dilluns, 30 de juny del 2014
QSL Hitmix Radio
Hitmix Radio, 6298 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL genèrica per a totes les emissores del "grup" i algunes fotos de l'equipament (vegeu següent entrada) per informe enviat a hitmix58@gmx.de
dijous, 26 de juny del 2014
QSL BBC via Talata Volondry
BBC via els emissors de MGLOB a Talata Volondry (Madagascar), 7445 KHz. Ja fa anys que la BBC no envia QSLs, però l'empresa propietària dels emissors de Madagascar m'ha confirmat el meu informe amb la seva pròpia targeta QSL. Informe enviat a monitoring@mglob.mg
dimecres, 25 de juny del 2014
QSL Nivel 10 FM
Nivel 10 FM, 98.7 MHz. Rebut e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a direccion@nivel10fm.com. Qui escriu el correu no indica el seu nom, però sí m'informa que l'emissor es troba a Monduver (Gandia). Web: http://nivel10fm.com/
dilluns, 23 de juny del 2014
Hot FM, 95.3 MHz, emissora de parla anglesa de la Costa Blanca, zona de Benidorm. Rebut un e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes per informe enviat a info@hotfm.fm.
Adreça: Suite 521, Corbeta 10, 03710 Calp, Alacant. Web: www.hotfm.fm. No v/s, però qui ha escrit la confirmació m'informa que el seu emissor és de 450 w.
QSL Bible Voice via Madagascar
Bible Voice Broadcasting via Talata Volondry, Madagascar, 21480 KHz, emissora religiosa amb seu a Canadà. Després de rebre fa uns dies una QSL de l'empresa que gestiona els emissors (MGLOB), ara he rebut una QSL directament de l'emissora que fa el programa. Informe enviat a mail@bvbroadcasting.org.
diumenge, 22 de juny del 2014
Logs 20-21-22 juny
20 de juny
21 de juny
22 de juny
- 6165 KHz, 20.55, Radio Flying Dutchman, id, music, 34443
- 6210 KHz, 20.00, Shortwave Gold, music, id, 23442
- 6220 KHz, 20.45, Mustang Radio, id, music, playing Tina Turner, 55444
- 6240 KHz, 19.50, Radio Tango Italia, tango music, ids, 334443
- 6265 KHz, 20.05, De Rode Adelaar, Dutch, music, 33443
- 6285 KHz, 20.10, Radio Odynn, music, playing "Tainted love", 33443
- 6295 KHz, 20.15, Radio Joey, music, id, playing "Nineteen", 23332
- 6320 KHz, 20.30, Radio Blue Panther, Dutch music, rock, 22332
- 6803 KHz, 20.20, Pink Panther Radio, 80's disco music, 23332
- 6950 KHz, 21.20, Little Feat Radio, rock music, E, id, 22442
- 6980 KHz, 20.25, Unid, non stop rock music, Rock Radio Network?, 23442
21 de juny
- 3905 KHz, 21.00, Radio Alice, E/Dutch, id, music, playing Cindy Lauper, 22332
- 4015 KHz, 20.45, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23442
- 6220 KHz, 22.05, Unid, non stop music, 23442
- 6240 KHz, 21.55, Radio Goudenster, music, 22432
- 6255 KHz, 20.30, Radio Focus, E, music, playing Elton John, 23442
- 6298 KHz, 21.33, Hitmix Radio, music, id, e-mail, c/d at 21.56, 33333
- 6299 KHz, 21.15, Radio Black Arrow, Dutch, music, c/d at 21.25, 23442
- 6425 KHz, 22.00, Studio 52, electronic dance music, 23322
- 6725 KHz, 20.25, Radio Tower, Dutch music, 33443
- 6980 KHz, 20.50, Unid, non stop rock music, Rock Radio Network?, 33443
22 de juny
- 6240 KHz, 19.00, Radio Foxfire, disco music, recorded id, e-mail, 22442
- 6306 KHz, 19.10, Radio Joey, music, 22332
- 6380 KHz USB, 18.55, Radio Minipower, instrumental music, 22442
- 6803 KHz, 18.50, Pink Panther Radio, music, 22332
- 9302 KHz, 19.15. Geronimo Shortwave via FRSH, E, id, rock music, 44343
All times UTC
divendres, 20 de juny del 2014
QSL Tip and Elvis Show
Tip and Elvis Show, 6220 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a t.eshow@hotmail.com
QSL AWR Guam / Wavescan
Adventist World Radio (AWR), programa DX Wavescan via l'emissor d'Agat a l'illa de Guam, 11865 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
dimecres, 18 de juny del 2014
QSL Radio Thailand
Radio Thailand (HSK9), 9390 KHz, servei exterior de la ràdio nacional tailandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov
dilluns, 16 de juny del 2014
QSL Bible Voice Broadcasting via Talata Volondry
Bible Voice Broadcasting, emissora religiosa amb seu a Canadà emetent via els emissors de MGLOB a Madagascar, 21480 KHz. Rebuda QSL de l'empresa MGLOB que gestiona els emissors per informe enviat a monitoring@mglob.mg. L'informe enviat directament a Bible Voice encara no ha generat cap resposta.
