Plus Radio, 102.9 MHz. Received non detailed e-mail letter in 2 weeks for e-report sent to No v/s.
ITALYRTL 102.5, 99.8 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter as an attached file in 1 day for e-report sent to v/s Gianluigi Gamba, Ufficio Tecnico.
Radio Planargia, 89.6 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 1 week for report sent to No v/s. Address: Piazza IV Novembre 9, 08013 Bosa (OR), Italia.
PORTUGALRFM, 89.6 MHz. After getting a confirmation by e-mail, I finally got a detailed QSL card in 5 weeks for e-report to Manuel Artur, Direcçao Técnica: i v/s "O Director de Marketing e Comunicaçao".
RDP Antena 1, 87.9 MHz. Received a RDP International QSL signed by Paula Carvalho in 4 weeks.
RDP Antena 2, 97.5 MHz. Received a RDP International QSL signed by Paula Carvalho in 4 weeks.
Radio Betis, 89.6 MHz. After getting a first confirmation by e-mail, I finally got a detailed letter in 5 weeks by post confirming my report sent to v/s Julio Jiménez, Director Comunicación e Imagen.
Máxima FM Valencia, 95.7 MHz. Received full detailed letter by e-mail as an attached file in 7 weeks for e-report sent to v/s Germán Mayans, Técnico.
Activa Gold, 101.0 MHz. Received full detailed letter by e-mail as an attached file in 3 weeks for e-report sent to v/s Jordi Monsonís, Director. Address: Segaria 1, 2º, Pta. 4, 03760 Ondara, Alacant.
Mi Radio Expréss Gandía, 105.3 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 3 weeks for report sent to v/s Rafa Martínez, Director. Address: Rausell 5, 46702 Gandía, Valencia.
Radio Express Valencia, 93.1 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 1 year for an old report sent again to Rafa Martínez (see e-mail in the previous information). v/s Rafa Martínez and Josep Ramon Lluch.
RKM Valencia, 104.9 MHz. Received full detailed letter by e-mail as an attached file in 9 weeks for e-report sent to v/s Daniel Díez, Director.
Ibiza Global Radio, Valencia, 94.5 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 1 week for report sent to and v/s Aitor González.
Vinilo FM, Valencia, 105.9 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 10 weeks for report sent to No v/s.
40 Principales Gandía, 96.5 MHz. Received partly detailed letter of confirmation for report sent to v/s José Joaquín Gorrita, Jefe Técnico. Address: Loreto 32, 46700 Gandía, Valencia. This station and the next one both belong to SER Radio Gandía.
Cadena Dial Rótova, 107.0 MHz. Received partly detailed letter of confirmation for report sent to v/s José Joaquín Gorrita, Jefe Técnico. Address: Loreto 32, 46700 Gandía, Valencia.
COPE Vinaròs, 101.6 MHz. Received full detailed letter of confirmation in 2 weeks for report sent to COPE Castelló. v/s Jordi Monsonís, Técnico.
EsRadio, Valencia, 101.5 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 12 weeks for report sent to No v/s. Address: Avda. Maestro Rodrigo 84, Bajo derecha, 46015 Valencia.
Cadena Dial Litoral, Cartagena, 95.4 MHz. Received full detailed e-mail letter in 3 weeks for e-report to v/s Antonio Rosa, Director de SER Cartagena.