divendres, 20 de desembre del 2024

Nous programes de Radio SE-TA 2

Wednesday, December 25th, 2024, Christmas Day from 09.00-11.00 UTC on 6095 kHz

via the NAUEN transmitter of the Media Broadcast and a repetition on Friday, December 27th, 2024 from 09.00-11.00 UTC on 6195 kHz via the Waldheim/Saxony transmitter in DRM30 mode.
The programme is again called "Musikalischer Frühschoppen".
And you can also set RADIO SE-TA 2 as follows on:
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 from 09.00-11.00 UTC on 6115 kHz via the Gera/Thuringia Transmitter.
Please keep all these frequencies clear! These are legal broadcasts on coordinated frequencies!

For personal health reasons, it is unfortunately no longer possible to respond to and answer reception reports and emails. The operator asks for respect and understanding and asks listeners to just enjoy the program, but not to demand any answers from the station for the time being.

diumenge, 15 de desembre del 2024

Noves emissions d'FRSH

Emissions nadalenques de l'emissora neerlandesa Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH). Més info aquí: FRSH

Nova emissió de SAQ Grimeton

 El 24 de desembre, SAQ Grimeton tornarà a emetre. Més info aquí: SAQ

Sobre Jazz AM

JAZZ AM Latest Booked Programme Schedule

Sunday 15th December 
9670 kHz  10 kW 1200 to 1300 CET  GMT is  -1
3955 kHz 125kW Woofferton  2300 to 2400 CET GMT is  -1 hr
3955 kHz 10Kw  Germany  2400 to 0100 CET GMT is  -1hr

Thursday 26th December
6070 kHz 100kW Austria 1600 to 1700 CEST  GMT is  -1hr 

Sunday 5 January 2025
9670 kHz 10 kW 1200 to 1300 CEST  GMT is  -1hr
3955 kHz 10kW 2300 to 2400 CET   GMT is  -1hr

Have a look at Channel 292's Web Pages as there are a number new stations relaying through them and Woofferton.

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2024

QSL Radio Briscola, Itàlia

Radio Briscola, 1449 KHz, emissora italiana de la localitat de Lenta, al Piemont. Rebut correu electrònic de confirmació de la recepció i aquesta imatge, tot sense dades, per informe enviat a radiobriscola@gmail.com. v/s Gianfranco Giudice, qui m'informa que l'emissora emet amb 500 watts i que de moment només fa tests els caps de setmana.

Sobre Radio DARC

U.K. “RADIO DARC” will be broadcasting from England from January 2025.

For almost 10 years, RADIO DARC used the ORS transmitter in Moosbrunn near Vienna for its shortwave broadcasts on the ORS transmitter in Moosbrunn near Vienna on Sunday mornings. At the end of 2024, the station will be shut down.
All attempts to save the station have failed; Oesterreichischer Rundfunk broadcasting company wants to close the allegedly no longer suitable “shortwave” business field on December 31, 2024 finally and completely.

The view is apparently somewhat different in Woofferton, England, about 50 km southwest of Birmingham U.K.

The broadcasting complex of the British broadcasting company BBC, which still exists there BBC is operated by its subsidiary ENCOMPASS MEDIA and has a total of ten transmitters and just as many antennas.

“RADIO DARC” announces that with effect from January 1, 2025, a new broadcasting contract with the shortwave station ENC Woofferton with effect from January 1, 2025 could be concluded. Corresponding contract negotiations were successful and the DARC General Assembly approved the budget item requested for this at its meeting on November 16, 2024.

Our program will therefore be broadcast for the first time on Sunday, 5 January 2025 on the already used frequency 9670 kHz from ORS Woofferton England. 125 kW transmission power will be used on a 4 x 4 curtain antenna direction 105 degr azimuth to Germany. With this selection, an effective power of just under 4 MW is achieved.

The well-known transmission on shortwave 6070 kHz in the 49 m band will continue, where the DARC program will in future be transmitted with 10 kW transmission power from “Channel_292” near Ingolstadt in Bavaria.

The continuation of the club's own radio program on shortwave is thus secured for the time being.

We would like to thank the employees of ORS GmbH & Co. KG, especially Mr. Ernst Vranka, OE3EVA, for the many years of very support and wish them all the best for their upcoming retirement. (DARC e.V., Deutschland-Rundspruch 48th week 2024, Nov 28)

Nous programes de Jazz AM

Sunday at 1200 to1300 CET 9670 kHz   and 3955 kHz 2300 to 2400  CET

on 24th Nov, 1st, 8th, and 15th December.

The 15th December 3955 kHz 2300 2400 transmission is a 125 kW relay via Woofferton UK. This will celebrate the work of the late Quincy Jones.

This will be followed by a 10kW relay via Germany on Channel 292 content is  work in progress.

On 26th December there is a 100 kW relay via Austria on 6070 kHz  1600 to 1700 CET

Christmas will soon be upon us and that reminds me that 2024 Band Aid record is now available from your usual Music provider. Poverty around the world may have lessened according to some sources but it is still at a totally unacceptable level as a result of mankind's propensity to war and inability to cope with other disasters. There are other worthwhile charities who also need support and would welcome a Christmas gift.

If you enjoyed our slot on the JP Swing Orchestra recently , you can see them live. Venues are on their website. I have heard that most are already sold out but it is still worth looking.

There are a number of new CD's / vinyl jazz issues coming on the market. See you preferred music provider and listen to the 8th December transmissions.

Thanks to Channel 292, and their links to Encompass in UK, and  ORS in Austria for providing the transmitters which bring this programme to you.  

dimecres, 20 de novembre del 2024

Nou programa de Radio Northern Europe Int

Hei alle,

I wanted to let you know that there will be a new program (RNEI #52) for the WRMI transmissions starting tonight until mid December. (1UTC 5850kHz Thurs, 13UTC 15770kHz Thurs & 1UTC 5010kHz Sunday)

We're also planning a Christmas special like last year for Europe to look forward to, currently the plan is to have 3 or 4 hours with shows from many other creators!!

Lastly, there might be a test transmission from Woofferton coming soon before the Christmas special!

Wishing you all well,
Radio Northern Europe International

diumenge, 17 de novembre del 2024

Nou programa de Radio Igloo

On Saturday, November 23rd, a new program from Radio Igloo will be on air.

Next weekend The West Coast DX-Club in Gothenburg, Sweden will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg.

To draw attention to this Radio Igloo will be on air with a new program.

In the programme, our club-members will present their favourite radio stations, and play music that may have been heard in their programs.

The program starts at 22.00 CET (21.00 UTC) on 1620 kHz or on a free frequency nearby.

 We appreciate reports on our program, preferably with an audio clip and with comments on the content of the program.

Correct reports will be answered with a new e-QSL. 

Send your reports to radioigloo@gmail.com  

Emissió commemorativa de SAQ Grimeton, Suècia

On December 1st, 1924, the VLF transmitter, with call sign "SAQ" at Grimeton Radio Station, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station at Riverhead and the replying transmitter station at Rocky Point, both on Long Island, NY, USA.

On December 1st 2024, one hundred years later, SAQ will air to commemorate this event. The unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924, with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for one transmission over the antenna on VLF 17.2 kHz CW.

More info at https://alexander.n.se/

dimecres, 6 de novembre del 2024

QSL Radio Sound of Africa

Radio Sound of Africa, 7395 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL en un dia per informe enviat a radiosoundofafrica@gmail.com.

També he rebut un esquema de les properes emissions:

Sunday 10 November: 1000-1400 UTC on 7395 kHz + 2000-2200 on 7400 kHz
Saturday, 16 November: 1900-2000 on 7395 kHz +  2000-2100 on 7400 kHz  and 2100-2200 on 7395 kHz
Sunday 17 November: 1000-1400 UTC on 7395 +  2000-2100 on 7400 kHz  and 2100-2200 on 7395 kHz

dimecres, 23 d’octubre del 2024

QSL Tallinn Radio, Estònia

Tallinn Radio, 2187'5 KHz, estació costanera estoniana, emissió en DSC. Rebuda QSL en forma de díptic per informe enviat a info@riks.ee i keskus@riks.ee. v/s Indrek Laur.

diumenge, 20 d’octubre del 2024

QSL Atlantic 2000 International

Atlantic 2000 International, 9670 KHz, via Channel 292, Rohrbach, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

dimecres, 16 d’octubre del 2024

QSL Ràdio Capital, Empordà

Ràdio Capital, 95.6 MHz, emissora empordanesa que va comprar Joy FM i que ara arriba prou bé al Maresme. Rebut correu electrònic confirmant l'escolta per informe enviat a info@radiocapital.cat. v/s Miquel Curanta.

diumenge, 13 d’octubre del 2024

QSL Reykjavik Radio, Islàndia

Reykjavik Radio, 2187'5 KHz, emissora costanera islandesa, DSC. Rebut correu electrònic en un dia confirmant la recepció per informe enviat a reyrad@lhg.is

dimecres, 9 d’octubre del 2024

Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday, 12th of October from 0800 to 0900 UTC (1000 to 1100 CEST) on 6070 and 9670 kHz via Channel 292.

Streams will be available at the same time here: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr

Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Before that, you can listen to our 24/7 webstream or our podcasts on our website.
Good listening!

Visit our website and listen to Atlantic 2000, 24 hours a day: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr  

dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2024

QSL Valencia Radio

Valencia Radio, 8414'5 KHz, emissió DSC d'aquesta emissora costanera. Després de múltiples intents, he rebut finalment aquesta E-QSL per informe enviat a ccr.valencia@cellnexttelecom.com. v/s Carlos Valencia Martínez, que no indica en la QSL que l'emissora rebuda va ser Valencia Radio, però sí que ho especifica en el correu electrònic que m'envia.

Info de Jazz AM


Thanks to all of you who have sent in signal reports. I am gradually sending E QSLs out so bear with me.

All those who have contacted me seem happy with the mix of Jazz that is being chosen for the playlist, so we will continue to
produce a mix based on our favourite music,

Channel 292 seem to being have some trouble with 3955 and 6070 kHz so we will concentrate on 9670 kHz with both morning and evening transmissions, and mix the beam headings west and east  as we now have listeners further afield in Israel and Russia.

As you know Woofferton UK sometimes relays Channel 292  ( If someone pays them the airtime fee!).Some advertising fee or sponsorship would help to keep these activities going.  1 hour of 125 kW is €130 which is good value I accept, but some small contribution will help.

I hope that on Sat 5th October there will be a 85 kW DRM version of Jazz AM on 3955 kHz at 2100 to 2200 UTC and
on Sunday 6th October a 125 kW AM version at the same time.  This is now confirmed as I write this newsletter!

other transmissions are on 9670 kHz  (10 Kw some with beam )
Sunday 6th October 1200 to 1300 CEST from Germany at 10 kW beamed R  (West) and repeated Saturday 12th October

Keep watch on 9670 kHz on Sundays 1200 to 1300 CEST for future broadcasts.

diumenge, 29 de setembre del 2024

Nova QSL BNR Hristo Botev, Bulgària

BNR Radio Hristo Botev, 87.8 MHz, via esporàdica. Després de rebre ja una QSL (vegeu entrada del 12 d'agost), ara he rebut una segona confirmació, suposo que per error, per informe enviat a reception.report@bnr.bg

QSL Radio Taiwan International

Radio Taiwan International, 7250, 9545 i 11995 KHz. Rebuda QSL del servei alemany d'aquesta emissora per una emissió test via Tamsui. Informe enviat a deutsch@rti.org.tw

diumenge, 15 de setembre del 2024

QSL KSKO via Space Line, Bulgària

KSKO, 5900 KHz, via Space Line, Bulgària. KSKO és una petita emissora local de la ciutat de McGrath, a Alaska, que emet un programa setmanal d'una hora cada divendres a través dels emissors d'ona curta d'Spaceline, Bulgària. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a gm.ksko@gmail.com. La resposta va arribar de paul@alaskaradionerd.com i venia signada pel Director de l'emissora i conegut diexista Paul Walker.

dimecres, 11 de setembre del 2024

QSL Radio Libertad, Mallorca

Radio Libertad FM, 89.8, emissor de Mallorca. Rubut email de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a oyentes@radiolibertad.es 

FM QSL Report


Cadena Dial Penedès Garraf, 98.8, full detailed E-letter in 12 days for e-report to Barcelona HQ. v/s Javier Esplugas, Jefe Técnico.

Els 40 Reus, 101.4, full detailed E-letter in 18 days for e-report. v/s Jordi Cartañà.

BOM Radio, via 7 de Ràdio, 99.2, full detailed E-letter in 12 days for e-report to info@bomradio.com. v/s Javier Martín.


Radio Libertad, 89.8, full detailed E-letter in 27 days for e-report to oyentes@radiolibertad.es

Rock FM Mallorca, 95.6, full detailed E-letter in 2 days for e-report to rockfm@rockfm.fm and mallorca@cope.es

Mallorca E1ns, 104.8, non detailed Facebook message in 1 week.

Fibwi Radio, 101.4, full detailed E-letter in 12 days for e-report to attweb@fibwi.com.


Rockstar, 95.3, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to incidencias@emisorasmusicales.net

Onda Valencia Radio, 100.9, non detailed Facebook message in 9 days.

Onda Cero Marina Alta, 95.9, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to europafmdenia@gmail.com. v/s Elvio Pedro González

La Flamenca, 95.4, non detailed E-letter in 7 days for e-report to incidencias@emisorasmusicales.net


Verbena FM, 95.3, non detailed whatsapp message in 1 week.


Bremen Eins, 89.3, QSL in 5 months for e-report.

MDR Kultur, 87.9, QSL in 2 months for e-report to technik@mdr.de. v/s André Beyer.

NDR Welle Nord, 93.1, QSL in 1 month for e-report to technik@ndr.de

Antenne Niedersachsen, 106.3, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to studio@antenne.com

NDR Info, 88.6, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to technik@ndr.de

NDR Kultur, 88.2, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to technik@ndr.de


Radio Bouira, 99.8, non detailed Facebook message in 1 day.

Radio Skikda, 94.8, non detailed Facebook message in 2 days.


BNR Hristo Botev, 87.8, QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to reception.report@bnr.bg. v/s Desislava Semicovska.


Chérie FM, 92.7, non detailed E-letter in 6 weeks. v/s Christophe Déconfin.


ERT Aigaiou, 104.4, non detailed Facebook message in 9 days.

Marios Blackman, via Mythos FM, 104.8, non detailed Facebook message in 7 weeks.

Kids Radio, 88.6, non detailed Facebook message in 7 weeks.


Radio Super Sound, 88.7, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to suxsound@tiscali.it. v/s Ian.

RAI Isoradio, 103.3, non detailed whatsapp message in 7 weeks.

Radio Subasio, 94.5, full detailed E-letter in 6 days for e-report to ufficiostampa@radiosubasio.it

Radio Margherita, 96.4, non detailed Facebook message in 2 days.

Radio Monte Carlo, 93.8, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report. v/s Stefano Bragatto, Direttore.

Radio Macomer Centrale, 89.3, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to rmc@radiomacomer.com. v/s Roberto Melis.

Radio Camaldoli Stereo, 87.9, non detailed E-letter in 13 days for e-report to info@rcsnetwork.net. v/s Salvatore Arpaia.


Al Nour Dawah Radio, 87.9, non detailed Facebook message in 2 months.


Kanal 77, 102.9, full detailed E-letter in 22 days for e-report to kanal77@kanal77.com.mk. v/s Viktor Gavrilov, Director.


Hit Radio, 98.7, full detailed E-letter in 8 weeks. v/s Mourad Ougacem


RMF FM, 95.3, full detailed E-letter in 6 days for e-report to redakcja@rmf.fm. v/s Krzysztof Glowinski.


CR Hradec Králové, 95.3, full detailed E-letter in 9 days for e-report. v/s Ales Müller, and QSL card in 1 month for e-report to czech national radio, v/s Pavel Stranák.


Radio Beograd 1, 95.3, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to radiomaster@rts.rs. v/s Dragan Scepanovic


Sveriges Radio, several frequencies, full detailed letter in 2 months. v/s Petter Ahnoff, Head of Program Development.


Radio Nationale Tunisienne, 102.6, E-QSL in 6 weeks via Facebook.

diumenge, 8 de setembre del 2024

MW/SW QSL Report


Radio Laghouat, 702, non detailed E-letter in 17 days for e-report to radiolaghouat03@gmail.com. v/s Fadela Yahiaoui.


HCJB Japan, 15460, via Reach Beyond, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to hcjbjapan.office@gmail.com

Reach Beyond Australia, 15460, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to radio@reachbeyond.org.au. v/s Margaret Penford.

JSWC via HCJB Japan/Reach Beyond, 15460, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to jswcqsl@live.jp. v/s Sakaé Obara, QSL Manager

RCC Australia VIC, 12577, E-QSL in 3 weeks. v/s Craig Bloom.


WORW via Moosbrunn, 9670, E-QSL in 8 months for e-report to vorwinfo@gmail.com


Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, 6180, QSL in 2 months for e-report to ouvidoria@ebc.com.br


Varna Radio, 8414'5, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to varnaradio@bgports.bg. v/s Rosen Raykov.


Iqaluit Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to IqaNordreg@innav.gc.ca. v/s Aude Lecouturier.


Las Palmas Radio, 2187'5, QSL in 1 month for e-report to ccr.laspalmas@cellnextelecom.com. v/s Yurena Morales.


Valparaíso Playa Ancha Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to cbvradio@directemar.cl


Guangzhou Radio, 12577, full detailed E-letter in 6 months for e-report to gzrdoxsq@163.net. v/s Huang Ye.

Shanghai Radio, 12577, non detailed E-letter in 8 months for e-report to hadt@shhadt.com


Alcaraván Radio, 5910, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to rafaelcoldx@yahoo.com. v/s Rafael Rodríguez.


Cyprus Radio, 8414'5, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to cyprus.radio@jrcc.org.cy. v/s Kiriakos Olympios.


WMR, 25800, QSL in 5 months for e-report to wmr@wmr.dk. v/s Stig Hartvig Nielsen.


TWR, 1035, via Tartu, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to kdobos@twr.org. v/s Kalman Dobos.


Tórshavn Radio, 2187'5, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to MRCC@vorn.fo


Radio Piko, 5980 LSB, E-QSL in 11 days for e-report to pikofinland@gmail.com

RealMix Radio, 6195, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to realmix.sw@gmail.com. v/s Joakim Weckström


MRCC La Garde, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to lagarde.mrcc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.

MRCC Jobourg, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 week for e-report to jobourg@developpement-durable.gouv.fr. v/s Reynald Landru.

Cross Gris Nez, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to gris-nez@mrccfr.eu

VORW, 11920 via Issoudun, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to vorwinfo@gmail.com


Radio DARC, 6070, via Chanel 292, QSL in 4 months for e-report to radio@darc.de

SDXF, 9670, via Channel 292, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to qsl@sdxf.se

AGDX, 5920 via HCJB Weenermoor, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to qsl@agdx.de. v/s Olaf Mertens

Europarl Radio, 9670, via Channel 292, E-QSLs in 20 days for e-report to QSL@europarl.europa.eu. v/s Robertas Pogorelis.

KMRT, 6070, via Channel 292, E-QSL in 2 years for a new e-report to imaginarystations@gmail.com

DCF77, 77'5, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to dirk.piester@ptb.de. V/s Dirk Piester.

Skybird Radio Int, 6160, via Shortwaveradio, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to imaginarystations@gmail.com

WJST, 6160, via Shortwaveradio, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to imaginarystations@gmail.com

Weekend Music Radio, 6160, via Shortwaveradio, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to info@wmrscotland.com

Radio 60! 6045 via Nauen, E-QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to erdenman@gmx.de

Gary Gordon Radio, 6070 via Channel 292, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to info@garygordon.net

Missionsbote, 6055 via Nauen, QSL in 1 month for e-report to info@missionsbote.de. v/s Lisa Helber

SM Radio Dessau, 6070, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to maxberger@smradio-dessau.de

Bremen Rescue Radio, 2187'5, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to mail@mrcc-bremen.de

Texas Radio SW, 9670, via Channel 292, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to texasradioshortwave@protonmail.com


Radio Rurale, Labé, 1386, non detailed E-letter in 21 years! for a new e-report to r.ruralelabe@gmail.com. v/s Mme. Ramatoulaye Bah.


WWVH, 10000, QSL in 20 days for e-report to wwvh@nist.gov


Danko Rádió, 1251, E-QSL in 15 days for e-report to info@mtva.hu. v/s Iván Kovács.


AIR Hyderabad, 4800, QSL in 3'5 years! after f/up to spectrum-manager@prasarbharati.gov.in


Malin Head Radio, 2187'5, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to mrsc.malin@transport.gov.ie. v/s Mike Mullins.

MRSC Valentia, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 10 days for e-report to mrscvalentia@transport.gov.ie. v/s Denis O'Leary.


Italcable, 10000, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to info@associazioneitalcable.it

Radio Studio X, 1188, E-QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to qsl@radiostudiox.it

Radio Six, 1323, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to letters@radiosix.com

Radio Centrale Milano, 1575, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to centralemilano@hotmail.com

Radio Z100 Milano, 1350, non detailed E-letter in 2 years! for e-report to radioz100milano@gmail.com. v/s Alessandra

IRRS, 1323, E-QSL in 19 months for e-report to reports@nexus.org. v/s Ron

Bari Radio, 2187'5, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to palermo.radio@telecomitalia.it


Radio Lenta, 1557, via Sitkunai, non detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to pagalba@telecentras.lt

CM Obrecht, 1386, via RBWI, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to c.obrecht@swissonline.ch


MWV, 13670, QSL in 1 month for e-report to info@worldchristian.org

Rádio Palavra Alegre/MWV, 9765, QSL in 1 month for e-report to contato@palavraalegre.com.br. V/s Romulo Fontes


NHK, 5985 via Yangoon, QSL in 4'5 years! after f/up via web to Burmese Service.


Rock Power, Nijmegen, 7260, non detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to rockpower@kpnmail.nl

Radio Casanova, 6020, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiocasanova@hotmail.com

Netherlands Coastguard, 518, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to ccc@kustwacht.nl

Radio Veronica, 5955, E-QSL in 8 days for e-report to qsl@radioveronica.nl. v/s Herbert Visser.

Radio Piepzender, 13595, QSL in 6 months for e-report to radioqsl@hotmail.com


Taupo Maritime Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to maritime@kordia.co.nz. v/s Darren Hill.


Norwegian Coastal Radio North, 2187'5, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to kystradio.nord@telenor.no

Norwegian Coastal Radio South, 2187'5, E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to stian.tveit@telenor.no. v/s Stian B. Tveit


Polish Rescue Radio, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to gmdss@umgdy.gov.pl. v/s Slawomir Rzeszutek


WGIT Faro de Santidad, 1660, non detailed E-letter in 5 years for a new e-report to programacionfaro@gmail.com


MRCC La Réunion, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to lareunion.mrcc@developpement-durable.gouv.fr


Radio Capodistria, 1170, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report. v/s Aljosa Curavic


Warsan Radio, 7750 USB, partly detailed E-letter in 2 weeks for e-report to warsanradiobaidoa@gmail.com. v/s Hilaal Sheikh, Director


Cape Town Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 4 days. v/s Ashraf Khan.


Coruña Radio, 8414'5, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to ccr.a.coruna@cellnextelecom.com. v/s Ángel Sande.


Stockholm Radio, 2187'5, E-QSL and full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to info@stockholmradio.se

JRCC Sweden, 2187'5 KHz, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to jrcc@sjofartsverket.se. v/s Daniel Aström


Keelung Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to zz224910@cht.com.tw

Fuhsin Broadcasting Station, 9410, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to fhbs594@gmail.com.


Radio Prague, 12095 via Dhabbaya, E-QSL in 18 days for e-report to cr@radio.cz

Radio Slovakia Int, 12095, via Dhabbaya, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to Russian Section.


Greatest Hits Radio, 1548, partly detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to ghrscotland@bauermedia.co.uk. v/s Matt Soanes.

MRCC Humber, 2187'5, full detailed E-letter in 2 days for e-report to zone8@hmcg.gov.uk. v/s Robert Ryan.

MRSC Stornoway, 2187'5, non detailed E-letter in 1 day after f/up to zone36@hmcg.gov.uk. v/s Michele Mackay

UK Coastguard, 2187'5, Coastal stations at Dover, Falmouth, Stornoway, Aberdeen and Milford Haven, full detailed E-letter in 1 month for e-report to HQ. v/s Paul English.


Over the Horizon Radio, 15770, via WRMI, E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to othrequests@gmail.com. v/s Larry Deyoe

WWV, 10000, QSL in 20 days for e-report to inquiries@nist.gov

WRNO, 7505, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to wrnoradio@mailup.net

Texas Radio SW, 15770, via WRMI, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to texasradiosw@gmail.com

Radio Poland, 15770 via WRMI, QSL in 7 months for e-report to Russian Section.


Radio Vanuatu, 5040, E-QSL in 4 years for an e-report. v/s Robert Warren, Senior Technical Officer.


Hai Phong Radio, 12577, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to hphong_radio@vishipel.com.vn


Radio Fox 48, 6290, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to radiofox48@hotmail.com

Radio Igloo, 5940, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to radioigloo@gmail.com

Radio Lowland, 6265, E-QSL in 7 days for e-report to radiolowland@hotmail.com

Radio Sombrero, 6306, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to radio.sombrero@proton.me

Kiss AM, 6300, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to kissam@gmx.com

FRSH, 7700, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to frs@frsholland.nl. v/s Peter Verbruggen

Radio Mexico, 6290, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to mexico1955@web.de

Golden Oldies Radio, 5810, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to contact@goldenoldiesradio.nl

Ruqui AM, 6931 via Indy Radio, E-QSL in 15 days for e-report to ruquiradioam@hotmail.com

Gringo Radio, 6171, E-QSL in 18 weeks for e-report to gringoradio@protonmail.com


Yoruba Nation Radio, 17735 via Wooferton, non detailed Facebook message.

Radio La Montaña, 4940, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to radiolamontana@gmail.com

National Unity Radio, 6985, E-QSL in more than 4 years for e-report to umg.info@uni-media.net