dissabte, 24 de setembre del 2016

Programa de Radio Gloria

Radio Gloria International
every 4th Sunday of the month:
April 24-May 22- June 26-July 24- Aug.28- Sept.25-Oct.23

RGI – Alternative Music Radio
SW  (KW)     UTC              German Time
9485               6-7                8-9
7265               7-8                9-10
9485               8-9               10-11
7310              9-10              11-12

9-10 (11-12) „Shortwaveservice.com“ 
15-17 (17-19) „Coloradio.org“  and 
or listen to the SW by websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901 (by google) at the same SW-times !
hp: rgi.fmkompakt.de    
Some repeats by „ laut.fm/jukebox“ 

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