dilluns, 30 de setembre del 2013
QSL Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
diumenge, 29 de setembre del 2013
QSL Free Radio Service Holland
Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH), 7685 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per un informe de febrer d'aquest any enviat a frs@frsholland.nl
Logs 29 setembre
- 3985 KHz, 20.00, Nord AM, via Radio 700, German, music, greetings to listeners, 33333
- 6045 KHz, 09.00, Shortwave Rock, rock music, id, 22342
- 6210 KHz, 19.45, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, id in E/It/Sp, 44444
- 6250 KHz, 16.10, Radio Bogusman?, E, music, 22442
- 6285 KHz, 16.05, Radio Focus, E, music, 23442
- 6308 KHz, 16.15, Radio Telstar, music, playing "Voyage", 23442
- 7310 KHz, 08.00, Atlantic 2000 International, F, id, technical problems, music, 22332
All times UTC
dissabte, 28 de setembre del 2013
Logs 27 setembre
- 3905 KHz, 21.25, Radio Skyline Int, music, playing Demis Roussos, 33443
- 4026 KHz, 21.35, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 33443
- 6210 KHz, 21.20, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 44444
- 6285 KHz, 21.30, Radio Focus Int, E, music, 44444
- 6900 KHz LSB, 21.50, Baltic Sea Radio, music, id, 23442
All times UTC
divendres, 27 de setembre del 2013
Logs FM 27 setembre
Tot i les dates en què estem, avui encara hi ha hagut una mica de propagació troposfèrica en FM. Aquestes són les escoltes fetes a diverses hores del dia:
- 87.8 MHz, Sí Ràdio, València, música i identificacions.
- 89.2 MHz, Radio Rusa, València, música.
- 91.3 MHz, Europa FM Marina Alta, Dènia, música, publicitat, RDS.
- 91.3 MHz, Unid, àrab, Algèria?
- 92.9 MHz, La Calle FM, València, música llatina.
- 93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, música rock, ids, diferent programa de l'emissora de Barcelona.
- 101.0 MHz, MFM, Oudja, Marroc, francès/àrab, notícies.
- 102.9 MHz, Unid àrab, Medi 1 Oudja??
- 103.2 MHz, Radio 101, Monte Ladu, Sardegna, italià, notícies, publicitat, música.
- 105.2 MHz, Radio RDS, Monte Plebi, Sardegna, italià, música, ids.
- 105.4 MHz, RTA 3, Akfadou, Algèria.
- 106.0 MHz, Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana, Monte Ortobene, Sardegna, italià, música, ids.
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000 International
Diumenge tornarà a emetre aquesta emissora francesa. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Visit our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 29th of September from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CEST) on 7310 kHz. The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
Atlantic 2000 émettra sur 7310 kHz ce dimanche 29 septembre de 08:00 à 09:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris). L'émission sera diffusée à la même heure sur notre site internet.
Atlantic 2000 émettra sur 7310 kHz ce dimanche 29 septembre de 08:00 à 09:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris). L'émission sera diffusée à la même heure sur notre site internet.
Nou programa de DeLuxe FM - Radio Ems-Vechte-Welle
DeLuxe FM- Radio Ems-Vechte-Welle tornarà a emetre aquest dissabte pels 3985 KHz. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
After many months, I will return on shortwave on Saturday, 28th of September 2013 between 18:00 - 02:00 GMT. Please feel free to call in studio to leave a reception report live on air: +49 - 591 - 9165432
Another shortwave relay of my frequent FM-broadcast is planed on Christmas, please check my facebook and following pages:
All the best and many greetings,
Mathias Volta
responsibility of DeLuxe FM - Radio Ems-Vechte-Welle
responsibility of DeLuxe FM - Radio Ems-Vechte-Welle
Nou programa de Shortwave Rock
Shortwave Rock tornarà a emetre diumenge d'acord amb la següent informació rebuda de l'emissora:
Dear Shortwave Rock listener,
The next broadcast of Shortwave Rock will be on September 29th between (0900-1000 UTC) on 6045 kHz.
We hope you will be able to listen.
Please email your reports to: phil@shortwaverock.com
Best regards,
Phil Mitchell
Dear Shortwave Rock listener,
The next broadcast of Shortwave Rock will be on September 29th between (0900-1000 UTC) on 6045 kHz.
We hope you will be able to listen.
Please email your reports to: phil@shortwaverock.com
Best regards,
Phil Mitchell
From: shortwaverock.com
Nou programa d'Indian DX Report
El programa DX "Indian DX Report" tornarà a ser emès aquest cap de setmana d'acord amb la següent informació:
Dear Radio Friends,
Day UTC Call kHz kW Station Location Country
Sun 1030 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1530 AWR 15335 250 Media Broadcast Nauen Germany
1600 KSDA 15360 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
1600 KSDA 15670 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
2230 KSDA 15320 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
2330 KSDA 17650 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
Mon 1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Wed MN00 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
2000 WINB 13570 50 World International Red Lion Pennsylvania USA
Thu 0300 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Fri 0315 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Sat 1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1300 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1530 WWCR2 12160 100 Worldwide Christian Nashville Tennessee USA
2230 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internet Stream: AWR.org WRMI.net WWCR.com WINB.com
Script Archive: Ontheshortwaves.com, Radioheritage.net, Portale.italradio.org, Offshoreradio.de
Printed Articles: Various radio magazines
Google Search: Wavescan
Dear Radio Friends,
It is a pleasure to inform you that "Indian DX Report"- the only DX capsule from India on SW will be broadcast this Saturday, 28th September 2013 on KBS Listeners' Lounge and on Sunday, 29th September 2013 via AWR Wavescan. I invite you to listen this small DX presentation of mine if you get chance to do so and if you like this then please send me your valuable feedbacks and reception reports. All correct reception reports will be verified by specially designed colourful paper QSLs and eQSLs.
Here is the current transmission schedule of KBS English:-
Language Time (UTC) Frequencies (kHz)
English 1 16:00 ~ 17:00 9515
18:00 ~ 19:00 7275
22:00 ~ 23:00 11810
English 2 11:00 ~ 11:30 [Saturday] 9760 (DRM)
22:00 ~ 22:30 WRN
08:30 ~ 09:00 WRN
North America: English 1 13:00 ~ 14:00 15575
South America: English 1 02:00 ~ 03:00 9580
Southeast Asia:
English 1 08:00 ~ 09:00 9570
13:00 ~ 14:00 9570
16:00 ~ 17:00 9640
English 3 02:00 ~ 03:00 9690
14:00 ~ 15:00 9640
China: English 3 12:30 ~ 13:30 6095
Language Time (UTC) Frequencies (kHz)
English 1 16:00 ~ 17:00 9515
18:00 ~ 19:00 7275
22:00 ~ 23:00 11810
English 2 11:00 ~ 11:30 [Saturday] 9760 (DRM)
22:00 ~ 22:30 WRN
08:30 ~ 09:00 WRN
North America: English 1 13:00 ~ 14:00 15575
South America: English 1 02:00 ~ 03:00 9580
Southeast Asia:
English 1 08:00 ~ 09:00 9570
13:00 ~ 14:00 9570
16:00 ~ 17:00 9640
English 3 02:00 ~ 03:00 9690
14:00 ~ 15:00 9640
China: English 3 12:30 ~ 13:30 6095
Wavescan Scheduling: A13 Transmission Period March 31, 2013 - October 26, 2013
Day UTC Call kHz kW Station Location Country
Sun 1030 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1530 AWR 15335 250 Media Broadcast Nauen Germany
1600 KSDA 15360 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
1600 KSDA 15670 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
2230 KSDA 15320 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
2330 KSDA 17650 100 Adventist World Radio Agat Guam
Mon 1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Wed MN00 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
2000 WINB 13570 50 World International Red Lion Pennsylvania USA
Thu 0300 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Fri 0315 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
Sat 1100 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1300 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
1530 WWCR2 12160 100 Worldwide Christian Nashville Tennessee USA
2230 WRMI 9955 50 Radio Miami Int Miami Florida USA
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internet Stream: AWR.org WRMI.net WWCR.com WINB.com
Script Archive: Ontheshortwaves.com, Radioheritage.net, Portale.italradio.org, Offshoreradio.de
Printed Articles: Various radio magazines
Google Search: Wavescan
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best Regards & 73's,
Prithwiraj Purkayastha
Editor & Presenter, INDIAN DX REPORT
Pub Bongalpukhuri
By Lane. 4, Jorhat
Assam 785001
Email: indiandxreport@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/indiandxreport
Website: http://indiandxreport.blogspot.in/
Nou programa de Nord AM
D'acord amb un missatge rebut de l'emissora, diumenge vinent tornarà a emetre Nord AM d'acord amb el següent esquema:
14.00 UTC pels 6005 KHz
20.00 UTC pels 3985 KHz
sempre via Radio 700, Kall Krekel, a Alemanya.
