dissabte, 1 d’octubre del 2011

Programa especial de DX India demà, 2 d'octubre

Programa especial de DX India a través d'AWR Wavescan:

DX India special broadcast via AWR Wavescan:

In the AWR Wavescan program to be broadcast on Oct 02, 2011, there will be a special segment about 10th Anniversary of DX India.
The schedule of AWR Wavescan is:
1200-1230 UTC 17535 Wertachtal
1330-1400 UTC 11880 Guam
1430-1500 UTC 11720 Guam
1500-1530 UTC 11720 Guam
1530-1600 UTC 15255 Wertachtal
1600-1630 UTC 11805 Guam, 12035 Guam
1630-1700 UTC 11740 Guam
Also via WRMI.
Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at : Address: DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India. Email: dxindia10@gmail.com

DX India special via Amateur Radio BCDXers who are hams are requested to be on band for a friendly meeting on air on Oct 01, 2011, Saturday (10th anniversary of DX India) and contact / monitor VU2JOS as follows.
0130-0200 UTC : 7073 kHz, LSB
1230-1300 UTC : 14160 kHz USB
Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at : Address: DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India. Email: dxindia10@gmail.com

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