ERA Volos, 92.8 MHz, emissora regional grega escoltada gràcies a una esporàdica. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a diverses adreces. La resposta va arribar des de v/s Niros Nikolaos, Head of Transmission Network, qui m'envia les següents fotos de l'emissor escoltat, situat al Mt. Pilion:
divendres, 25 de juny del 2021
dimecres, 23 de juny del 2021
QSL Dynamis Radio
Dynamis Radio, 101.0 MHz, emissora religiosa. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Luis Panduro, Director de Programación.
El Sr. Panduro m'indica que ara emeten a Barcelona pels 88.9 MHz, mentre que pels 101.0 MHz ara emet una altra emissora religiosa que s'identifica com Vida FM.
diumenge, 20 de juny del 2021
QSL DLF Kultur
DLF Kultur, 95.3 MHz, emissora pública alemanya. Rebuda per correu postal carta de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Uwe Knöchel, Teamleiter Programmverbreitung.
Tant en aquest cas com en el de l'entrada següent sobre Deutschlandfunk, sap greu veure que la ràdio pública alemanya ja no envia les boniques targetes QSL de fa uns anys. Tot i així, és d'agrair la detallada carta de confirmació!
QSL Deutschlandfunk
Deutschlandfunk, 101.9 MHz, emissora pública alemanya. Rebuda per correu postal carta de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Uwe Knöchel, Teamleiter Programmverbreitung.
He d'agrair aquí l'ajuda de l'amic Eckhard Röscher a l'hora d'identificar l'emissora. Vielen Dank!
QSL Energy Stuttgart - 2
Energy Stuttgart, 100.7 MHz, emissora alemanya. Després de rebre una confirmació per correu electrònic (vegeu entrada del 5 de juny), ara he rebut per correu portal aquesta carta de confirmació signada pel mateix Sr. Marco Salzsieder.
Nou programa de Radio Classic Sunday
Hi Radio Amateurs van radio Classic Sunday,
27 juni weer een nieuwe uitzending op 3920 KHZ. Meer info is te lezen op onze website.
June 27 again a new broadcast on 3920 KHZ. More information can be found on our website .
27. Juni wieder eine neue Sendung auf 3920 KHZ. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website.
Informacions de WMR i Radio 208
Transmitter situation
World Music Radio (WMR) has now commenced broadcasting in the 11 metre band on 25800 kHz as of today, June 14th 2021 at 11 UTC. The power is 100 Watts – or some 250 Watts ERP – and the transmitter site is a 110 m tall mast in Mårslet in the southern outskirts of Aarhus, Denmark. The transmitter will be on the air 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing very good coverage to Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark. Occasionally the signal can also be heard much further afield when conditions are good. As the sunspot number is increasing – until the maximum is reached (probably) in the Summer of 2025 – long distance reception on 25800 kHz will improve.
After four years of struggle, WMR finally began broadcasting on MW 927 kHz from Hvidovre, Copenhagen, on April 14th 2021. Initially with 50 Watts only; power was gradually increased, and is now 250 Watts. Within the next few weeks the power will be increased to 500 Watts. The transmitter provides excellent reception in the larger Copenhagen area and in parts of Zealand and SW Sweden during daytime. Unfortunately a very powerful, Italian pirate station (supposedly from SW of Milan) began using 927 kHz a short while after WMR was launched on 927, making reception of WMR impossible in most parts of Europe, and even causing severe interference to WMR on 927 kHz in Denmark during evenings and night time.
WMR continues broadcasting on 5930 kHz with almost 200 Watts from Bramming in SW Denmark. The work on installing a 500 Watts PA, which was purchased 1½ years ago, has seen little progress but hasn’t been given up. Luckily 5930 kHz is a clear channel all day except 2100-2400 UTC.
WMR also continues using 15790 kHz with 200 Watts into a 3 element yagi beamed south. The transmitter site is north of Randers, and this transmitter is on the air regularly every Saturday and Sunday at 0700-2000 UTC. During the summer period the transmitter is often kept on the air continuously from Saturday morning at 0700 until Sunday at 2100 or 2200 UTC. The signal is mainly picked up in Southern Europe, but is also audible at times in Ireland, northern Scandinavia, Russia, the Middle East, Northern Africa and Brazil. This weekend will also see a prolonged schedule: WMR will be on the air on 15790 kHz from June 17th at 0700 UTC continuously till June 21st at 2200 UTC. Good opportunities for a great DX catch!
Radio208 continues 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on 1440 kHz from Ishøj, Copenhagen. The power is 500 Watts. Works very well and is extremely stable.
After some unlucky events with the shortwave transmitter, Radio208 has now been running very well on 5970 kHz since February 9th. Power is a little under 100 Watts. From March 28th the transmitter is on the air 24/7 but the frequency is suffering from interference during evenings and night time from other users of 5970 kHz. The old 250 Watts transmitter, which previously was used on 5805 kHz, has been repaired and it is hoped that this transmitter can be taken into use on 5970 within the next month or two.
A new WMR QSL card has been printed and has been sent out to DX’ers. Please note that WMR has a new QSL policy: As of January 2021, WMR no longer issues a full detail eQSL. A printed full detail QSL card is available if you send your report by mail to World Music Radio, PO Box 112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark – and if possible enclose return postage (two duly stamped International Reply Coupons or a five euro note). A printed full detail QSL card is also available if you send your report by email, and at the same time make a donation of at least 50 DKK via PayPal to
The QSL policy of Radio208 remains unchanged for the time being.
Please help keeping AM radio alive – and WMR and Radio208 on the air
Listeners of World Music Radio and Radio208 are kindly invited to send a donation to cover some of the costs involved with running these two, non-commercial radio stations. The running costs includes music royalties (450 euro per month) and electricity costs for the AM-transmitters. Funds are also needed for paying the huge bills for getting 927 kHz and 25800 kHz on the air; these projects did indeed cost an awful lot of money.
Your support is highly appreciated – and all amounts are welcome!!
Please use this link: - or please make a bank transfer to Hartvig Media, Hovedvejen 17, DK 8920 Randers – IBAN DK1093310007162081 – SWIFT KRONDK22 (the bank is Sparekassen Kronjylland, Mariagervej 47, DK 8920 Randers, Denmark)
Thank you all so much for donations to WMR and Radio208 received in the past couple of months
Best 73s and good listening,
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
World Music Radio / Radio208
Hartvig Media
dimecres, 16 de juny del 2021
QSL Antenne Bayern, Alemanya
Antenne Bayern, 101.9 MHz, una altra emissora alemanya escoltada en l'esporàdica del 19 de maig passat. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Bettina Volmerhaus.
diumenge, 13 de juny del 2021
QSL NDR1 Niedersachsen, Alemanya
QSL NDR1 Radio MV, Alemanya
NDR1 Radio MV, 92.8 MHz, canal de l'emissora alemanya NDR. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
dimecres, 9 de juny del 2021
QSL Radio Freccia, Itàlia
Radio Freccia, 87.8 MHz, emissora italiana escoltada en l'esporàdica del 24 de maig passat. En no aconseguir resposta directa de l'emissora, vaig enviar l'informe al departament tècnic de RTL 102.5, cadena a la qual pertany Radio Freccia.
Rebuda E-QSL com a document adjunt per informe enviat, doncs, a v/s Gianluigi Gamba, qui em comenta que probablement vaig escoltar un emissor de la província de Gènova, tot i que més aviat crec que es tractava del de Crispiano, prop de Tarento, ja que en el moment de l'escolta entraven altres emissores d'aquesta zona del sud d'Itàlia i de Grècia.
dilluns, 7 de juny del 2021
QSL RPR1, Alemanya
RPR1, 100.6 MHz, una altra emissora alemanya escoltada en l'esporàdica del 19 de maig. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a v/s Thomas Nitzsche, Supervisor.
diumenge, 6 de juny del 2021
QSL JSWC via Romania
JSWC (Japan Short Wave Club, club diexista japonès que produeix petits programes que s'emeten a través d'AWR-Wavescan arreu del món, aquest cop via IRRS des de Romania), 9510 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL després de llarga espera per informe enviat a
QSL Triple L Radio
Triple L Radio, 6275 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dissabte, 5 de juny del 2021
QSL Flux FM, Berlín
Flux FM, 100.6 MHz, una altra emissora alemanya escoltada en l'esporàdica del 19 de maig passat. Rebuda carta de confirmació i adhesius (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a v/s Carlo Thorau.
He d'agrair aquí l'ajuda de l'amic i diexista alemany Eckhard Röscher en la identificació d'aquesta emissora. Vielen Dank, mein Freund!
QSL Darik Radio, Bulgària
Darik Radio, 100.6 MHz (emissor de Kyustendil), emissora privada búlgara escoltada en l'esporàdica del 19 de maig passat. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a
QSL RDP Antena 1, Portugal
RDP Antena 1, 87.9 MHz, canal de la ràdio nacional portuguesa escoltat en l'esporàdica del dia 24 de maig. Rebuda E-QSL amb missatge de confirmació detallat per informe enviat a v/s Paula Carvalho.
QSL Energy Stuttgart
Energy Stuttgart, 100.7 MHz, emissora alemanya escoltada en l'esporàdic del 19 de maig passat. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a v/s Marco Salzsieder.
divendres, 4 de juny del 2021
QSL OK Naxi Radio, Sèrbia
QSL Radio Republike Srpske, Bòsnia
Radio Republike Srpske, 92.8 MHz, emissora de la comunitat sèrbia de Bòsnia. Ja rebuda l'estiu passat, fa uns dies vaig tornar a escoltar-la gràcies a una nova esporàdica cap a Europa de l'Est. El tècnic de l'emissora, Sr. Dragan Sukalo, torna a confirmar la meva escolta amb aquesta detallada carta.
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000 demà
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air on Saturday, June 5th, from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC, with our 39th anniversary show, on 6070 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292, streaming at the same time on our website:
Reports to:
Visit our website and listen to Atlantic 2000: