RFM, emissora de la cadena portuguesa Rádio Renascença. Vaig enviar el meu informe a un dels tècnics de l'emissora, el Sr. Manuel Artur (
manuel.artur@rcom.pt i
manuel.artur@rr.pt) i vaig rebre una confirmació per e-mail que ja vaig publicar fa uns dies. La sorpresa ha estat rebre aquesta bonica QSL confirmant el mateix informe. Sembla que és el nou model que totes les emissores de la cadena Rádio Renascença faran servir a partir d'ara.
RFM, station of the Portuguese network Rádio Renascença. I sent my report to one of the technicians of the station, Mr. Manuel Artur (manuel.artur@rcom.pt and manuel.artur@rr.pt) and I got a confirmation by e-mail which was published some days ago. The surprise has been to get this nice QSL card confirming the same report. It seems it is the new design that will be used by all the stations of Rádio Renascença network from now.
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