dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

Logs 29 novembre

  • 1616 KHz, 21.30, Radio Olimpia, Dutch/E, greetings to listeners, music, 33443
  • 3905 KHz, 21.15, Radio Arcadia, ballad, 23442
  • 3930 KHz, 21.25, Radio Batavia, music, playing ABBA, 22442
  • 6239 KHz, 18.20, Radio Marabu, German talks, 44343
  • 6300 KHz, 18.00, Radio Abu Dhabi, polka music, id, c/d at 18.10, 34443
  • 6300 KHz, 18.40, Radio Zeewolf, test, music, 22332
  • 6300 KHz, 21.20, Radio Black Bandit, E, music, 34443
  • 6306 KHz, 18.12, Radio Joey, id, music, playing The Clash, moved to 6300, 22442
All times UTC

divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Logs 28 novembre

  • 6240 KHz, 19.20, Radio Marabu, G, music, 34443
  • 6290 KHz, 19.35, Long Live Radio, E ids, rock music, 22332
  • 6324 KHz, 18.10, Radio Zeewolf, E, greetings, rock music, 23442
  • 6803 KHz, 18.20, Pink Panther Radio, music, ids, 23442
All times UTC

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2014

QSL Radio Pontevedra

Radio Pontevedra, 1116 KHz. Rebuda carta de confirmació sense dades per informe enviat a tecnica@radiopontevedra.com. v/s Jorge Hermida Aldao, Director.

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014

Logs 23 novembre

  • 6306 KHz, 15.50, Radio Joey, instrumental music, 22442
  • 6325 KHz, 15.40, Radio Eldorado, E/Dutch, polka music, greetings, ids, 23442
  • 6375 KHz, 17.55, Ronnie AM, E/Dutch, id, music, playing "House of the rising sun", "Losing my religion" or "Happy", 23332
  • 6380 KHz, 15.45, Top Radio?, music, test, 22442
  • 6380 KHz, 16.30, Radio Witte Reus, E/Dutch, music, 22332
  • 6396 KHz, 16.20, Radio Good Ship Venus, rock music, E, id, 33443
All times UTC

dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2014

QSL Radio Orgasm International

Radio Orgasm International, 6325 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioorgasm@outlook.com

Programes d'HLR i Radio Gloria

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
RGI-Winterschedule 2014/15  every 4th Sunday of the month
(23 Nov, 28 Dec, 25 Jan, 22.Feb, 22 Mar)
RGI is proud to present one hour of good music:
7-8 UTC    (8-9) German time        9485
8-9             (9-10)                            7265
9-10          (10-11)                           9485
10-11        (11-12)                           7310
13-14        (14-15)                           6005
10-11 UTC    (11-12)     shortwaveservice.com 7310
13-14             (14-15)     shortwaveservice.com 6005
16-17             (17-18)    Coloradio.org
16-17                              laut.fm/jukebox
Good reception ! Reports welcome at:  radiogloria@aol.com
Every Sunday the programmes of HLR:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC program in German 0n 9485 kHz

dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2014

Nova QSL Radio Europe

Radio Europe, 6850 KHz, pirata italiana. Després de rebre dues imatges com a E-QSLs (vegeu entrada de dilluns passat), avui he rebut aquesta nova E-QSL amb una imatge històrica. Informe enviat a radioeurope@iol.it

dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2014

QSL Radio Habana Cuba

Radio Habana Cuba, 6060 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional cubana. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a coro@enet.cu i radiohc@enet.cu.

dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014

QSLs Radio Europe

Radio Europe, 6850 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebudes dues E-QSLs sense dades per informe enviat a radioeurope@iol.it.

diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2014

Logs 16 novembre

  • 6215 KHz, 18.45, Unid, music, 23222
  • 6255 KHz, 18.30, Radio Telstar South, E, talks, music, 33443
  • 6306 KHz, 18.20, Radio Joey, music, id, 33333
  • 6850 KHz, 17.40, Radio Europe, E/It id, disco music, playing "Boogie Wonderland", 43433
All times UTC

dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2014


Radio EDXP, 11995 KHz, programa DX emès dins del programa Wavescan, de l'AWR via Trincomalee, a Sri Lanka. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a través del web d'EDXP: http://edxp.yolasite.com/radio-edxp-qsl-service.php. v/s Bob Padula.

divendres, 14 de novembre del 2014

Programes de Radio City, EMR i HLR

Radio City will be on the air this coming weekend:
Friday November 14th at 19 - 20 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS and on 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio in Italy, repeated on Saturday November 15th at 09 - 10 UTC on 9510 kHz.
Every Saturday evening at 20 - 21 UTC there is a separate transmission via Radio Merkurs, Latvia on 1485 kHz.
Saturday November 22 there is another programme via Hamburger Lokalradio at 13 - 14 UTC on 7265 kHz.
The address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca  Thank you!
European Music Radio Relay on 16th November 2014
08.00 to 09.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 7265 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
09.00 to 10.00 UTC  (Gohren) on 9485 KHz  Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk  Thank you!
EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday:    
Programme repeats are at the following times: 08.00, 13.00, 17.00, 20.00 UTC
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
or www.tunein.com and sign in  
If you live outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web Receiver at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
07.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz 
Every Sunday:
12.00 to 16.00 UTC on 9485 kHz
E-mail: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!

dijous, 13 de novembre del 2014

QSL Radio Taiwan International

Radio Taiwan International, 11665 KHz, programa en alemany. Rebuda QSL especial indicant el nom de l'emissor (Tamsui) a més de mostrar-ne una imatge. Informe enviat a deutsch@rti.org.tw.

dimecres, 12 de novembre del 2014

QSL Smooth Radio

Smooth Radio, 1323 KHz, emissora britànica de programació musical. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a katy.ratican@smoothradio.com. v/s Katy Ratican.

dimarts, 11 de novembre del 2014

QSL Free Radio Service Holland

Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH), 7700/9300 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL en dues imatges (una de les quals reprodueix una QSL històrica de l'emissora) per informe enviat a frs@frsholland.nl

dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2014

QSL Europa Radio Jazz

Europa Radio Jazz, 1350 KHz, via la nova emissora italiana iAM Radio. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@thesoundofjazz.com

divendres, 7 de novembre del 2014

Nous programes d'EMR

European Music Radio (EMR) emetrà en les properes setmanes pels 6190 KHz. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Dear Listeners,
From November 2014 to March 2015 EMR will be on 6190 KHz every 2nd Sunday with a repeat programme from last months Transmission.
The time slot for EMR on 6190 will be 10.00 to 11:00 UTC.

Programes especials de RWI

Radio Waves International (RWI) anuncia programes especials d'aniversari per a aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació:

Dear listeners
we will celebrate during all this month of November 2014our 31st birthday.
we will ooperate this year with only our low power txs around 20watts
on several bands 48 , 41 & 26mbwith a special qsl on each band ,if you reach all bandsan annother qsl wil be setup for you as GOLD QSL .
next weekend we wil operate on 41 & 26mb from sat 8th untill November 11th afternoonwe can just invite you to keep listenning.
ps: no IRC or USD need to get a reply also email are welcome at rwaves@fre.frhave a nice month of listening
ps: without listeners like you a radio could'nt exist after 31 years
73's the terrible twins
Radio Waves International
since 1983  on shortwaves
30 years on the airwaves
with 20 year of country music
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2014

QSL Radio Adygea via Krasnodar

Radio Adygea, 7325 KHz, via GTRK Krasnodar, Rússia. Després de rebre una confirmació per e-mail directament de l'emissora (vegeu entrada del 22 d'agost de 2014), ara he rebut per correu certificat una detallada QSL des de l'emissor a Krasnodar. Informe enviat a Krasnodar@rtrn.ru, ru6ax@land.ru i krtpc@krtpc.ru.

dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

QSL Premier Radio International

Premier Radio International, 6320 KHz, pirata irlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a premierradio@yahoo.ie