and roll oldies, playing "Great ball of fire", 22342
  • 6260 KHz, 20.10, Shortwave Gold, ids, music playing "Californication", 55444
  • 6270 KHz, 20.30, Radio Merlin International, E talks, music, 23442
  • 6285 KHz, 21.15, Radio Focus, E talks, music, 44444
  • 6300 KHz, 20.45, Radio Marabu, music, 33443
  • 6325 KHz, 20.50, Radio Norton, E id, music, playing "Eres tú" by Mocedades!, 22342
  • 6343 KHz, 20.15, Odynn Radio, E, rock music, ids, 33443
  • 6422 KHz, 21.30, Unid, Dutch/pop music non stop, 44343
  • 6550 KHz, 21.20, Radio Wilskracht, music, playing "Let's dance", 44444
  • 7600 KHz, 21.40, Radio Sunshine, test, ids, non stop music, playing "Owner of a lonely heart" by Yes and "Heat of the moment" by Asia, 33443
All times UTC

dissabte, 29 de juny del 2013

QSLs Radio Alice

Radio Alice, 3905 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebudes 2 E-QSLs per informe enviat a radioalice@hotmail.com

QSL Report

TWR Gavar
, 1377, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to kdobos@twr.org. v/s Kalman Dobos.

Rádio Inconfidência, 15190, QSL in 21 months for different reports by post and e-mail. v/s Marco Antônio P. Coelho, Técnico.

KBS Sackville, 6045, QSL, schedule, stickers in 8 months for e-report to spanish@kbs.co.kr
Voice of Vietnam, 6175, via Sackville, QSL in 9 months for e-report to vovmundo@gmail.com

Bible Voice, Issoudun, 13580, QSL in 17 weeks for e-report to mail@biblevoice.org

NHK Montsinery
, 11960, QSL, schedule in 5 weeks for e-report via their web.

Atlantic 2000 Int, 9480, via MVBR, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Ems Vechte Welle/DeLuxe FM, 3985, via Radio 700, QSL and info in 5 weeks for report to Ems-Vechte-Welle, z.H.d. Mathias Volta, - Halle IV-, Kaiserstrasse 10a, D-49809 Lingen, Germany. Sent 1 $.
AFN Europe, 1107, QSL in 11 weeks for e-report to contactus@myafn.net
Geronimo SW, 9480, via MVBR, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com
Radio Prague, 3985, via Radio 700, Special anniversary QSL in 10 days for e-report via their web.

AIR Rajkot,
1071, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to spectrum-manager@air.org.in and rajkot@air.org.in.

NHK, Talata Volondry, 11850, QSL in 1 week for e-report via their web.

Sarawak FM, 9835, QSL in 6 weeks doe e-report to zulrahim@rtm.gov.my. v/s Zulfiki Ab Rahim, Senior Asst. Director, RTM Kajang.
Traxx FM, 7295, the same as Sarawak FM

VOA Philippines, 7575/9760, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to manager_philippines@phi.ibb.gov

Radio Vitoria, 1602, Special E-QSL for last transmission in 2 days for e-report to radio_vitoria@eitb.com. v/s Xabier Matxain

Wavescan, via AWR Trincomalee, 15255, QSL in 18 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.

NHK Cypress Creek, 6195, QSL and schedule in 6 weeks for e-report via web page (Spanish Service)
WLO Mobile, 17362 USB, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to info@shipcom.com. v/s Rene Stiegler.

TWR India,
7505, via Tashkent, E-QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to fabraham@twrindia.org. v/s Franklin Abraham.

Voice of Assenna, 15245, via Bulgaria?, full detailed e-letter in 1 day for e-report to aseye.asena@googlemail.com. v/s Amanuel Eyasu, Funder and Editor.
Hamada Radio International, 11945, non detailed e-letter in 21 months! for e-report via different ways. Answer came from bashir.mabai@gmail.com. v/s Bashir Mabai.
Radio Dialogue, 12105, via Talata Volondry to Zimbabwe, full detailed e-letter for e-report to radio@radiodialogue.com. v/s Sanele Njini, Online Editor.

