dilluns, 31 de desembre del 2012

Nova QSL Rádio Difusora de Macapá

Rádio Difusora de Macapá, 4915 KHz, emissora brasilera. Després d'haver rebut una confirmació detallada per correu electrònic signada pel Sr. Martins Filho (vegeu entrada del 13 de setembre), he rebut ara una carta de confirmació signada per la Sra. Juliana Alves Coutinho, Gerente. L'informe va ser enviat aquest estiu passat a Rua Candido Mendes 525 Centro, CEP 68900-100, Macapá AP, Brasil.

diumenge, 30 de desembre del 2012

QSLs Radio Mistletoe

Radio Mistletoe, 6240 i 6260 KHz, emissora pirata que només emet pel Nadal cada any. Rebudes 2 QSLs diferents per informes sobre les seves emissions del 25 i el 26 de desembre. Informes enviats a radiomistletoe@live.com

dissabte, 29 de desembre del 2012

QSL Radio Armada

Radio Armada, 1690 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioarmada@gmail.com

Nous programes d'HLR

Des d'avui mateix, Hamburger Lokalradio inicia una nova sèrie de programes en ona curta. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

GERMANY --- Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) will broadcast another series of
special SW programs for the holiday season. The station will use the
low-power transmitter in Goehren on 7265 and 6190 kHz.

Schedule for HLR New Year specials:

Saturday, December 29th 2012 

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Cuba plus reports in Spanish and
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English) 
0630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English) 
0700 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German) 
0800 "HLR Poetry" by Mascha Kalenko (German) 
0900 Radio City - the station of the Cars (multilingual) 
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "HLR Um Goethes Willen" (music and literature, German) 
1100 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German) 
1200 "HLR Poetry" by Mascha Kalenko (German) 
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German) 
1400 Radio City - the station of the Cars (multilingual) 
1500 "HLR Um Goethes Willen" (music and literature, German) 
1600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
1630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English) 

Monday, December 31st 2012 

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "Focus" (containing reports from Deutsche Welle Radio, English) 
0600 "Earth & Sky" (science and technology, English) 
0700 "Deutschlandreise" (feature courtesy of DW Radio, German) 
0800 "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German) 
0900 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German) 
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "Literatur Club" (featuring A. Stoltenberg, German) 
1100 "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German) 
1200 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German) 

Tuesday, January 1st 2013 

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Brazil plus reports in Spanish
and Portuguese) 
0600 "Radio Books" (courtesy Huis de Buren, English) 
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German) 
0800 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people"
0900 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek) 
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German)
1100 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek) 
1200 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German) 
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German) 
1400 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek) 
1500 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German) 
1600 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people"

Wednesday, January 2nd 2013 

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz

0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in
Spanish and Portuguese) 
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English) 
0700 "HLR Kultur pur" (German) 
0800 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German) 
0900 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German) 
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz

1000 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German) 
1100 "HLR Kultur pur" (German) 
1200 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German) 
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz

1300 "HLR Kultur pur" (German) 
1400 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German) 
1500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in
Spanish and Portuguese) 
1600 "New Letters on the Air" (English) 
1630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English) 

Hamburger Lokalradio welcomes reception reports and will QSL all
correct reports. Return postage is highly appreciated. Address:
Hamburger Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8,
21031 Hamburg, Germany; E-mail:redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de

divendres, 28 de desembre del 2012


Shortwave Combination Holland (SWCH), 6451 KHz, emissió conjunta de dues pirates holandeses, Radio Lowland i Radio Readymix. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiolowland@hotmail.com

dijous, 27 de desembre del 2012

Logs 26 desembre

  • 6005 KHz, 09.15, Radio 700, G, playing Wham "Last Xmas" (//6085), 33333
  • 6095 KHz, 09.20, KBC/Transport Radio, Dutch, music, id, 55444
  • 6210 KHz, 08.10, Radio Marabu, G, music, 22442
  • 6245 KHz, 08.45, Crazy Wave Radio, music, id, 22442
  • 6260 KHz, 10.40, Radio Mistletoe, E, Xmas songs, id, e-mail, 22442
  • 6280 KHz, 09.20, Radio Merlin, E, music, 22342
  • 6285 KHz, 08.30, Radio Focus, E, music, 23442
  • 6295 KHz, 10.05, Radio Shadowman, E/Dutch, id, music, playing the Corrs, Ace of Base and FRDavid, 33333
  • 6300 KHz, 08.55, Radio Merlin?, music, 22332
  • 6305 KHz, 08.40, Radio Malaysi, tecno dance music, id: "This is Radio Malaysi", 44444
  • 6452 KHz, 09.05, SWCH (Lowland-Readymix), Dutch, Xmas music, 33443
  • 6920 KHz, 08.15, Shoreline Radio, music, id, playing Red Hot Chile Peppers, 22442
  • 6920 KHz, 09.50, Radio Transuniverse, E, music, thanking reports, 22442
  • 6935 KHz, 08.25, Radio Transuniverse, music, id, playing Dire Straits, Buggles and Stereophonics, moved to 6920 KHz, 23442
All times UTC

Nou test d'IRRS

IRRS tornarà a fer un nou test cap a Àsia. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

We will be running a 1 hr test tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, to SE Asia
according to the following schedule:

Frequency: 15325 kHz
Power: 300 kW
Date: Friday Dec 28, 2012
Time: 13:00-14:00 UTC
Target: South East Asia

The audio will be in local languages with sign-on and sign-off IDs in English.

If you are in the target area we welcome your reception reports for this
broadcast, and we will confirm with our new QSL card. Please send your reports
by email to:


Nadala Taldom Radio Center

Nadala de l'emissor de la ràdio pública russa de Taldom, prop de Moscou (Rússia), que mostra algunes de les seves antenes.

Nadala Radio Nachtpiraat

dimecres, 26 de desembre del 2012

Logs 25 desembre

  • 1630 KHz, 19.20, Unid, Dutch music, 22332
  • 1655 KHz, 18.25, Unid, Dutch music, 22332
  • 6005 KHz, 09.05, Radio 700, G, Xmas song in Spanish, (//6085), 23442
  • 6085 KHz, 09.05, Radio 700, G, Xmas song in Spanish, (//6005), 23442
  • 6190 KHz, 10.00, Hamburger Lokalradio, G, id, news, 22322
  • 6205 KHz, 09.20, Radio Orang Utan, music, 22442
  • 6240 KHz, 09.30, Radio Mistletoe, E, ids, e-mail, Xmas songs playing "Oh Tannenbaum", 23442
  • 6245 KHz, 19.15, Radio Witte Reus, music, playing "Take on me", 22442
  • 6250 KHz, 10.25, Radio Boomerang, music, id, playing Sabrina and Boney M, moved to 6240 at 10.28, c/d at 10.52, 33333
  • 6250 KHz, 19.20, Radio Lotus, Dutch, music, id, 43443
  • 6260 KHz, 09.26, Cupid Radio, music, 33443
  • 6285 KHz, 09.10, Radio Focus, E, music, again at 20.00 UTC announcing a "special Xmas broadcast", 22442
  • 6300 KHz, 21.10, Radio Boomerang, music, 43443
  • 6302 KHz, 21.30, Unid, playing "I got you babe", 44444
  • 6305 KHz, 09.00, Radio Merlin International, E, music, id, 22442
  • 6395 KHz, 09.15, Radio Speedwing, music, 22442
  • 7605 KHz, 10.40, Radio Polaris, music, id, 22442
  • 7265 KHz, 09.45, Hamburger Lokalradio, G, jazz music, c/d at 10.00, 33333
  • 6920 KHz, 09.17, Antonio Radio, instrumental music, id,  22332
  • 9835 KHz, 15.00, KBC via Wertachtal, E, id, web, promos (//15470 and 21600 much weaker), 55444
All times UTC

QSL The Mighty KBC

The Mighty KBC, 9835, 15470 i 21600 KHz, totes via Wertachtal, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat sobre aquestes emissions especials a themightykbc@gmail.com. v/s Eric van Willegen.

dimarts, 25 de desembre del 2012

Bon Nadal!

Logs 24 desembre

  • 1690 KHz, 18.10, Radio Armada, music, playing "Rivers of Babylon" and "Light my fire", 23442
  • 6210 KHz, 16.45, Radio Marabu, German, music, 22442
  • 6240 KHz, 16.55, Radio Merlin, E, music, id, e-mail, 22332
  • 6266 KHz, 18.15, Radio Blackbeard, playing INXS and Elton John, 22332
  • 6285 KHz, 18.25, Radio Focus, E, music, id, 22432
All times UTC

Nadala Radio Zodiac

Nadala Pink Panther Radio

Nadala Geronimo SW

dilluns, 24 de desembre del 2012

Nous programes d'HLR

Hamburger Lokalradio està fent ja una nova sèrie de programes aquests dies. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) will broadcast a series of special 
SW programs over the holiday season. The station will use the low-power 
transmitter in Goehren on 7265 and 6190 kHz.
Schedule for HLR Christmas and New Year specials:
Monday, December 24th 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "Switzerland in Sound" (English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 1; German)
0900 Jules Verne short stories (German)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 Karl May story (German)
1100 "HLR Radio Nostalgie"
1200 Science and technology (German)
Tuesday, December 25th 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "Happy Station Show" (PCJ Media, English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 2; German)
0900 Otto Stein short stories (German)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 Christmas story "Radio Tyrus - Besuch der Weisen" (German)
1100 "HLR Radio Nostalgie (German)
1200 Culture reports (German)
Wednesday, December 26th 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical", containing reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0630 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (German, focusing on radio as a topic in 
popular culture)
0800 "Literadio from Frankfurt Bookfair 2012" (part 3; German)
0900 "HLR Hafenklang" (German, music from Hamburg)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 Christmas story "Radio Tyrus - Besuch der Weisen" (German)
1100 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disables people" 
(German, 2hrs)
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
1300 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
1330 "Glenn Hauser's World of Radio" (English)
1400 "Media Network" (PCJ Media, English)
1430 "EarthSky" (English)
1500 Special "The history of pirate radio" (English)
1600 "World in progress / Spectrum" (DW Radio specials, English)
Saturday, December 29th 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
Monday, December 31st 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
Tuesday, January 1st 2013
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
Program line-up to be announced.
Hamburger Lokalradio welcomes reception reports and will QSL all correct 
reports. Return postage is highly appreciated. Address: Hamburger 
Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8, 21031 
Hamburg, Germany; E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de

Nadala Radio Zeewolf

Nadala Cupid Radio

Nadala Radio Witte Reus

diumenge, 23 de desembre del 2012

Nous programes de Radio Marabu

L'emisora alemanya Radio Marabu emetrà aquests dies una sèrie de programes espcials pels 6210 KHz 24 hores al dia! Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Dieses Jahr strahlen wir unser Weihnachtsprogramm am 24., 25 und 26. Dezember 2012 durchgehend 24 Stunden auf der Frequenz 6210 kHz aus. 
6210 kHz:: Weihnachten mit Marabu
Marabu FM
Freundeskreis Radio Marabu e.V.
Postfach 1166, 49187 Belm
Marktring 14, 49191 Belm
Tel.: 05406/899484 -- Fax: 05406/899485

Nadala Radio Underground

Nadala Radio Spaceshuttle

Nadala Free Radio Victoria

dissabte, 22 de desembre del 2012

QSL Radio Uniek

Radio Uniek, 1651 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL. E-mail: radiouniek@hotmail.nl.

Nadala Radio Uniek

Logs 22 desembre

  • 1620 KHz, 17.40, Radio Zwarte Arabier, playing Gangnam style, 22332
  • 1630 KHz, 18.00, Radio Schaduwjager, Dutch, playing disco music, "Bolero" and "Words" by FR David, 33443
  • 1630 KHz, 18.25, Lotus Radio, Dutch, playing rock and roll, 33333
  • 1650 KHz, 18.20, Radio Moby Dick, Duthc music, 22332
  • 6307 KHz, 16.50, Radio Ascona, Dutch music, 22332
All times UTC

Nadala Radio Napoleon

Nadala Radio Universe

divendres, 21 de desembre del 2012

QSL Ronex Radio

Ronex Radio, 6255 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a ronexradio@hotmail.com

Nadala-QSL Radio Pink Panther

Nadala RNE

Nadala Radio Blauwe Reiger

Nou programa via IRRS

Aquesta és la informació rebuda de Ron Norton, responsable d'IRRS, sobre un nou programa:

Dear Listeners and Friends of IRRS-Shortwave,

It's the time of the year when we are usually summing up our activities, and deciding whether and how to follow up in the next. At the end of the year we will be having our annual board meeting, but I can anticipate that we will continue broadcasting on Shortwave, focusing even more to far away countries, besides our usual targets in Europe, North Africa and Middle East.

Just before Christmas I would like to inform you of a new, exceptional news program that will be broadcasted effective Dec. 22, 2012 weekly each Saturday at 20:45 CET (19:45 UTC) on 7290 kHz and 1368 kHz Medium Wave. The program is a 15 minute program in French and English specifically created for Shortwave about issues related to Europe and interesting to our European audience. I will not reveal the name just now, just listen and send your reception report directly to the address that you hear on the air. They also QSL directly.

Lastly if you have not sent a reception report for our newly started Medium Wave broadcasts, we will sending out a special QSL card for reception reports received ONLY for broadcasts in the following time slots, as heard ONLY until Dec. 31, 2012:

- 20:00-21:00 UTC (21:00-22:00 CET) on 7290 kHz and 1368 kHz MW
- 06:00-07:00 UTC (07:00-08:00 CET) on 1368 kHz MW

Please do write us, tell us about our content, what you like and you do not like, besides technical quality, and send your email or letter to:

- email: reports@nexus.org - or:
- by snail mail to: IRRS, PO Box 10980, I-20110 Milano, Italy

All letters and comments are greatly appreciated, and help demonstrating to our broadcasters that Shortwave is still viable, and really help us to stay on the air.

During the Christmas and New Year break will be working on a new system to send QSL cards almost in real time. All those who sent a reception report recently will be notified by email on how to receive our new QSL card.

Nou programa de Nord AM

Nou programa de Nord AM per al 23 de desembre. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Dear friends around the world,

Wow - it's Christmas time again! And there's one thing on this planet that
can bring you in the best Christmas mood ever: It's a special edition of
NordAM of course. So if you like, tune in to our next transmission via Radio
700's broadcasting facillities at Kall-Krekel, Germany:

2230-2300 UTC on 3955 kHz (plus live-streaming at
www.facebook.com/nordamradio and www.shortwaveservice.com)
We have prepared some nice tunes from our music collection for you - but
there won't be "Last Christmas" and all the other Christmas songs.
Furthermore, last Sunday's transmission will be repeated tomorrow
(22-12-2012, 2230 UTC, 3955 kHz).

We'd like to thank you all for the nice reception reports and emails we
received in the last few days. Of course we will answer to all correct
reception reports. You may send them to nordam @ shortwaveservice.com. 

Nouys programes d'EMR, Radio Cloria i HLR

HH Lokalradio, EMR and Radio Gloria to Europe & the World

Saturday 22nd:
05.00 – 11.00 UTC, H.L.R   on  7265 KHz    m.kittner@freenet.de to Europe
11.00 – 17.00 UTC, H.L.R   on  6190 KHz    m.kittner@freenet.de to Europe

Sunday 23rd:
00.00 – 02.00 UTC, R.G.I    on  9480 KHz    radiogloria@aol.com World Service
02.00 – 03.00 UTC, E.M.R  on  9480 KHz    studio@emr.org.uk   World Service

10.00 – 11.00 UTC, R.G.I   on  6005 KHz     radiogloria@aol.com to Europe
10.00 – 12.00 UTC, R.G.I   on  9480 KHz     radiogloria@aol.com to Europe
12.00 – 14.00 UTC, R.G.I   on  7265 KHz     radiogloria@aol.com to Europe

16.00  18.00 UTC R.G.I "coloRadio.org" internet

dijous, 20 de desembre del 2012

QSLs Radio Merlin International

Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebudes dues E-QSLs per un mateix informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk

QSL Radio Merlin International

Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, emissora pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk

Nadala Atlantic 2000 International

Nadala Mustang Radio

Nadala Radio Tidalwave

Nadala Radio Merlin

Nou programa d'EMR

European Music Radio (EMR) anuncia un nou programa DX especial. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

EMR DX:  This Sunday the 23rd of December on 9480 KHz between 02.00 and 03.00 UTC

dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2012

QSL Cupid Radio

Cupid Radio, 6265 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a cupidradio@hotmail.com

QSL Radio Moby Dick

Radio Moby Dick, 1650 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebut e-mail sense dades confirmant i agraint l'escolta per informe enviat a radio-moby@hotmail.com. L'operador afirma que no té QSL, per la qual cosa només pot enviar un correu electrònic. Tampoc envia cap imatge de l'emissor.

Nadala Alcaraván Radio

Nadala Radio Fox 48

dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2012

QSL Radio Oliebollenbakkers

Radio Oliebollenbakkers, 1625 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a relmusfm@hotmail.com

QSL Radio City

Radio City, 7290 KHz, emetent via IRRS i l'emissor de Tiganesti (Romania). Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a citymorecars@yahoo.ca

Foto Studio 69

Foto rebuda de l'estudi de la pirata holandesa en ona mitjana Studio 69.

dilluns, 17 de desembre del 2012

QSL Studio 69

Studio 69, 1660 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a studio69@hetnet.nl

Nadala Radio Face de Blatte

diumenge, 16 de desembre del 2012

Logs 15-16 desembre

15 de desembre

  • 1625 KHz, 21.45, Radio Oliebollenbakkers, Dutch, music, playing "Words" by FR David,  22342
  • 1650 KHz, 22.50, Radio Moby Dick, Dutch music, 22332
  • 1660 KHz, 22.15, Studio 69, E, greetings, music, playing B-52 and Sade, 22332
  • 3903 KHz, 17.40, Radio Bluestar?, music, 22232
  • 3940 KHz, 22.10, Free Radio Victoria, music, playing Eros Ramazzotti, 23442
  • 4025 KHz, 17.45, LHH, E, music, 23442
  • 6209 KHz, 16.20, Radio Underground, E, ids, music, greetings to Dolfjin, 33333
  • 6255 KHz, 15.55, Radio Ronex, short test, playing Queen, 22332
  • 6265 KHz, 15.45, Unid, music, 22432
  • 6265 KHz, 22.05, Cupid Radio, music, id, E, playing Bruce Springsteen, 34443
  • 6292 KHz, 15.50, Radio Odynn, E, music, ids, 22442
  • 6305 KHz, 15.40, Radio Merlin, E, music, playing "Lorelei", 33443
  • 6305 KHz, 21.30, Radio Powerliner, music, 32443
  • 6325 KHz, 22.30, Radio Ronex, music, 23442
  • 6620 KHz, 16.40, Radio Telstar, Dutch music, test, 23442
  • 6925 KHz, 21.15, Radio Black Arrow, E, rock music, again at 23.15 playing the Police, Queen and Nirvana, 22442
  • 7290 KHz, 19.00, Radio City, via IRRS Tiganesti, E, rock and roll oldies, 55444
  • 7625 KHz, 16.10, Radio Northpole, Dutch music, 33333

16 de desembre

  • 1620 KHz, 19.25, Unid, rock oldies, Die Technische Man?, 23332
  • 1628 KHz, 18.40, Unid, Dutch music, 23442
  • 1647 KHz, 18.55, Radio Witte Tornado, Dutch, music, id, 23442
  • 1652 KHz, 19.50, Radio Relmus, music, playing "Yellow sun of Equador", 23332
  • 1671 KHz, 19.00, Radio Tante Foek, Dutch music, 23332
  • 6005 KHz, 09.00, EMR, E, music, ids, (//9480), 33333
  • 6197 KHz, 09.20, King SW?, music, 22332
  • 6205 KHz, 08.30, Radio Orang Utan, music, 22442
  • 6240 KHz, 08.50, Radio Borderhunter, music, id, rock, 33333
  • 6305 KHz, 08.55, Radio Merlin, E, music, playing Chubby Checker, 23442; again at 16.50 playing E. John, 44444
  • 6325 KHz, 16.55, Radio Black Power, music, 33443
  • 6938 KHz, 08.45, IMR, E, music, 22442
  • 7265 KHz, 08.40, EMR, E, music, ids, 43433
  • 7620 KHz, 09.25, Radio Northpole, music, 23442
  • 9480 KHz, 09.00, EMR, E, music, ids (//6005), 44343
All times UTC

dissabte, 15 de desembre del 2012

MW Logs

Dates: 10 to 14 December (All times UTC):

  • 198 KHz, 19.50, BBC Radio 4, Droitwich, E, news, 33443
  • 225 KHz, 19.40, Polskie Radio, Solec Kujawski, Polish, id, web, 33443
  • 261 KHz, 19.20, Radio Horizont, Vakarel, Bulgarian talks, 33443
  • 756 KHz, 15.50, Radio Romania Actualitati, Lugoj, Romanian, phone in, 54444
  • 792 KHz, 15.50, ERA Sport, Malgara, Greek, 23342
  • 810 KHz, 15.55, Radio Skopje, folk music, id, news, 43443
  • 900 KHz, 19.25, Radio Popular de Bilbao, local news, 34443
  • 972 KHz, 18.10, NDR Info, Hamburg, Italian, "Funkhaus Europa", 33443
  • 972 KHz, 06.53, RNE Galicia, Monforte de Lemos, Galician regional news, 23442
  • 1044 KHz, 16.20, MDR Info, Wilsdruff, German news, 23442
  • 1017 KHz, 06.50, RNE Granada, regional news, id: "Radio Nacional de España, Andalucía", 32332
  • 1107 KHz, 16.00, Radio Beograd, Orlovat, serbian, news, id: "Radio Televizija Serbja", 34433
  • 1134 KHz, 07.57, COPE Salamanca, local news, id: "COPE Salamanca, estar informados", 23332
  • 1134 KHz, 06.48, COPE Pamplona, news, id: "En los 88.3 FM y en los 1134 KHz onda media, COPE Pamplona", 23442
  • 1116 KHz, 07.50, Radio Albacete, regional and local news, weather report, 22442
  • 1152 KHz, 15.30, Radio Romania Actualitati, Cluj, Romanian, 44444
  • 1170 KHz, 15.35, Radio Capodistria, Italian, news, 34443
  • 1188 KHz, 15.40, MR4, Hungary, folk music, 44444
  • 1197 KHz, 16.15, Absolute Radio, E, music, (//1215), 23442
  • 1224 KHz, 06.57, COPE Huelva, local news, id: "La Mañana, COPE Huelva, estar informados", 22442
  • 1224 KHz, 06.53, COPE San Sebastián, news, id: "COPE Euskadi, estar informados", 33443
  • 1251 KHz, 06.30, Radio 5, Hulsberg, Dutch, music, 33443
  • 1251 KHz, 16.00, MR6, Kossuth Rádió, Hungarian, music, 22332
  • 1260 KHz, 19.25, Radio Algeciras, regional news, 33443
  • 1278 KHz, 07.50, Radio France Alsace, German, phone-in, 44444
  • 1305 KHz, 06.50, RNE Ciudad Real, regional news, id: "Radio Nacional de España, Castilla La Mancha", 33443
  • 1368 KHz, 16.25, VOA via Challenger Radio, E, music, ids, 23442
  • 1368 KHz, 06.35, Manx Radio, E, music, id, publ, 23442
  • 1458 KHz, 15.40, Radio Romania Actualitati, Sighét Maramuresh, Romanian talks and music, 22332
  • 1530 KHz, 18.20, VOA Sâo Tomé, Portuguese, news, 23442
  • 1530 KHz, 16.50, Radio Romania Actualitati, various, Romanian, 33443
  • 1566 KHz, 07.45, BBC Somerset, mews, talks, 34333
  • 1566 KHz, 16.45, Unid, Greek, folk music, pirate?, 23442

divendres, 14 de desembre del 2012

QSLs Voice of Russia

Voice of Russia, vàries freqüències. Rebudes tres QSLs de la sèrie dedicada al 300 aniversari de la ciutat de Sant Petersburg per informes enviats a world@ruvr.ru

Nous programes aquest cap de setmana

EMR, HLR, MVBR i Radio City fan diferents emissions aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Saturday 15th:
05.00 - 11.00 UTC, HLR on 7265 KHz  to Europe    m.kittner@freenet.de
11.00 - 17.00 UTC, HLR on 6190 KHz  to Europe    m.kittner@freenet.de

Radio City Saturday December 15th
Radio City will be on the air this Saturday from Romania via the IRRS on 7290 kHz
between 19.00 - 20.00 UTC every 3rd Saturday of the month, there is also a separate
broadcast via Radio Merkurs, Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz, 20.00 - 21.00 UTC every Saturday.   
Reports please to:  citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Best regards,   Radio City - the Station of the Cars
EMR DX Transmission (Saturday in to Sunday):
00.00 - 01.00 UTC, EMR on 9480 KHz EMR DX to the World   studio@emr.org.uk

Sunday 16th:
08.00 - 09.00 UTC, EMR on 7265 KHz EMR to Europe        studio@emr.org.uk
09.00 - 10.00 UTC, EMR on 9480 KHz EMR to Europe        studio@emr.org.uk
10.00 - 11.00 UTC, MVB on 7265 KHz (repeat) to Europe   info@mvbalticradio.de

EMR's internet broadcasts are at the following times: 
0900, 1400, 1700, 2000 on Sunday & Monday:
EMR has changed there Website server details:
Please follow the instructions below:

Please visit   www.emr.org.uk  and click on the "EMR internet radio" button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Programa especial de Nord AM

L'emissora alemanya Nord AM torna a emetre aquest diumenge. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Hi there, friends around the globe,

As it is only a few weeks to go till Christmas, we thought we could send you some warm vibes of well-choosen music through the magic of international airwaves. As you might remember, NordAM is a little free-radio project, broadcasting via Radio 700's transmitting station in Kall-Krekel, Germany. 

In last June, we announced to take a break for about a year, so until we return fully restored next August (yep, we're talking of August 2013 which seems to be a very long time!) on the radio, we bring you a "light version" of NordAM, which will be a little bit shorter than usual and consist of less talk, but more music. We hope you will enjoy it!

Our broadcast will be on the air on December 16th 2012, 2230 UTC on 3955 kHz and probably also on 1593 kHz. We expect 3955 kHz to be audible in many parts of Europe and maybe beyond even, while 1593 kHz can currently only be heard in parts of Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. 

Furthermore, you can tune in via our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/nordamradio and at www.shortwaveservice.com (click on "Play" on the right hand side and select 3955 kHz).

If you like, you can send us your thoughts and reception reports via email at nordam @ shortwaveservice.com. Probably there will be some QSL cards (in electronical or regular form) soon. :-) 

dijous, 13 de desembre del 2012

QSL Atlantic 2000 International

Atlantic 2000 International, 9480 KHz, via MV Baltic Radio, Alemanya. Rebuda una nova QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

dimecres, 12 de desembre del 2012

Noves emissions d'HLR avui

Hamburger Lokalradio està fent avui noves emissions per diferents freqüències. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

HLR  12th of December 2012

5 to 11 UTC on 7265 KHz

11 to 17 UTC on 6190 KHZ

dimarts, 11 de desembre del 2012

Nova QSL de TWR India

TWR India, via Tashkent, 11725 KHz. Després de rebre una primera E-QSL fa unes setmanes (vegeu entrada del 17 d'octubre), he rebut ara una nova E-QSL confirmant el mateix informe. v/s Franklin Abraham.

dilluns, 10 de desembre del 2012

QSL Gemeinde Gottes Herford

Gemeinde Gottes Herford, 3995 KHz, emissora religiosa alemanya emetent el seu programa "Botschaft des Heils" a través de l'emissor d'HCJB a Weenermoor, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.

diumenge, 9 de desembre del 2012

Nadala Radio Readymix

Nadala Radio Rainbow

Nou programa d'FRSH

El dia 30 de desembre, Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) emetrà l'habitual programa especial de cap d'any. Aquest és el missatge rebut:

Dear FRS Friends,For the final time we pay your attention to the fact we invite you to participate in the upcoming December 30th broadcast. Basically we offer the possibility to spread your very own personal New Year Greetings by way of the ionosphere. We will read them out in our 6 hour broadcast on the final 2012 Sunday. You can dedicate your greetings to anybody or anything . It's up to you! Greetings can be written or taped (cassette, CD, MD or mp3 file) and send to our P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands. 
Of course the easy & quick way  is by sending an e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl >.  Remember: you can add something special to our December 30th broadcast. 
Make sure your contribution reaches us in a few days. We are looking forward hearing from you !!! Up till now a number of listeners have contributed....we are trying to have your involvement too. Let's do it together....December 30th......it will only take a few minutes to add a little bit extra/ special to that broadcast.

Some extra news regarding our upcoming December 30th broadcast:* in case we are forced to make no use of 7600, 7685 will be the new frequency;
* there's a chance we will also be on 6070 kHz that day. We will inform you in time...

Tomorrow Sunday December 9th FRSH will do a short promotional broadcast in the 48 mb starting around 10:30 UTC.

divendres, 7 de desembre del 2012

QSL Radio Marabu

Radio Marabu, 6210 KHz, emissora alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a info@radiomarabu.de. Web: www.radiomarabu.de