dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2015

QSL Rádio Brasil Central

Rádio Brasil Central, 11815 KHz, emissora brasilera de l'estat de Goiás. Després d'haver rebut fa mesos la promesa d'una QSL per via postal i haver rebut també les imatges per correu electrònic, ahir va arribar per fi la QSL física per correu. Informe enviat a rbcamfm@gmail.com i arquivorbc@gmail.com.
Adreça postal: Rádio Brasil Central, Rua SC-01 nº 299, Parque Santa Cruz, Goiânia-GO, CEP 74860-270, Brasil.
En l'entrada següent es pot veure la QSL que el 1996 vaig rebre de la mateixa emissora.

QSL antiga Rádio Brasil Central

QSL rebuda l'any 1996 de Rádio Brasil Central.

QSL Europa 24

Europa 24, 6150 KHz, emissora alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a test6150@yahoo.com.

Test de Radio Spaceshuttle

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle will have SPECIAL TEST transmission on 13800 kHz on Sunday 26th of 2015 at 20:00-21:00 UTC-time (21-22 in UK, 22-23 in Central Europe, 23-24 in Eastern Europe)

This transmission will be made to study is this frequency more free to be listened this time. As well we like to gather information of areas where this transmission might be received-  Reception reports with audio files are very welcome!

Please send your reports with fee of 2 euros/ 3 US-$ or IRC's to our Herten Postal Box:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

dijous, 23 d’abril del 2015

QSL ABC Alice Springs

ABC Alice Springs, VL8A, NT, Australia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a Advice.Reception@abc.net.au. v/s Elaine Erskine, Communications Officer.

QSL Radio Mi Amigo via Channel 292

Radio Mi Amigo, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Rohrbach, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a info@radiomiamigo.es

dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2015

QSL PCJ Radio via Sala

PCJ Radio International, 9405 KHz, emissora de parla anglesa amb seu a Taiwan via Radio Revival Sweden, Sala, Suècia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com. v/s Victor Goonitelleke.

Programa de Radio Six International dissabte

This one's for the SWLs and DX-ers.
On Saturday (25th April) we're back on shortwave for two hours as an experiment to see what the reaction is.
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 UTC (3 - 5pm UK time, 4 - 6PM in Mainland Europe) 
Transmitter site: Sala, Sweden
Frequencies: 9,405kHz (31.87m) 10kW LSB (intended for the UK, Ireland 
and Western Europe)
and 3,975kHz (75.47m) 5kW AM (intended mostly for Scandinavia and North 
West Europe).
Reception reports to: letters @ radiosix.com or Radio Six International, 21 Sherbrooke Avenue, Glasgow G41 4HF, Scotland All reports will be verified by a QSL card. Return postage welcomed. 
Programme schedule: 1400 News 1402 Soundwave with John Cavanagh 1425 The Lively Lounge with Tony Currie 1445 Behind the Tracks with Susan Fisher 1500 News 1502 Saturday Sounds (live) with Tony Currie 1540 The Revival Show with Kenny Tosh 1600 Close Down
Director of Programmes,
*radio six international*
21 Sherbrooke Ave, Glasgow G41 4HF, Scotland
+44 141 427 0531
/AM, FM, Digital and online
rebroadcast affiliates in
Australia, England, New Zealand,
Scotland, Singapore, Taiwan and the USA/

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015

Programes aquest cap de setmana

Radio City Relays:
17th April 2015: 18.00 to 19.00 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS & 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio
18th April 2015: 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz via IRRS.
26th April 2015:  09.00 to 1000 UTC on 9865 KHz via Radio Revival (Sala) Sweden
2nd  May 2015:  12.00 to 13.00 UTC on 7265 KHz via Hamburger Lokalradio
Every Saturday: 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 1485 kHz via Radio Merkurs, Riga, Latvia
The address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca  Thank you!
European Music Radio Relay on 19th April 2015  
15.00 to 16.00 UTC via Channel 292 on 6070 KHz with Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk  Thank you!
MV Baltic Radio:  There will be no Transmissions from Gohren until May. 
You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: http://laut.fm/jukebox 

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/


Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules:


Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules:


dimecres, 15 d’abril del 2015

QSL TWR Europe via PRTC, Grigoriopol

TWR Europe, 999 KHz, emissora religiosa que emet a través dels emissors de Grigoriopol, Pridnestrovsky, a la República de Moldàvia. Rebuda E-QSL amb dades completes des de l'emissor per informe enviat a prtc@idknet.com. v/s Sergey Omelchenko.

