diumenge, 20 de març del 2022

QSL Radio Rebelde

Radio Rebelde, 1620 KHz, emissora cubana. Rebuda E-QSL amb l'afegitó de la freqüència escoltada per informe enviat a web.radiorebelde@icrt.cu.

Vull agrair a l'amic i col·lega diexista belga Hugo Matten la seva ajuda per aconseguir aquesta QSL!

diumenge, 13 de març del 2022

QSL Radio Igloo via WRMI

Radio Igloo, 15770 KHz, via WRMI, Estats Units. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioigloo@gmail.com

divendres, 4 de març del 2022

QSL Radio Free Europe via Lituània

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 1386 KHz, via Lituània. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat per correu electrònic a diverses adreces. v/s Ken Brown.

Vull agrair a l'amic Eckhard Röscher la informació que em va facilitar sobre l'existència d'aquesta QSL en paper, una raresa ja últimament...

Nou programa de Radio Igloo

We have just been informed that our latest Radio Igloo program - in association with The Westcoast DX-Club - will be rebroadcast.

For mainly North America on March 6th at 00.00-01.00 UTC - on WRMI - 5950 kHz

And mainly for Europe on March 12th at 11.00-12.00 UTC - on WRMI - 15770 kHz.

We hope that at least the transmission for Europe will be heard well and that the time of day will suit us better.

Greetings from The Radio Igloo Team

Programa especial d'IRRS cap a Ucraïna

Hello There from NEXUS-IBA and IRRS in Milano, Italy!

You have undoubtedly heard the latest news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine today. It has almost continuous coverage on Radio and TV in Europe as of this morning, and it makes everyone worried about the consequences for European stability.Just in case you hear from someone interested in Russia and Ukraine in these difficult moments, you should know that we have increased our power on 1323 kHz, and we can reach these regions with a fantastic signal also on AM/Medium Wave.We increased our special news coverage, adding repeats of the most informative and inspirational programs in English from 7 PM to 11 PM Central European Time to support displaced people and cover the latest events.On AM/Medium Wave 1323 kHz, we broadcast daily from 19:00-23:00 CET.I am attaching a recording taken in Ukraine last Saturday on our new frequency of 1323 kHz AM/Medium Wave at 22:00 Central European Time (23:00 or 11 PM local time in Ukraine). The recording is for Radio City, a DJ music program in English, but it shows how strong we can cover the conflict area.Please visit our website at https://nexus.org for more information.Your reception reports are also very welcome and are helpful to our program producers and us. Please send your report to: reports@nexus.org requesting our latest e-QSL card. Ron Norton                       NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Associationemail: ron@nexus.org                            https://www.nexus.org

dijous, 3 de març del 2022

QSL Radio Intereconomía, València

Radio Intereconomía, València, 107.1 MHz. Després de múltiples intents, rebuda finalment una carta de confirmació amb dades completes per l'escolta feta l'estiu passat. v/s Julio Madrigal, Director.

Nova emissió de Ràdio Andorra

Llistat d'emissores europees d'ona curta