dijous, 29 de desembre del 2022

QSL Ibiza Global Radio

Ibiza Global Radio, 98.8 MHz, emissora eivissenca que té, però, l'emissor a l'illa de Mallorca. Després de múltiples intents, rebuda per fi confirmació de l'escolta feta aquest estiu passat. v/s Xavi Emparan, Técnico.

QSL SM Radio Dessau via Moosbrunn

SM Radio Dessau, 6070 KHz, via els emissors de Moosbrunn, Àustria. Rebuda E-QSL confirmant l'escolta de diversos programes d'aquesta marató de ràdio per informe enviat a maxberger@smradio-dessau.de

dimarts, 27 de desembre del 2022

QSL Radio Extra Gold

Radio Extra Gold, 5870 KHz, emissora neerlandesa que en principi només funciona via internet, però que va ser reemesa per alguna pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@extragold.nl. v/s Jan Hariot, qui m'indica que la retransmissió en ona curta del seu programa no comptava amb el seu permís, però igualment confirma amablement el meu informe de recepció.

QSL Radio Carpathia, via Channel 292

Radio Carpathia, 9670 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiocarpathia@gmail.com

QSL ABC Germany, via Channel 292

ABC Germany, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a ABC-Germany@gmx.de

QSL Radio Scotland International

Radio Scotland International, 6260 KHz, pirata neerlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioscotland@hotmail.com 

QSL Radio Voyager

Radio Voyager, 6940 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiovoyager@hotmail.com 

QSL Radio Casanova

Radio Casanova, 5800 KHz, pirata neerlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiocasanova@hotmail.com

Nadala Radio Scotland International

Nadala Atlantic 2000

dissabte, 24 de desembre del 2022

Bon Nadal!

Nous programes de Radio SE-TA 2

RADIO SE-TA 2 will be back on the air as follows:

Sunday, December 25th, 2022, Christmas Day from 09.00-11.00 UTC on 6095 kHz via the big NAUEN transmitter of the Media Broadcast and a repetition on Saturday, December 31st, 2022 from 09.00-11.00 UTC on 6115 kHz via the own small GERA transmitter. The programme is called "Musikalischer Frühschoppen".
And you can also set RADIO SE-TA 2 as follows on: 
Saturday, January 7th, 2023 from 11.00-12.00 UTC on 6095 kHz via the big NAUEN transmitter of the Media Broadcast and a repetition on Sunday, January 8th, 2023 from 11.00-12.00 UTC on 6115 kHz via the own small GERA transmitter.
It will be show No. 11 of the popular "Let's Go Rock'n Roll" programme from the years 1955 to 1963 and recent listeners requests are fulfilled then.
Reception reports, comments and requests are most welcome to se-ta@web.de
No other e-mail address is valid for any response.
The operator expressly points out that only correct reception reports with at least 20 minutes of program content and comments on the program can be answered with a QSL. In the meantime, reception reports of some listeners are so badly written that they are no longer of any help
to the operator. And finally it should be said that there is currently only one QSL motive.

Nadala de Key Channel Radio

Nadala de Radio Romania International

divendres, 23 de desembre del 2022

Nou programa de FRSH

News from FRSH:

We were a bit disappointed by the fact that conditions were poor last weekend.

Shortwave propagation is unpredictable!The good news is that there will be a full repeat next XMas Sunday December 25th.Programmes run from 10:52- 15:35 UTC/ 11:52- 16:35 CET. Frequencies are 5870, 7700 & 9300 kHz.Mind you: this time 9300 is with higher power and 7700 with low power.Perhaps you find a little time to tune in between family business!

Info sobre Speedwing Radio

SPEEDWING RADIO - Germany´s Funk and Soul Station since 1995 will be back on the air around Christmas as follows:

December 25th, 2022 - Christmas Day, sunday on about 6190 kHz from 09.00 UTC 
December 26th, 2022 - Boxing Day, monday on about 6190 kHz from 09.00 UTC 
with the best Funk'nSoul-Remix-versions and some more special seducers!
Expect all programs about more than 1 hour duration, if possible.
Speedwing Radio looks forward to your reception reports, suggestions and comments: speedwingradio@gmx.net
Correct reception reports will be verified with NEW annual Speedwing Radio eQSL cards!

dijous, 22 de desembre del 2022

QSL Lyca Radio

Lyca Radio, 1458 KHz, emissora britànica de la comunitat índia, ex-Sunrise Radio. Després de múltiples intents amb diferents adreces, rebuda finalment una confirmació sense dades per correu electrònic. v/s Amitabh Sharma.

Nadala Radio Classic Sunday

Compte amb l'anunci! Proper programa: 29 gener 2023, 09.00 a 12.00 UTC pels 6185 KHz.

Info sobre Skyline Radio Germany


Shortwaveradio.de kindly gave us the possibility to be on air again with our shows via their transmitters located somewhere in Northern Germany.
If you would like to try to catch our programmes, EVERY SUNDAY starting on on December 18th, 2022, from about 09.00 to 10.00 UTC would be a good time to give us a listen. Try the 49 metre band shortwave on 6160 kHz!
However, please note that our QSL policy is not entirely new:
Incoming e-mail messages will neither be read nor answered!
BUT: In the future ONLY correct "snail-mail" reports with sufficient return postage will be answered with our unique paper printed QSL-cards!
Thanks for your understanding and have a great time!
Yours truly
DJ Jan Hendrik
Skyline Radio Germany - SRG
P.O.Box 2702
NL-6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

dimecres, 21 de desembre del 2022

QSL Radio Rossii via Grigoriopol

Radio Rossii, 999 KHz, programa de la ràdio nacional russa via els emissors de Grigoriopol, a Transnístria, oficialment dins de Moldàvia. Rebuda E-QSL directa des del centre emissor per informe enviat a prtc@idknet.com

dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2022

QSL Radio Joey

Radio Joey, 6295 KHz, pirata neerlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiojoey@hotmail.com

QSL Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 International, 6070 i 9670 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com

Nadala de Radio Mi Amigo

Info sobre Radio Delta

 Dear Friends,

After a period of Covid we are recovering and starting up the shortwave transmissions.*Call:*- We are looking for international DJ’s, are you interested you can set us a demo tape;- it is possible to sent us nice Christmas greetings for in our show, make a recording with your phone and sent it to our email.*Summary of news:*- For coming months it is irregular but we will be back on air for everyweekend;- The 6020 kHz is in use for short distance, the antenna is an NVIS model;- The 11730 kHz is in use for longer distance, we are using two element phased vertical array system;- To contact Radio Delta International for a WA message our phone number is * changed* into +31 6 50 22 82 57;- New A23 format with new frequency’s;- Radio Delta is working together with Radio Monique International on 918 kHz, the are using our transmitter and equipment (100 watt PEP), in the evening you can hear international shows;- During the transmission you can follow us - the facility - on the live stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQLLrcKm7UA9047cdim9kA- The website get more new information.*Registration new frequency’s ITU:**Christmas and New Year’s Eve:*We can give you some extra details:25/12/2022 6020kHz + 11730kHz 7.00UTC - 16.00UTC26/12/2022 6020kHz + 11730kHz 7.00UTC - 16.00UTCBoth days 11730kHz will be on air in the evening for intercontinental DX test.31/12/2022 6020kHz + 11730kHz 7.00UTC - 16.00UTC01/01/2022 6020kHz + 11730kHz 7.00UTC - 16.00UTCBoth days 11730kHz will be on air in the evening for intercontinental DX test.We are starting to update our website with new photos and information:Programs <https://radiodelta.am/programming/>radiodelta.am <https://radiodelta.am/programming/>[image: download-130x149-1.png] <https://radiodelta.am/programming/><https://radiodelta.am/programming/>Team Radio Delta International[e] info@radiodelta.am[I] https://radiodelta.am[f] 6020 kHz | 11730 kHz[t] +31 6 50 22 82 57YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQLLrcKm7UA9047cdim9kA>

Nadala Radio Batavia

dilluns, 19 de desembre del 2022

QSL RFE Lampertheim

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 11850 KHz, via els emissors de Lampertheim, a Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a diverses adreces. v/s Ken Brown.

QSL RFE Wooferton

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 15310 KHz, via els emissors de Wooferton, al Regne Unit. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a diverses adreces. v/s Ken Brown.

dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2022


Radio NUG, 11940 KHz, emissora clandestina que emet des de Taiwan cap a Myanmar. Rebuda E-QSL de forma automàtica per informe enviat a través del web www.radionug.org.

QSL RFE Kuwait

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 15090 KHz, via Kuwait. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a adreces diverses. v/s Ken Brown.

diumenge, 11 de desembre del 2022

QSL RFE Dhabayya, UAE

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 15365 KHz, via Dhabayya, UAE. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a adreces diverses. v/s Ken Brown.

QSLs Radio Taiwan via Tamsui

Radio Taiwan International, 7250/9545/11705/11995 KHz, via Tamsui, Taiwan. Després de llarga espera, rebudes 4 QSLs dels serveis francès i alemany per informes enviats a fren@rti.org.tw i deutsch@rti.org.tw.

QSL Radio Taiwan via Okechobee, Estats Units


Radio Taiwan International, 7780 KHz, via Okechobee, Estats Units. Després de llarga espera, rebudes finalment dues QSLs per la recepció dels tests previs a la tornada de les emissions regulars en castellà per ona curta. Informe enviat a esp@rti.org.tw.

Banderola Radio Taiwan Int.


dissabte, 10 de desembre del 2022

Nou programa d'FRSH

Our traditional December broadcast is just around the corner!

The broadcast will be on next Sunday December 18th. FRS-Holland will continue a long time tradition, ringing out the year. It was in the early 1980s that we started with December XMas broadcasts. Only very few times in the past 41 years, FRS was absent in December.It will be worth while tuning our way, so we invite you to join us next Sunday! For detailed information surf to: http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/157-frs-seasonal-december-broadcast-2.html
FRS Special 42nd Anniversary QSL cardIt took some time...the production of the special QSL card related to our 42nd Anniversary broadcast. We received a few minor setbacks. Meanwhile we can proudly announce the hand made QSL has been finished and ready to send either as an eQSL or a much nicer/ better looking!) hard copy. It's a very special one...the hard copy really is a must have and collectors item!! For those who sent an e-mail report: you still have the opportunity to go for a hard copy. Send 3 euro to our mailing address or if you have Paypal, transfer the money via Paypal (addressed to: frs@frsholland.nl). Safe, quick and easy! You won't regret it. For listeners from outside Europe: please pay 5 euro.
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....FRS-Holland, POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands.e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>Free Radio Service Holland is an Independent Free Radio station broadcasting on Shortwave since August 1980. Broadcasts are carried out in Dutch, German & English at an irregular basis on 51, 48, 41 & 31 metres.