dilluns, 31 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Lavalamp
Radio Lavalamp, 3955 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a singinggrove@conknet.com. v/s Fred Moe
Programa especial de Channel 292 avui
Heute Spezial Programme zum Sendeschluß der Offshore Stationen vor der niederländischen Küste auf 6070 und 9670 kHz; am Abend auch auf 3955 kHz. Wegen der schlechten Ausbreitungsbedingungen heute werden die Programme übermorgen, am Mittwoch, wiederholt.
Today special programs remembering the close down of the Offshore Stations off the dutch coast on 6070 and 9670 kHz, in the evening on 3955 kHz, too. Because of the bad propagation today the programs will be repeated the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.Radio Channel 292
Eja 2
85276 Pfaffenhofen
Zuteilungsnummer der Rundfunklizenz: BNA 01 95 8482
Tel: +49 8441 - 456 99 88
dissabte, 29 d’agost del 2020
Test de Radio SE-TA 2 amb emissor propi
RADIO SE-TA 2 startet am 01.09.2020 den Rundfunkbetrieb über unsere eigene Sendeanlage in Hartenstein (Sachsen), Deutschland. Es wird ab 10.00 Uhr UTC (12.00 MESZ) auf der Frequenz 6115 KHz eine einstündige Eröffnungssendung geben. Am Abend wird diese noch einmal ab 18.00 Uhr UTC (20.00 MESZ) wiederholt.Mit diesen Sendungen werden die ersten Empfangsbedingungen getestet. Es wird aber auch um programminhaltliche Themen bei RADIO SE-TA 2 gehen, die teilweise schon terminlich feststehen und andere, die sich noch in Planung befinden.
In Zukunft sind über unsere Sendeanlagen regelmäßige Programme nach einem Schema geplant, über die wir zu gegebener Zeit informieren werden.
Unsere vierteljährlichen Sendungen werden weiterhin immer am 1. Samstag eines neuen Quartals ausgestrahlt über die Sendeanlagen der MEDIA BROADCAST in Nauen auf 6095 kHz mit einer Sendeleistung von 125 KW. Bereits gebucht sind folgende Sendungen:
03.10.2020 - 10.00-12.00 UTC (= 12.00-14.00 Uhr MESZ) - Sonderlänge!
02.01.2021 - 11.00-12.00 UTC (= 12.00-13.00 Uhr MEZ)
03.04.2021 - 10.00-11.00 UTC (= 12.00-13.00 Uhr MESZ)
Ihre Briefe mit Kommentaren, Kritiken, Musikwünschen
und Empfangsberichten sind wie immer willkommen an: SE-TA@web.de
RADIO SE-TA 2 will start broadcasting on September 1st, 2020 via our own transmitter in Hartenstein (Saxony), Germany. There will be a one-hour opening broadcast on the frequency of 6115 KHz
from 10:00 UTC (12.00 CEST). In the evening, this one will be repeated again from 18.00 UTC (20.00 CEST).
With these transmissions reception conditions will be tested. But it will also be about program content topics at RADIO SE-TA 2, some of which have already been scheduled and others that are still being planned.
In the future, regular broadcasts are planned via our one transmitter according to a broadcast scheme, which we will inform you about in due course.
Our quarterly broadcasts continue to be aired on the 1st Saturday in the new quarter via the facilities of MEDIA BROADCAST in Nauen on 6095 kHz with a radiation power of 125 KW.
Transmissions are already booked as follows:
03.10.2020 - 10.00-12.00 UTC (= 12.00-14.00 CEST) - special length!
02.01.2021 - 11.00-12.00 UTC (= 12.00-13.00 CET)
03.04.2021 - 10.00-11.00 UTC (= 12.00-13.00 CEST)
Your letters with comments, criticisms, music requests
and reception reports are welcome to: SE-TA@web.de
Nou programa aniversari d'FRSH
Dear FRS Friends,
Upcoming Sunday August FRS-Holland will be on air celebrating its 200th official broadcast on short wave. The FRS presenting team is excited about this milestone and looking forward to this special broadcast. Neither costs nor efforts were spared to serve you, the listener, with the best in Free Radio. That means an evening full of great music but above all interesting info blocks related to our 40 year history. 40 years? Yes, one day later, Monday August 31st 2020 FRS-Holland becomes 40 years.
We have decided to split the festivities: on Sunday our 200th broadcast and late October/ early November the celebration of our 40th Anniversary. Of course we will inform you prior to that broadcast. But for now we concentrate on our 200th....look at for full details:http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/144-frs-holland-s-200th-broadcast.html
See you next Sunday!!
73s , the FRS-Holland team
Ps All mail from July/August will be answered shortly after the upcoming Newsletter. Included the Summer 2020 FRS Newsletter. FRS-Holland's 200th Broadcast Next Sunday August 30th- 40 years minus one day after FRS-Holland's official start back in 1980- the first of two festive broadcasts will
take place. Don't be misunderstood: this won't be the celebration of our 40th Anniversary! We save that one for later this year in October/ early November.
Next Sunday it concerns our 200th official broadcast. And all of us at FRS are eager to bring you the best in Free Radio. 'Statistics & Numbers' is a common thread through all of our evening shows. Each show contains a number of info topics based on statistics & numbers related to FRS' long history. Also the choice of music is (partly) related to this subject. Of course mail will be handled in all shows and: we
feature a little competion. Win yourself a radio DVD! We will draw three prize winners.
Programmes run from 16:52- 21:00 UTC/ 18:52- 23:00 CEST. Frequencies: 5790//7700 kHz. There might be a third frequency...keep an eye on the FRS website for the latest information. We will publish a 'Latest News' item on Sunday, not long before the start of the actual broadcast. We hope we can count on you: tune in and let us know about reception and the programmes. Hope to meet you next Sunday!
Programes de Showcase 292 i Encore Radio Tumbril
Showcase 292 will air with time donated by the station on Radio Channel 292 from Rohrbach, Germany on September 7 from 2100 to 2200 UTC on 3955, 6070 and 9670 kHz. This is Channel 292’s first collaborative simulcast featuring five music and variety programs that appear on its weekly schedule – Alt Universe Top 40 (rock), Encore (classical music), From the Isle of Music (Cuban music), Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot (world and novelty music) and the Voice of the Report of the Week (listener request music plus commentary). 3955 and 9670 are both new frequencies, and listeners are encouraged to try them as a DX catch in eastern Canada and the eastern United States. A special eQSL will be available from the producer (details will be given during the broadcast). 6070 kHz will of course not be receivable in Canada due to CFRX on the same frequency.
Regular Broadcast times of Encore are:
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 5850 kHz, Simulcast on 5010 kHz WRMI to the US, Canada and Central America.
16:00 – 17:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
02:00 – 03:00 UTC Monday 9455 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada
dimarts, 25 d’agost del 2020
SW/MW QSL Report
LRA 36, 15476 USB, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to tranalra36@radionacional.gov.ar
Welle 370, 6080, via Gavar, QSL in 22 weeks for e-report to welle370@funkerberg.de
Welle 370, 6140, via Moosbrunn, QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to welle370@funkerberg.de
16 Gwendoline Street, 9510, via IRRS, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to gwendolinestreet@gmail.com
CHRB, High River, Alberta, 1140, full detailed E-letter in 6 months for e-report to several addresses. v/s Kevin Wallace, Program Director.
China Tibet Broadcasting Station, 4905, QSL in 3 months for e-report to holytibetprogram@163.com
Radio 208, 1440, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to mail@radio 208.dk
Welle 370, 5935, via Nauen, QSL and brochure in 5 weeks for e-report to welle370@funkerberg.de
Radio Northern Europe Int, 6070, via Channel 292, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to qsl@rnei.org
Ghoul, 6070, via Channel 292, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to differentradio@yahoo.co.uk
Radio Diamond, 6070, via Channel 292, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radio-diamond@freenet.de
AWR KSDA, 12090, QSL in 6 months for e-report to golosnadezhdi@gmail.com
Radiodiffusione Europea, 1584, E-QSL in 1 month for e-report to qsl@radiodiffusioneeuropea.net. v/s Roberto Scaglione.
JOWF, Sapporo, 1440, QSL in 13 months for e-report to kan@stv.jp and contents@stv.co.jp
Free Radio Skybird, 5940, via Radio Onda, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to singinggrove@conknet.com
Radio Liangyou, 9275, QSL in 21 months for e-report to febc@febchk.org and norie.estabillo@febc.ph
Bangladesh DX Report, 9510, via IRRS, E-QSL in 9 days for e-report to dxbangla@gmail.com
SAQ Grimeton, 17.2, E-QSL in 1 month for e-report via web.
KRKO, Everett, WA, 1380, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to everettpostnews@krko.com. v/s Bonnie Johnson.
Vatican Radio, 7305, via Greenville, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to qsl.request@spc.va. v/s Liliana Biala.
Welle 370, 6145, via Tashkent, QSL in 22 weeks for e-report to welle370@funkerberg.de
Radio 29, 3936, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to radio29@gmx.net
Radio Merlin, 6305, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio Altrex, 6242, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to hku559@hotmail.com
Flashback Music Radio, 7331, E-QSL in 3 days for e-report to flashbackmusicradio@gmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 6299/6313 USB, E-QSLs in 29 months for e-report to balticseapirate@gmail.com
dilluns, 24 d’agost del 2020
QSL 16 Gwendoline Street via IRRS
16 Gwendoline Street, 9510 KHz, via IRRS, probablement emetent des de Kostinbrod, Bulgària. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a gwendolinestreet@gmail.com
QSL ON Radio, València
dissabte, 22 d’agost del 2020
QSL FM Kompakt via Radio 60
dimecres, 19 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Argentina al Exterior via Kall
dimarts, 18 d’agost del 2020
QSL LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel
LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, 15476 KHz USB, territori antàrtic argentí. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a tranalra36@radionacional.gov.ar sobre la recepció de la seva emissió "marató" de 24 hores entre els dies 8 i 9 d'agost de 2020.
dilluns, 17 d’agost del 2020
dissabte, 15 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, Bòsnia
divendres, 14 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Piepzender
dimecres, 12 d’agost del 2020
QSL Italiana FM, Mallorca
QSL Vida FM, Barcelona
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air on Saturday 15th of August, from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC on 6070 and 9670 kHz (new frequency) via Channel 292.
dilluns, 10 d’agost del 2020
QSL Free Radio Skybird via Radio Onda
dissabte, 8 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Argentina al Exterior via WRMI
divendres, 7 d’agost del 2020
QSL SAQ Grimeton
dijous, 6 d’agost del 2020
QSL China Business Radio
dilluns, 3 d’agost del 2020
dissabte, 1 d’agost del 2020
QSL Radio Dzungla, Doboj, Bòsnia
QSL Radio Beograd 1
QSL Top Remember, València
QSL Radio Northern Europe International
Radio Northern Europe International, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a qsl@rnei.org
Programes d'Encore - Classical Music
10:00 - 11:00 UTC Saturday 6070 kHz Channel 292 to Europe - Simulcast on 9670 kHz
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 5850 kHz, Simulcast on 5010 kHz WRMI to the US, Canada and Central America.
16:00 – 17:00 UTC Sunday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
02:00 – 03:00 UTC Monday 9455 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada