dissabte, 27 d’abril del 2024

QSL Radio Laghouat, Algèria

Radio Laghouat, 702 KHz, emissora regional algeriana. Després de múltiples intents en els darrers anys, he rebut finalment una confirmació de l'escolta en forma de correu electrònic sense dades. Ha trigat 17 dies a arribar des de l'últim intent. Informe enviat a radiolaghouat03@gmail.com i elguogual@yahoo.fr. v/s Mme. Fadela Yahiaoui.

He d'agrair l'ajuda dels amics Mauricio Molano i Patrick Robic, que m'han facilitat les adreces per enviar el meu informe. 

dimecres, 24 d’abril del 2024

Nou programa d'FRSH

Dear FRS Friends,

At long last we can report some good news: next Sunday April 28th FRS-Holland will be on air.
The broadcast will start in the later afternoon (16:52 CEST) because of the more favourable
propagation compared with morning/ early afternoon.
Check out for more detailed info (frequencies etc.) https://frsholland.nl/latest-news-2/ .

And that brings us to another piece of positive news: finally we van proudly present the brand new FRS-Holland website. No expense or effort has been spared to create an informative website that tells our 40+ years of history. Read our post about the new website: https://frsholland.nl/new-website-online/.

Important: the new website (frsholland.nl) will go online in the course of next Thursday!

We are looking forward to have your company next Sunday! Until then it's goodbye.

73s  FRSH team.

divendres, 19 d’abril del 2024

QSL Atlantic 2000 International

Atlantic 2000 International, 9670 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL en dos dies per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Nous programes de Jazz AM

Programmes are back on air after a short break.

Here is the current list of booked airtime. Updates on gbradio.uk.
More programmes are work in progress and more booked air time will be put on the website as material is ready.

Some historic airshots of Glen Miller etc require editing carefully as they are sponsored by a tobacco company and ads are woven into the music introductions. It is illegal to broadcast tobacco advertising these days and I do not want our relay partners to have any brushes with the regulators.

I will rebroadcast some of our previous programmes from 2021 onwards.

If you have any particular music requests let me know. They may be in our library!

Best Regards,


Relay via Woofferton UK

3955 Khz  2100 to 2200 UTC  

Thursday 25th April 125 Kw Relay of Channel 292 Please send reception reports to give an indication of the listener base.

10Kw via Germany Channel 292:

9670 Khz Thursday 25th April 2100 to 2200 UTC

6070 Khz Thursday 25th April 2100 to 2200 UTC

9670 Khz Sunday 28th April 1000 to 1100 UTC

6070 Khz Sunday 28th April 2100 to 2200 UTC

dimecres, 10 d’abril del 2024

Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday, 13th of April, from 0800 to 0900 UTC (1000 to 1100 CEST) on 6070 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292.

Streams will be available at the same time here: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr

Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Before that, you can listen to our 24/7 webstream or our podcasts on our website.

Good listening!

Visit our website and listen to Atlantic 2000: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr  

dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2024

QSL National Unity Radio

National Unity Radio, emissora clandestina que emet cap a Corea del Nord, 5985 KHz. Fa més de quatre anys, vaig escoltar aquesta emissora fent servir probablement els emissors de Dushanbe, al Tajikistan. No vaig rebre cap resposta pel meu informe de recepció, però fa uns dies vaig trobar el nom d'una persona de contacte, el Sr. Kim Min-su. Vaig tornar a enviar el meu informe a aquest senyor fent servir l'adreça electrònica umg.info@uni-media.net i en uns dies he rebut aquesta QSL electrònica íntegrament en coreà. En total, una espera de 4 anys i 3 mesos, però amb final feliç!