Logs 13-14-15 juny
13 de juny
14 de juny
15 de juny
- 3905 KHz, 20.30, Radio Skyline International, rock music, playing Queen, UB40, 23442
- 6205 KHz, 20.15, Radio Tango Italia, non stop tango music, ids, 33443
- 6285 KHz, 20.20, Radio Focus, E, id, e-mail, music playing Men at work, 23442
14 de juny
- 3905 KHz, 21.10, Radio Skyline International, Dutch music, 23442
- 6210 KHz, 21.00, Shortwave Gold, music, 23442
- 6220 KHz, 20.40, Tip and Elvis Show, E/Dutch, music playing "I just can't get enough", 44444
- 6250 KHz, 21.10, Radio Flying Dutchman, E, id, music, 33443
- 6285 KHz, 21.45, Radio Focus, E, id, e-mail, music, 23442
15 de juny
- 6211 KHz, 18.35, Radio Seat, id, music, playing Queen, 22332
- 6220 KHz, 20.10, Mustang Radio, id, greetings, music, playing men at work, 54444
- 6306 KHz, 18.25, Radio Joey, music, 23332
- 6803 KHz, 18.20, Pink Panther Radio, music, ids, 23332
- 9302 KHz, 18.30, FRSH, E, special programme, id, addresses, music, 33443
- 9485 KHz, 15.40, EMR, E, ids, music, 23442
- 9905 KHz LSB, 18.55, Baltic Sea Radio, id, e-mail, music, playing "La Bamba", 23442
diumenge, 15 de juny del 2014
QSL Report
Overcomer Ministry, via Kostinbrod, 11590, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to lastime@overcomerministry.org
AWR Wavescan, via Issoudun, 15670, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org
Atlantic 2000 Int, 9485/7310 (via MVBR/Radio 700), QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Deutschlandfunk, 153/1422, QSLs in 10 weeks for e-report to hoererservice@dradio.de
Echo of Europe, 7315, via Nauen, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to contact@echoofeurope.eu. v/s Simon Marty.
Gemeinde Gottes Herford via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995 KHz, QSL, letter in 1 month for e-report to info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
Geronimo SW, 9485, via MVBR, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com
Missionswerk Voice of Hope, 3995, via HCJB Weenermoor, full detailed letter in 3 months for report to Eckenhagener Str. 21, D-51580 Reichshof, Germany. v/s Kornelius Dück.
MVBR, 9485, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to qsl@mvbalticradio.de
PCJ Radio, 5995, via Nauen, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com
Radio Biafra London, via Wertachtal, 11870, E-QSL in 21 months for e-report to QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com
All India Radio, 7550, QSL in 2 months for e-report to gosesdair@yahoo.co.in
Radio Impala, 17540 KHz, via Talata Volondry, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg
FEBC, 9430, QSL, letter in 10 weeks for e-report to info@febc.org and reception-report@febcintl.org. v/s Norita P. Estabillo.
Radio Rumanía, 9700/7235, QSLs in 2 years / 2 months for e-report to span@rri.ro
RNE Cáceres, Radio 5, 1107, QSL from RNE Secretaría Técnica in 4 months. v/s Javier Sánchez.
COPE Lugo, 1224, full detailed letter in 5 weeks for e-report to tecnico.lugo@cadenacope.net and direccion.lugo@cadenacope.net. v/s Daniel Otero, Director.
