dijous, 30 d’octubre del 2014
QSL VOA Radiogram
VOA Radiogram, 15670 KHz, programes experimentals des de l'emissor de Carolina del Nord, als Estats Units. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiogram@voanews.com
Programació de Radio Baltic Waves
Del Sr. Rimantas Pleikys, tècnic de l'emissora, he rebut la programació actual de Radio Baltic Waves International. És la següent:
Kaunas - Sitkunai 1386 kHz 75 kW ND
0200-0330 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
0330-0400 NHK World, Russian
0400-0500 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
1700-1730 Polish Radio, Russian
1730-1800 NHK World, Russian
1800-1900 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
1900-2000 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Belarusian
2000-2100 Polish Radio, Belarusian
2100-2200 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian
dimecres, 29 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Dialogue
Radio Dialogue, 12105 KHz, emissora clandestina via Talata Volondry, Madagascar. Rebuda QSL de l'estació emissora per informe enviat a monitoring@mglob.mg.
dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Free Europe via Sitkunai
Radio Free Europe, 1386 KHz, emetent via Radio Baltic Waves International, Sitkunai, Lituània. Rebuda carta QSL per correu electrònic per informe enviat a riplei@takas.lt. v/s Rimantas Pleikys, Chief Operations Officer.
Imatge de Radio Baltic Waves
Imatge que mostra l'emissor de Radio Baltic Waves International rebuda del Sr. Pleikys, tècnic que signa la carta QSL de l'entrada anterior.
QSL Little Feat Radio
Little Feat Radio, 6320 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a littlefeatam@gmail.com.
dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2014
Logs 26 octubre
- 6286 KHz, 17.30, Radio Telstar, music, 23442
- 6300 KHz, 17.50, Radio Joey, music, id, playing Talk Talk "Such a shame", 22332
- 6915 KHz, 17.45, Premier Radio International, E, id, music, playing Billy Ocean, 23442
- 6950 KHz, 17.55, Laser Hot Hits, via Radio Blackbeard, E, music, talks about free radio, 22442
All times UTC
diumenge, 26 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Report
Reach Beyond Australia, 15490, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to office@reachbeyond.org.au. v/s Shelley.
TWR Moosbrunn, 7320, E-QSL in 8 days for e-report to kdobos@twr.org. v/s Kalman Dobos.
Rádio Aparecida, 11855, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to clube@radioaparecida.com.br, and luis.oliveira@radioaparecida.com.br. v/s Cassiano Macedo.
Rádio Brasil Central, 11815, E-QSL in 8 months for e-report to rbcamfm@gmail.com
La Voz de tu Conciencia, 6010, QSL in 4 weeks for report to Apartado 67751, Oficina Red 4-72 Unicentro, Bogotá DC, Colombia. v/s Rafael Rodríguez. Sent IRC.
Radio Congo Brazzaville, 6115, QSL letter in 2 years for last report sent to B.P. 2241, Brazzaville, Republique du Congo. v/s Jean de Dieu Oko, Directeur des Programmes.
Gemeinde Gottes Herford, 3995, via HCJB, QSL and personal letter in 3 weeks for e-report to info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
Nord AM, 3985, via Kall, QSL in 4 days for e-report to nordam@shortwaveservice.com.
EMR, via MVBR, 9485, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to emrsw@sky.com.
Radio Slovakia International, 3985, via Kall, QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to rsi_german@slovakradio.sk
Radio Truth, 4055, QSL, personal letter, sticker, pennant in 3 weeks for e-report to radioverdad5@yahoo.com. v/s Edgar A. Madrid.
Voice of Indonesia, 9526, QSL in 5 months for e-report to voi.deutsch@gmail.com. v/s Sri Unun.
RTÉ, 252, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to info@rte.ie. v/s Maeve Anslow.
Bible Voice, via Talata V, 21480, QSL from MGLOB in 2 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg. Received QSL too from Canada for report sent to mail@bvbroadcasting.org.
BBC, via Talata V, 7445, QSL from MGLOB in 2 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg.
Auckland Volmet, 8828 USB, QSL letter in 14 days for e-report to Tim.Halpin@airways.co.nz. v/s Tim Halpin.
Radio Adygeya (GTRK Adygeya), 7325, via Krasnodar, partly detailed E-letter in 11 weeks for e-report to gtrkadygeya@yandex.ru.
SLBC, 11750, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com.
JSWC via Wavescan/AWR, Trincomalee, 11995, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to jswcqsl@live.jp. v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa.
Radio Thailand, 9390, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov.
VOA Radio Farda, 12005, via Udorn Thani, QSL in 2 months for e-report to manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov.
TWR Africa, via Dhabbaya, 6120, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to lstavrop@twr.org.
Voice of Vietnam, 9430, via Dhabbaya (not mentioned in the QSL), QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to german@vov.org.vn.
Overcomer Ministry, 15570, E-QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to lastime@overcomerministry.org
VOA Radiogram, 15670, E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to radiogram@voanews.com. v/s Kim.
WRMI Okeechobee, 15770, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to info@wrmi.net.
NHK via Okeechobee, 5985, QSL in 5 weeks for e-report through their web.
Radio Veritas Asia, 15320, via Santa Maria Galeria. QSL (with mention of transmitter), sticker, calendar, sked in 4 weeks for e-report to filipino@rveritas-asia.org. v/s Arlene Arungayan-Donarber, Audience Relations Officer.
Radio Inyabutatu, via Issoudun, 17870, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to marie-helene.havard@tdf.fr.
Radio Hilaac, via Issoudun, 15180, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to marie-helene.havard@tdf.fr.
Voice of Tibet, 15540, QSL in 2 months for e-report to editor@vot.org, voteditor@yahoo.com and info@vot.org.
Tip and Elvis Show, 6220, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to t.eshow@hotmail.com
Hitmix Radio, 6298, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to hitmix58@gmx.de
Pink Panther Radio, 6803, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com
Zender Akenzo, 6285/6320, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to akenzoteam@hotmail.com
FRSH, 9301, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to frs@frsholland.nl. v/s Peter Verbruggen.
Zara Radio, 6320, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to zararadionl@hotmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 13910/9905 LSB, 3 E-QSLs in 11/7/4 weeks for e-reports to balticseapirate@gmail.com
Radio Spanningzoeker, 1638, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radio45@planet.nl
Premier Radio International, 6930, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to premierradio@yahoo.ie.
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7298, 3 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to rmgp76@hotmail.com
Radio Etherfreak, 6322, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to fokko@etherfreak.nl
Radio Montferland, 6265, E-QSL in 20 days for e-report to radiomontferland@hotmail.com
Little Feat Radio, 6930, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to littlefeatam@gmail.com
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6925 USB, E-QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
Radio Seat, 6211, E-QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to jessn02@gmail.com
Radio New Wave, 6240, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to rnw@freeradiochat.com
Old Time Radio (UK), 6744, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to oldtimeradio@yandex.com
Radio Merlin, 6305, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio Good Ship Venus, 6396, E-QSLs in 7 days for e-report to radiogsv@hotmail.com
Radio Summermeeting 2014, 6322, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to summermeeting2014@hotmail.com
Radio Arcadia, 6850, 2 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to arcadiawaves@gmail.com
WMR, 6396, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to info@wmrscotland.com
Mustang Radio, 6323, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to mustangradio@live.nl
Reach Beyond Australia, 15490, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to office@reachbeyond.org.au. v/s Shelley.
TWR Moosbrunn, 7320, E-QSL in 8 days for e-report to kdobos@twr.org. v/s Kalman Dobos.
Rádio Aparecida, 11855, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to clube@radioaparecida.com.br, and luis.oliveira@radioaparecida.com.br. v/s Cassiano Macedo.
Rádio Brasil Central, 11815, E-QSL in 8 months for e-report to rbcamfm@gmail.com
La Voz de tu Conciencia, 6010, QSL in 4 weeks for report to Apartado 67751, Oficina Red 4-72 Unicentro, Bogotá DC, Colombia. v/s Rafael Rodríguez. Sent IRC.
Radio Congo Brazzaville, 6115, QSL letter in 2 years for last report sent to B.P. 2241, Brazzaville, Republique du Congo. v/s Jean de Dieu Oko, Directeur des Programmes.
Gemeinde Gottes Herford, 3995, via HCJB, QSL and personal letter in 3 weeks for e-report to info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
Nord AM, 3985, via Kall, QSL in 4 days for e-report to nordam@shortwaveservice.com.
EMR, via MVBR, 9485, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to emrsw@sky.com.
Radio Slovakia International, 3985, via Kall, QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to rsi_german@slovakradio.sk
Radio Truth, 4055, QSL, personal letter, sticker, pennant in 3 weeks for e-report to radioverdad5@yahoo.com. v/s Edgar A. Madrid.
Voice of Indonesia, 9526, QSL in 5 months for e-report to voi.deutsch@gmail.com. v/s Sri Unun.
RTÉ, 252, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to info@rte.ie. v/s Maeve Anslow.
Bible Voice, via Talata V, 21480, QSL from MGLOB in 2 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg. Received QSL too from Canada for report sent to mail@bvbroadcasting.org.
BBC, via Talata V, 7445, QSL from MGLOB in 2 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg.
Auckland Volmet, 8828 USB, QSL letter in 14 days for e-report to Tim.Halpin@airways.co.nz. v/s Tim Halpin.
Radio Adygeya (GTRK Adygeya), 7325, via Krasnodar, partly detailed E-letter in 11 weeks for e-report to gtrkadygeya@yandex.ru.
SLBC, 11750, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com.
JSWC via Wavescan/AWR, Trincomalee, 11995, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to jswcqsl@live.jp. v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa.
Radio Thailand, 9390, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov.
VOA Radio Farda, 12005, via Udorn Thani, QSL in 2 months for e-report to manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov.
TWR Africa, via Dhabbaya, 6120, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to lstavrop@twr.org.
Voice of Vietnam, 9430, via Dhabbaya (not mentioned in the QSL), QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to german@vov.org.vn.
Overcomer Ministry, 15570, E-QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to lastime@overcomerministry.org
VOA Radiogram, 15670, E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to radiogram@voanews.com. v/s Kim.
WRMI Okeechobee, 15770, E-QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to info@wrmi.net.
NHK via Okeechobee, 5985, QSL in 5 weeks for e-report through their web.
Radio Veritas Asia, 15320, via Santa Maria Galeria. QSL (with mention of transmitter), sticker, calendar, sked in 4 weeks for e-report to filipino@rveritas-asia.org. v/s Arlene Arungayan-Donarber, Audience Relations Officer.
Radio Inyabutatu, via Issoudun, 17870, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to marie-helene.havard@tdf.fr.
Radio Hilaac, via Issoudun, 15180, E-QSL in 3 months for e-report to marie-helene.havard@tdf.fr.
Voice of Tibet, 15540, QSL in 2 months for e-report to editor@vot.org, voteditor@yahoo.com and info@vot.org.
Tip and Elvis Show, 6220, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to t.eshow@hotmail.com
Hitmix Radio, 6298, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to hitmix58@gmx.de
Pink Panther Radio, 6803, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com
Zender Akenzo, 6285/6320, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to akenzoteam@hotmail.com
FRSH, 9301, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to frs@frsholland.nl. v/s Peter Verbruggen.
Zara Radio, 6320, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to zararadionl@hotmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 13910/9905 LSB, 3 E-QSLs in 11/7/4 weeks for e-reports to balticseapirate@gmail.com
Radio Spanningzoeker, 1638, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radio45@planet.nl
Premier Radio International, 6930, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to premierradio@yahoo.ie.
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7298, 3 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to rmgp76@hotmail.com
Radio Etherfreak, 6322, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to fokko@etherfreak.nl
Radio Montferland, 6265, E-QSL in 20 days for e-report to radiomontferland@hotmail.com
Little Feat Radio, 6930, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to littlefeatam@gmail.com
Over 60 Degree Radio, 6925 USB, E-QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to over60dgr@rocketmail.com
Radio Seat, 6211, E-QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to jessn02@gmail.com
Radio New Wave, 6240, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to rnw@freeradiochat.com
Old Time Radio (UK), 6744, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to oldtimeradio@yandex.com
Radio Merlin, 6305, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Radio Good Ship Venus, 6396, E-QSLs in 7 days for e-report to radiogsv@hotmail.com
Radio Summermeeting 2014, 6322, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to summermeeting2014@hotmail.com
Radio Arcadia, 6850, 2 E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to arcadiawaves@gmail.com
WMR, 6396, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to info@wmrscotland.com
Mustang Radio, 6323, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to mustangradio@live.nl
FM QSL Report
Hot FM, Benidorm,
95.3, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to info@hotfm.fm.
Nivel 10 FM, 98.7,
full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to direccion@nivel10fm.com.
Radio Siglo XXI,
100.9, full detailed E-letter in 6 days for e-report to info@radio4g.com. v/s
Francisco Izuzquiza, Coordinador de redacción.
Remember the Music
FM, 101.5, full detailes E-letter in 4 months for e-report to info@djicomunicacion.com.
v/s Marcelo Madrid.
Onda Cero Radio,
Manacor (92.7)/Alcúdia (94.3), full detailed E-letter in 6 days for
e-report to jenrique@ondacero.es. v/s Juan Carlos Enrique, Director Regional
Europa FM, Menorca , 105.3, full detailed E-letter in 2 days for
e-report to dfont@ondacero.es. v/s Diana Font, Directora.
RNE Catalunya,
100.8, E-QSL in 17 days for e-report to programme "L'altra ràdio".
v/s Antonio Catalán, Responsable Tècnic.
QSL Remember the Music FM
Remember the Music FM, 101.5 MHz, emissora valenciana. Després de llarga espera, rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a info@djicomunicacion.com. v/s Marcelo Madrid.
Programació d'Hamburger Lokalradio
Wintersendeplan HLR - Kurzwelle (ab 26.10.2014)
Sendestelle Göhren bei Schwerin
Sendeleistung 1kW
Hamburger Lokalradio
Kulturzentrum LOLA
21031 Hamburg
09.00 - 10:00 CET (08:00 -09:00 UTC) Deutsch (7265 kHz)
10:00 - 13:00 CET (09:00 - 12:00 UTC) Deutsch (6190 kHz)13:00 - 15:00 CET (12:00 - 14:00 UTC) Deutsch (7265 kHz) - 4. Sonntag: 14:00 - 15:00 CET (13:00 - 14:00 UTC) ENGLISCH
15:00 - 16:00 CET (14:00 - 15:00 UTC) Spanisch (7265 kHz)
16:00 - 17:00 CET (15:00 - 16:00 UTC) Englisch (7265 kHz) Ab 16:30 - 17:00 CET (15:30 - 16:00 UTC) DX-Programm - WORLD OF RADIO
Sonntag: (4h)
13:00 - 14:00 CET (12:00 - 13:00 UTC) Deutsch (9485 kHz)
14:00 - 15:00 CET (13:00 - 14:00 UTC) Deutsch (9475 kHz)
15:00 - 16:00 CET (14:00 - 14:00 UTC) Spansich ( 9485 kHz)
16:00 - 17:00 CET (15:00 - 16:00 UTC) Englisch (9485 kHz)
Sendestelle Göhren bei Schwerin
Sendeleistung 1kW
Hamburger Lokalradio
Kulturzentrum LOLA
21031 Hamburg
Mittwoch / Samstag: (8h)
08:00 - 09:00 CET (07:00 - 08:00 UTC) Englisch (7265 kHz) Ab 08:30 - 09:00 CET (07:30 - 08:00 UTC) DX-Programm - WORLD OF RADIO09.00 - 10:00 CET (08:00 -09:00 UTC) Deutsch (7265 kHz)
10:00 - 13:00 CET (09:00 - 12:00 UTC) Deutsch (6190 kHz)13:00 - 15:00 CET (12:00 - 14:00 UTC) Deutsch (7265 kHz) - 4. Sonntag: 14:00 - 15:00 CET (13:00 - 14:00 UTC) ENGLISCH
15:00 - 16:00 CET (14:00 - 15:00 UTC) Spanisch (7265 kHz)
16:00 - 17:00 CET (15:00 - 16:00 UTC) Englisch (7265 kHz) Ab 16:30 - 17:00 CET (15:30 - 16:00 UTC) DX-Programm - WORLD OF RADIO
Sonntag: (4h)
13:00 - 14:00 CET (12:00 - 13:00 UTC) Deutsch (9485 kHz)
14:00 - 15:00 CET (13:00 - 14:00 UTC) Deutsch (9475 kHz)
15:00 - 16:00 CET (14:00 - 14:00 UTC) Spansich ( 9485 kHz)
16:00 - 17:00 CET (15:00 - 16:00 UTC) Englisch (9485 kHz)
dissabte, 25 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Voice of Indonesia
Voice of Indonesia, 9526 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional indonèsia en alemany (Stimme Indonesiens). Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a voi.deutsch@gmail.com. v/s Sri Unun.
