dimecres, 30 d’agost del 2017

QSL Fun Radio, Corse

Fun Radio, 99.4 MHz, freqüència de Bàstia i Calvi, a Còrsega, escoltada en una de les primeres tropos d'aquest estiu. Rebut e-mail de confirmació sense dades per informe enviat a diverses adreces. v/s Benoît Quiviger.

QSL Enterprise Radio

Enterprise Radio, 6950 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a enterpriseradio@hotmail.com

dilluns, 28 d’agost del 2017

QSL El Prat Ràdio

El Prat Ràdio, 91.6 Mhz, emissora municipal d'El Prat de Llobregat. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a elpratradio@elpratradio.com. v/s Òscar Sánchez, Director.

dissabte, 26 d’agost del 2017

QSL Sri Lanka B.C.

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), servei exterior de la ràdio nacional de Sri Lanka, 11750 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a victorgbroadcaster@gmail.com. v/s Victor Goonetilleke, QSL Manager, qui m'informa que disposa de 8 QSLs diferents per confirmar informes.

FRSH demà

Dear FRS Friend,

Next Sunday August 27th FRS will be radiating the spirit of SW Free Radio over Europe.
For details including schedule, frequencies ,times & streaming please visit our website at:

Following next weekend's broadcast, we will start replying to all mail from July 30th and August 27th.
For next Sunday we will offer a brand new large color photo QSL!
Have a good weekend and we'll count on your support. Tune in next Sunday!!

73s  Peter Verbruggen (on behalf of the FRS staff)

divendres, 25 d’agost del 2017

QSL Speedwing Radio

Speedwing Radio, 6160 KHz, emissora pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a speedwingradio@gmx.net


ERT, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional grega, 9420 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a dgazidellis@ert.gr. v/s Dimitris K. Gazidellis, Director of Network Development and Operations.

dijous, 24 d’agost del 2017

QSL Imagine 89.7, Thessaloniki, Grècia

Imagine 89.7, 89.7 MHz, Thessaloniki, Gràcia. Emissora escoltada en una esporàdica l'estiu del 2012 (!) i que per fi ha confirmat el meu informe per e-mail i amb dades completes. Informe enviat a imagine2@imagine897.gr. No hi ha v/s.

Infos de Radio Mi Amigo

Another HIGH POWER broadcast at the end of this month !
On Sunday, August, 27th we remember those sad days when the MOA (Anti-Pirate-Law) came over a lot of free offshore radiostations.
In the UK it happened on August, 14 1967, in the Netherland the law came at August, 31 1974 and at both times most of the offshore stations closed down, and free radio became nearly away of live ! That's the time when 'the music nearly died' !
Of course Radio Caroline/Radio Mi Amigo International continued and we do still today, even its no more at the 'high sea'
We remember these sad days with a lot of music and original recordings.
August, 27 from 19 - 21 hr CET  (17-19 hr UTC) with 100 KW of power on SW 25 m band on 11845 kHz and online via our webstreams:http://radiomiamigointernational.com 
As you may have seen on our schedule at: http://radiomiamigointernational.com/english/sw-schedule.html we have a 'special' Hello Europe show each Thursday at 14hr and 19hr CET where we invite former offshore jocks. The first who will do regually monthly shows in this timeslot are:
Robbie Owen (pic left) ! Robbie worked on Abie Nathans Voice of Peace off the Israelian coast and is still in radio-business
Stuart Vincent (pic right)! Stuart worked between 1980-1985 on the Voice of Peace, Radio Caroline and Laser 558
Please give both a friendly welcome: robbie@radiomiamigointernational.com (Robbie Owen) and stuart@radiomiamigointernational.com(Stuart Vincent)
Robbie will be doing the slot mostly each first Thursday of a month, Stuart each second Thursday of each month.
All new infos about when the shows are aired you will find on: https://www.facebook.com/radiomiamigointernational/

Brandnew QSL-Cards are waiting for you !
Our brandnew QSL cards arrived, showing the MV Mi Amigo on  high sea.Have fun with the new cards!
.....coming soon..........
At the end of September there will be another 'high power' broadcast and we need your help for that program. More to come soon ........

dimecres, 23 d’agost del 2017

QSL WJHR, Milton, FL

WJHR, 15555 KHz, emissora religiosa nord-americana, de Milton, Florida. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a wjhr@usa.com. v/s G.S. Mock

dimarts, 22 d’agost del 2017

QSL Radio 24, Itàlia

Radio 24, 96.5 MHz, emissora italiana. Rebut e-mail de confirmació sense dades de l'escolta per informe enviat a múltiples adreces electròniques. La resposta ha arribat del Sr. Dario Arbulla, de l'Ufficio Tecnico de l'emissora, qui sí m'informa que l'emissor escoltat es troba a la Toscana, a Monte Meto, província de Lucca, que emet amb 2 Kw de potència i fa servir una cortina de sis antenes de dipol.
Simultàniament he rebut també resposta del Sr. Enrico Pagliarini, que també em confirma l'escolta, aquest cop amb dades completes (dia, hora i freqüència).
Web de l'emissora: www.radio24.it

dilluns, 21 d’agost del 2017

QSL Oostende Radio

Oostende Radio, 2761 KHz, emissora costanera belga. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a rmd@mil.be. v/s Sandra Meeuw, 1st Operator and Administratief assistent.
La Sra. Meeuw també m'envia la següent informació sobre l'emissora:
1918-1930 rebuilding of the coast station - callsign OST - located at Oostende.
1929 r/telephony operational - callsign OSU.
1932-1940 modernisation of Oostenderadio - located at Stene.
1947 transmitters located at Middelkerke - receivers located at Stene.
April 1st 1964 opening of a new station located at Oudenburg.
full remote control of all transmitters located at Middelkerke and at Ruiselede.
Dec.15th 1977 opening of a ultra-modern station in the center of Oostende.
r/telex fully modernised and operational.
radio traffic on VHF, MF and HF - r/telephony and r/telegraphy.
1987 full automatic Navtex.
Nov. 1995 closing down of HF r/telegraphy.
Feb. 1999 DSC fully operational.
2001 Oostenderadio becomes part of the Belgian Navy.
March 2004 closing down of r/telex.
Oct. 30th 2006 station located in a new Comm Center at Zeebrugge 51°20N 003°12E.
March 2016 Oostenderadio relocates in Oostende, with MRCC.
HF transmitters Marconi H1140 - 10 kW and NAVTEX transmitters SAIT-Devlonics CST 2001 - 1 kW - located at Ruiselede/Wingene 51°05 N 003°20 E.

QSL Premium Radio, Mallorca

Premium Radio (ex-La Mega), Mallorca, 101.6 MHz. Rebut missatge de confirmació a través de facebook per informe enviat per aquesta mateixa xarxa social. No v/s.

dissabte, 19 d’agost del 2017


COPE Denia, 89.6 MHz. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a denia@cope.es. v/s Jaume Ferrer.

QSL IBC via Channel 292

IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation), 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a ibc@europe.com

dimecres, 16 d’agost del 2017


VORW (Voice of the Report of the Week) Radio International, 9955 KHz via WRMI, Okechobee, Estats Units. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a vorwinfo@gmail.com

Programes de VORW Radio

Dear VORW Radio Listeners, 

Since the last newsletter, there are several changes and updates to announce for VORW Radio International

Broadcasts directed to Europe have now fully resumed after multiple requests from listeners in the region. Transmissions to Europe take place every Sunday at 1600 UTC - that's 12 PM Eastern, 5 PM BST. The frequency to listen on is 9400 kHz which is transmitted with 150 kW of power from Bulgaria. This transmission may also be audible in North Africa, the Middle East and portions of Central Asia. Reception reports for broadcasts on 9400 kHz are greatly encouraged! 

Here is the Transmission Schedule:

6 PM Eastern - 11 PM BST - 9955 kHz to South America
8 PM Eastern - 1 AM BST - 7490 kHz to North America
8 PM Eastern - 1 AM BST - 9395 kHz to North America
8 PM Eastern - 1 AM BST - 7730 kHz to Western North America
8 PM Eastern - 1 AM BST - 9455 kHz to Central America

12 PM Eastern - 5 PM BST - 9400 kHz to Europe 
4 PM Eastern - 9 PM BST - 9395 kHz to Eastern North America
6 PM Eastern - 11 PM BST - 7490 kHz to Eastern North America

You may also be able to hear VORW Radio International on Tunein Radio at 8 PM every Thursday and 6 PM every Sunday at: 

For more information on ways to listen without a shortwave radio, please reply to this email with inquiries. 
If you are interested in obtaining VORW Radio International merchandise (T-Shirts, Hoodies, Stickers or Coffee Mugs) you may now obtain them from our Teespring store, https://teespring.com/stores/thereportoftheweek

dilluns, 14 d’agost del 2017

QSL SM Radio Dessau

SM Radio Dessau, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a maxberger@smradio.de

dissabte, 12 d’agost del 2017

QSL IB3 Ràdio

IB3 Ràdio, ràdio del Govern de les Illes Balears. Rebut e-mail de confirmació de l'escolta amb dades completes signat per Pere Sureda, Càp Tècnic d'IB3 Ràdio. 
El Sr. Sureda em confirma la recepció de la seva emissora en diferents freqüències: 88.6 (El Toro, Menorca), 89.2 (Alcúdia, Mallorca), 100.9 (Ciutadella, Menorca) i 106.8 MHz (Alfàbia, Mallorca).

dimecres, 9 d’agost del 2017

QSL Das Inselradio, Mallorca

Das Inselradio, emissora de Mallorca en llengua alemanya, 96.9 MHz, emissor d'Alcúdia. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a mallorca@inselradio.com. v/s Daniel Vulic.

Emissió especial d'EDXC avui

EDXC Radio 2017 on air today Wednesday 9th August 2017 with few short 15 minute tests on 9290 and/or 9270 kHz starting 16:00 UTC and lasting until 23:00 UTC! Direct transmission will be transmit from Finland.

All correct reception  reports came to e-mailaddresses spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com or radiospaceshuttle@hotmail.com will be verified via Special Printed QSLs for those who will partisipate meeting in Tampere 18-20th August 2017. (QSLs will be left there to infotable and can be picked from there by anyone reported us! QSL-letter will include also more informative material  of EDXC Radio).

More info of the conference can be found from web  http://sdxl.fi/edxc/index.html Please take part and join with!

Others not taking part will got their QSL via e-mail!
EDXC Radio 2017
P.O.Box 2702
NL-6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands 

dimarts, 8 d’agost del 2017

QSL Europa FM La Ribera

Europa FM La Ribera, 91.6 MHz, emissor de Xeresa-Alzira. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a alzira@ondacero.es, v/s Luis Méndez.

QSL Summermeeting Radio 2017

Summermeeting Radio 2017, 6285 KHz, emissió especial amb motiu de la trobada del món de la ràdio pirata organitzada per Radio Borderhunter. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a doctortim@t-online.de

divendres, 4 d’agost del 2017

Logs FM, 3 agost

I després d'una setmana plena de propagació troposfèrica, ahir, dia 3 d'agost, va haver-hi una mica de propagació esporàdica cap al Marroc. Aquestes són les emissores rebudes entre les 13.45 i les 14.30 hora local:
  • 87.8, SNRT, Errachidia, programa en espanyol a les 14.30!, (//91.4)
  • 88.6, Medradio, Taza/Marrakech, programa en àrab, notícies.
  • 89.2, MFM Oriental, Béni-Mellal, programa en àrab, id.
  • 91.4, SNRT, Al Sawaira, programa en espanyol a les 14.30!, (//87.8). RDS: /SNRT-INT/
  • 93.1, Radio 2M, Casablanca/Agadir, programa en francès i àrab, id.
  • 95.4, Medi 1, Taroudant, programa en francès, esports, id.
  • 100.5, Medradio, Errachidia, programa en àrab, notícies.

Logs FM, 31 juliol, 1 i 2 agost

Del 31 de juliol al 2 d'agost hi ha hagut una propagació troposfèrica gairebé continuada i excepcional que ha permès l'escolta de moltes emissores de la Mediterrània occidental de fora de Catalunya (un total de 68). En alguns casos, les emissores que arribaven arribaven fins i tot a tapar senyals locals. Aquestes són les escoltes fetes (sempre entre les 11.00 i les 15.00 hora local):
  • 87.9, Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, Mallorca, RDS: /RNE-CLASICA/
  • 88.4, Ràdio Murta?, Canal 4 Radio?, Mallorca.
  • 88.5, Aire Latino, València. RDS: /AIRE/ LATINO/
  • 88.6, IB3 Ràdio, El Toro, Menorca
  • 88.7, RTA Radio Soummam, Algèria, àrab.
  • 88.8, Catalunya Música, Alfàbia, Mallorca.
  • 89.2, IB3 Ràdio, Alcúdia/Andratx, Sóller, Mallorca
  • 89.3, RNE, Benicàssim, Castelló
  • 89.6, COPE Dénia, id local: "COPE Denia Marina Alta".
  • 89.9, Spectrum FM, emissora en anglès, Mallorca, RSD: /SPECTRUM/
  • 90.1, RNE Radio 1, Alfàbia, Mallorca. RDS: /RNE R1/
  • 90.3, Canal 4 Radio, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 90.9, COPE, Felanitx, Mallorca, RDS: /COPE/
  • 91.5, RTA Radio El Bahdja, Algèria, programa en francès.
  • 91.6, Europa FM La Ribera, Xeresa-Alzira.
  • 91.8, RTA Chaîne 2, Algèria, programa en àrab.
  • 92.0, Radio María, El Toro, Menorca
  • 92.1, France Inter, Perpinyà, Francès, id.
  • 92.8, RNE Radio 3, Benicàssim, Castelló
  • 93.1, Rock FM, València.
  • 93.1, RNE Radio Clásica, Lloc? Jumilla, Múrcia?
  • 93.6, Mallorca Sunshine Radio, El Toro, Menorca, programa en anglès.
  • 94.3, Onda Cero, Alcúdia, Mallorca.
  • 95.3, Muy Buena, Benidorm, Alacant, música llatina.
  • 95.3, 40 Principales, Ontinyent
  • 95.3, RAI 2, Sardenya, RDS: /*RADIO2/
  • 95.4, RNE Radio Clásica, Alcúdia, Mallorca, RDS: /RNE-CLAS/
  • 95.5, RNE Radio 5 TN, Benicàssim, Castelló.
  • 95.7, SER Radio Menorca. RDS: /SER/
  • 96.5, Virgin Radio, Sardenya, programa en italià.
  • 96.9, Das Inselradio, Alcúdia, Mallorca, programa en alemany.
  • 97.1, RNE Radio Clásica, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 98.0, Ona Mediterrània, Alfàbia, Mallorca, RDS: /M))/ ONA MEDI/ TERRANIA/
  • 98.1, Radio María, Oliva, País Valencià.
  • 98.2, Cadena Dial, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 98.7, Radio Marca, Torrent o Eivissa. RDS: /R.MARCA/
  • 98.8, Cadena 100, Gandia.
  • 99.3, RNE Radio Cla´sica, Xeresa-Mondúver, País Valencià.
  • 99.9, Radio María, Alfàbia o Xàtiva.
  • 100.4, RNE Radio 5 TN, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 100.8, SER Radio Alcoy, Alcoi.
  • 100.9, IB3 Ràdio, Lloc? Menorca?
  • 101.0, MFM, Oujda, Marroc, àrab/francès.
  • 101.0, Muy Buena, Alzira, música llatina.
  • 101.0, Melodía FM, Mallorca.
  • 101.1, Beach Grooves Radio, Eivissa.
  • 101.4, Radio Balear, Alfàbia, Mallorca. RDS: /R-BALEAR/
  • 101.4, Bay Radio, Gandía, programa en anglès.
  • 101.6, Premium Radio, Alfàbia, Mallorca, Ex-La Mega, RDS: /PREMIUM/
  • 101.8, RTA Chaîne 1, Akfadou, Algèria, àrab.
  • 101.9, La Onda, L'Olleria-Alberic, País Valencià, RDS: /LA ONDA/ 101.9/RIBERA/ ONDA/ COSTERA/ 96/ 2202411/
  • 101.9, Radio 4G, València.
  • 101.9, Radio María, Alcúdia, Mallorca. RDS: /R.MARIA/
  • 102.1, Radio Marca, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 102.3, M80 Radio, Mallorca.
  • 102.6, RTA Radio Boumerdes, Algèria, àrab.
  • 102.7, Radio Balear, El Toro, Menorca.
  • 102.9, Factoría FM, València, música llatina.
  • 102.9, Medi 1, Oujda, Marroc, programa en àrab i francès.
  • 103.2, SER Radio Mallorca, Alfàbia, Mallorca, (//1080 KHz)
  • 103.5, COPE, Alcúdia, Mallorca, RDS: /COPE/
  • 104.5, RNE Radio 5 TN, Alfàbia, Mallorca. RDS: /RNE 5-IB/
  • 105.4, RTA Chaîne 3, Akfadou, Algèria, programa en francès (//252 KHz)
  • 105.8, RNE Radio 3, El Toro, Menorca, RDS: /RADIO 3/
  • 105.8, Radio Solidaria, Alfàbia, Mallorca.
  • 106.0, Onda Cero, Alzira. RDS: /OND-CERO/
  • 106.3, Activa FM, Alfafar-Sedaví, València.
  • 106.5, Bikini FM, Alacant.

QSL Radio Free Asia

Radio Free Asia, 9990 i 11830 KHz, via els emissors de Tinian, a les Illes Marianes. Rebudes 2 QSLs iguals per informes enviats a qsl@rfa.org

dijous, 3 d’agost del 2017


Radio BZN, 6315 KHz, emissora pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a bznradio@gmx.net

Atlantic 2000 aquest cap de setmana

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this weekend:

- Saturday 5th of August, from 0800 to 0900 UTC on 6070 kHz
- Sunday 6th of August, from 1900 to 2000 UTC on 6070 kHz
+ streaming at the same time on our website: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Only detailed reception reports will be confirmed by eQSL.
Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Before that, you can listen our podcasts on our website.

Good listening!

Novetats a Radio Mi Amigo

From August, 5, two 'big' names who worked on the MV Mi Amigo are back. Join the Emperor Rosko and Bob 'Buzby' Lawrence on Radio Mi Amigo International every weekend. For all details click on http://radiomiamigointernational.com  ->> DJ-page 
Rosko worked on the MV Mi Amigo for Radio Caroline South in 1966, Bob 'Buzby' Lawrence was on the MV Mi Amigo from 1978 till it sank in March 1980
Please give both a nice 'Welcome' via email, they love to hear from you !
email Emperor Rosko: rosko@radiomiamigointernational.com 

                                                 NEW PROGRAM-SCHEDULE FROM AUGUST 2017 :

Monday - Thursday: 24/7 online and 09-19 hr CET also 6085 kHz
All the great music made- and played during the 'Golden Era of Offshore AM Radio'
Including our daily live shows: 'Hello Europe':
Every day at 14:00 hrs 6085 kHz. Repeated at 19:00 hrs: 3985 kHz 75m band:
Monday: 14:00 und 19:00 hr:
Bruno's Soulbox - Bruno Hantson (English) feat. the best of Soul Classics
Tuesday: 14:00 and 19:00 hrs:
Hello Europe! - Johnny Lewis (English) featuring Offshore Radio charts from 70's and 80's
Wednesday: 14:00 and 19:00 hrs:
Hello Europe! - Cpt. Kord (English) featuring the Offshore Radio History
Thursday: 14:00 and 19:00 hrs:
Hello Europe special guest! - various Jocks from the offshore past (from Sept.)

Friday: 24/7 online and 09-19 hr CET also 6085 kHz
All the great music made- and played during the 'Golden Era of Offshore AM Radio', including the following live shows:
09.00 - Oldiethek - Norbert Hesse (German)
10.00 - Buzbys Big Box - Bob Lawrence (English)
11.00 - The Man Cave - Bob James (English)
12.00 - Rollin' the airwaves - Bill Rollins (English)
13.00 - Jukebox - pers. Top 11 - Cpt. Kord (English)
14.00 - The weekend starts here - Paul Graham (English)
15.00 - From LA to Europe-The L A Connection - Emperor Rosko (English)
17.00 - The Man Cave - Bob James (English)
18.00 - Rollin the airwaves - Bill Rollins (English)
19.00 - The weekend starts here - Paul Graham (English)[only 3985kHz and online]

Saturday: 24/7 online and 09-19 hr CET also 6085 kHz, 12-16 hr CET also 7310 kHz:
All the great music made- and played during the 'Golden Era of Offshore AM Radio', including the following live shows:
09.00 - Guten Morgen Europa! - Uwe Bastian (German)
10.00 - From LA to Europe-The L A Connection - Emperor Rosko (English)
12.00 - Free waves - Keith Lewis (English)
13.00 - Soundtrack of the 60's - Paul Graham (English)
14.00 - Johnny's Offshore Radio Diary - Johnny Lewis (English)
15.00 - Manneke Pop - Peter van Dam (Dutch/English)
16.00 - Rock over Europe - Wim de Groot (Dutch)
17.00 - All Time Soul Top 500 - Bruno Hantson (English)
18.00 - Soundtrack of the 70s - Cpt. Kord (English)

Sunday: 24/7 online and 09-19 hr CET also 6085 kHz, 12-16 hr also 7310 kHz:
All the great music made- and played during the 'Golden Era of Offshore AM Radio', including the following live shows:
08.00 - Guten Morgen Europa! - Uwe Bastian (German)
09.00 - Soundtrack of the 70s - Cpt Kord (English)
10.00 - Rock over Europe - Wim de Groot (Dutch)
11.00 - Manneke Pop - Peter van Dam (Dutch/English)
12.00 - Buzbys Big Box - Bob Lawrence (English)
13.00 - Bruno's Soulbox - Bruno Hantson (English)
14.00 - Free waves - Keith Lewis (English)
15.00 - Soundtrack of the 60's - Paul Graham (English)
16.00 - Johnny's Offshore Radio Diary - Johnny Lewis (English)
17.00 - All Time Soul Top 500 - Bruno Hantson (English)
18.00 - Jukebox -pers. Top 11 - Cpt. Kord (English)

Dont forget: Our Sumer-Competition is still running ( till September, 30)
All details you will find here: 


Our programm-schedule, frequencys and onlinestreams: http://radiomiamigointernational.com