Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 15770 KHz, via WRMI, Estats Units. Rebuda QSL per la recepció d'aquesta emissió no oficial de l'emissora. v/s Ken Brown.
dimarts, 28 de novembre del 2023
dissabte, 25 de novembre del 2023
QSL MRCC Jobourg, França
MRCC Jobourg, 2187'5 KHz, emissió DSC d'aquesta emissora costanera francesa. Rebuda carta de confirmació per informe enviat a La resposta va arribar des de v/s Reynald Landru, Assistent technique Radio, qui m'envia també una parell de fotos de l'emissor:
Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH), 7700 KHz, pirata neerlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Peter Verbruggen.
QSL Radio Poland via WRMI
Radio Poland, 15770 KHz, via WRMI, Okechobee, Estats Units. Després de múltiples intents, rebuda finalment una QSL (sense el detall de l'emissor) de la secció russa de la ràdio exterior polonesa.
Nova emissió de SAQ Grimeton
Un altre cop es tracta de la tradicional emissió de Nadal d'aquesta emissora sueca. Podem trobar informació detallada en el següent enllaç: SAQ Grimeton
dimarts, 21 de novembre del 2023
QSL Iqaluit Radio, Canadà
Iqaluit Radio, 12577 KHz, emissió DSC d'aquesta emissora costanera canadenca situada al territori autònom de Nunavuk, al nord del Canadà. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Aude Lecoutier, Officer in Duty, Nordreg Canada, Iqaluit MCTS Centre.
El Sr. Lecoutier m'informa que el senyal DSC rebut es va emetre des de l'emissora d'Iqaluit, i concretament des del seu "High Frequency Digital Service Calling Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (HF DSC GMDSS)".
dilluns, 20 de novembre del 2023
JRCC Sweden, 2187'5 KHz, emissió DSC de l'emissora costanera de l'Administració Marítima de Suècia. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Daniel Aström, SAR Mission Coordinator.
dissabte, 11 de novembre del 2023
QSL All India Radio, Hyderabad
All India Radio, Hyderabad, 4800 KHz, emissora regional índia. Després de múltiples intents, he rebut per fi una QSL confirmant el meu informe d'abril de 2020! Informe enviat últimament a
dimarts, 7 de novembre del 2023
Nou programa de Radio Igloo
On Saturday, November 11, a new program from Radio Igloo will be broadcast.
The West Coast DX club will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg next weekend.
The DX club and Radio Igloo will broadcast a program with our own favorite music. There will be a mix of many different styles of music. Our best program to date – at least we think so.
For the first time, the program will be broadcast simultaneously from three different transmitters, from different locations in Central Europe and on different frequencies.
It has become possible thanks to our radio-friends in Central Europe. It will be interesting to see how it will work.
The program will be broadcast on Saturday 11 November at 19–20 Central European Time (18–19 UTC) on 4945, 5840 and 6380 kHz. (or on a free frequency nearby).
The program will be rebroadcast the following day at 15-16 CET but then only on 6380 kHz
We appreciate reports on our program, preferably with an audio clip and with comments on the content of the program.
Correct reports will be answered with a new e-QSL. Send your reports to
dissabte, 4 de novembre del 2023
divendres, 3 de novembre del 2023
Nou programa d'FRSH
Dear FRS Friend!
In our previous message we informed about our 29th October broadcast (last Sunday).That went out on 7700//9345 kHz. 9945 was nót communicated in our message. We didn't
expect that 9300 and 9335 were not clear and a move was the only solution.
Conditions last Sunday were not what we hoped for.
A new opportunity is next Sunday November 5th (hoping for the better).
We will be on air on 6185 kHz and once again 31 metres. We do hope starting on 9300 but
realize it could be any other frequency in the 9290- 9345 range!
Start is 09:52 CET sharp, close down 14:35 CET.
We are looking forward to have your company next Sunday!
73s, Peter V. on behalf of the FRS staff