Es tracta de la segona QSL rebuda d'aquesta emissora en més de 30 anys! Resulta especialment difícil obtenir-ne una resposta i almenys per a mi impossible del servei en castellà.
dijous, 23 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
dimarts, 21 d’octubre del 2014
RTÉ Radio, 252 KHz, ràdio nacional irlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@rte.ie. v/s Maeve Anslow.
dilluns, 20 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Weekend Music Radio
Weekend Music Radio, 6396 KHz, pirata escocesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@wmrscotland.com
diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014
Logs 19 octubre
- 3910 KHz, 17.50, Radio Technical Man, E/Dutch, music, c/d at 17.53, 33443
- 6205 KHz, 18.00, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 33443
- 6220 KHz, 17.30, Sluwe Vos Radio, music, test?, 43443
- 6265 KHz, 18.35, Radio Experience, Dutch music, 23442
- 6285 KHz, 17.55, Unid, Focus?, E, rock music, 23442
- 6300 KHz, 17.25, Radio Paardenkracht, music, 23442
- 6305 KHz, 17.35, Radio Merlin International, E, music, ids, playing Bangles, 23442
- 6320 KHz, 17.45, Radio Telstar, E, id, greetings, instrumental music, 33443
- 6320 KHz, 18.10, Voice of the Dark Woods, E, id, music, playing Stranglers, Jefferson Airplane ("Somebody to love"), 22442
- 6320 KHz, 19.06, Premier Radio International, E, ids, music, playing Nick Kershaw, Robert Palmer, 23442
- 6395 KHz, 18.45, Radio Good Ship Venus, E, rock music, 22442
- 6485 KHz, 19.00, Premier Radio International, E, id, music, playing Kim Wilde, moved to 6320, 22322
- 6845 KHz, 19.04, Radio Arcadia, recorded E/It id, jazz fusion music, 34443
- 21455 KHz, 18.15, Undercover Radio/Dr. Benway, music, QSO to Europe, 22442
All times UTC
dissabte, 18 d’octubre del 2014
Logs 17 octubre
- 1645 KHz, 21.10, Radio Relmus, music, 22442
- 6205 KHz, 20.45, Magic AM, dance music, 23442
- 6255 KHz, 20.00, Radio Tango Italia, music, multilingual ids, 55444
- 6285 KHz, 20.15, Radio Python, rock music, E, id, 34443
- 6320 KHz, 20.05, Unid, music test for some minutes, no id heard, 23442
- 6803 KHz, 20.30, Pink Panther Radio, music, id, 23442
All times UTC
divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014
QSL RNE Catalunya
Ràdio Nacional d'Espanya a Catalunya, 100.8 MHz, programa "L'altra ràdio" de Ràdio 4. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat al programa esmentat. v/s Antonio Catalán Serra, Responsable Tècnic.
FRSH emetrà el 26 d'octubre
Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) tornarà a emtre diumenge de la setmana vinent. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Sunday October 26thOn Sunday October 26th FRS-Holland will be on air with a full broadcast between 08:52- 15:00 UTC. Frequencies will be7700// 9300 kHz. Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters and consists of FRS Magazine, the German Service, FRS Goes DX , 80s Show, Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the Day Calendar and a number of radio related items. 'Old fashioned' free radio entertainment on a Sunday. Tune in....
Internet StreamThat same day between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/15:52- 22.00 CEST will see a full repeat on the internet. Check on your computer <http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >.
In the mean time FRS-Holland has become 34 years....that was celebrated with an 'extra' broadcast on Sunday evening August 31st.
FRS strives to have its brand new website on-line sometime in December. The site will emphasize on FRS' 30+ year history in words, pictures & sound.
We invite you as a FRS listener to put your very own personal FRS memories on paper. - When did you hear us for the first time, what was (is) your favourite show, when did you get your first QSL, how much did you listen to FRS, any special on air moments you remember? All this info will be part of your personal FRS contribution. Any serious contribution will be part of the new website. We very much appreciate your input as an FRS listener! You can send your contribution to [frs@frsholland.nl]. Alternatively you can use POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands.
Remember that winter time starts on Sunday October 26th: UTC+1 hour= CET .
