dimarts, 30 de juliol del 2019
TWR India, 9330 KHz, via Yerevan, Armènia (dada que no apareix a la QSL). Fa un any vaig escoltar l'emissora i vaig enviar l'informe a diverses adreces. Vaig rebre una E-QSL als pocs dies (vegeu entrada del 8 d'agost de 2018). La sorpresa ha estat rebre ara aquesta QSL per correu postal gairebé un any després i directament des de Guam! L'adreça del sobre és TWR, P.O. Box 6095, Merizo, Guam 96916-0395. v/s Melinda Becker.
diumenge, 28 de juliol del 2019
QSL World Music Radio
World Music Radio, 15805 KHz, emissora legal danesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a wmr@wmr.dk. v/s Stig Hartvig Nielsen.
QSL One World Radio, Eivissa
One World Radio, 101.1 MHz, emissora dance de parla anglesa que emet des d'Eivissa. Rebut e-mail sense dades per informe enviat a oneworldradio@tomorrowland.com. v/s Filip (sic).
QSL KCJJ, Iowa City
KCJJ, Iowa City, Estats Units, 1630 KHz. Després de llarga espera i múltiples intents, rebut e-mail de confirmació de l'escolta però sense dades. Informe enviat a kcjjam@gmail.com. v/s Tom Suter.
QSL All India Radio, Shillong i Suratgarh
All India Radio, Suratgarh (918 KHz) i Shillong (4970 KHz). Rebuda una nova QSL confirmant els informes enviats a spectrum-manager@air.org.in.
El curiós és que aquests informes ja me'ls van confirmar el març passat (vegeu entrades del 10 i 13 de març).
Logs FM
Resum de les escoltes fetes en FM en els últims dies, totes amb propagació tropo. Les marcades en negreta són emissores escoltades per primer cop:
- 88.5 MHz, Aire Latino, València, música llatina.
- 88.6 MHz, IB3 Ràdio, Menorca
- 90.3 MHz, Canal 4 Radio, Menorca.
- 90.9 MHz, Melodía FM, València.
- 90.9 MHz, COPE Mallorca, publicitat local.
- 91.3 MHz, Europa FM, Marina Alta, Dènia, música, /EUROPA FM/
- 91.3 MHz, RAI Radio 1, Punta Badde Urbara, Sardegna, Itàlia.
- 92.8 MHz, Radio 3, Castelló.
- 93.1 MHz, Rock FM , València
- 93.4 MHz, COPE València, /COPE/
- 93.6 MHz, Mallorca Sunshine Radio, Menorca, px en anglès.
- 95.3 MHz, RAI, Radio 2, Monte Limbara, Sardenya, Itàlia
- 95.7 MHz, SER +, València, programa regional
- 95.7 MHz, SER Ràdio Menorca
- 98.0 MHz, RDS, Monte Serra, Toscana, Itàlia.
- 98.2 MHz, Cadena Dial, Menorca
- 98.3 MHz, Vaughan Radio, Lloc? Barcelona?
- 98.8 MHz, Cadena 100, Gandia.
- 100.6 MHz, Radio Deejay, diferents emissors, Toscana, Itàlia.
- 101.0 MHz, Muy Buena FM, Alzira
- 101.1 MHz, One World Radio, Eivissa, música dance, /TOMORROW/RADIO/ONE WORLD/LAND/, px en anglès.
- 101.7 MHz, RDS, Menorca, px en italià.
- 102.1 MHz, Radio Marca, Menorca.
- 102.2 MHz, A Punt, València, /A PUNT/
- 102.9 MHz, Factoría FM, València, emissora llatina.
- 104.4 MHz, Radio Klara, València.
- 104.4 MHz, Radio Algérie Internatonale, Aïn el-Sour, Algèria, px francès.
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Balears, Alfàbia, Mallorca, nx regionals, /RNE5-IB/
- 105.9 MHz, La Maxi Radio, València
- 106.8 MHz, IB3 Ràdio, Alfàbia, Mallorca
- 107.0 MHz, AWR, Eivissa, px religiós en francès.
dissabte, 13 de juliol del 2019
QSL Charleston Radio International
Charleston Radio International, 5140 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL després de llarga espera (més d'un any!) per informe enviat a charlestonradiointernational@yahoo.com
Emissions de WMR
World Music Radio (WMR) is now broadcasting on 15805 kHz (200 W) with a new 3 element yagi. Currently the aerial is beamed north thus providing coverage of WMR in northern Scandinavia - during daytime every Saturday and Sunday (07-20 UTC). Sometimes the signal can also be picked up in central and southern Europe, in Ireland and western UK, in Russia and eastern North America.
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/WorldMusicRadioWMR/
Meanwhile WMR continues broadcasting on 5840 kHz (100 W) 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Transmitter site of both SW frequencies: Randers, Denmark.
Reception reports are welcome at wmr@wmr.dk . If a printed QSL card is desired reports must be sent to World Music Radio, PO Box 112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Return postage is kindly required.
Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/WorldMusicRadioWMR/
Meanwhile WMR continues broadcasting on 5840 kHz (100 W) 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Transmitter site of both SW frequencies: Randers, Denmark.
Reception reports are welcome at wmr@wmr.dk . If a printed QSL card is desired reports must be sent to World Music Radio, PO Box 112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Return postage is kindly required.
Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen,
Nou programa d'FRSH
Dear FRS Friends,
We have some good news...FRS-Holland will be on air with two Summer evening broadcasts.
In the past 5 years, these typical evening broadcasts proved to be very successful. Not only because of good reception
but also because of the thematic programmes which were certainly to the taste of many SW/ Free Radio enthusiasts.
The first Summer evening broadcast will take place on Sunday July 28th.
Details: go to http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/132-frs-on-air-sunday-evening-july-28th.html
The 2nd one will be our 39th Anniversary being planned for Sunday September 1st. Details will follow in the 2nd half of August.
Have a good weekend...'see' you soon on the SW free radio bands!
73s, Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew
We have some good news...FRS-Holland will be on air with two Summer evening broadcasts.
In the past 5 years, these typical evening broadcasts proved to be very successful. Not only because of good reception
but also because of the thematic programmes which were certainly to the taste of many SW/ Free Radio enthusiasts.
The first Summer evening broadcast will take place on Sunday July 28th.
Details: go to http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/132-frs-on-air-sunday-evening-july-28th.html
The 2nd one will be our 39th Anniversary being planned for Sunday September 1st. Details will follow in the 2nd half of August.
Have a good weekend...'see' you soon on the SW free radio bands!
73s, Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew
diumenge, 7 de juliol del 2019
QSL BPM Lintong
BPM, 10000 KHz, emissora del National Time Service Center, situada a Lintong, Xina. Rebuda QSL per correu certificat per informe enviat a kyc@ntsc.ac.cn.
Adreça postal: National Time Service Center (NTSC), Box 18, Lintong, Shaanxi, Xina.
dijous, 4 de juliol del 2019
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