AWR Wavescan, 11955, via Trincomalee, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org
PCJ Radio, 15455 KHz, via Trincomalee, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com
Babcock Test Transmission via Woorferton, 6175, E-letter in 5 months for e-report to transmissiontest@gmail.com. v/s Dave Porter.
Pan American Broadcasting/Radio Africa, via Okechobee, 15190, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to info@panambc.com
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7300/7328 LSB, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to rmgp76@hotmail.com
Radio Verona, 6305, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to radioverona@hotmail.nl
Paashaas Radio, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to swpaashaas@hotmail.com
Radio Merlin, 6280, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Little Feat Radio, 6935, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to littlefeatam@gmail.com
Radio Underground, 6324, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to radioundergroundsw@gmail.com
Eldorado Radio, 7501 USB, E-QSL in 12 weeks for e-report to johnny_303@hotmail.com
Radio Caroline North via Radio merlin, 6400, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to carolinenorthstudio@gmail.com and radiomerlin@blueyonde.co.uk
Radio Mistletoe, 6295, E-QSL in 19 weeks for e-report to radiomistletoe@live.com
Radio Omroep Zuid, 6215, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to eurobird@gmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 13980/18910L, 2 E-QSLs in 9/1 weeks for e-reports to balticseapirate@gmail.com
Radio Waves International, 6295, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr
Radio Altrex, 6388, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to radioaltrex@hotmail.com
Radio Experience, 6325, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to experienceshortwave@gmail.com
Mustang Radio, 6280, E-QSL in 11 weeks for e-report to mustangradio@live.nl
Overcomer Ministry, via Kostinbrod, 11590, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to lastime@overcomerministry.org
AWR Wavescan, via Issoudun, 15670, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org
Atlantic 2000 Int, 9485/7310 (via MVBR/Radio 700), QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Deutschlandfunk, 153/1422, QSLs in 10 weeks for e-report to hoererservice@dradio.de
Echo of Europe, 7315, via Nauen, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to contact@echoofeurope.eu. v/s Simon Marty.
Gemeinde Gottes Herford via HCJB Weenermoor, 3995 KHz, QSL, letter in 1 month for e-report to info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
Geronimo SW, 9485, via MVBR, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com
Missionswerk Voice of Hope, 3995, via HCJB Weenermoor, full detailed letter in 3 months for report to Eckenhagener Str. 21, D-51580 Reichshof, Germany. v/s Kornelius Dück.
MVBR, 9485, QSL in 10 weeks for e-report to qsl@mvbalticradio.de
PCJ Radio, 5995, via Nauen, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com
Radio Biafra London, via Wertachtal, 11870, E-QSL in 21 months for e-report to QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com
All India Radio, 7550, QSL in 2 months for e-report to gosesdair@yahoo.co.in
Radio Impala, 17540 KHz, via Talata Volondry, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to monitoring@mglob.mg
FEBC, 9430, QSL, letter in 10 weeks for e-report to info@febc.org and reception-report@febcintl.org. v/s Norita P. Estabillo.
Radio Rumanía, 9700/7235, QSLs in 2 years / 2 months for e-report to span@rri.ro
RNE Cáceres, Radio 5, 1107, QSL from RNE Secretaría Técnica in 4 months. v/s Javier Sánchez.
COPE Lugo, 1224, full detailed letter in 5 weeks for e-report to tecnico.lugo@cadenacope.net and direccion.lugo@cadenacope.net. v/s Daniel Otero, Director.
AWR Wavescan, 11955, via Trincomalee, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to wavescan@awr.org
PCJ Radio, 15455 KHz, via Trincomalee, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to pcjqsl@pcjmedia.com
Babcock Test Transmission via Woorferton, 6175, E-letter in 5 months for e-report to transmissiontest@gmail.com. v/s Dave Porter.