73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team (Jan, Paul, Roger, Dave, Brian, Bobby & Peter)
Sunday October 26thOn Sunday October 26th FRS-Holland will be on air with a full broadcast between 08:52- 15:00 UTC. Frequencies will be7700// 9300 kHz. Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters and consists of FRS Magazine, the German Service, FRS Goes DX , 80s Show, Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the Day Calendar and a number of radio related items. 'Old fashioned' free radio entertainment on a Sunday. Tune in....
Internet StreamThat same day between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/15:52- 22.00 CEST will see a full repeat on the internet. Check on your computer <http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >.
In the mean time FRS-Holland has become 34 years....that was celebrated with an 'extra' broadcast on Sunday evening August 31st.
FRS strives to have its brand new website on-line sometime in December. The site will emphasize on FRS' 30+ year history in words, pictures & sound.
We invite you as a FRS listener to put your very own personal FRS memories on paper. - When did you hear us for the first time, what was (is) your favourite show, when did you get your first QSL, how much did you listen to FRS, any special on air moments you remember? All this info will be part of your personal FRS contribution. Any serious contribution will be part of the new website. We very much appreciate your input as an FRS listener! You can send your contribution to [frs@frsholland.nl]. Alternatively you can use POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands.
Remember that winter time starts on Sunday October 26th: UTC+1 hour= CET .
73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team (Jan, Paul, Roger, Dave, Brian, Bobby & Peter)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....FRS-Holland
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: [frs@frsholland.nl]
future website: [ www.frsholland.nl]
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: [frs@frsholland.nl]
future website: [ www.frsholland.nl]
Radio City i EMR aquest cap de setmana
Radio City i EMR tornen a emetre aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Dear Listeners,
Radio City will be on the air Friday October 17th at 18 - 19 UTC on 7290 kHz via IRRS and on 1368 kHz via Challenger Radio in Italy, with a repeat Saturday October 18th at 08 - 09 GMT on 9510 kHz via IRRS.
Saturday October 25th there is the monthly transmission via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz at 12 - 13 GMT.
Every Saturday evening there is a separate programme via Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz at 19 - 18 GMT (at 19 - 20 GMT during the winter when local time returns to normal).
Our contact address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca
European Music Radio Relay on 19th October 2014
07.00 to 08.00 UTC (Gohren) on 7265 KHz Tom & Mike Taylor
08.00 to 09.00 UTC (Gohren) on 9485 KHz Tom & Mike Taylor
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk Thank you!
dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Little Feat Radio
Little Feat Radio, 6320 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a littlefeatam@gmail.com
dimecres, 15 d’octubre del 2014
QSLs Radio Arcadia
Radio Arcadia, 6850 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebudes dues E-QSL per informe enviat a arcadiawaves@gmail.com
dimarts, 14 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Summermeeting 2014
Radio Summermeeting 2014, 6322 KHz, emissió especial amb motiu de la trobada pirata que es fa cada any a l'estiu. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a summermeeting2014@hotmail.com
QSLs Radio Good Ship Venus
Radio Good Ship Venus, 6396 KHz, pirata escocesa. Rebudes dues imatges sense dades com a E-QSLs per informe enviat a radiogsv@hotmail.com
diumenge, 12 d’octubre del 2014
Logs 12 octubre
- 6205 KHz, 19.35, Laser Hot Hits, via Magic?, E, music, playing "Right between the eyes", 33443
- 6220 KHz, 18.30, Sluwe Vos Radio, music, ids, 44333
- 6240 KHz, 17.30, Radio Marabu, German, id, rock music, 33343