14.00 UTC pels 6005 KHz
20.00 UTC pels 3985 KHz
sempre via Radio 700, Kall Krekel, a Alemanya.
dijous, 26 de setembre del 2013
QSL Radio France Internationale
Radio France Internationale, 11605 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a english.service@rfi.fr.
Malauradament no indiquen el nom de l'emissor ("site de diffusion") que era Meyerton, a Sud-Àfrica. En el seu lloc hi esmenten el meu QTH.
dimecres, 25 de setembre del 2013
Nova QSL Nord AM
Nord AM, 3985 KHz, via Radio 700, Kall Krekel, Alemanya. Després de rebre una QSL electrònica (vegeu entrada del 23 de setembre) per l'escolta del diumenge passat, ara he rebut aquesta QSL impresa per l'escolta del programa de fa deu dies. Informe enviat a nordam@shortwaveservice.com.
dimarts, 24 de setembre del 2013
QSL Shortwave Rock
Shortwave Rock, 6045 KHz, probablement via Media Broadcast, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a phil@shortwaverock.com.
L'emissora també m'anuncia que el proper programa serà el 29 de setembre pels 6045 KHz a les 09.00-10.00 UTC.
dilluns, 23 de setembre del 2013
Nord AM, 3985 KHz, via Radio 700, Kall Krekel, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a nordam@shortwaveservice.com
diumenge, 22 de setembre del 2013
Logs 22 setembre
- 3985 KHz, 20.00, Nord AM via Radio 700, German, music from Ghana, 34443
- 6070 KHz, 18.15, Rock Live Radio, via Radio 6150, German, rock music, id, 33443
- 6210 KHz, 18.40, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 33443
- 6255 KHz, 18.50, Radio Telstar South, E, music, 33443
- 6305 KHz, 18.55, Radio Merlin International, E, id, e-mail, music, playing Lou Reed, 22332
- 6400 KHz, 19.25, Radio City (CZ), music, ids, 33333
- 6750 KHz, 18.45, Pink Panther Radio, music, playing "I will survive", 23442
All times UTC
Nous programes de Nord AM
Nord AM torna a emetre avui i en les properes setmanes en ona curta. Aquesta és la informació rebuda de l'emissora:
This is just a short notice to remind you of today's special NordAM broadcast with interesting African music. Torben has brought a bunch of songs from Ghana into the show and we talk a little bit about what he has done in the past few months down there. There will be even a new frequency for our show this time:
This is just a short notice to remind you of today's special NordAM broadcast with interesting African music. Torben has brought a bunch of songs from Ghana into the show and we talk a little bit about what he has done in the past few months down there. There will be even a new frequency for our show this time:
1400-1530 UTC: 6005 kHz and 7310 kHz
2000-2130 UTC: 3985 kHz
as usual transmitted via Kall-Krekel / Radio 700.
And via live-streaming at the same times at www.facebook.com/nordamradio und http://bit.ly/nordamradio.
Please note that there will be a short Radiogram at the end of the show in MFSK16 and 32.
Furthermore, there will be a special eQSL for this show.
Our email address: nordam @ shortwaveservice.com.
We will be on the air on September 29 and October 6 again at the same times and frequencies. So do tune in – if you like. :-)
All the best,
Torben & Daniel
P.S: More details about Radio 700: www.radio700.eu. Our transmission is made possible thanks to www.shortwaveservice.com (see this page for technical details and schedule updates!).
dissabte, 21 de setembre del 2013
QSL Over 60 Degree Radio
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6290 KHz LSB, pirata finlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a over60dgr@rocketmail.com
QSL Report
HCJB Australia, 15490, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to english@hcjb.org.au
Bible Voice, via Kostinbrod, 9635, QSL in 3 months for e-report to mail@bvbroadcasting.org
TDF/Radio Algerienne, via Issoudun, 7295, QSL in 8 months for report to 106 Avenue Marx Dormoy, 92541 Montrouge Cedex, France. Sent mint stamps. v/s Kathy Steffen.
Radio Joystick, via Issoudun, 7330, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiojoystick@gmail.com. v/s Charlie Prince.
Atlantic 2000 International, via MVBR, 9480 KHz, special QSL 31st anniversary in 4 weeks for e-rpt to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
JSWC, via AWR/Wavescan, Nauen,15335, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to jswcqsl@live.jp. v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa.
Ichtys Radio, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, Full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to kontakt@ichtys-radio.de. v/s Sven Tasche and Debby Tasche-Wolf.
Deutschlandfunk, 153, QSL in 2 months for e-report to hoererservice@dradio.de
Radio ZP30, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, full detailed E-letter in 5 days for e-report to info@zp30.com.py
HLR, 7265, QSL in 1 year for e-report to m.kittner@freenet.de
AWR Radio Monitors International, via Guam, 15360, and Nauen, 15335. 2 QSLs in 19 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrain M. Peterson.
DP07 Seefunk, 8728 via Monaco Radio, QSL, sticker, info in 2 weeks for e-report to info@dp07.com
IRRS, via Tiganesti, 15215, QSL in 11 months for e-report to support@nexus.org.
Voice of Russia, Novosibirsk, 21820, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to world@ruvr.ru
Radio Damasco, 9330, E-QSL in 2 years for e-report to radiodamasco@yahoo.com. v/s Amalia Puga.
PCJ Radio, 11835, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com. v/s Victor Goonetilleke.
SLBC, 11750, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com.
Radio Omdurman, 7200, full detailed E-letter in 3 days for an old report (2009). Report sent to bakhit02bb@yahoo.com. v/s Adam Bakhit Bushra, Director of French Section.
Voice of Martyrs, 7515, full detailed letter in 14 weeks for e-report to tdillmuth@seoulusa.org. v/s Pastor Tim Dillmuth.
WWRB, 3185, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to radiostationwwrb@gmail.com. v/s John DiNardo.
Radio Norton, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radio.norton@hotmail.com
Radio Merlin, 6270, E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio Morningstar, 6295, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomorningstar@home.nl
Radio Fox 48, 6305/6306, 2 E-QSLs in 9 weeks for e-report to radiofox48@hotmail.com
Radio Centurion, 6325, QSL, postcards, personal letter in 4 weeks for report to Box 73, NL-7160 Neede, Netherlands.
Bogusman, 6285, E-QSL in 4 months for e-report to differentradio@yahoo.co.uk
Ghoul, 6284, E-QSL in 4 months for e-report to differentradio@yahoo.co.uk
Cool AM, 6735, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to coolamradio@hotmail.com
Radio Bluebird, 1638, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to bleubird1944@hotmail.com
Radio Tidalwave, 6305, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radiotidalwave@hotmail.com
Radio Waldmeister, 6305, QSL and photos in 4 months.
