diumenge, 30 de setembre del 2018

QSL Radio Cuckoo

Hello Artur thanks for your reception report

this is our first report from Spain

yes you did receive Radio Cuckoo on 6264 KHZ  September 29  201 from 18.00 to 18.35 UTC  

We are transmitting from the west coast of Ireland 

 We do not have QSL cards at the moment we hope to have them soon,  our transmitter is a homebuilt series modulated  transmitter

 We are using breakaway  audio compressor and our antenna is a half wave dipole  it is always great to get reports i hope this email will be ok for you and as soon as we get QSL cards finished i will send one on to you.

wishing you all the best Dave 

Radio Cuckoo, 6264 KHz, pirata irlandesa. Rebut aquest e-mail de confirmació i la promesa d'una QSL impresa. Informe enviat a radiocuckoo@yahoo.com

1 comentari:

  1. Quina troballa!! Quina antena tens, pe cert? Emetent amb un emissor casolà i un dipol, té molt mèrit la troballa!