- 6255 KHz, 17.10, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, 44444
- 6286 KHz, 17.45, Radio Focus, E, rock music, 33443
- 6290 KHz, 17.40, De Rode Adelaar, Dutch music, 23442
- 6299 KHz, 17.35, Unid, Dutch music, test?, 22332
- 6300 KHz, 19.25, Unid, Dutch, music, 22442
- 6305 KHz, 17.20, Radio Telstar, Dutch, instrumental music, 22332
- 6305 KHz, 19.00, Unid, music, playing "Give me hope, Joana", 22442
- 6306 KHz, 17.55, Radio Joey, id, playing "Sex machine", 22332
- 6320 KHz, 17.15, Radio Montferland, test, id, music, playing "Sun of Jamaica", 23342
- 6320 KHz, 18.35, Little Feat Radio, E, music, playing The Police, Supertramp, 23442
- 6325 KHz, 18.00, Radio Orgasm International, E ids, music, 22332
- 6395 KHz, 16.55, Weekend Music Radio, E, music, id, playing Fleetwood Mac, 22442
- 6395 KHz, 19.03, Radio Good Ship Venus, E, music, 22442
- 6850 KHz, 19.06, Arcadia Radio, id in E/G/It, music, playing Paolo Conte, 33443
All times UTC
dissabte, 11 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Slovakia
Radio Slovakia International, 3985 KHz, programa en alemany via Radio 700, Alemanya. Rebuda quarta QSL per un mateix informe enviat a rsi_deutsch@slovakradio.sk i rsi_german@slovakradio.sk
divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014
Nous programes aquest cap de setmana
Hamburger Lokalradio, MV Baltic Radio, Radio Gloria i Atlantic 2000 tornen a emetre aquest cap de setmana. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HLR, MVBR, RGI & Atlantic 2000 Relays on 12th October
HLR, 05 - 08 UTC on 7265 KHz
HLR, 08 - 11 UTC on 6190 KHz
HLR, 11 - 15 UTC on 7265 KHz
RGI, 06 - 08 UTC on 6190 KHz (repeat broadcast)
Atlantic 2000 Int., 08 - 09 UTC on 9485 & 6005 KHz
MVBR, 09 - 10 UTC on 6190 KHz (repeat broadcast)
HLR, 11- 15 UTC on 9485 KHz
HLR, 05 - 08 UTC on 7265 KHz
HLR, 08 - 11 UTC on 6190 KHz
HLR, 11 - 15 UTC on 7265 KHz
RGI, 06 - 08 UTC on 6190 KHz (repeat broadcast)
Atlantic 2000 Int., 08 - 09 UTC on 9485 & 6005 KHz
MVBR, 09 - 10 UTC on 6190 KHz (repeat broadcast)
HLR, 11- 15 UTC on 9485 KHz
dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk.
dilluns, 6 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Radio Slovakia International, via Radio 700
Radio Slovakia International, 3985 KHz, programa en alemany via Radio 700, Kall-Krekel, Alemanya. Rebuda una nova QSL amb dades completes per informe enviat a rsi_deutsch@slovakradio.sk i rsi_german@slovakradio.sk
diumenge, 5 d’octubre del 2014
Logs 5 octubre
- 6205 KHz, 19.10, Laser Hot Hits, music, playing Simply Red, 33443
- 6235 KHz, 16.40, Radio Tango Italia, European hymn, multilingual ids (It/E/Sp), 55444
- 6255 KHz, 19.50, Unid, E, music, oldies, Focus?, 23332
- 6268 KHz, 19.35, Radio Odynn, id, phone, e-mail, music playing "Rolling down the river", 33443
- 6290 KHz, 16.15, De Rode Adelaar, music, playing country and Dutch music, 22442
- 6385 KHz, 16.35, Baken 16, Dutch, rock music, playing "House of rising sun", 22342
- 6396 KHz, 19.15, Radio Good Ship Venus, E, id, rock music, 22442
- 6940 KHz, 19.45, Premier Radio International, E, music, 23442
All times UTC
dissabte, 4 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Premier Radio International
Premier Radio International, 6940 KHz, pirata irlandesa. Rebuda E-QSL amb imatges de QSLs antigues d'emissores pirates per informe enviat a premierradio@yahoo.ie
Logs 3 octubre
- 1655 KHz, 21.25, Radio Relmus, Dutch, id, disco music, 22442
- 6200 KHz, 20.20, Laser Hot Hits, relayed by unid, E, music, 33443
- 6285 KHz, 20.30, Unid, Dutch music, 33443
- 6290 KHz, 20.45, Unid, Dutch music, 33443
- 6295 KHz, 21.10, Unid, music, playing David Bowie, John Denver, 22442
- 6323 KHz, 20.10, Mustang Radio, rock music, id, c/d at 20.51, 55444
- 6305 KHz, 20.25, Radio Merlin International, E, id, music, playing Eddy Grant, Peter Gabriel, 23442
- 6485 KHz, 20.35, Premier Radio international, E, music, playing Gloria Stefan, 22342
- 6940 KHz, 20.50, Radio Blackbeard, instrumental music, 22432
All times UTC
dimecres, 1 d’octubre del 2014
QSL Little Feat Radio
Little Feat Radio, 6950 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda una nova E-QSL per informe enviat a littlefeatam@gmail.com
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