diumenge, 7 de juliol del 2013

Nous tests d'HLR i MVBR

HLR i MVBR faran aquest diumenge nous tests. Aquesta és la infornmació rebuda:

MV Baltic Radio & Hamburger Lokalradio with a Test on 15785 KHz
On the air tomorrow is MV Baltic Radio with a repeat broadcast on 9480 and 7265.
Also tomorrow Hamburger Lokalradio will be making some more test broadcasts via the transmitter of MVBR in the 19m- band.
The test broadcasts will run Tomorrow at the following times and frequencies.
07.00 to 09.00 UTC on 15785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
09.00 to 10.00 UTC on  9480  KHz - MV  Baltic Radio (Repeat broadcast)
10.00 to 12.00 UTC on 15785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
12.00 to 13.00 UTC on  7265 
 KHz – MV  Baltic Radio (Repeat broadcast)
14.00 to 16.00 UTC on 15785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
18.00 to 20.00 UTC on 15785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
 All reports to:  HLR  redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
 All reports to:  MVBR:  info@mvbalticradio.de  Thank you!

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