dilluns, 30 de març del 2015
QSL AWR Kigali
Adventist World Radio (AWR), emissora religiosa emetent des de Kigali, Ruanda. Rebuda QSL amb dades completes per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
QSL EMR via Radio Revival Sweden
European Music Radio (EMR) via Radio Revival Sweden, 9865 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL d'aquesta emissora britànica per informe enviat a emrsw@sky.com.
diumenge, 29 de març del 2015
QSL Hobart Radio International
Hobart Radio International, 9600 KHz, emissora pirata de Tasmània emetent dins del programa de Spaceshuttle Radio transmès des de Kostinbrod, Bulgària. Rebuda E-QSL detallada per informe enviat a hriradio@gmail.com
dissabte, 28 de març del 2015
QSL DP07 Seefunk via Kall
DP07 Seefunk, 9560 KHz, via Radio 700, Kall, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a info@dp07.com.
Atlantic 2000 International demà
Atlantic 2000 sera sur les ondes ce dimanche 29 mars avec une nouvelle émission à de 09:00 à 10:00 UTC (11:00 à 12:00, heure française d'été) sur 9485 kHz.
Le programme sera audible à la même heure sur notre site Internet.
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 29th of March, with a new broadcast from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC (11:00 to 12:00 CEST) on 9485 kHz.
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
Reports to : atlantic2000international@gmail.com
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
Reports to : atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Visit our website :
Nous programes aquest cap de setmana
Radio Revival Sweden on Saturday, March 28th:
1100-1200 UTC Radio Nord Revival on 6065 kHz 10 kW (A3H), 9865 kHz 5 kW(AM)
1200-1300 UTC SDXF Sveriges DX-Förbund on 6065 kHz 10 kW (A3H), 9865 kHz 5
1300-1500 UTC Radio Merkurs on 6065 kHz 10 kW (A3H), 9865 kHz 5 kW(AM)
1500-1600 UTC The Ronny B Goode Show on 6065 kHz 10 kW (A3H), 9865 kHz 5 kW
At 1500 UTC we will be off air for a brief period (10 minutes or so) due to
antenna adjustments.
1600-1630 UTC Global 24 Radio on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW (A3H) –
Global 24 News
1630-1700 UTC Global 24 Radio on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW (A3H) –
Blues Radio International
1700-1800 UTC Global 24 Radio on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW (A3H) –
Jazz from the Left (Hour 1)
1800-1900 UTC Global 24 Radio on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW (A3H) –
Jazz from the Left (Hour 2)
1900-2000 UTC Global 24 Radio on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW (A3H) –
Jazz from the Left (Hour 3)
2000-2100 UTC Hit! with DJ PeeWee on 6065 kHz 5 kW (AM), 9865 kHz 10 kW
Radio Rasant via IRRS:
There are new programs of Radio Rasant on Saturday 28th March.
The first programs of Radio Rapidly on short and medium wave at the
following times;
09:00 a.m. to 10:00 UTC 9510 kHz
19:00 to 20:00 UTC 7290 KHz and 1368 kHz
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
E-mail: *redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
*Thank you!
HLR FM-Program via: www.hamburger-lokalradio.net
dijous, 26 de març del 2015
QSLs i diploma del SWL Game
Col·lecció de quatre QSLs rebudes per via postal per la meva paricipació en el SWL Game organitzat per diverses emissores pirates italianes l'1 de març passat.
Diploma atorgat per aquestes mateixes emissores pirates italianes per la meva participació en el SWL Game. La participació va ser enviada a radioalleanza@gmail.com.
dimecres, 25 de març del 2015
QSL Enterprise Radio
Enterprise Radio, 6305 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a enterpriseradio@hotmail.com.
dilluns, 23 de març del 2015
QSL Radio Latino
Radio Latino, 7605 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiolatino@live.com. L'emissora té un web: www.radiolatino.bigbig.com.
