divendres, 24 de febrer del 2017
QSL SeaBreeze AM
SeaBreeze AM, 1395 KHz, nova emissora holandesa en ona mitjana. Rebuda QSL per correu postal i fotos per correu electrònic (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat via la seva web: http://radioseabreeze.nl/contact. v/s Marcel.
dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2017
QSL Pirate Radio Europe
Pirate Radio Europe, 5835 KHz, pirata ucraïnesa. Rebudes diferents E-QSLs i algunes fotos (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a serg104-130@rambler.ru
dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2017
QSL Time Radio
Time Radio, 6375 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a timeradio.shortwave@gmail.com
diumenge, 19 de febrer del 2017
QSL Key Channel Radio
Key Channel Radio, 3900 KHz (la freqüència a la QSL no és correcta), pirata italiana via un emissor pirata alemany. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a keyradioam@gmail.com
QSL Word of Deliverance
Word of Deliverance, 6070 KHz, programa religiós nord-americà via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebut e-mail de confirmació sense dades per informe enviat a pastorInman@att.net. v/s Pastor Inman.
dijous, 16 de febrer del 2017
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000
we had technical problems last Sunday, Atlantic 2000 will be on the air
this Saturday 18th of February, with a replay of our programme, from
1000 to 1100 UTC on 6005 and 7310 kHz.
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
Visit our website :
Programes de VORW
Dear VORW Radio Listeners,
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qgXqfmkgrjE
This is the first edition of the VORW Radio International
Newsletter, it will be sent out when there is a significant change to
the broadcast schedule or if there is a significant update regarding
programming or other matters.
Tomorrow's 1300 UTC (1 PM GMT / 8 AM Eastern) broadcast on 6070
kHz to Europe will instead be broadcast at 1100 UTC (11 AM GMT / 6 AM
Eastern) on 6070 kHz to Europe.
This change is only for Thursday the 16th of February, all other
broadcasts continue as scheduled, as do the transmissions scheduled for
Thursday the 23rd.
VORW Radio International is a light entertainment program, serving
listeners in Europe, North America and the world. Programs consist of a
mixture of commentary and listener-requested music.
Comments, questions, reception reports and music requests may be sent to vorwinfo@gmail.com E-QSL's are provided for legitimate reception reports.
Here is the Standard Transmission Schedule:
1300 UTC - 1 PM GMT - 8 AM Eastern - 6070 kHz to Europe
2000 UTC - 8 PM GMT - 3 PM Eastern - 6070 kHz to Europe
0100 UTC - 1 AM GMT - 8 PM Eastern - 7490 kHz to North America
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
VORW may be heard throughout the daytime hours on 5150 kHz in NYC and the Tri-State Area.
VORW Radio International is a listener funded initiative, you can support this broadcast via Paypal or Patreon, inquire for more information by replying to this email or by sending an email to vorwinfo@gmail.com
For further information on this broadcast and for alternative ways
to listen (such as TuneIn Radio, Soundcloud) please consult this YouTube
dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017
dissabte, 11 de febrer del 2017
QSL ADDX via Armènia
programa especial amb motiu del 50è aniversari d'aquest club DX alemany, 6145
KHz, via Noratus, Armènia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a kurier@addx.de. v/s Andy Schmid
Programes de VOA Radiogram i altres
Happy World Radio Day! World Radio Day will be Monday, 13 February, and it will be mentioned this weekend on VOA Radiogram.
Also this weekend, we will transmit samples of text in Chinese, Russian, and Persian. For these alphabets to display correctly, Fldigi should be configured to the UTF-8 character set (Configure > Colors & Fonts > adjust Rx/Tx Character set to UTF-8, if it is not there already). Your operating system might also need font support for non-Western languages. If the Chinese, Russian, or Persian text is seen as a series of boxes in the Fldigi receive pane, copy and past those boxes to a word processor, and the text might display correctly. At the bottom of this email is a picture off what the received text in the three languages should look like.
There will be four MFSK32 images this weekend, but they will not be transmitted until the second half of the show.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 202, 11-15 February 2017, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:45 Program preview
3:05 China to vet online content and services
6:11 Experiment with non-Latin alphabets**
10:17 Olivia 64-2000: ESA to help NASA
15:53 MFSK32: SSTV from the International Space Station*
19:58 Video of Radio Australia shortwave shutdown*
22:30 World Radio Day*
26:41 Closing announcements
* with image
** use UTF-8 character set
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
3:05 China to vet online content and services
6:11 Experiment with non-Latin alphabets**
10:17 Olivia 64-2000: ESA to help NASA
15:53 MFSK32: SSTV from the International Space Station*
19:58 Video of Radio Australia shortwave shutdown*
22:30 World Radio Day*
26:41 Closing announcements
* with image
** use UTF-8 character set
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule (temporarily expanded):
UTC Time
Also try in …
North Carolina
Asia-Pacific, Europe
North Carolina
Americas, Asia-Pacific
North Carolina
North Carolina
Americas, Asia-Pacific
WRMI Florida
WRMI Florida
| |
IBC Italy
| |
IBC Italy
The Mighty KBC broadcast to North America will be Sunday at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on 6145 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK32 will be transmitted at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/ .
DigiDX is taking a few weeks off, hence the VOA Radiogram transmissions via WRMI and IBC. See http://www.digidx.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/digidx/
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) has digital modes as follows:
EVERY WEDNESDAY ON 3975 KHZ 20.30-21.00 UTC in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500
EVERY FRIDAY ON 9955 KHZ 02.25-02.30 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SATURDAY ON 1584 KHZ 21.25-21.30 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SUNDAY ON 7730 KHZ 00.55-01.00 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SUNDAY ON 6070 KHZ 11.30-12.00 UTC in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500 (VIA RADIO BCLNEWS)
For the complete IBC transmission schedule, including voice broadcasts, visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/
Nous programes de Marconi Radio
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will be on the air Sunday, 12 February as well as Monday, 13 February, from 1315 to 1615 on 7700 kHz USB Mode.
Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don't forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
****************************** ****************************** **************************
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domenica 12 e lunedì 13 Febbraio 2017, dalle 1315 alle 1615 UTC, su 7700 kHz (USB).
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.
Vi chiediamo infine, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
divendres, 10 de febrer del 2017
Nous programes d'Atlantic 2000
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this weekend:
- Saturday 11th of February, from 0900 to 1000 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292
- Sunday 12th of February, from 1000 to 1100 UTC on 6005 and 7310 kHz via Shortwave Service
+ streaming at the same time on our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Good listening!
- Saturday 11th of February, from 0900 to 1000 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292
- Sunday 12th of February, from 1000 to 1100 UTC on 6005 and 7310 kHz via Shortwave Service
+ streaming at the same time on our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Good listening!
Visit our website :
diumenge, 5 de febrer del 2017
QSL Shortwave Radio 00
Shortwave Radio 00, 3905 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a shortwave00europa@gmail.com
dissabte, 4 de febrer del 2017
Nou programa de Marconi Radio
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International will be on the air Sunday, 5 Febuary 2017, from 0930 to 1230 UTC on 7700 kHz AM and from 1315 to 1615 on 7700 kHz USB Mode.
Reception reports with audio clips (mp3-file) are welcome and confirmed by QSL verification. Some lucky listeners will ALSO receive our printed QSL card, so don't forget to include your postal address. E-mail: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com
Last but not least, we need your help! If you are a DX blogger, or use social networks, please post an announcement on your own blog and/or Facebook or send out a tweet. You can also forward this message to a friend.
This should help increase our potential audience.
We hope to hear from a lot of shortwave listeners about our transmissions.
Best 73's
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
****************************** ****************************** **************************
Marconi Radio International (MRI) sarà di nuovo in onda domenica, 5 Febbraio 2017, dalle 0930 alle 1230 su 7700 kHz AM e dalle 1315 alle 1615 UTC, su 7700 kHz (USB).
Per i vostri rapporti di ricezione scrivete a: marconiradiointernational (at) gmail.com La QSL elettronica è garantita a tutti, mentre la cartolina stampata solo ad alcuni fortunati ascoltatori. Non dimenticate quindi di includere anche il vostro indirizzo postale.
Vi chiediamo infine, qualora abbiate un vostro blog dedicato al radioascolto od un profilo su Facebook o altro social network, di pubblicare un annuncio sulle nostre trasmissioni. In alternativa potreste inoltrare il presente messaggio ad un amico.
Cordiali saluti
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Programes aquest cap de setmana
Hamburger Lokal Radio via Shortwave Station Göhren, Germany with 1KW to Western Europe:
6190 KHz Every Saturday 07.00 to 11.00 UTC
7265 KHz Every Saturday 11.00 to 16.00 UTC
9485 KHz Every Sunday 10.00 to 13.00 UTC
Contact email: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
Radio City via:
IRRS to Europe on 9510 KHz (every Saturday) between 09.00 to 10.00 UTC
Challenger Radio to Northern Italy on 1368 KHz every Saturdays from 20.00 UTC onwards
Radio Merkurs on 1485 KHz Every Saturday between 20.00 onwards
Contact email: citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Radio Joystick (This Sunday) via:
Media Broadcast to Western Europe on 7330 KHz Every 1st Sunday between 11.00 to 12.00 UTC
Contact email: http://radiojoystick.de
KBC via:
Media Broadcast to America on 6145 KHz Every Sunday between 00.00 to 01.00
Contact email: themightykbc@gmail.com
Hobart Radio via:
Channel 292 to Western Europe on 6070 KHz Saturdays fortnightly between 09.00 to 09.30 UTC next airings: 21st Jan and 4th February.
Channel 292 to Western Europe on 6070 KHz Saturdays fortnightly between 09.00 to 09.30 UTC next airings: 21st Jan and 4th February.
WRMI to Americas, Asia/Pacific on 9955 KHz Sunday between 04.30 to 05.00 UTC
WRMI to Americas, Asia/Pacific on 9955 KHz Tuesday between 23.30 to 00.00 UTC
WBCQ to North America on 5130 KHz Mondays 04.30 to 05.00 UTC
WRMI to Americas, Asia/Pacific on 9955 KHz Tuesday between 23.30 to 00.00 UTC
WBCQ to North America on 5130 KHz Mondays 04.30 to 05.00 UTC
Contact email: hriradio@gmail.com
European Music Radio Transmissions on 18th & 19th of February via;
WBCQ to Central & North America on 5130 KHz on 18th February between 23.00 to 00.00 UTC
Shortwave Station Göhren on 9485 KHz on 19th February between 09.00 to 10.00 UTC
Channel 292 on 6070 KHz on 19th February between 16.00 to 17.00 UTC
Contact email: emrshortwave@gmail.com
For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: http://laut.fm/jukebox
Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules on 6070 KHz (on the air every day):
Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:
Programa especial de Radio Ohne Namen
Dear listeners,
You are invited to my birthday shortwave broadcast!
On 13 February 2017 at 9 UTC – 10 CET it will be on air for three hours.
There are records (no shellac) from different decades played.
To support the microphones, a record "DJ" (mobil disco) is invited, which should make its first shortwave experiences.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We want to try to speak international.
The broadcast is entered under "Irgendwas mit Medien” (something with media) in the schedule,
and is broadcast via the shortwave transmitter Radio Channel 292, 6070 KHz - 49 meter band.
On Thursday 16 February 2017 is a repeat from 12 UTC – 13 CET.
For listeners without radio at the time, the Web Software Defined Radio is recommended in Twente Nederland.
Kind regards
Radio Ohne Namen (radio without name)
Sehr geehrte Radiohörer,
Ihr seid zu meinem Geburtstags Kurzwellen Rundfunk herzlich einladen!
Am 13. Februar 2017 um 9 UTC - 10 CET geht es für drei Stunden in die Luft.
Es werden Schallplatten (kein Schellack) aus verschiedenen Jahrzehnten gespielt.
Zur Unterstützung der Mikrophone, ist ein Schallplatten "DJ" (Mobil Disco) eingeladen, der seine ersten Kurzwellen Erfahrungen machen soll.
Wir bitten Sie um Nachsicht bei nicht korrekter Aussprache. Wir wollen versuchen, International zu sprechen.
Der Rundfunk ist als "Irgendwas mit Medien" im Sendeplan eingetragen,
und wird über den Kurzwellensender Radio Channel 292, 6070 KHz - 49 Meter Band ausgesendet.
Am Donnerstag, den 16. Februar 2017 ist eine Wiederholung ab 12 UTC - 13 CET.
Für Zuhörer ohne Radio zu der Zeit, sei das Web Software Defined Radio in Twente Niederlande empfohlen.
Mit vorzüglichen Grüßen
Radio Ohne Namen
Notícies d'FRSH
Dear FRS Friend,
At long last we have added a new article/ menu item to the FRS site: QSLs Listeners.
It shows a (small) overview of QSLs we forwarded since our start in 1980 to you, the listener.
Thanks to a number of listeners, we scanned one or more QSLs from their personal FRS
collection and made those scans available on the site.
If you have one or several FRS QSL cards, we would appreciate scanning one or a few and
sending it to [frs@frsholland.nl].
In addition: personal stories/memories relating FRSH are also highly appreciated. Recently we added a contribution from Albert Ford.
See http://www.frsholland.nl/memories.html .
The new QSLs Listeners article can be found via our Image Gallery in the main menu on top of the site
http://www.frsholland.nl/frs-image-gallery/qsl-gallery/qsls-listeners.html .
In addition you also have access via the Listeners' menu: http://www.frsholland.nl/qsls-listeners.html .
Have a good weekend!
73s Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew
At long last we have added a new article/ menu item to the FRS site: QSLs Listeners.
It shows a (small) overview of QSLs we forwarded since our start in 1980 to you, the listener.
Thanks to a number of listeners, we scanned one or more QSLs from their personal FRS
collection and made those scans available on the site.
If you have one or several FRS QSL cards, we would appreciate scanning one or a few and
sending it to [frs@frsholland.nl].
In addition: personal stories/memories relating FRSH are also highly appreciated. Recently we added a contribution from Albert Ford.
See http://www.frsholland.nl/memories.html .
The new QSLs Listeners article can be found via our Image Gallery in the main menu on top of the site
http://www.frsholland.nl/frs-image-gallery/qsl-gallery/qsls-listeners.html .
In addition you also have access via the Listeners' menu: http://www.frsholland.nl/qsls-listeners.html .
Have a good weekend!
73s Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)