Cool AM Radio, 6725L, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to coolamradio@hotmail.com
Radio Odynn, 6295, E-QSLs in 1 days for e-report to shortwaveman@gmail.com
Radio Omroep Zuid, 6285, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to eurobird@gmail.com
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6304U, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
Radio Wadloper, 1642, E-QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to wadlopermg@live.nl
Radio Ronin Shortwave, 6245, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to radioroninshortwave@gmail.com
Radio Tidalwave, 6450, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to radiotidalwave@hotmail.com
Radio de Witte Raaf, 1635, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to tokkiescornjum@hotmail.com
Radio Sierra Mike, 6285, E-QSL in 1 hour for e-report to radiosierramike@hotmail.com
Sluwe Vos Radio, 6210, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to rxreport@live.nl
Radio Merlin Int, 6305, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Lighting Radio, 6990/7600/6985, 4 E-QSLs for 4 e-reports to lightningradio@gmx.com
Radio Twentana, 1638, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to radiotwentana@hotmail.com
Bad Girls Radio, 6307, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to carolineradio@hotmail.com and badgirlsradio@gmail.com
Zender Batavier, 1625, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radionorthcoast@live.nl
Pink Panther Radio, 6553, E-QSL in 1 days for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com
Polka Radio, 3905, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to polkaradio76mtr@live.nl
Tip and Elvis Radio, 6285, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to t.eshow@hotmail.com
Radio Technical Man, 6200, QSL and personal letter in 19 weeks.
Radio Yellow Submarine, 6326, 3 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to radioyellowsubmarine@gmail.com
Trans Europe Radio, 15080, E-QSL in 14 weeks for e-report to radiotranseurope@gmail.com
Radio Alice, 3905, E-QSLs in 3 weeks for e-report to radioalice@hotmail.com
Laser Hot Hits, 4026, E-QSL in 31 weeks for e-report to studio@laserhothits.co.uk and laserhothits@hotmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 9930L, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to balticseapirate@gmail.com
UK44, 1660, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to hendrik111@live.nl
Sundown Radio, 6540, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to sundownradio@hotmail.com
Radio Underground, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radioundergroundsw@gmail.com
Radio Goofy, 6400, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to carolineradio@hotmail.com
Radio Northsea International, 15810, via Radio Spaceshuttle, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to hans.himself@radio-northsea.de
Studio 52, 6450, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to studio52@planet.nl
Virgin Radio, 6220, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to carolineradio@hotmail.com
DSS Deutscher Shallplatten Sender, 6305, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to superstudio1a@gmx.de

Logs 28 juny

  • 1625 KHz, 21.20, Radio Batavier, music, 22332
  • 1645 KHz, 21.15, Vrolije Mijnwerker, Dutch, id, music, playing "Sugar, sugar", 23442
  • 3905 KHz, 19.50, Radio Skyline International, rock music, 23442
  • 3995 KHz, 21.50, Ichtys Radio, via HCJB Weernemoor, G, religious music, 23442
  • 4026 KHz, 21.10, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23442
  • 6240 KHz, 20.20, Mustang Radio, E/Dutch, id, music, playing "Somebody I used to know" by Gotye, 55444
  • 6250 KHz, 19.55, Radio Flying Dutchman, relaying AWM, music, 33443
  • 6260 KHz, 19.50, Shortwave Gold, music, ids, 33443
  • 6275 KHz, 20.30, Radio Tina, E/G, music by ABBA only, id, 23342
  • 6285 KHz, 20.55, Radio Focus International, E, lots of talks, music playing "Words" by FR David, 44444
  • 6295 KHz, 20.00, Radio Morningstar, E, music, playing rock and roll oldies, 22332
  • 6305 KHz, 21.30, Radio Marabu, music, 34443
  • 6325 KHz, 19.45, Unid, music, weak signal, 22332
  • 6925 KHz, 21.55, Radio Trans Europe, music, playing Simple Minds, 22442
All times UTC

divendres, 28 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Dialogue

Radio Dialogue, 12105 KHz, emissora clandestina que emet via els emissors de Talata Volondry (Madagascar) cap a Zimbabwe. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb detalls complets per informe enviat a radio@radiodialogue.com. v/s Miss Sanele Njini, Online Editor. Web: www.radiodialogue.com

QSL La Voz de Vietnam, via Sackville

Voz de Vietnam, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional del Vietnam, emetent en castellà via Sackville (Canadà), 6175 KHz. Rebuda QSL després de llarguíssima espera per informe enviat a vovmundo@gmail.com. Cal recordar que l'emissor de Sackville és tancat de fa mesos, amb la qual cosa la QSL probablement correspon a una de les últimes emissions via aquest emissor canadenc.

dijous, 27 de juny del 2013

QSL DSS, Deutscher Schallplatten Sender

DSS (Deutscher Schallplatten Sender), 6305 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a superstudio1a@gmx.de

QSL Máxima FM, Menorca

Máxima FM, 93.6 MHz, Menorca. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a radiomenorca@radiomenorca.com. v/s Sergi Ribera, Director de SER Menorca.

Nou test d'HLR aquest diumenge

Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) farà un nou test aquest diumenge via MVBR. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Hamburger Lokalradio Test broadcast on 15785 KHz
Hamburger Lokalradio will be making some test broadcasts via the transmitter of MVBR in the 19m- band.
The first test broadcast will run on the 30th of June at the following times.
Sunday 30th of June 2013 on 15785 KHz:
06.00-08.00 UTC
10.00-12.00 UTC
14.00-16.00 UTC
18.00-20.00 UTC
More Test Transmissions will following in the weeks to come!

dimecres, 26 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Maryja, Polònia

Radio Maryja, 100.6 MHz, emissora religiosa polonesa escoltada gràcies a una propagació esporàdica. Rebut e-mail de confirmació detallat per informe enviat a radio@radiomaryja.pl. La resposta va arribar de radiomaryja@radiomaryja.pl. No v/s.

dimarts, 25 de juny del 2013

QSL Hitrádio Orion

Hitrádio Orion, 88.1 MHz, emissora txeca de la ciutat d'Ostrava rebuda la setmana passada durant una propagació esporàdica. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb detalls complets per informe enviat a orion@hitradio.cz, redakce.orion@hitradio.cz i program.orion@hitradio.cz.
La resposta va arribar de miroslav.pelegrin@hitradio.cz. v/s Miroslav Pelegrin, Program Director. Adreça de l'emissora: Cihelní 227/111, 702 00 Ostrava, República Txeca. Web: www.hitradioorion.cz

diumenge, 23 de juny del 2013

QSL Trans Europe Radio

Trans Europe Radio, 15080 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiotranseurope@gmail.com

QSL Pink Panther Radio

Pink Panther Radio, 6553 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

QSL Studio 52

Studio 52, 6450 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a studio52@planet.nl

Logs 22 juny

  • 3905 KHz, 21.10, Radio Activity, id, rock music, 33443
  • 3905 KHz, 22.10, Radio Alice, music, id, 34443
  • 5810 KHz, 21.30, Unid, non stop music, 23442
  • 6240 KHz, 21.58, Free Radio Victoria, id, music, playing ABBA, 33333
  • 6250 KHz, 21.20, Shortwave Gold, music, ids, 44343
  • 6267 KHz, 22.30, Unid, non stop music, 23442
  • 6285 KHz, 19.55, Radio Goudenster, music, 23332
  • 6291 KHz, 21.05, Radio Caroline, music, 22332
  • 6305 KHz, 22.00, Delta Radio?, music, 22442
  • 6322 KHz, 22.40, Radio Zodiac, rock music, id, 23442
  • 6325 KHz, 21.40, Radio Centurion, id, music, playing U2 and Queen, 23332
  • 6450 KHz, 22.20, Radio Readymix, music, id, playing Kiss, 33443
  • 6745 KHz, 21.00, Radio Pioneer, music, 23442
All times UTC

dissabte, 22 de juny del 2013

QSLs Radio Yellow Submarine

Radio Yellow Submarine, 6207 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebudes dues noves E-QSLs per informe enviat a radioyellowsubmarine@gmail.com

Logs 21 juny

  • 3905 KHz, 20.30, Radio Skyline Int, music, 23442
  • 6200 KHz, 20.40, Radio Flying Dutchman relaying AMW, music, lots of talks, moved to 6240 at about 20.55, 23442
  • 6250 KHz, 20.55, Shortwave Gold, music, id: "This is Shortwave Gold, right to the tower of power", 54444
  • 6285 KHz, 21.50, Radio Tina, German music, ids: "Auf KUrzwelle, Radio Tina", 22332
  • 6291 KHz, 20.35, Radio Goofy, dance music, id, 22342
  • 6300 KHz, 20.50, Radio Mustang, music, id, playing "Alejandro by Lady Gaga, "Rosana" by Toto, etc, 44444
All times UTC

divendres, 21 de juny del 2013

QSL TWR Gavar, Armènia

Trans World Radio (TWR), 1377 KHz, emissora religiosa emetent des de Gavar (Armènia). A la QSL s'indica només "Central Asia". Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a kdobos@twr.org. v/s Kalman Dobos.

dijous, 20 de juny del 2013

Logs FM 19 juny

Ahir hi va haver una propagació esporàdica amb emissores d'FM que arribaven des de la República Txeca, Eslovàquia, Polònia i sud d'Alemanya. Va durar des de les 17.30 a les 19.00 hora local. Aquestes són les escoltes fetes:
  • 88.1 MHz, Hitrádio Orion, Jeseník, txec, programa musical "Hit Parade", ids.
  • 88.2 MHz, Unid, alemany, música, publicitat, Bayern 2?
  • 90.0 MHz, B5 Aktuell, München-Ismaning, alemany, notícies.
  • 92.1 MHz, Unid, alemany, notícies.
  • 96.6 MHz, Rádio Slovensko, Bratislava/Kosice, eslovac, notícies, programa "Radio Zurnal", RDS: /SR01/
  • 99.8 MHz, CR Radio Zurnal, Klatovy/Barák,  txec, debat polític, RDS: /R-ZURNAL/
  • 100.6 MHz, Radio Maryja, Glogow/Krosno/Torun, polonès, música religiosa, missa.
  • 100.9 MHz, PR Radio Merkury, Poznan, polonès, notícies, música, publicitat, id.
  • 101.1 MHz, Unid, txec, publicitat.
  • 101.4 MHz, Radio Contact, Liberec, txec, música, publicitat, RDS: /CONTACT/
  • 102.7 MHz, Unid, txec, interviu.

QSL Radio City

Radio City, 9510 Khz, via IRRS, Tiganesti, Romania. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a citymorecars@yahoo.ca

dimarts, 18 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio The Technical Man

Radio The Technical Man, 6200 KHz, pirata holandesa. Després de múltiples intents en diverses direccions, rebuda finalment QSL de paper per informe enviat gràcies a l'ajuda de l'amic Terry del Canadà.

dilluns, 17 de juny del 2013

QSL Bible Voice, Issoudun

Bible Voice, 13580 KHz, emissora religiosa nord-americana emetent des d'Issoudun (França). Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a mail@biblevoice.org

diumenge, 16 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Goofy

Radio Goofy, 6207 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a carolineradio@hotmail.com

Logs 14-15 juny

14 de juny

  • 3905 KHz, 20.00, Radio Skyline, music, 32322
  • 6210 KHz, 22.10, Sluwe Vos Radio, id, e-mail, greetings, music, 34443
  • 6250 KHz, 20.10, Radio Flying Dutchman, Dutch music, 44444
  • 6285 KHz, 20.25, Free Radio Victoria, ballads, 33443
  • 6293 KHz, 21.55, Radio Scotland International, id, greetings, rock music, 44444
  • 6303 KHz, 21.35, Radio Anode, E, id, music, 33443
  • 6307 KHz, 20.15, Radio Telstar, Dutch, greetings, disco music, playing "Sigue, sigue Sputnik", 34333
  • 6326 KHz, 20.45, Radio Yellow Submarine, music, recorded ids, 22322
  • 6393 KHz, 21.25, Radio Underground, E, music, playing "Fernando" by ABBA, 23442
  • 6530 KHz, 20.20, Sundown Radio, pop/rock music, id, e-mail, moved to 6540, 33333
  • 6555 KHz, 20.30, Pink Panther Radio, Dutch music, 22442

15 de juny

  • 6207 KHz, 20.30, Radio Yellow Submarine, music, recorded id, e-mail, 23332
  • 6250 KHz, 21.20, Radio Flying Dutchman, music, E id, playing Boney M, 34443
  • 6285 KHz, 20.15, Radio Bogusman?, E, talks, music, 34443
  • 6305 KHz, 19.55, Deutsche Schallplattensender (DSS), German, folk music, id, 22332
  • 6422 KHz, 21.15, Studio 52, music, 23432
  • 6745 KHz, 20.40, Radio Pioneer, music, 23322
All times UTC

dissabte, 15 de juny del 2013

QSLs Radio Yellow Submarine

Radio Yellow Submarine, 6326 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebudes 3 E-QSLs amb una barreja d'estètica entre Beatles i manga nipó per informe enviat a radioyellowsubmarine@gmail.com

Logs FM 14 juny

Nou tropo ahir, aquest cop cap a Balears i País Valencià. Escoltes fetes cap a les 18.30 hora local:

  • 87.5 MHz, Catalunya Informació, Perentxissa, València, notícies
  • 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio?, música
  • 87.9 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, Mallorca, RDS: /RNE-CLAS/
  • 88.8 MHz, Catalunya Música, Alfàbia, Mallorca
  • 88.9 MHz, Unid, emissora religiosa
  • 89.2 MHz, Radio Rusa, música (//95.8, Barcelona)
  • 89.3 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Benicàssim
  • 89.5 MHz, Kiss FM, Mallorca, música, ids
  • 90.1 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Alfàbia, Mallorca
  • 90.9 MHz, COPE Mallorca, notícies (//1224)
  • 91.3 MHz, RAI, Sardegna, italià, música (//1062)
  • 91.4 MHz, Radio Sport Valencia?, notícies sobre el Valencia CF
  • 92.6 MHz, Rock FM, València, música rock, ids (//93.1)
  • 92.9 MHz, La Calle FM, València, música llatina. id: "La Calle, tu radio".
  • 93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, múisca rock, ids (//92.6)
  • 93.4 MHz, COPE València, entrevista
  • 93.6 MHz, Unid, música, id com "93.6"
  • 95.3 MHz, Unid en anglès, Talk Radio Europe?
  • 95.3 MHz, RAI, Sardegna, italià, notícies
  • 95.4 MHz, Radio 7, València, música, publ, id, web: www.radio7.com
  • 95.7 MHz, Máxima FM, València, música dance
  • 96.6 MHz, Onda Uno, portadora, RDS: /ONDA UNO/
  • 98.0 MHz, Ona Mediterrània, Mallorca, test, música non stop.
  • 98.1 MHz, Cadena Élite, Morvedre, música, publicitat, id: "Cadena Élite, 98.1"
  • 98.7 MHz, Spektra FM, música dance, id, publicitat
  • 99.4 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, Palma, informacions econòmiques, tapant Cadena Dial Barcelona!!
  • 99.8 MHz, RTL 102.5, Sardegna, italià, música, ids
  • 99.9 MHz, Radio María, Alfàbia, Mallorca
  • 100.6 MHz, Flaix FM, Mallorca, múisca dance
  • 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, Mallorca, música, ids
  • 101.6 MHz, RDS, Menorca, Italià, músicaç
  • 102.1 MHz, Radio Marca, Maó, esports
  • 102.7 MHz, Unid, música llatina
  • 103.0 MHz, Ràdio 9, Aitana, Alacant, notícies, id: "Ràdio 9, servicis informatius"
  • 104.4 MHz, Radio Klara, València, entrevista
  • 104.5 MHz, RNE Mallorca, notícies regionals
  • 105.5 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, Lloc??, notícies.
  • 105.6 MHz, Radio One Mallorca, anglès, música, ids
  • 105.9 MHz, Unid, conversa sobre l'Islam al Brasil!

EMR i Geronimo SW demà

EMR i Geronimo SW emetran demà. També cal destacar que EMR deixarà d'emetre aquest estiu per tornar-hi el proper setembre. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

European Music Radio:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz via MVBR
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9480 kHz via MVBR
All reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk    Thank you!
EMR's Internet broadcasts are at the following times UTC: 
0800, 1300, 1600, 1900 on Sunday & Monday:
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the "EMR internet radio" button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
 Radio Geronimo:
09.00 to 11.00 UTC on 9480 KHz  via MVBR
All reports to:  geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com;   Thank you!

European Music Radio Transmission Information:
Due to the bad summer reception conditions Transmissions from EMR will
stop after this Sunday the 16th of June until the 3rd Sunday of September 2013.
From September the EMR schedule will be:
3rd Sunday:
7265 at 07.00 to 08.00 UTC
9480 at 08.00 to 09.00 UTC
2nd Sunday:
6190 at 07.00 to 08.00 UTC

divendres, 14 de juny del 2013

QSL AIR Rajkot

All India Radio (AIR) in Rajkot, 1071 KHz, emissora regional índia. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a rajkot@air.org.in i spectrum-manager@air.org.in. Es tracta de la meva segona emissora índia confirmada en ona mitjana després d'AIR Nagpur. El més sorprenent del cas és que la QSL hagi arribat tot i l'adreça clarament insuficient!

