Radio Igloo, 5940 Khz, pirata sueca. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
divendres, 28 d’abril del 2023
Nou programa de Radio Classic Sunday
We will have another broadcast on Sunday 30 April. From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (C.E.T.) you can listen again on 6185 Khz.
We hope for good conditions again so that we can be heard again in Europe.
Listening reports are very welcome.
There is more to experience on our website, we have a column by René Koolenbrander and Jan Staphorst with nice items. In short, don't forget to listen next Sunday morning.
dimecres, 26 d’abril del 2023
QSL Over the Horizon Radio via WRMI
Over the Horizon Radio, 15770 KHz, via WRMI, Okechobee, Estats Units. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Larry Deyoe.
dimarts, 25 d’abril del 2023
dilluns, 24 d’abril del 2023
QSL Dankó Rádió, Hongria
Dankó Rádió, 1251 KHz, canal de la ràdio pública hongaresa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Iván Kovács
diumenge, 23 d’abril del 2023
Nou programa de Radio Igloo
On Tuesday April 25th at 19.00 (17.00 UTC) Radio Igloo will be on air with a tibute to The Pirateradio Queen, Britt Wadner, and to Radio Syd, the Swedish radiopirate who was transmitting from Cheeta 1 and Cheeta 2 in Öresund in the firts half of the 60-ties.
The progam is a coproduction from Radio Igloo and Malmö Shortwave Club.
There will be a mix mof Swedish and English and music that was played in Radio Syd´s programs. The program will be transmitted on 5940 kHz.
Reports and comments are always welcome at
dissabte, 15 d’abril del 2023
QSL Radio Rurale, Labé, Guinea
El desembre de 2001, vaig escoltar per primer cop aquesta emissora de Guinea, que aleshores emetia pels 1386 KHz. Aleshores vaig enviar el meu informe de recepció per correu postal un parell de cops i posteriorment vaig fer intents per correu electrònic, sempre sense èxit. Fa uns dies, remenant papers, vaig trobar l'antic informe de recepció i vaig decidir fer un nou intent usant l'adreça de correu electrònic que apareix al Facebook de l'emissora: La sorpresa ha estat rebre aquest cop una confirmació de la meva recepció després de més de 21 anys!
La Senyora Ramatoulaye Bah, que m'explica que està a l'emissora des de 1996, em confirma la meva recepció amb un correu electrònic sense dades i em diu que ja no emeten en ona mitjana, només en FM (91.7 i 103.1 MHz) des de l'emissor de Limboko, a 15 Km de Labé, i majoritàriament en llengua pular.
Aquesta confirmació suposa també per a mi un nou ràdio país confirmat (Guinea), cosa gens fàcil d'aconseguir últimament amb el declivi de l'ona curta.
dijous, 13 d’abril del 2023
QSL WGIT Faro de Santidad, Puerto Rico
WGIT Faro de Santidad, 1660 KHz, emissora religiosa de Puerto Rico. Escoltada el 2018 per primer cop, fins ara no he tingut la sort d'aconseguir una confirmació de l'escolta amb un correu electrònic sense dades. Informe enviat a
He d'agrair a l'amic Mauricio Molano l'adreça correcta per aconseguir la confirmació!
QSL Rock FM, Gandia
Rock FM, 98.8 MHz, emissora de Gandia. L'estiu passat vaig poder escoltar aquesta emissora amb una identificació local. Rebuda finalment una confirmació de l'escolta per correu electrònic i amb dades completes per informe enviat a
Info sobre WMR i Radio 208
World Music Radio (WMR) has commenced using a new 300 Watts transmitter from April 12 2023 on 15700 kHz after several months with 10 Watts only here. The transmitter is currently being run on a test basis 24/7 – but from next week it will be Saturdays and Sundays only. Occasionally on weekdays (I can put the transmitter on - by request, should anyone want it). So far results have been good. The signals has been monitored via KiwiSDRs in South Africa, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, Bonaire, USA, Iceland, Russia, Ireland, many places in Central and South Europe, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. The aerial is a three element yagi beamed south. The transmitter is slightly off channel (a bit below 15700.0 kHz); this will be adjusted as soon as possible. Works will also be done to improve the audio quality on 15700 kHz.
WMR is still on the air on 927 kHz (150 Watts), 5930 kHz (100 Watts), and 25800 kHz (60 Watts). These three frequencies are on the air 24/7. Power on 5930 kHz will soon be increased to 200 Watts. In the last few months 25800 has been monitored almost all over the world - at times - due to the currenthigh sunspot numbers.
Radio208 has had some issues with a new 300 Watts transmitter on 5970 kHz – replacing the old 100 Watts transmitter, which was running around 75 Watts only. The new transmitter has been on and off for the past few weeks. It was put back into service again today at 10 UTC, the power lowered to 200
Watts, and hopefully it will continue now. Later, plans are to improve the dipole aerial for 5970, and thus increase power to 300 Watts again. Also problems with the aerial for 1440 kHz. Currently 1440 is running low power (around 20-30 Watts), so still audible locally. It may take a couple of weeks until 1440 can return to full power, which may be 500 Watts instead of the ‘normal’ 400 Watts. We are considering a new aerial, which would improve reception in central Copenhagen. Both 5970 and 1440 kHz are on the air 24/7.
QSL card is desired, kindly send five euro – or two IRCs to cover return postage. Donations are always VERY welcome. Address is: World Music Radio/Radio208, PO Box 112, DK-8960 Randers SØ, Denmark. Paypal via E-mail addresses are: and
If you want to listen via the internet – you can listen here:
Stig Hartvig Nielsen
dimecres, 5 d’abril del 2023
QSL Rock Power, Nymegen
Rock Power, 7260 KHz, petita emissora legal neerlandesa que emet des de Nymegen. Rebut correu electrònic de confirmació de l'escolta sense dades, però amb aquest logo.
Hans, qui signa el correu, em diu que els seus horaris són els següents:
i que aviat tindrà un nou emissor que li permetrà sortir amb més potència.
Pirate Hunt 2023
Pirate hunt 2023 will be held during Easter 2023 (April 7th – April 10th).
We try to keep rules simple:
- This contest is "Just for fun"! No need to argue.
- SDR's included remote receivers; Kiwi etc. are allowed!
- all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
- log as many PIRATE stations as possible between April 7th 0000 UTC and April 10th 2359 UTC
- ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed. QSL or recording is not necessary.
- post your full logs on forum (, PirateHuntDX Facebook group or by e-mail piratehunt @, during or after the contest (but until May 21st, 2023)
- participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
- results will be published in end of May
- Arguing about the contest rules will automatically result in a disqualification
Pirate Hunt 2023 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland) Like Our Page in Facebook:
Twitter Community:
Everyone is warmly welcome!
Nou programa de Radio Igloo
Hello all friends of Radio igloo
We will be transmitting with low-power this eastern-hollidays
The first transmission will be on April 7th on 5840 or on a free frequency nearby.
Time: 16.0-16.30 UTC (18.0-18.30 CEST)
Probably will be on air also the following days on the same frequency, but times are not specified yet.
Greetings from The Radio Igoo Team
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday, 8th of April from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CEST) only on 9670 kHz via Channel 292.
Reports to:
Before that, you can listen to our podcasts on our website. Good listening!
diumenge, 2 d’abril del 2023
Nou programa de Ràdio Andorra
Dimanche 2 avril de 18h à 21h (heure française) 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (UTC) sur 6005 kHz puis de 21h à 24h (heure française) 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. sur 3985 kHz ainsi que sur notre site :