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6290, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
HCJB Australia, 15490, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to english@hcjb.org.au
Bible Voice, via Kostinbrod, 9635, QSL in 3 months for e-report to mail@bvbroadcasting.org
TDF/Radio Algerienne, via Issoudun, 7295, QSL in 8 months for report to 106 Avenue Marx Dormoy, 92541 Montrouge Cedex, France. Sent mint stamps. v/s Kathy Steffen.
Radio Joystick, via Issoudun, 7330, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiojoystick@gmail.com. v/s Charlie Prince.
Atlantic 2000 International, via MVBR, 9480 KHz, special QSL 31st anniversary in 4 weeks for e-rpt to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
JSWC, via AWR/Wavescan, Nauen,15335, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to jswcqsl@live.jp. v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa.
Ichtys Radio, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, Full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to kontakt@ichtys-radio.de. v/s Sven Tasche and Debby Tasche-Wolf.
Deutschlandfunk, 153, QSL in 2 months for e-report to hoererservice@dradio.de
Radio ZP30, via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995, full detailed E-letter in 5 days for e-report to info@zp30.com.py
HLR, 7265, QSL in 1 year for e-report to m.kittner@freenet.de
AWR Radio Monitors International, via Guam, 15360, and Nauen, 15335. 2 QSLs in 19 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrain M. Peterson.
DP07 Seefunk, 8728 via Monaco Radio, QSL, sticker, info in 2 weeks for e-report to info@dp07.com
IRRS, via Tiganesti, 15215, QSL in 11 months for e-report to support@nexus.org.
Voice of Russia, Novosibirsk, 21820, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to world@ruvr.ru
Radio Damasco, 9330, E-QSL in 2 years for e-report to radiodamasco@yahoo.com. v/s Amalia Puga.
PCJ Radio, 11835, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com. v/s Victor Goonetilleke.
SLBC, 11750, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com.
Radio Omdurman, 7200, full detailed E-letter in 3 days for an old report (2009). Report sent to bakhit02bb@yahoo.com. v/s Adam Bakhit Bushra, Director of French Section.
Voice of Martyrs, 7515, full detailed letter in 14 weeks for e-report to tdillmuth@seoulusa.org. v/s Pastor Tim Dillmuth.
WWRB, 3185, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to radiostationwwrb@gmail.com. v/s John DiNardo.
Radio Norton, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radio.norton@hotmail.com
Radio Merlin, 6270, E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio Morningstar, 6295, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomorningstar@home.nl
Radio Fox 48, 6305/6306, 2 E-QSLs in 9 weeks for e-report to radiofox48@hotmail.com
Radio Centurion, 6325, QSL, postcards, personal letter in 4 weeks for report to Box 73, NL-7160 Neede, Netherlands.
Bogusman, 6285, E-QSL in 4 months for e-report to differentradio@yahoo.co.uk
Ghoul, 6284, E-QSL in 4 months for e-report to differentradio@yahoo.co.uk
Cool AM, 6735, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to coolamradio@hotmail.com
Radio Bluebird, 1638, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to bleubird1944@hotmail.com
Radio Tidalwave, 6305, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radiotidalwave@hotmail.com
Radio Waldmeister, 6305, QSL and photos in 4 months.
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6290, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
Rock Live Radio via Radio 6150
RockLiveRadio es un nou programa que s'emetrà via Radio 6150 d'acord amb la següent informació rebuda d'aquesta última emissora:
At the time being we are OFF AIR, due to working on the energy line.
But there will be special broadcasts for RockLiveRadio:
on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, from 16 to 20 hours UTC, and
on Sunday, Sept. 29th, from 13.30 to 17.30 hours UTC
on 6070 kHz.
The guys from RLR would be glad if they get some reception reports!
At the time being we are OFF AIR, due to working on the energy line.
But there will be special broadcasts for RockLiveRadio:
on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, from 16 to 20 hours UTC, and
on Sunday, Sept. 29th, from 13.30 to 17.30 hours UTC
on 6070 kHz.
The guys from RLR would be glad if they get some reception reports!
dimecres, 18 de setembre del 2013
QSL Voice of Russia, Novosibirsk
dimarts, 17 de setembre del 2013
dilluns, 16 de setembre del 2013
QSL Voice of Russia
Voice of Russia, 9900 KHz. Rebuda QSL de la nova sèrie dedicada a la ciutat de Moscou per informe enviat a world@ruvr.ru
La sèrie està formada per tres QSLs diferents i cal tenir en compte que es parla que Voice of Russia tancarà les seves emissions en ona curta l'any vinent.
dissabte, 14 de setembre del 2013
QSL DP07 Seefunk
DP07 Seefunk, 8728 KHz USB, emissora costanera alemanya que està emetent via Monaco Radio. Rebuda QSL i adhesiu (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a info@dp07.com. v/s Reiner Dietzel. Web: http://www.dp07.com/
Fins a finals de setembre, aquesta emissora emet diàriament un butlletí meteorològic en alemany via Monaco Radio pels 4363 i 8728 KHz USB a les 07.40 UTC.
Logs 13 setembre
- 1615 KHz, 20.25, Radio Barones, music, playing The Doors, Queen, 23442
- 1620 KHz, 20.55, Radio Akai?, rock music, 22332
- 1640 KHz, 21.00, Radio Wadloper, Dutch, music, 23442
- 3905 KHz, 20.00, Radio Skyline International, music, 22332
- 4026 KHz, 22.00, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23442
- 4890 KHz, 20.20, U Boat 66 Radio, test, rock and roll music, 22332
- 6210 KHz, 19.50, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 44444
- 6240 KHz, 20.05, Radio Mustang, disco music, id, 44444
- 6245 KHz, 19.50, Radio Mustang, music, id, moved to 6240, 55444
- 6269 KHz LSB, 21.20, Over 60 Degree Radio, music, 22332
- 6285 KHz, 19.45, Radio Python, music, 22342
- 6285 KHz, 21.35, Radio Rainbow International, E, id, e-mail, web, playing Elton John, Eric Clapton, 33443
- 6310 KHz, 22.05, Radio Telstar South, E, music, jingles, 33443
- 6920 KHz, 22.10, Radio Trans Europe, test, E, id, e-mail, music, 33443
- 6935 KHz LSB, 21.50, Baltic Sea Radio, music, ids, e-mail, c/d at 22.05, 33443
All times UTC
divendres, 13 de setembre del 2013
Nord AM diumenge
L'emissora alemanya NordAM torna a emetre aquest diumenge via Radio 700. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Dear listeners and friends,
Remember us? Remeber NordAM? We hope you do. Yep, we're back and are happy to announce that the next broadcast of NordAM will be on the air on Sunday!If you like to tune in, you can do so and you'll enjoy great indie / pop and rock songs (and a little bit of chatter in German aswell).
This is what we call our schedule for the next two or three weeks:
Sunday, September 15, 2013:
1400 UTC (16:00 CEST) on 6005 kHz + online
2000 UTC (22:00 CEST) on 3985 kHz + online
We even have some further shows in stock that will be on air on the following Sundays.We use Radio 700's transmitters in Kall-Krekel, Germany (with 1000 Watts). Furthermore, we can be heard on Radio 700's online live streaming. Just go to http://bit.ly/nordamradio or join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nordamradio.
We invite you to send us your comments and reception reports. Detailled and correct reports will be verified with our QSL card (by regular mail or email, as you like). Please send all your letters and reports to: nordam @ shortwaveservice.com or visit our Facebook site.
We are excited to read where our little "student-radio-project" can be received. Feel free to forward these information to your DXing friends. Let's meet in the 49 and 75 metre-band next Sunday!
Best wishes,
Torben & Daniel
P.S: More details about Radio 700: www.radio700.eu. Our transmission is made possible thanks to www.shortwaveservice.com (see this page for technical details and schedule updates!).