QSL Reach Beyond Australia

Reach Beyond Australia, 15490 KHz, emissora religiosa australiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a office@reachbeyond.org.au. v/s Shelley.

dilluns, 13 d’abril del 2015

QSL Atlantic 2000 via MVBR

Atlantic 2000 International, 9485 KHz, emissora francesa emetent a través de MV Baltic Radio, des de Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL (que mostra la localització de l'emissor) per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com.

dissabte, 11 d’abril del 2015

QSL Radio Mirabelle

Radio Mirabelle, 6950 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomirabelle@laposte.net.

QSL Radio Europe

Radio Europe, 6875 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL i logo antic de l'emissora per informe enviat a radioeurope@iol.it

Nova QSL Radio Face de Blatte

Radio Face de Blatte, 6060 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a radiorfb@gmail.com

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2015

QSL Chelmsford Calling

Chelmsford Calling World Service, 6070 KHz, programa britànic dedicat a les comunicacions emès via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@chelmsfordcalling.co.uk. Web: www.chelmsfordcalling.com. v/s James Salmon, qui promet enviar per correu postal una QSL impresa.

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2015

QSL Radio Arcadia

Radio Arcadia, 6850 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a arcadiawaves@gmail.com

dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2015

QSL Follow the Bible Ministries

Follow the Bible Ministries, 12050 KHz, emissora religiosa nord-americana via Babcock, illa d'Ascensió. Rebut e-mail de confirmació (vegeu més avall) signat per David Hoff, que promet una QSL aviat. L'informe va ser enviat a followthebibleministries@yahoo.com. Web: www.followthebibleministries.com.

Dear Artur, 
Thank you for your reception report. We really appreciate it.  We are a new ministry and do not have QSL cards yet. We are  ordering those and when they arrive, we will send one to you. 
Your report has been checked and found correct. So, we can confirm that  on 22 March 2015, at 19.00 UTC and on 12050 KHz, you listened to  Follow the Bible Ministries broadcasting from Ascension Island. 
Best Regards, 
David Hoff 
Follow The Bible Ministries

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2015

QSL Radio Face de Blatte

Radio Face de Blatte, 5985 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiorfb@gmail.com.

QSL Radio Montferland

Radio Montferland, 6300 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomontferland@hotmail.com.

dissabte, 4 d’abril del 2015

QSL Goldrausch 6070

Goldrausch 6070, via Channel 292, 6070 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL de Channel 292 amb detalls complets per informe enviat a goldrausch6070@yahoo.de. v/s Eckhard "Hannibal" Heuermann.

Programes d'aquest cap de setmana

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
06.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz

11.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Sunday MV Baltic Radio:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz 
11.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 9485 KHz 

E-mail: info@mvbalticradio.de  Thank you!
For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
You can also receive MV Baltic Radio via Internet every 3th Sunday in the afternoon: http://laut.fm/jukebox "
Every Sunday the programmes of HLR:
11.00 to 12.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
HLR FM-Program via the Internet:    www.hamburger-lokalradio.net
Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules: http://radiorevivalsweden.blogspot.se/p/schedules.html

Radio Channel 292  Transmission schedules: http://www.channel292.de/schedule-for-bookings/

Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules: www.radiomiamigo.es/shortwave

Radio Spaceshuttle demà

Radio Spaceshuttle 13800 kHz, 22mb on Eastern Sunday 5th of April 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC. 
Wishing good audibility and lots of reports, thank you. Higher frequencies and hopefully free band will forward our signal very long way!
Nice Sunday music and Hobart Radio International from Tashmania with!
Radio Spaceshuttle International 
P.O.Box 2702 
NL: 6049 ZG Herten 
The Netherlands 
A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed! Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com Best Regards!, 
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle 

FRSH canvia una freqüència

Dear FRS Friends,
Next week Easter Sunday April 5th the Free Radio service Holland will take to the airwaves
with an Easter broadcast.
Opposite to our previous message FRS will go out on 9300//7700 and NOT on 9335. And of course also on 6070!!
We will commence broadcasting at 10:00 UTC/ 11:00 BST/ 12:00 CEST. 
For detailed information about the broadcast and a number of fresh  'Latest News' items
please visit our website: [ www.frsholland.nl]. 
Have a good Easter weekend!
73s from all at FRS-Holland
Ps  Remember we have an excellent hard copy QSL waiting for you when writing to POBox 2702...