HLR, Radio City i EMR aquest cap de setmana

Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR), Radio City i European Music Radio (EMR) tornen a emetre en l'ona curta aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Hamburger Lokalradio via MVBR Saturday and Wednesday:
06.00 to 08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC on 6190 kHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC on 7265 kHz

All reports to:  redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
Radio City:
Friday 14th:18.00 to 19.00 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS, and on MW 1368 kHz from Padova, Italy
Saturday 15th:08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz via IRRS, also 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 1485 kHz  via R Merkurs in Latvia with a weekly separate programme.
Every 4th Saturday: 12.00 to 13.00 UTC  via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz
The email address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca  Thank you!
European Music Radio is on this Sunday 16th:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9480 kHz
All reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk    Thank you!
EMR's Internet broadcasts are at the following times UTC: 
0800, 1300, 1600, 1900 on Sunday & Monday:
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the "EMR internet radio" button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

dijous, 13 de juny del 2013

QSLs Voice of Russia

Voice of Russia, 4960 i 9900 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional russa. Rebudes dues QSLs de l'antiga sèrie que commemora la victòria russa al final de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Informes enviats a world@ruvr.ru

dimecres, 12 de juny del 2013

Logs FM 11 juny

Ahir hi va haver una nova propagació tropo cap a les Balears. A més de les habituals, arribaven algunes emissores mai escoltades abans per mi. Aquests són els resultats al voltant de les 18.00 hora local:

  • 90.9 MHz, COPE Mallorca, notícies (//103.5)
  • 91.2 MHz, Europa FM, Mallorca, música, id local com "91.2", publicitat local.
  • 92.0 MHz, Radio María, Maó, habitual programa religiós.
  • 92.6 MHz, Unid, programa tarot.
  • 92.9 MHz, Ràdio Marratxí, música.
  • 93.6 MHz, Máxima FM, Maó, Menorca, música dance, ids.
  • 95.7 MHz, SER Menorca, notícies regionals.
  • 97.1 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Mont Toro, música
  • 98.0 MHz, Ona Mediterrània, Mallorca, emissió en proves, música non stop, id, nou projecte radiofònic, web: http://onamediterrania.cat/
  • 99.9 MHz, Radio María, Alfàbia, programa religiós
  • 100.6 MHz, Flaix FM Mallorca, programa local, música dance, anunci del seu web: flaixmallorca.com
  • 101.4 Mhz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, Mallorca, 
  • 102.1 MHz, Radio Marca, Maó, Menorca, esports.
  • 103.5 MHz, COPE Mallorca, Alcúdia, notícies, id regional esmentant les tres freqüències en FM (90.9, 102.8 i 103.5 MHz) i la d'ona mitjana (1224 KHz).
  • 104.5 MHz, RNE Balears, programa regional (//909)
  • 104.7 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, Maó, notícies econòmiques
  • 105.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Mont Toro, Menorca, programa musical

dilluns, 10 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Northsea International

Radio Northsea International, 15810 KHz, pirata alemanya emetent via Finlàndia (Radio Spaceshuttle International). Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a hans.himself@radio-northsea.de. v/s Hans Himself.

Logs 9 juny

  • 6005 KHz, 08.00, Atlantic 2000 International, Fr, music, ids (//9480), 12441
  • 6207 KHz, 19.35, Radio Goofy, canned ids, dance music, 22442
  • 6555 KHz, 19.40, Pink Panther Radio, E, music, ids, 23442
  • 9480 KHz, 08.00, Atlantic 2000 International, Fr, music, ids, special 31st anniversary programme, (//6005), 22442
  • 11401 KHz, 09.10, Radio Waves International, rock and roll music, 23442
  • 15810 KHz, 08.30, Radio Northsea International, G, rock music, 22332
All times UTC

diumenge, 9 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Underground

Radio Underground, 6324 KHz, emissora pirata que sempre envia "QSL gastronòmiques" . Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioundergroundsw@gmail.com

dissabte, 8 de juny del 2013

Logs FM 4 i 6 juny

Aquesta setmana hi ha hagut algunes propagacions tropo de no gaire distància. Aquestes són les escoltes fetes:

4 de juny (19.00 hora local):
  • 91.3 MHz, Europa FM, música, id.
  • 92.1 MHz, France Inter, Perpinyà?, notícies, id, (//96.5)
  • 95.7 MHz, SER Menorca, notícies
  • 96.5 MHz, France Inter, Bocognano, Còrsega, notícies, id (//92.1).
  • 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, música, ids.
6 de juny (14.30 hora local):
  • 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio?, música, molt dèbil.
  • 87.9 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, música clásica.
  • 89.3 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Benicàssim
  • 89.5 MHz, Kiss FM, Palma, música, id.
  • 90.9 MHz, COPE Mallorca, esports
  • 91.5 MHz, RTA Chaîne 3, Nador, programa en francès (//252).
  • 93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, música, rock, ids
  • 95.7 MHz, SER Menorca, notícies.
  • 96.5 MHz, Los 40 Principales, Gandía, música, ids, publicitat.
  • 97.9 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, lloc??, notícies
  • 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, música, ids, publicitat.
  • 102.8 MHz, COPE Mallorca, Inca, esports.
  • 103.2 MHz, SER Mallorca, notícies.
7 de juny (20.00 hora local)
  • 87.9 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, RDS: /RNE-CLAS/
  • 88.4 MHz, Ràdio Murta?, música, molt dèbil
  • 88.8 MHz, Catalunya Música, Alfàbia, Mallorca, música clàssica
  • 88.9 MHz, Radio María, lloc??
  • 89.5 MHz, Kiss FM, Palma, música, ids
  • 90.9 MHz, COPE Mallorca (//1224)
  • 91.3 MHz, Europa FM, música, id, RDS: /EUROPAFM/ ALTA/ 91.3 FM/
  • 92.9 MHz, Ràdio Marratxí, música, id: "Això és Ràdio Marratxí".
  • 93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, música, id: "Estás escuchando Rock FM".
  • 95.7 MHz, SER Menorca, notícies
  • 96.5 MHz, Virgin Radio, Su lotto, Sardegna, italià, música, ids, publicitat.
  • 97.1 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Mont Toro, Menorca
  • 97.9 MHz, Radio Intereconomía, Lloc?
  • 99.8 MHz, RTL 102.5, Monte Alvaro, Sardegna, italià, música, ids
  • 99.9 MHz, Radio María, Alfàbia, programa religiós
  • 101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, música, id
  • 102.1 MHz, Radio Marca, Maó, esports
  • 103.0 MHz, Ràdio 9, Alacant, notícies
  • 103.2 MHz, SER Ràdio Mallorca, notícies
  • 104.5 MHz, RNE Radio 5, Mallorca, notícies
  • 105.6 MHz, Radio One Mallorca, música, programa en anglès, id: "This is Radio One Mallorca"
  • 105.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Mont Toro, Menorca, música, id.
  • 106.4 MHz, Radio María, Lloc??
  • 106.8 MHz, IB3 Ràdio, Alfàbia, notícies

Nous programes demà

Demà diumenge s'emetran nous programes d'EMR, Atlantic 2000 i MV Baltic Radio. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

European Music Radio is on this Sunday:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC on 6190 KHz
All reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk    Thank you!
Atlantic 2000 is on this Sunday:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 6005 and 9480 kHz via MVBR & R.700
Programme streaming at the same time on our website:  http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
All reports to:  atlantic2000international@gmail.com   Thank you!
MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday:
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, MVBR   on 6190 KHz
All reports to:  info@mvbalticradio.de   Thank you!

divendres, 7 de juny del 2013

QSL Norddeutscher Rundfunk

Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), 972 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a technik@ndr.de

dijous, 6 de juny del 2013

QSL Radio Goofy

Radio Goofy, 6400 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a carolineradio@hotmail.com

Programa i QSL especial

El proper diumenge s'emetrà un programa especial de Wavescan amb motiu del tancament dels emissors situats a Ekala (Sri Lanka). A més del programa, hi haurà una QSL especial. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Special One Day QSL Card
     As was announced a few weeks ago, a special one day QSL card will be offered for reception reports of the broadcast of the special edition of the AWR DX program, "Wavescan" that honors the closure of the Ekala Shortwave Station in Sri Lanka.  The Seventh-day Adventist denomination made its first broadcast from the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation back in 1951, on the very first day of what was the new SLBC Commercial Service on shortwave.  Over the years, these initial radio broadcasts blossomed into Adventist World in Asia, AWR-Asia, and the programming of Adventist World Radio is still on the air shortwave from the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, though these days from the ex-Deutsche Welle Relay Station located near Trincomalee on the east coast of the island of Sri Lanka.
     Without a specific announcement, SLBC closed their historic Ekala station on the last day of May and they transferred their international programming to the station at Trincomalee.  To honor the long and illustrious history of the Ekala Shortwave Station, the AWR DX program "Wavescan" is airing a special edition under the old title, "Radio Monitors International" and this will be broadcast beginning next Sunday, June 9, and during the following days next week.  These days, "Wavescan" is researched and written in Indianapolis by the AWR DX Editor, Dr. Adrian Peterson, and it is produced in the studios of shortwave station WRMI by Jeff White, who is noted also for his key roles with NASB, the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters in the United States.  The AWR international DX program "Wavescan" is on the air from stations in the AWR network, and also from WRMI, WWCR & WINB in the United States, and from Spaceline in Bulgaria.
     The old Ekala Radio Station is of such significance in the long history of international radio broadcasting that the well known International Radio Monitor in Colombo Sri Lanka, Victor Goonetilleke, is campaigning widely to have the site recognized as an International Heritage Site.
     This once-in-a-lifetime special QSL card will feature a reproduction of two QSL cards that were in use from AWR in Poona-Pune nearly forty years ago.  All reception reports of this special program will be verified with this special event QSL card, and return postage and an address label will be appreciated.  The only address is:-

Adventist World Radio
Box 29235
Indiana 46229
Wavescan Scheduling: A13 Transmission Period

March 31, 2013 - October 26, 2013
DayUTCCall    kHzkWStation  LocationCountry
Sun1030WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
1530AWR15335250Media Broadcast  NauenGermany
1600KSDA15360100Adventist World Radio  AgatGuam
1600KSDA15670100Adventist World Radio  AgatGuam
2230KSDA15320100Adventist World Radio  AgatGuam
2330KSDA17650100 Adventist World Radio  AgatGuam
Mon1100WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
WedMN00WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
1100WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
1900WINB  13570  50World International  Red LionPennsylvania USA
Thu0300WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
Fri0315WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
Sat1100WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
1300WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA
1530WWCR2 12160  100Worldwide Christian  NashvilleTennessee USA
2230WRMI      9955  50Radio Miami Int  MiamiFlorida USA

dimecres, 5 de juny del 2013

QSL Virgin Radio

Virgin Radio, 6220 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a carolineradio@hotmail.com

dimarts, 4 de juny del 2013

QSL VOA Tinang

Voice of America (VOA), 7575 i 9760 KHz, via els emissors de Tinang, a les Filipines (a la QSL com a "Site: PHT"). Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a manager_philippines@phi.ibb.gov

dilluns, 3 de juny del 2013

QSL Baltic Sea Radio

Baltic Sea Radio, 9930 KHz LSB, pirata finlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a balticseapirate@gmail.com

diumenge, 2 de juny del 2013

Logs 1 juny

  • 3905 KHz, 21.20, Radio Alice, music, id, 23442
  • 6210 KHz, 21.55, Shortwave Gold, oldies, ids, 34443
  • 6290 KHz, 21.02, Radio Karbiet, E/Dutch, id, Dutch music, 33443
  • 6305 KHz, 20.10, Radio Merlin International, music, E, ids, 23442
  • 6325 KHz, 20.00, Radio Norton, music, 23332
  • 6400 KHz, 20.35, Radio Goofy, dance music, ids, 33443
  • 6423 KHz, 21.15, Radio Lowland, music, 23442
  • 6450 KHz, 20.55, Radio Trans Europe, music, E, id at 21.00, 22442
  • 6540 KHz, 21.40, Free Radio Victoria, E, id, music, playing The Shadows, 44444
  • 6745 KHz, 20.50, Radio Pioneer, music, playing "Vienna", 23442
  • 6800 KHz, 20.20, Radio Tower, Dutch, id, Dutch music, 44444
  • 6920 KHz, 21.50, Radio Trans Europe, music, playing "Don't cry for me Argentina", 33333
All times UTC

dissabte, 1 de juny del 2013

Logs 31 maig

  • 1640 KHz, 21.50, Radio Wadloper, Dutch, music, 23442
  • 1646 KHz, 22.05, Vrolije Mijnwerker, Dutch, music, phone, 23332
  • 1656 KHz, 22.08, Unid, playing Boney M, then Dutch music, 22442
  • 6210 KHz, 20.20, Shortwave Gold, music, ids, 44444
  • 6220 KHz, 20.45, Radio Kilohertz, G, rock music, playing ACDC, 23442
  • 6285 KHz, 20.30, Radio Goudenster, Dutch, id, Dutch music, 23442
  • 6291 KHz, 21.00, Unid, music, 22342
  • 6325 KHz, 21.25, Radio Underground, E, Dutch music, id, e-mail, QSL, c/d at 21.35, 33443
  • 6450 KHz, 21.10, Radio Studio 52, rock and Dutch music, id, 33443
  • 6745 KHz, 20.25, Radio Pioneer?, music, 22432
All times UTC