diumenge, 22 de març del 2015
Logs 22 març
- 6070 KHz, 10.00, Radio DARC (Deutsches Amateur Radio Club), via?, G, radio news, music playing Fats Domino, 44444
- 6150 KHz, 07.30, Europa 24, G/E, id, news, music, playing Level 42, Katrina and the Waves, 22442
- 6210 KHz, 17.00, Shortwave Gold, pop music, 44444
- 6267 KHz, 19.30, Radio Odynn, rock music, id, e-mail, 33443
- 6285 KHz, 17.15, CWR, rock music, 33333
- 6305 KHz, 17.05, Radio Enterprise, id, music, playing Gigliola Cinquetti, 34443
- 6378 KHz, 17.53, Radio Joey, music, id, 33443
- 6385 KHz, 17.55, Unid, music, 34443
- 6398 KHz, 17.20, Unid, Dutch polka music, 23232
- 6803 KHz, 18.10, Radio Pioneer, music, 33232
- 7530 KHz, 11.10, Radio Latino, salsa music, 23442
- 9300 KHz, 19.35, Radio Barraquda, rock and roll music, 44343
- 9310 KHz, 17.25, Radio Mariastubu?, non stop music, id, testing?, 43433
- 9330 KHz, 17.25, Unid, non stop music, 44444
- 9335 KHz, 17.50, Unid, non stop music, playing Modern Talking, 43433
- 9485 KHz, 07.45, Radio Gloria, rock music, 34443
- 9485 KHz, 12.15, Hamburger Lokalradio, G, interview, German music, 23442
- 9560 KHz, 08.00, DP07 Seefunk, via Kall, weather report, 23442
- 9560 KHz, 09.30, Radio Mi Amigo, via Kall, ids, music, playing Bonnie Tyler, Boston, 23442
- 9600 KHz, 18.00, Radio Spaceshuttle via Kostinbrod, E, music, id, including a programme by Hobart Radio Int, 55444
- 9865 KHz, 08.20, EMR via Radio Revival Sweden, E, id, music, playing Cutting Crew, 23442
- 9865 KHz, 09.00, Atlantic 2000 International via Radio Revival Sweden, Fr, id, radio news, music, playing Belinda Carlyle, Mamas and the Papas, 22442
- 9865 KHz, 10.20, Radio City via Radio Revival Sweden, E, oldies music, id, 22442
- 9865 KHz, 11.00, Radio Nord Revival, via Radio Revival Sweden, Swedish, oldies music, 22432
All times UTC
divendres, 20 de març del 2015
QSL 307 Radio
307 Radio, 6265 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL i fotos (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a 307radio@gmail.com
Logs 20 març
- 3930 KHz, 21.20, Radio Batavia, music, 23322
- 4026 KHz, 20.30, Laser Hot Hits, E, id, music, 23342
- 6240 KHz, 18.50, Unid, non stop disco music, 23232
- 6289 KHz, 18.55, Radio Experience?, music, 22442
- 6446 KHz, 20.10, Studio 52, music, playing Bruce Sprinsteen, 23332
- 6803 KHz, 18.50, Radio Pioneer, music, playing The Cars, 34443
- 6960 KHz, 20.40, Premier Radio, music, c/d at 20.47, 33333
- 7290 KHz, 19.00, Radio City via IRRS Tiganesti, E, id, oldies, 55444
- 7605 KHz, 18.35, Radio Latino, E/Sp ids, salsa music, 44444
All times UTC
Programes d'aquest cap de setmana
Radio City Relays:
20th March 2015: 19.00 to 20.00 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS & 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio
21st March 2015: 09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 9510 kHz via IRRS.
28th March 2015: 13.00 to 14.00 UTC on 7265 KHz via Hamburger Lokalradio
Every Saturday: 20.00 to 21.00 UTC on 1485 kHz via Radio Merkurs, Riga, Latvia
The email address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca Thank you!
Radio Mi Amigo Test:
Radio Mi Amigo is testing on 9560 KHz, 10 to 12 CET, Satuarday 21st and Sunday 22nd of March.
Please send reception report to: info@radiomiamigo.es - Everybody will get a brand new QSL Card.
HLR on Saturday 21st:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
RGI on Sunday 22nd:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 9485
08.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 9485
10.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 7310 via shortwaveservice.com
13.00 to 14.00 UTC, on 6005 via shortwaveservice.com
Internet repeats:
16.00 to 17.00 UTC via Coloradio.org
16.00 to 17.00 UTC via laut.fm/jukebox
Good reception ! Reports welcome at: radiogloria@aol.com
Radio Revival Sweden on Sunday, 22nd: (more info to follow)
08.00 to 09.00 UTC European Music Radio 6035 kHz 5 kW AM, 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
09.00 to 10.00 UTC Atlantic 2000 International on 9865 KHz 10 KW A3H
14.00 to 15.00 UTC European Music Radio 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
HLR on Sunday 22nd:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC program in German on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!
Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules:
Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules:
Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:
Radio Spaceshuttle diumenge
Dear listeners,
Radio Spaceshuttle is fighting against sun's activity as follows:
"Oldies and very Goldies"- strangers of the night program including "Hobbart Radio Pirate News" and "Spaceflyers Letter Box" on 9600 kHz, 31mb sunday 22nd of March 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC.
Really wishing that our signal can reach you throughout every interference or noise.
Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future. I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yhaoo.com. During this weekend we shall send e-mail verifications to all reports came to our e-mail from transmissions made this year and reports got to our P.O.Box until this (you got first our e-mail QSL and later posted one to your mail addresses). Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed! Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle
dijous, 19 de març del 2015
QSL de Deutschlandradio Kultur
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 177 KHz, emissora pública alemanya en un dels últims dies d'emissió en ona llarga (l'informe és del 29 de desembre i l'emissora va tancar les freqüències d'ona llarga el 31 de desembre de 2014). Rebuda una nova QSL per informe enviat a hoererservice@dradio.de.
QSL Radio Free Asia
Radio Free Asia, 9985 KHz, emissió en coreà des de les Illes Marianes. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org.
dimecres, 18 de març del 2015
Nova QSL de Baltic Sea Radio
Baltic Sea Radio, 17905 KHz LSB. Rebuda una nova E-QSL d'aquesta pirata finlandesa per informe enviat a balticseapirate@gmail.com.
Radio Mi Amigo aquest cap de setmana
Radio Mi Amigo is testing on Shortwave - 31m Band - Radio Mi Amigo testet auf dem 31m Band - Radio Mi Amigo test op de 31m Band
Saturday, Samstag, Zaterdag 21.3.2015 10-12h CET -- Sunday, Sonntag, Zondag, 22.3.2015 10-12h CET -- Frequency 9560 khz
Please send your reception report to: info@radiomiamigo.es - Everybody will get a brandnew colored QSL Card
dilluns, 16 de març del 2015
QSL Radyoya Denge Kurdistane via PRTC
Radyoya Denge Kurdistane, 9400 KHz, emissora clandestina kurda que emet a través del Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr (PRTC), a Transnístria, República de Moldàvia. Rebuda E-QSL detallada del centre emissor per informe enviat a prtc@idknet.com. v/s Sergey Omelchenko.
diumenge, 15 de març del 2015
Radio Spaceshuttle avui
Dear Listeners,
Radio Spaceshuttle will transmit on 9600 kHz on 31 mb Sunday 15th March 2015
18:00-19:00 UTC.
Full hour with powerful transmitter to omnidirectional antenna.
Reports very welcome! 3 IRC's 2 Euros for return postage (for full detaild printed QSL)
CONTEST: All listeners sending snailmail reports to our Herten Box will partisipate to
our contest.
1. Reports would be sent from transmissions made between January-June 2015.
2. One report (heart) of every frequency used in every transmission times gives points to listeners. [one point/frequency]
3. Point will be given from every different transmission from 1st of January until 30th June.
Most listening reports sent listeners will win special Radio Spaceshuttle items.
1. Winner- Spaceshuttle-T-Shirt (and something special)
2. Second- Spaceshuttle- Cap (and something special)
3. Spaceshuittle Magnet-sticker, Spaceshuttle stickers, Spaceshuttle-Pen
Frequencies used of Radio Spaceshuttle until now are 6035 kHz, 6070 kHz, 9600 kHz and 9865 kH<.
Please join to our frequencies,
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL-6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
Radio Spaceshuttle will transmit on 9600 kHz on 31 mb Sunday 15th March 2015
18:00-19:00 UTC.
Full hour with powerful transmitter to omnidirectional antenna.
Reports very welcome! 3 IRC's 2 Euros for return postage (for full detaild printed QSL)
CONTEST: All listeners sending snailmail reports to our Herten Box will partisipate to
our contest.
1. Reports would be sent from transmissions made between January-June 2015.
2. One report (heart) of every frequency used in every transmission times gives points to listeners. [one point/frequency]
3. Point will be given from every different transmission from 1st of January until 30th June.
Most listening reports sent listeners will win special Radio Spaceshuttle items.
1. Winner- Spaceshuttle-T-Shirt (and something special)
2. Second- Spaceshuttle- Cap (and something special)
3. Spaceshuittle Magnet-sticker, Spaceshuttle stickers, Spaceshuttle-Pen
Frequencies used of Radio Spaceshuttle until now are 6035 kHz, 6070 kHz, 9600 kHz and 9865 kH<.