a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....FRS-Holland
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
website: < www.frsholland.nl>
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>

dijous, 2 d’abril del 2015

QSL Atlantic 2000 via Radio Revival Sweden

Atlantic 2000 International, 9865 KHz, emissora francesa emetent des de Sala, a Suècia, a través de Radio Revival Sweden. Rebuda una bonica QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com.
La QSL és personalitzada i molt curiosa, ja que mostra la distància entre l'emissor (Sala, a Suècia) i el lloc de recepció (Malgrat de Mar).

QSL DW Sao Tomé

Deutsche Welle (DW), 9800 KHz, emetent a través dels emissors de la VOA a Sao Tomé e Príncipe. Rebuda QSL detallada per informe enviat a info@dw-world.de.

Logs 2 abril

  • 4835 KHz, 17.30, ABC Northern Territory, Alice Springs, E, music, id, 23442
  • 4885 KHz, 06.20, Rádio Clube do Pará, Belem, music from Brasil, 23442
  • 4910 KHz, 17.00, AIR Jaipur, Hindi, music, 23442
  • 5025 KHz, 06.25, Radio Rebelde, Quivican, Cuba, Sp talks, 33443
  • 5910 KHz, 05.45, TWR Europe, via Moosbrunn, Polish, religious, 55444
  • 5985 KHz, 04.30, Angloparade via WRMI, Sp, id, pop music, address, 33443
  • 6000 KHz, 06.30, Radio Habana Cuba, La Habana, E, id, talks, 43443
  • 6005 KHz, 06.35, Radio Belarus via Radio 700, German talks, id, 33232
  • 6025 KHz, 16.15, PBS Xizang, Lhasa, E, music (//6130), 32332
  • 6040 KHz, 06.05, Rádio RB2, Curitiba, id, religious px "Mae Aparecida", 23442
  • 6080 KHz, 16.20, Belaruskoye Radio, Minsk, Belorussian talks, 23442
  • 6155 KHz, 16.25, All India Radio, Bengaluru, Urdu talks, 44444
  • 9440 KHz, 05.30, Dandal Kura, via Ascension, id, Kanuri talks, 44444
  • 9955 KHz, 06.15, Overcomer Ministry via WRMI, E, religious, 33333
  • 11560 KHz, 05.00, Radio Miraya, E/Arabic, id, 33443
  • 11600 KHz, 15.00, EU News Network via Kostinbrod, E, id, classical music, 44444
  • 11860 KHz, 13.50, BVB via Palauig, Philippines, Korean, 23442
  • 15120 KHz, 15.15, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, E, news, 44444
  • 15140 KHz, 15.20, Radio Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, Arabic, music, 54444
  • 15150 KHz, 15.20, Radio Tamazuj, via Talata Volondry, Madagascar, Arabic, id, 44444
  • 15150 KHz, 15.30, Radio Dabanga, via Talata Volondry, Madagascar, Arabic talks, id, 44444
  • 15490 KHz, 07.30, Reach Beyond Australia, E, id, religious talks, 44444
  • 17660 KHz, 12.20, Radio France Internationale via Talata Volondry??, Fr, 22332
All times UTC

dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2015

Nova QSL AWR Kigali

Adventist World Radio (AWR), 17800 KHz, emissora religiosa nord-americana via els emissors de Kigali, Ruanda, tancats a finals del mes passat. Rebuda una nova QSL per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.

QSL Radio Mi Amigo via Kall

Radio Mi Amigo, 9560 KHz, emissora espanyola de parla alemanya via Radio 700, Kall, Alemanya. Rebuda una nova QSL per un informe sobre la nova freqüència de 9560 KHz enviat a info@radiomiamigo.es.

FRSH aquest diumenge

Dear FRS Friends,

Next week Easter Sunday April 5th the Free Radio service Holland will take to the airwaves
with a regular broadcast on 7700//9335 and 6070 kHz. 
We will commence broadcasting at 10:00 UTC/ 11:00 BST/ 12:00 CEST. 
For detailed information about the broadcast and a number of fresh  'Latest News' items
please visit our website: [ www.frsholland.nl]. 
Have a good weekend!

73s from all at FRS-Holland
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
website: < www.frsholland.nl>
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>