HLR i MVBR aquest cap de setmana
Hamburger Lokalradio i MV Baltic Radio tornen a emetre aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HH Lokalradio, MVBR this weekend
Hamburger Lokalradio via MVBR Saturday and Wednesday:
06.00 to 08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC on 6190 kHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC on 6190 kHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
All reports to: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!
Sunday 14th: MV Baltic Radio
09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 6190 KHz
All reports please to: info@mvbalticradio.de
All Transmissions are via a temporary aerial until October.
All Transmissions are via a temporary aerial until October.
dijous, 12 de setembre del 2013
QSL Radio Damasco
Radio Damasco, 9330 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional de Síria. Malgrat la terrible situació del país, sorprenentment Radio Damasco continua enviant QSLs, encara que aquest cop sigui una d'electrònica per un antic informe de 2011. v/s Amelia Puga. E-mail: radiodamasco@yahoo.com
dimarts, 10 de setembre del 2013
QSL Catalunya Ràdio, Eivissa
Catalunya Ràdio, 95.5 MHz, emetent des de Sant Llorenç, a l'illa d'Eivissa. Rebuda QSL detallada per informe enviat a tecn_bus@catradio.cat.
L'escolta va fer-se el primer d'agost i va resultar sorprenent, ja que gràcies a una propagació tropo el senyal de Catalunya Ràdio des d'Eivissa va tapar durant una estona el senyal de Kiss FM des de Barcelona!
Aniversari de Radio Barones
L'emissora pirata holandesa Radio Barones celebra el seu 40è aniversari. Aquesta és la informació i els links rebuts:
Hallo allemaal !
Bij deze wil ik jullie laten weten, dat we deze week een heel bijzondere week hebben. Op 4 September, kijkt Radio Barones, terug op een 40 jarig piratenbestaan!
Als een bijzonder eerbetoon, zal ik deze week, elke dag, een opname van het station plaatsen!
Als je de tijd hebt, neem even een kijkje op mijn blog !
Laten we op deze manier,met z`n allen de baro een hele fijne verjaardag wensen!
Hi everybody.
A little message from this side to let you all know this is a special week. On September 4th Radio Barones celebrates 40 years of being a pirate. As a special tribute, I will have a different recording of the station on my blog every day this week as a YouTube video.
Please take a look if you have time. And please join me in wishing the Baro a very happy birthday!
Hallo allemaal !
Bij deze wil ik jullie laten weten, dat we deze week een heel bijzondere week hebben. Op 4 September, kijkt Radio Barones, terug op een 40 jarig piratenbestaan!
Als een bijzonder eerbetoon, zal ik deze week, elke dag, een opname van het station plaatsen!
Als je de tijd hebt, neem even een kijkje op mijn blog !
Laten we op deze manier,met z`n allen de baro een hele fijne verjaardag wensen!
Hi everybody.
A little message from this side to let you all know this is a special week. On September 4th Radio Barones celebrates 40 years of being a pirate. As a special tribute, I will have a different recording of the station on my blog every day this week as a YouTube video.
Please take a look if you have time. And please join me in wishing the Baro a very happy birthday!
dissabte, 7 de setembre del 2013
QSL Radio Waldmeister
Radio Waldmeister, 6305 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda postal manuscrita agraint l'informe i fotos del seu equipament (vegeu entrada següent).
dijous, 5 de setembre del 2013
Nous tests de KVOH
L'emissora nord-americana KVOH farà nous tests aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació:
Accordingly, we would very much appreciate your reception reports (or preferably, recordings) of the tests we will be running on 9975 kHz on Friday and Saturday evenings this week. The exact times are:
Saturday 7th 0100-0400 UTC
Sunday 8th 0100-0400 UTC
In North and Central America, that would be this Friday and Saturday evenings, 8-11pm Central, 9pm-12am Eastern. The test program will be similar to last time, but not exactly the same. It will contain segments in both English and Spanish.
The transmitter site is near Los Angeles, and here it is currently getting dark at about 0230 UTC (7:30pm local). Therefore, during the first half of these tests, the transmission path will be increasingly in darkness, and for the last 90 minutes or so will be in complete darkness. Please let us know what reception sounds like at your location as the evening progresses, and also what type of receiver and antenna you are using.
Reception reports may be emailed to "QSL@kvoh.net" or sent to:
KVOH - Voice of Hope
P.O.Box 102
Los Angeles, CA 90078
United States of America
All correct reports will be verified with our QSL card.
Accordingly, we would very much appreciate your reception reports (or preferably, recordings) of the tests we will be running on 9975 kHz on Friday and Saturday evenings this week. The exact times are:
Saturday 7th 0100-0400 UTC
Sunday 8th 0100-0400 UTC
In North and Central America, that would be this Friday and Saturday evenings, 8-11pm Central, 9pm-12am Eastern. The test program will be similar to last time, but not exactly the same. It will contain segments in both English and Spanish.
The transmitter site is near Los Angeles, and here it is currently getting dark at about 0230 UTC (7:30pm local). Therefore, during the first half of these tests, the transmission path will be increasingly in darkness, and for the last 90 minutes or so will be in complete darkness. Please let us know what reception sounds like at your location as the evening progresses, and also what type of receiver and antenna you are using.
Reception reports may be emailed to "QSL@kvoh.net" or sent to:
KVOH - Voice of Hope
P.O.Box 102
Los Angeles, CA 90078
United States of America
All correct reports will be verified with our QSL card.
WWRB, 3185 KHz. Després de múltiples intents en els últims anys, per fi he rebut una confirmació per e-mail per la meva escolta d'aquesta emissora religiosa nord-americana. Informe enviat a radiostationwwrb@gmail.com. v/s John DiNardo, qui promet enviar-me també una confirmació en forma de carta.
Malauradament ni rastre del certificat QSL que apareix al web de l'emissora: http://www.wwrb.org/lclub.php
dimecres, 4 de setembre del 2013
QSL AWR - Radio Monitors International
Adventist World Radio (AWR). Programa especial de Radio Monitors International dedicat a la desapareguda emissora d'Ekala (Sri Lanka) emès a través del programa Wavescan, que s'emet dins de la programació d'AWR. Rebudes dues QSLs especials confirmant l'escolta del programa via Guam (15360 KHz) i Nauen (15335 KHz). Informes enviats a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
dimarts, 3 de setembre del 2013
QSL Voice of Russia
Voice of Russia, 9900 KHz. Rebuda QSL de l'antiga sèrie dedicada al 60è aniversari de la fi de la Segona Guerra Mundial per informe enviat a world@ruvr.ru
dilluns, 2 de setembre del 2013
QSL HCJB Australia
HCJB Australia, 15490 KHz, emissora religiosa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a english@hcjb.org.au
Info sobre Shortwave Rock
La nova emissora d'ona curta Shortwave Rock tornarà a emetre el proper 29 de setembre. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
"Shortwaverock is expected to be back on Sunday September 29 (0900-1000 UTC) on 6045 kHz".
També m'informen que estan preparant una E-QSL per confirmar els informes de recepció rebuts en les últimes setmanes. Més info al seu web: www.shortwaverock.com
Info sobre KBC i Radio Joystick
KBC canvia de freqüència des de l'1 de setembre i Radio Joystick segueix a l'aire el primer diumenge de cada mes. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
The Mighty KBC winter frequency:As from the 1st of September 2013 “The Mighty KBC” are moving there Jukebox program between 00:00 to 02:00 UTC to 7375 KHz.Please email your reception reports to themightykbc@gmail.com
The Mighty KBC winter frequency:As from the 1st of September 2013 “The Mighty KBC” are moving there Jukebox program between 00:00 to 02:00 UTC to 7375 KHz.Please email your reception reports to themightykbc@gmail.com
Radio Joystick is on the air:1st of September between 1000 to 1100 UTC on 7330KHz. Contact Radio Joystick: www.radiojoystick.de
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