En principi pensava que totes les emissores costaneres sueques s'havien agrupat en l'entitat JRCC Sweden, però sembla que Stockholm Radio continua confirmant la recepció de les seves emissions de forma individual. Aquesta emissora té un web interessant on explica que es dedica a emetre per ajudar no al trànsit marítim sinó l'aeri, la qual cosa podria explicar que no estigués integrada en JRCC Sweden: https://storadio.aero/
That is interesting Artur. I think you connected with the same Bjorn as I did, as I wondered how they were organized. In November he wrote me this on a report on Stockholm Radio 2187.5 kHz:
ResponElimina(see also: https://petersdxcorner.nl/sweden/update-gmdss-dsc-and-navtex-in-sweden/)
All transmission of weather and MSI (maritime safety information or navigational warnings) on MF are done by “Sweden Traffic” which is part of the Swedish Maritime Administration: Sjöfartsverket
All Emergency monitoring (GMDSS/DSC) is done by JRCC Sweden, located in Gothenburg. JRCC Sweden is also part of Swedish Maritime Administration: Sjöfartsverket. For this purpose JRCC Sweden has access to all Stockholm Radio facilities.
In addition to providing VHF telephone services Stockholm Radio (www.stockholmradio.se ) is only responsible for coastal weather transmissions on VHF during summertime (June 15th – September 15th according to their website).
I did not get a Stockholm Radio QSL, which is no problem as I already received exactly the same card you showed in the 80-ies.
And indeed I received my QSL for JRCC Sweden via jrcc@sjofartsverket.se.
And I received a QSL for NAVTEX weather from swedentraffic@sjofartsverket.se
Congrats, and keep up the good work!
Nice information. Peter! Thanks a lot!