dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2015
QSL Deutschlandradio Kultur
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 177 KHz, emissor d'Oranienburg, Alemanya, ja tancat. Rebuda QSL després de llarga espera (gairebé un any!) per informe enviat a hoererservice@dradio.de.
QSL Radio Waves International
Radio Waves International, 6070 KHz, via Channel 292, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL i targeta conmemorant el 32è anniversari de l'emissora per informe enviat rwaves@free.fr. v/s Peter Hills.
diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015
Logs 29 novembre
- 6070 KHz, 09.00, Atlantic 2000 Int, via MVBR, E/Fr, ids, music, 23332
- 6200 KHz, 09.10, Radio Technical Man, Dutch music, 24442
- 6875 KHz, 09.25, Radio Europe, music, playing Kid Creole, 33443
- 7265 KHz, 08.05, Atlantic 2000 Int, via MVBR, E/Fr, ids, music, 24442
- 7300 KHz, 09.15, U Boat 66 Radio, id, music, playing Billy Joel, c/d at 09.25, 34422
- 7300 KHz, 09.45, Unid, non stop music, c/d at 10.00, 33433
- 9485 KHz, 09.00, Atlantic 2000 Int, via MVBR, E/Fr, ids, music, 34443
- 9485 KHz, 11.00, Radio Waves Int, via MVBR, E/Fr, id, music, 24422
All times UTC
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015
Atlantic 2000 diumenge
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 29th of November.
- 08:00 to 09:00 UTC on 7265 kHz
- 09:00 to 10:00 UTC on 6070 and 9485 kHz
+ stream at the same time on our website : http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Reports to : atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Nous tests de Marconi Radio
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
28th November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
29th November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test
broadcasts consist of non stop music, station identification
announcements in Italian, English, Spanish as well as DX shows in
English and Italian.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! Until
now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 13
countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. We
are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com
We hope that you will share this information with your members. Thank you very much for your cooperation
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy on 11390 kHz
diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015
Logs MW 16-20 novembre
- 747 KHz, 06.45, RNE Cádiz, news, 33343
- 756 KHz, 19.00, Deutschlandfunk, German news, 33443
- 945 KHz, 06.40, Smooth Radio, Bexhill, E, music, oldies (//1323), 23442
- 954 KHz, 18.10, Onda Cero Madrid, Sp, news, local id: "Aquí en la onda, Onda Cero Comunidad de Madrid".
- 972 KHz, 06.50, RNE Galicia, regional news, id: "Radio Nacional de España, Galicia", mixed with RNE Andalucía, 33443
- 990 KHz, 06.50, SER Bilbao, regional px, id: "Hoy por hoy Euskadi", 34443
- 1035 KHz, 18.30, Media Veneta Radio, music, 23442
- 1071 KHz, 18.10, AIR Rajkot, Hindi music, 44343
- 1143 KHz, 06.50, COPE Jaén, news, 23332
- 1152 KHz, 06.47, RNE Albacete, regional px, news, 33433
- 1179 KHz, 18.00, Antenne Saar, Heusweiler, French news, under SER, 23322
- 1197 KHz, 18.50, Absolute Radio, E, music (//1215), 23442
- 1251 KHz, 18.20, Dankó Rádió, Szombathely/Nyíregyhäza, folk music, Hungarian, 34443
- 1341 KHz, 17.04, Onda Cero Almería, local id: "Onda Cero Almería, 1341 de la onda media, 105.2 FM, la radio decana de Almería", 34443
- 1350 KHz, 18.30, TWR Gavar, Armenia, relig, px, 34443
- 1359 KHz, 19.50, Voice of Tigray Revolution?, Mekelle, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa music, talks, 34433
- 1368 KHz, 16.55, Challenger Radio, music, ids: "Challenger Radio 13-68 KHz", 34443
- 1377 KHz, 18.00, TWR Gavar, Armenia, interval signal, 32222
- 1395 KHz, 18.30, Radio Rossii?, Buguruslan, Russian, 23442
- 1431 KHz, 18.00, Radio Ukraine, Mykolayiv, news, id: "Govorit Kyiv", 34433
- 1431 KHz, 18.30, Radio Sawa, Djibouti, Arabic, music, 33433
- 1440 KHz, 18.30, Missionswerk Freundesdienst, via RTL, German, relig, 44343
- 1485 KHz, 06.52, Radio Zamora, regional px, news, 33333
- 1530 KHz, 18.00, VOA Pinheira, Sao Tomé, id in E: "This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing on", 34443
- 1566 KHz, 16.50, Premier Christian Radio, Guilford, E, music, id, 23432
- 1566 KHz, 18.10, TWR Benin, E, relig, 23442
- 1618 KHz, 18.15, Unid, Greek pirate, music, 23442
All times UTC
dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2015
Logs 21 novembre
- 3905 KHz, 18.00, Radio Underground, E, music, greetings, e-mail, 23432
- 4025 KHz, 18.20, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, id, 24422
- 6270 KHz, 17.35, Stress Radio, E, music, playing "Imagine", c/d at 17.50, 33433
- 6331 KHz, 17.55, Radio Odynn, rock music, 23332
- 6985 KHz, 16.50, QBC Radio, music, ids, 23422
All times UTC
dimarts, 17 de novembre del 2015
Nous tests de Marconi Radio
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
21st November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
22nd November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
25th November 2015, from 1800 to 1930 UTC
Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts consist of non stop music, station identification announcements in Italian, English, Spanish as well as DX shows in English and Italian.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! Until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2015
Logs FM 15 novembre
Gràcies a l'anticicló que tenim aquests dies, hi ha petites propagacions tropo. Aquest matí han arribat algunes emissores de Sardenya i les Balears. Aquestes són les escoltes (12.00 hora local):
- 87.9 MHz, RNE Radio Clásica, Alfàbia, Mallorca, música.
- 91.3 MHz, RAI Radio 1, Santu Lussurgiu, Sardenya, notícies.
- 93.3 MHz, RAI Radio 2, Santu Lussurgiu, Sardenya, notícies, RDS: /RAI/RADIO2/
- 95.7 MHz, SER Menorca, notícies.
- 98.2 Mhz, Cadena Dial, Menorca, música, ids.
- 98.8 MHz, Última Hora Radio, Palma, publicitat, id (//100.6)
- 100.6 MHz, Última Hora Radio, Alfàbia, publicitat, id, (//98.8).
- 104.5 MHz, RNE Radio 5, Alfàbia, Mallorca, notícies.
- 105.2 MHz, Radio Kiss Kiss, Iglesias, Sardenya, música, publicitat, ids.
- 106.7 MHz, Unid, música non stop.
- 106.8 MHz, IB3 Ràdio, Alfàbia, Mallorca, esports.
divendres, 13 de novembre del 2015
Nova QSL de Radio Ukraine
Radio Ukraine, 1431 KHz. Després de rebre fa uns dies una QSL del servei nacional (vegeu entrada del 7 de novembre d'enguany), he rebut ara una nova QSL del servei internacional confirmant el mateix informe. Per a les adreces usades, vegeu l'entrada esmentada.
dimecres, 11 de novembre del 2015
Tests de Marconi Radio
After two weeks of stop we resume our test broadcasts on 11390 kHz with power in the rehion of 30 watts.
Here is the schedule for this week’s test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
11th November 2015, from 1600 to 1900 UTC
14th November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
15th November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
Test broadcasts consist of non stop music and station identification announcements in Italian, English, Spanish.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome! Until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 10 countries: Italy, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Belgium, Finland, France, Netherlands, Romania and Switzerland. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com
Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy
on 11390 kHz
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2015
QSL Little Feat Radio
Little Feat Radio, 6385 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a littlefeatam@gmail.com
dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2015
QSL Radio Ukraine
Radio Ukraine, 1431 KHz, servei de la ràdio nacional ucraïnesa en ona mitjana. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a diferents adreces: englishservice@nrcu.gov.ua, tstechak@nrcu.gov.ua i nrcu-zw@nrcu.gov.ua.
QSL Radio Lowland
Radio Lowland, 6280 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiolowland@hotmail.com.
dijous, 5 de novembre del 2015
QSL Cadena Dial Castellón
dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2015
Logs 1 novembre
- 6070 KHz, 07.10, Radio Waves International via Channel 292, E, ids, music, playing Alanna Myles, French versions, 34443
- 6280 KHz, 19.35, Radio Lowland, E, id, music, playing ABBA, Boney M, Simple Minds, 24422
- 6320 KHz, 18.55, Little Feat Radio, E, greetings, ids, music, playing Bonny Tyler, Madonna, 24422
- 6803 KHz, 18.20, Pink Panther Radio, music, id, 22332
- 9900 KHz LSB, 18.30, Baltic Sea Radio, music, ids, playing "La Bamba", rock and roll, 24432
All times UTC
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Missatges (Atom)