Please join to our frequencies,
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL-6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
dissabte, 14 de març del 2015
QSL EU News Network via WRMI
EU News Network, 15770 KHz, emissora amb seu a Xipre que emet en anglès via WRMI, Okeechobee, Estats Units. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a contact@news-network.eu
Logs 13 març
- 5900 KHz USB, 18.50, Radio Barraquda, music, playing "Living in a perfect world", 34443
- 6255 KHz, 18.45, Radio Marabu, German rock music, 33343
- 6295 KHz, 18.55, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 44444
- 6807 KHz, 18.30, Radio Pioneer, music, id, playing Bob Dylan, 33443
- 6850 KHz, 18.35, Radio Arcadia, instrumental music, greetings, 33333
- 6960 KHz LSB, 19.00, Baltic Sea Radio, id, rock, playing "Born to be wild", 23442
- 9335 KHz, 21.00, Sluwe Vos Radio, music, playing "Dolce vita", 55444
All times UTC
dijous, 12 de març del 2015
Nova QSL Baltic Sea Radio
Baltic Sea Radio, 6990 KHz LSB, pirata finlandesa. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a balticseapirate@gmail.com.
Programes aquest cap de setmana
European Music Radio Relay on 15th March 2015
08.00 to 09.00 UTC (Gohren) on 7265 KHz Tom & Mike Taylor
09.00 to 10.00 UTC (Gohren) on 9485 KHz Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk Thank you!
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:
Programme repeats are at the following times: 08.00, 13.00, 17.00, 20.00 UTC
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
or www.tunein.com and sign in.
If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web Receiver at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Every Sunday:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!
Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules:
Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules:
Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:
dimecres, 11 de març del 2015
QSL Radio Barraquda
QSL Radio Barraquda, pirata italiana
Rebut el següent correu electrònic confirmant el meu informe enviat a barraqudastudio@gmail.com:
1 Febbraio 2015, alle 18.35 UTC e nella frequenza di 6850 KHz
Loc: Milan City North Italy
Pow: 15 w
Antenna : long Wire 43 m automatic antenna tuner external
BF: Mixer Beringer - Mic Samson - Pc Netbook Music Playlist
73' de Barracuda
Rebut el següent correu electrònic confirmant el meu informe enviat a barraqudastudio@gmail.com:
barraQuda to Maresme Dx Artur
confermo QSL1 Febbraio 2015, alle 18.35 UTC e nella frequenza di 6850 KHz
dimarts, 10 de març del 2015
QSL Baltic Sea Radio
Baltic Sea Radio, 6995 KHz LSB, pirata finlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a balticseapirate@gmail.com
QSL FRSH via Sala, Suècia
Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) via Radio Revival Sweden, Sala, Suècia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a frs@frsholland.nl.
dilluns, 9 de març del 2015
QSL Radio Samuray
Radio Samuray, 6870 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL i fotos (vegeu entrada següent) per informe enviat a radiosamurai2014@gmail.com.
diumenge, 8 de març del 2015
Logs 7-8 març
7 de març
- 6240 KHz, 17.40, Radio Flying Dutchman, id, music, playing "Satisfaction" and "One night in Bangkok", 33433
- 6285 KHz, 18.05, Radio Focus, E, music, 33433
- 6292 KHz, 17.55, Johnny Tobacco, Dutch, id, Dutch music, 44444
- 6300 KHz, 17.45, Radio Montferland, E/Dutch, id, music, playing Bangles, Bon Jovi, Whitney Houston, 34443
- 6803 KHz, 17.25, Pink Panther Radio, pop music, id, 23442
- 6850 KHz, 17.30, Radio Mirabelle, music, id, 23442
8 de març
- 5901 KHz USB, 17.50, Radio Barraquda, Japanese music, 23442
- 6285 KHz, 18.30, Radio Focus, E, id, rock music, 33443
- 6325 KHz, 17.45, Radio Joey, id, Dutch music, 22442
- 9600 KHz, 18.05, Radio Spaceshuttle, via Kostinbrod?, E/Finnish, id, address in Herten, music, playing "Je t'aime moi non plus", The Doors, audio problems at about 18.30, 55444
All times UTC
dissabte, 7 de març del 2015
QSL Radio Mirabelle
Radio Mirabelle, 6390 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomirabelle@laposte.net
Nova QSL Radio Europe
Radio Europe, 6875 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a radioeurope@iol.it
divendres, 6 de març del 2015
QSL especial de Radio Mistero Ghost Planet
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7300/7328 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL especial amb motiu de la meva participació en el SWL Contest "Take the message" organitzat per diverses emissores pirates italianes. Informe enviat a rmgp76@hotmail.com.
QSL de Radio Mistero Ghost Planet
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7300/7328 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a rmgp76@hotmail.com.
dijous, 5 de març del 2015
dimarts, 3 de març del 2015
QSL Misti Radio
Misti Radio, 6295 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a misty.shortwave@gmail.com.
dilluns, 2 de març del 2015
QSL Enterprise Radio
Enterprise Radio, 6950 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a enterpriseradio@hotmail.com.
QSL Radio Blackbeard
Radio Blackbeard, 6950 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL després de llarga espera per informe enviat a radioblackbeard@hotmail.com i studio@radioblackbeard.co.uk.
Notícies de Channel 292
Friends of Radio Channel 292,
perhaps you already read it on our homepage; from March 8th until March 22nd we will be off air, due to preparations for our second power amplifier. Exception: On March 22nd from 10 to 11 UTC you can listen to a new program for the DARC (German Amateur Radio Club) on 6070 kHz with 100 kW; perhaps we can start the 10 kW transmitter on the same day in the evening. During the next weeks we hope that we can increase power as planned.
Now, when summer comes and the skip zone during the night becomes smaller, a lot of listeners asked us tu run the station at nighttime, too. We would like to, but the problem is, that this would duplicate the energy costs, without creating any new income. And because these costs (not to mention all the other costs) are only covered for about 60% by rented airtime, this is not possible.
We don't want to ask for donations, but we can make you a proposal:
Who wants to support us, can book sponsoring for broadcasts at night. This can be for a whole night with 12 hours, or 2 x 6 hours in the evening. For this we need 36 €; who can't afford this, may book 6 hours for 18 €. The sponsor can choose, if he wants in his time to hear our regular music program, or a re-broadcast of an Offshore Station of his choice. If he wants, his name will be published on our homepage and in our news mail, and in short spots during his program, that we produce without any costs for him (for Offshore re-broadcasts only possible at the beginning, at the end and between blocks of programming).
Or, if wanted, completely anonymously.
Or you subscribe for maybe every first Saturday night each month, or how you like; can be canceled at any time.
If you like to support us in this way, please send us a mail!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Radio Channel 292
Shortwave 6070 kHz
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1
Tel: +49 8442 - 95 39 01
Fax: +49 8442 - 95 48 93
perhaps you already read it on our homepage; from March 8th until March 22nd we will be off air, due to preparations for our second power amplifier. Exception: On March 22nd from 10 to 11 UTC you can listen to a new program for the DARC (German Amateur Radio Club) on 6070 kHz with 100 kW; perhaps we can start the 10 kW transmitter on the same day in the evening. During the next weeks we hope that we can increase power as planned.
Now, when summer comes and the skip zone during the night becomes smaller, a lot of listeners asked us tu run the station at nighttime, too. We would like to, but the problem is, that this would duplicate the energy costs, without creating any new income. And because these costs (not to mention all the other costs) are only covered for about 60% by rented airtime, this is not possible.
We don't want to ask for donations, but we can make you a proposal:
Who wants to support us, can book sponsoring for broadcasts at night. This can be for a whole night with 12 hours, or 2 x 6 hours in the evening. For this we need 36 €; who can't afford this, may book 6 hours for 18 €. The sponsor can choose, if he wants in his time to hear our regular music program, or a re-broadcast of an Offshore Station of his choice. If he wants, his name will be published on our homepage and in our news mail, and in short spots during his program, that we produce without any costs for him (for Offshore re-broadcasts only possible at the beginning, at the end and between blocks of programming).
Or, if wanted, completely anonymously.
Or you subscribe for maybe every first Saturday night each month, or how you like; can be canceled at any time.
If you like to support us in this way, please send us a mail!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Radio Channel 292
Shortwave 6070 kHz
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1
Tel: +49 8442 - 95 39 01
Fax: +49 8442 - 95 48 93
diumenge, 1 de març del 2015
Logs 1 de març
- 6870 KHz, 08.00, Radio Samurai, ids, music, 34443
- 6875 KHz, 08.30, Radio Europe, It, music, talks, 44444
- 6950 KHz, 09.00, Radio Enterprise, E, music, id, playing Scorpions, Van Halen, 23442
- 7300 KHz, 10.00, U-Boat 66 Radio, id, music, playing The Police, moving to 7295, 7293, 22442
- 7328 KHz, 10.30, Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, E, id, music, playing Lucio Dalla, David Bowie, Janis Joplin, moving to 7300, 23442
All times UTC
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)