dimarts, 31 de desembre del 2013


Nord AM, 3985 KHz, via Radio 700, Kall-Krekel, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a nordam@shortwaveservice.com

QSL Radio Groenteboertje

Radio Groenteboertje, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Després d'enviar l'informe a aafink@home.nl, he rebut per correu postal aquesta nota manuscrita agraint l'informe i aquesta postal de la ciutat de Enschede amb el nom de l'emissora al darrere. Haurem de considerar tot plegat com una QSL!

FRSH via Channel 292

El proper 5 de gener, Channel 292 retransmetrà un programa de Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH). Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

On Sunday, the 5th of January, from  9 to 14 UTC, we will relay a program of FRSH, Free Radio Service Holland, on 6070 kHz. They will be glad to get your reports, address can be found here:
This broadcast still will be over the old transmitter; there is still work to be done on the new one.
And if you always were curious, what might have been the origin of the strange name "Channel 292", now you can find the solution on our homepage:
If there are any news, especially concerning tests with the new 2,5 kW transmitter, you will find another mail in your mailbox.
Till then!
Radio Channel 292

dilluns, 30 de desembre del 2013

QSL Voice of Russia via Yerevan

Voice of Russia, 11985 KHz, via Yerevan, Armènia. Rebuda QSL (última de les tres dedicades a la ciutat de Moscou) per informe enviat a world@ruvr.ru.

QSL Radio Free Asia

Radio Free Asia, 5855 KHz, via Tinian. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org

Nou programa especial de Nord AM

Nord AM tornarà a l'aire aquest cap d'any. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Dear friends!

We hope you could enjoy some nice Christmas holidays and are now ready to start into the new year 2014. To make this switch a little bit more smooth for you, we will bring you some nice tunes and a little bit of chatter (in German only, luckily) on shortwave to celebrate the new 
year. If you like to tune in, please do so:

1500-1600 UTC: 3985 kHz, 6005 kHz
1830-1930 UTC: 3985 kHz

The show will be repeated on the next day:
1100-1200 UTC: 7310 kHz

If you would like to tune in online, please try one of these livestreams:
http://broadcast.funkhaus.info/radio700-kw1.m3u (6005 / 7310)
http://broadcast.funkhaus.info/radio700-kw2.m3u (3985)
...or see our site on Facebook for more info: http://www.facebook.com/nordamradio
We would love to hear from you! Your reception reports will be confirmed with a new QSL card. Please send your reports to nordam @ shortwaveservice.com and don't forget to tell us if you'd like a printed or electronic QSL card. Please note that listeners who hear us using a livestream will receive an electronic QSL consequently.
We look forward to hearing from you!
All the best and happy listening,
Torben & Daniel

P.S: These transmissions are made possible thanks to RADIO 700. Please 
see www.shortwaveservice.com for more info.

Nadala Mike Radio

Nadala Radio Nightpirate

Nadala Radio Alcaraván

diumenge, 29 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio Action Holland

Radio Action Holland, 6200 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuts per e-mail aquesta imatge i un breu "thank you for your reception report" per informe enviat a radioactionholland@gmail.com. Com que no hi ha més, considerarem tot plegat com una QSL!

Programa d'aniversari de La Voz de las Cañas

La històrica Voz de las Cañas tornarà a emetre aquesta nit amb motiu del seu 25è aniversari. Es poden trobar més dades al següent link:


QSL especial d'Indian DX Report

El programa DX Indian DX Report ha creat una QSL especial per confirmar els informes sobre els seus programes. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Dear Friends,

INDIAN DX REPORT wish you its listeners a Merry Christmas 2013 and a Happy and prosperous New Year 2014 ahead and hope that you'll continue listening to Indian DX Report and keep pouring your love to us by sending your comments, reception reports, etc.

This is your love and support towards Indian DX Report which helped us to complete overall two years on air in October this year and to mark this 2nd anniversary of Indian DX Report on air, we are glad to announce issuance of WORLD's SMALLEST QSL EVER for correct reception report for next edition of IDXR to be aired via KBS Listeners' Lounge on 28th December 2013 (Saturday) and on AWR-WRMI Wavescan on 29th December 2013 (Sunday) and for first Quarter 2014, that is, January to march 2014 editions of IDXR aired via KBS World Radio and AWR-WRMI Wavescan.

We'll be issuing 8 different design paper QSLs which will be world's smallest QSLs in Size till today. One QSL will be awarded for one single reception report only. Our international listeners are requested to send one new issue IRC or 1 USD or mint Indian stamp worth Rs. 50/- as return postage along with a self addressed envelop. Indian listeners seeking a special QSL requested to send one self addressed envelop affixed with postage stamp worth Rupees 5/- along with their reception reports. All communication must be addressed to:-


Send your comments and feedback to <indiandxreport@gmail.com>.

dissabte, 28 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio Norton

Radio Norton, 6291 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radio.norton@hotmail.com

divendres, 27 de desembre del 2013

Nova QSL de Geronimo Shortwave

Geronimo Shortwave, 9480 KHz. Tot i haver escoltat una altra emissió via Göhren (com la de la QSL següent), rebuda per error una QSL de l'emissió especial via Channel 292.

QSL Geronimo Shortwave

Geronimo Shortwave, 9480 KHz, via Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

Logs 26 desembre

  • 5825 KHz, 08.32, Radio Tower, music, playing "The heat of the moment", 34443
  • 6190 KHz, 09.25, Hamburger Lokalradio, German talks, 22332
  • 6210 KHz, 08.55, Tip and Elvis Radio, music, id, playing ABBA, 54444
  • 6285 KHz, 08.35, Radio Focus Int, E, music, 23442
  • 6300 KHz, 08.25, Radio Omejan, music, 22432
  • 6305 KHz, 08.25, Radio Marabu, German, music, 23442
  • 6325 KHz, 08.55, Radio Norton, music, 22432
  • 6380 KHz, 09.05, SWCH, E, id, playing Artem's Show, 23442
  • 6450 KHz, 08.30, Transuniverse Radio, music, id, playing Pretenders, ABBA, 23442
  • 6808 KHz, 09.00, Sundown Radio, traces of music, 22322
All times UTC

Nou programa d'RTR2

Aquest dissabte torna a emetre RTR2 amb un nou programa dedicat a Albert Hammond. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Programes d'EMR aquest cap de setmana

EMR torna a emetre aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

EMR Transmissions 27/28th December 2013
27th December: EMR  19.00 to 19.45 UTC via IRRS on 7290 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
28th December: EMR  09.00 to 09.45 UTC via IRRS on 9510 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk  Thank you!
EMR Internet repeats on Saturday and Sunday:     
Programme repeats are at the following times: 09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 20:00 UTC
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Nadala Radio Uniek

Nadala Radio Northern Star

dijous, 26 de desembre del 2013

Logs 24-25 desembre

24 de desembre

  • 6125 KHz, 19.00, NDR, via Nauen, German special programme "Gruss an Bord", id, news, Xmas music, (//9885, 11955), 55444
  • 6175 KHz, 09.18, Test transmission, music, several ids as "You are listening to a test transmission", c/d at 09.22, 55444
  • 6190 KHz, 08.40, HLR via Göhren, German, jazz programme, 23442
  • 6200 KHz, 08.20, CWR, rock music (//7480), 33222
  • 6245 KHz, 16.10, CWR, music, 23442
  • 6285 KHz, 17.30, Radio Focus Int., E, music, id as "Focus International", 33443
  • 6291 KHz, 16.20, Radio Norton, Dutch music, id, 23442
  • 6299 KHz, 17.00, Radio Underground, E, music, greetings c/d at 17.14, 23332
  • 6305 KHz, 09.30, Radio Marabu, ballads, 22332
  • 7480 KHz, 08.20, CWR, rock music (//6200), 23442

25 de desembre

  • 6095 KHz, 10.20, KBC, Dutch, id, music, playing "Angel" by R. Williams, 55444
  • 6200 KHz, 08.37, Radio Action Holland, Dutch, ids, music playing The Commodores, Dutch music, U2, 23442
  • 6210 KHz, 09.35, Radio Luxemburg, music, 23332
  • 6255 KHz, 08.30, Radio Merlin?, traces of music, 22332
  • 6285 KHz, 09.50, Radio Focus Int, E, music, 23442
  • 6295 KHz, 09.40, Radio Mistletoe, E, id, Xmas music, playing "Thanks God it's Christmas" by Queen, 23442
  • 6305 KHz, 09.30, Radio Marabu, music, 23332
  • 6375 KHz, 08.50, Radio Speedwing?, music, 22332
  • 6910 KHz, 09.05, Radio Premier, music, 22442
All times UTC

dimecres, 25 de desembre del 2013

Bon Nadal!

Bon Nadal i gràcies a tots per visitar aquest bloc!
¡Feliz Navidad y gracias a todos por visitar este blog!
Merry Christmas and thank you for visiting this blog!

Nadala Radio Universe

Nadala Radio Underground

Nadala Radio Readymix

Nadala Radio Yellow Submarine

Nadala Radio Armada

Radio Marabu via Channel 292

Radio Marabu emetrà avui i demà a trevés de Channel 292. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

On Dec. 25th and 26th Radio Marabu can be heard on 6070 kHz. Both days from 19 to 23 UTC. The guys would surely be glad to get your reports!

dimarts, 24 de desembre del 2013

Nadala Radio Tidalwave

Nadala Radio Face de Blatte

Nadala Over 60 Degree Radio

Nadala Black Bandit Radio

Nous programes d'HLR

Hamburger Lokalradio emetrà aquest Nadal tota una sèrie de programes. Totes les emissions són via Göhren. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Tuesday, December 24th 2013
0700 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz, German
1300 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
Wednesday, December 25th 2013
0700 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
Thursday, December 26th 2013
0700 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz, German
1300 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
Saturday, December 28th 2013
0600 - 0700 UTC, 7265 kHz, Spanish
0700 - 0800 UTC, 7265 kHz, English (incl. World of Radio at 0730 UTC)
0800 - 0900 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
0900 - 1200 UTC, 6190 kHz, German
1200 - 1400 UTC, 7265 kHz, German
1400 - 1500 UTC, 7265 kHz, Spanish
1500 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, English (incl. World of Radio at 1530 UTC)
Wednesday, January 1st 2014 
0700 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz, German
1300 - 1600 UTC, 7265 kHz, German

All reception reports for these broadcasts will be confirmed with a special printed QSL card. As Hamburger Lokalradio is a non-profit station, return postage (e.g. 1 US-Dollar) is highly appreciated. Postal address: Hamburger Lokalradio, c/o Kulturzentrum LOLA, 21031 Hamburg, Germany. 

diumenge, 22 de desembre del 2013

Logs 21 desembre

  • 6280 KHz, 19.20, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 55444
  • 6300 KHz, 19.30, Radio Powerliner, playing "Artem's Xmas show", 23442
  • 6450 KHz, 19.15, Studio 52, music, 23332
  • 6910 KHz, 19.10, Radio Premier, music, playing "Wild side" by Lou Reed, 23442
All times UTC

dissabte, 21 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio East Coast Holland

Radio East Coast Holland, 7490 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a eastcoastholland@hotmail.com

QSL Report

Radio Itatiaia, 5970, QSL, stickers in 13 weeks for e-report to Rua Itatiaia 117, Bonfim, 31210-170 Belo Horizonte MG, Brasil. Sent 1 US $. Reminder by e-mail to itatiaia@itatiaia.com.br. v/s Fabiana Souza.

RTR2 via Kostinbrod, 12035, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to mail@rtr2.eu and info@rtr2.eu

Radio Habana Cuba, 5040/6010, 2 QSLs in 2 months for e-reports to coro@enet.cu and radiohc@enet.cu

Radio Dechovka, 1233, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pusova@radiodechovka.cz. v/s Jana Pusová.

RFI, 11605, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to english.service@rfi.fr. v/s Sébastien Bonijol.

Radio Amigos
, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, QSL and religious info in 5 days for e-report to marktorstenwardein@gmx.de. v/s Mark Torsten Wardein.
Missionswerk Arche/Stimme des Trostes, 6055 via Media Broadcast, QSL in 4 months for e-report to info@missionswerk-arche.ch
EMR via MVBR, 7265/9480, E-QSLs in 3 days for e-reports to studio@emr.org.uk
Channel 292, 6070, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@channel292.de
Indian DX Report via Nauen (15335) and Guam (15360), E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to indiandxreport@gmail.com. v/s Prithwiraj Purkayastha.
Shortwave Rock, 6045, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to phil@shortwaverock.com
Nord AM, 3985, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to nordam@shortwaveservice.com
Nord AM, 3985, QSL in 5 days for e-report to nordam@shortwaveservice.com
Rock Live Radio via Radio 6150, 6070, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to willi@rockliveradio.de
Radio 6150, 6070, E-QSL in 16 months for e-report to qsl@radio6150.de
Atlantic 2000, via Radio 700, 7310, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Gemeinde Gottes Herford, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, QSL and personal letter in 3 weeks for e-report to inof@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.

SNRT, 87.9, full detailed letter in 28 months for report to 1 Rue El Brihi, Rabat 10000, Maroc and by e-mail via Le Mediateur: lemediateur@snrt.ma.

Radio City via IRRS
, Tiganesti, 9510, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to studio@emr.org.uk.

PCJ Radio International,
11835, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com. v/s Victor Goonetilleke
SLBC, 11750, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com

Bangkok Radio, 8743U, QSL in 4 weeks for report to Meteorological Dept, 4353 Sukhumvit, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand, v/s Ms. Jantima Niyomchok

WWRB, 3185, full detailed letter in 3 months for e-report to radiostationwwrb@gmail.com. v/s David Frantz and John DiNardo.

Radio Calypso, 1629, E-QSL in 5 months for e-report to calypso104@hotmail.com
Radio Karbiet, 6290, E-QSL in 6 months for e-report to karbiet@planet.nl.
Radio Waves Int, 6260/11401, 2 QSLs, lots of info in 3 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr.
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6215L, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
Radio Free Whatever, 13890, via Undercover Radio, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to dickweeddj@gmail.com
Radio Face de Blatte, 5995, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to radio.rfb@gmail.com
Radio Caroline Rainbow, 6070/6325, 3 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-reports to carolineradio@hotmail.com and radiorainbow@hotmail.com
Radio Rainbow Int, 6285, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to radiorainbow@hotmail.com
Radio Bluebird, 1638, E-QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to bleubird1944@hotmail.com
Radio Skywire, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to qsl48@hotmail.com
Toon Studio, 6282, E-QSL in 6 months for e-report to puntenelli@hotmail.com
Pink Panther Radio, 6796, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com
Sluwe Vos Radio, 6240, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to rxreport@live.nl
Radio Black Arrow, 6285, E-QSL in 7 months for e-report to radioblackarrow@hotmail.com
Radio Ronalisa, 6975, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radioronalisa@hotmail.com
Radio Joey, 6325, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to sandraotten@hotmail.com
Radio Pioneer, 6745, E-QSL in 7 months for e-report to pioneeram@hotmail.com
Radio Ronex, 6285, E-QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to ronexradio@hotmail.com
Radio Tina, 6275, E-QSL, photos in 3 weeks for e-report to superstudio1a@gmx.de
Radio City (CZ), 6400, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to doctortim@t-online.de
Radio Tango Italia, 6210, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to libertango58@libero.it
Baltic Sea Radio, 6935L, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to balticseapirate@gmail.com
FRSH, 7685, E-QSL in 7 months for e-report to frs@frsholland.nl
Radio Merlin, 6305, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio East Coast Holland, 7490, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to eastcoastholland@hotmail.com

Radio Ergo,
via Babcock, 13685, p/d E-letter in 6 weeks for report to louise@radioergo.org.

Nadala Onda Caliente

Nadala Radio Blauwe Reiger

Nadales Radio Targu Mures / Radio Neumarkt

Nadala Radio Osaka

Nadala Pink Panther Radio

Nadales Radio Odynn

Programes del cap de setmana

Relays from HLR, R City, R Gloria & R Geronimo

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:

06 - 09 UTC, program in Spanish, English, German on 7265 KHz
09 - 12 UTC, program in German on 6190 KHz
12 - 16 UTC,program in German, Spanish, English on 7265 KHz
13 - 14 UTC Radio City Programme on 7265 KHz (4th Saturday only)
Radio Gloria Sunday 22nd December:
07 - 09 UTC on 7265 kHz
09 - 11 UTC on 9480 kHz
10 - 11 UTC on 6005 & 7310kHz  /“shortwaveservice.com“6005
16-18 UTC (17-19) Coloradio.org  laut.fm/kompakt
repeat: Sunday January 5th, „laut.fm/kompakt“16-18 UTC
repeat: Sunday morning January 12th on 6190kHz 
Please send all reports to: radiogloria@aol.com  Thank you!

Radio Geronimo Sunday 22nd December:
Radio Geronimo Broadcast this coming weekend 22nd Dec
between 11.00 to13.00 UTC via Channel 292 on 6070kHz
Please send all reports to: geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com  Thank you!

Notícies de Channel 292

Dear friends of shortwave radio,
something is happening on 6070 kHz. Last Sunday the tests of our new stand-by transmitter between 9 and 10 UTC were successful. This weekend we will try to run the transmitter for the first time with regular programming. 

We hope, during nighttime, too; this should make reception possible in the U.S. For this transmission we would be glad to get detailed reception reports, esp. concerning modulation.
Furthermore we would like to draw your attention to a program of Radio Geronimo Shortwave, that will be aired on Sunday 22nd, from 10 to 12 UTC.
Reports for this you may send to:
Till next time!

Are we on air? Are there any problems? The latest news you always get at:

dijous, 19 de desembre del 2013


SNRT (Societé Nationale de Radiodiffusion et Télévision), emissora pública del Marroc, 87.9 MHz. Després de múltiples intents per correu potsal i electrònic, he rebut finalment (després de més de dos anys!) aquesta carta de confirmació amb detalls complets de l'escolta feta de l'emissora durant l'esporàdica de FM de juliol de 2011.
Gràcies a l'ajuda de "Le mediateur" de la SNRT, vaig poder contactar el Sr. Mohamed Lamri Hassani, Chef de Service Etudes et Planification, qui signa la carta.
Adreça: 1 Rue El Brihi, Rabat 10000, Marroc.

Nadala Radio Tina

Programes especials de la Swedish DX Federation

The Swedish DX Federation will have three broadcasts on mediumwave and shortwave in early 2014 as follows:
Sunday 5 January at 1800-1900 UTC on 1485 kHz (Radio Merkurs, Latvia)
Saturday 11 January at 1200-1300 UTC on 7265 kHz (Hamburger Lokalradio)
Sunday 9 February at 1800-1900 UTC on 1485 kHz (Radio Merkurs)
Saturday 15 February at 1200-1300 UTC on 7265 kHz (Hamburger Lokalradio)
Sunday 9 March at 1800-1900 UTC on 1485 kHz (Radio Merkurs)
Saturday 15 March at 1200-1300 UTC on 7265 kHz (Hamburger Lokalradio)
The programmes will be produced and presented by Ronny Forslund and they will be mainly in Swedish. In addition to DX News and details about the Swedish DX scene there will be lots of nice music.

dimarts, 17 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio Face de Blatte

Radio Face de Blatte, 5995 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radio.rfb@gmail.com

dilluns, 16 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio Amigos via HCJB

Radio Amigos, 3995 KHz, emissora religiosa alemanya que emet via HCJB Weenermoor. Rebuda QSL i material divers per informe enviat a marktorstenwardein@gmx.de. v/s Mark Torsten Wardein.

Logs 15 desembre

  • 6045 KHz, 09.00, EMR via Nauen, E, music, ids, playing The Kinks, Coldplay, Eurythmics, (//9480), 55555
  • 6240 KHz, 09.25, Radio Technical Man, electronic music, 23442
  • 6450 KHz, 08.55, Radio Universe, music, 22332
  • 6910 KHz, 09.15, Unid, music, Premier?, 22332
  • 7265 KHz, 08.40, EMR via Göhren, E, music, ids, 33443
  • 7490 KHz, 09.10, Radio East Coast Holland, E, music, playing Paul McCartney, Coldplay, c/d at 09.40, 23332
  • 9480 KHz, 09.00, EMR via Göhren, E, music, ids (//6045), 33443
  • 9480 KHz, 10.00, Geronimo Shortwave, E, id, music, playing Falco, 34443
All times UTC

diumenge, 15 de desembre del 2013

QSL Radio Free Whatever

Radio Free Whatever, 13890 KHz, pirata nord-americana emetent via Undercover Radio. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a dickweeddj@gmail.com. v/s Dick Weed.

QSL HCJB Weenermoor

HCJB, 3995 KHz, Weenermoor, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a deutsch@andenstimme.org

Nadala Radio Merlin

Nadala Radio Witte Reus

Nadala Radio Zeewolf

Nadala Radio Ronalisa

Nou web de Radio U-Boat 66

La pirata italiana Radio U-Boat 66 té un nou i atractiu web. Aquest és el link:


Nous tests de Channel 292 avui

Channel 292 emetrà de nou avui. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

During the last weeks we have been busy with working on our new stand-by transmitter. When we were ON AIR, then only with the driver and around 60 watts. Last night we succeeded in testing the transmitter, its cooling and output filter without modulation and with a 1000 Hz tone.
So today we are able to run some tests carrying program using different power levels; 

           your reception reports would be very helpful!
We can't give an exact schedule, and surely we will have some breaks for measurement and adjusting. So just tune in to 6070 kHz; if you hear religious music, you are on 6075 :-) .
For last minute news please look at AKTUELL on our homepage: www.channel292.de

divendres, 13 de desembre del 2013

QSL Rádio Itatiaia

Rádio Itatiaia, 5970 KHz, emissora brasilera. Rebuda QSL i adhesius per informe enviat a Rua Itatiaia 117, Bonfim, 31210-170 Belo Horizonte MG, Brasil. E-mail: itatiaia@itatiaia.com.br. v/s Fabiana Souza.