dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2013

Nous programes de LKB/LLE Bergen

Avui dia 27 i demà dia 28, LKB/LLE farà noves emissions des de Bergen, Noruega. 

Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster is on the air with new test transmissions today and 

tomorrow  from LLE-2 (1314 KHz) and LLE-3 (5895 kHz). The morning broadcast 

today is @0620-0930 UTC and tomorrow we have an afternoon broadcast 

@1400-1600 UTC. Many reports have arrived from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, 

Russia, Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany, Holland, England, Ireland, Iceland, 

Canada and the USA. Our QSL card has arrived, so why not report! Box 100, 

N5331 RONG, Norway, or report@bergenkringkaster.no . Don't forget to enclose 3$ or 

Norwegian stamps for return postage plus an address label.

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