Pan American Broadcasting/Radio Africa, via Okechobee, 15190, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to info@panambc.com
Radio Mistero Ghost Planet, 7300/7328 LSB, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to rmgp76@hotmail.com
Radio Verona, 6305, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to radioverona@hotmail.nl
Paashaas Radio, 6325, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to swpaashaas@hotmail.com
Radio Merlin, 6280, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Little Feat Radio, 6935, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to littlefeatam@gmail.com
Radio Underground, 6324, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to radioundergroundsw@gmail.com
Eldorado Radio, 7501 USB, E-QSL in 12 weeks for e-report to johnny_303@hotmail.com
Radio Caroline North via Radio merlin, 6400, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to carolinenorthstudio@gmail.com and radiomerlin@blueyonde.co.uk
Radio Mistletoe, 6295, E-QSL in 19 weeks for e-report to radiomistletoe@live.com
Radio Omroep Zuid, 6215, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to eurobird@gmail.com
Baltic Sea Radio, 13980/18910L, 2 E-QSLs in 9/1 weeks for e-reports to balticseapirate@gmail.com
Radio Waves International, 6295, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr
Radio Altrex, 6388, E-QSL in 2 months for e-report to radioaltrex@hotmail.com
Radio Experience, 6325, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to experienceshortwave@gmail.com
Mustang Radio, 6280, E-QSL in 11 weeks for e-report to mustangradio@live.nl
Nou test d'FRSH
FRSH torna a emetre aquesta tarda. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Last minute news: this evening FRS-Holland will be repeating part of last Sundays broadcast.
From 18:00-22:00 UTC/ 20:00-00.00 CEST FRSH will only be broadcasting on 9302 kHz (as a kind of test). The difference with last Sunday is that power on 31 metres will be upped. That makes us curious how FRS' signal is coming through in your area. Therefore we are looking out for reception reports.
Remember our full repeat of last Sundays broadcast via the Internet:[http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u].
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Just like last Sunday start is at 15:52 UTC/ 17:52 CEST and 6 hours later close down will be at 22.03 UTC/ 00:03 CEST. Unfortunately 16:00 CEST was mentioned as a start in FRS Magazine...that's wrong!! Apologies....
Last Sunday we were not very lucky with propagation conditions. Although good reception was reported from different parts of Europe, also much poorer reception was the case at other locations. Variable... Especially 7700 kHz was poorer than we hoped for although the signal
improved during the last 2 hours. Positive was 9302 kHz which replaced 5800 kHz. Knowing we used only relatively low power on 9302, it performed quite well in wide areas of Central Europe.
Thanks for all of you sending in reports...much appreciated!!
Enjoy todays broadcast...
73s, the FRS team
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....
Last minute news: this evening FRS-Holland will be repeating part of last Sundays broadcast.
From 18:00-22:00 UTC/ 20:00-00.00 CEST FRSH will only be broadcasting on 9302 kHz (as a kind of test). The difference with last Sunday is that power on 31 metres will be upped. That makes us curious how FRS' signal is coming through in your area. Therefore we are looking out for reception reports.
Remember our full repeat of last Sundays broadcast via the Internet:[http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u].
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Just like last Sunday start is at 15:52 UTC/ 17:52 CEST and 6 hours later close down will be at 22.03 UTC/ 00:03 CEST. Unfortunately 16:00 CEST was mentioned as a start in FRS Magazine...that's wrong!! Apologies....
Last Sunday we were not very lucky with propagation conditions. Although good reception was reported from different parts of Europe, also much poorer reception was the case at other locations. Variable... Especially 7700 kHz was poorer than we hoped for although the signal
improved during the last 2 hours. Positive was 9302 kHz which replaced 5800 kHz. Knowing we used only relatively low power on 9302, it performed quite well in wide areas of Central Europe.
Thanks for all of you sending in reports...much appreciated!!
Enjoy todays broadcast...
73s, the FRS team
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
divendres, 13 de juny del 2014
Programa especial de SDXF
Demà dissabte, la Swedish DX Federation emetrà un programa especial. Aquesta és la informació:
THE SWEDISH DX FEDERATION will be on air tomorrow,Saturday morning, 14.June 2014 on 7265 KHZ (via Hamburger Lokalradio) with a special program. The SDXF-Special BC runs from11.00-12.00 UTC. For correct reception Reports SDXF send back a special QSL card!! Contact add is qsl@sdxf.se. Happy listening.
THE SWEDISH DX FEDERATION will be on air tomorrow,Saturday morning, 14.June 2014 on 7265 KHZ (via Hamburger Lokalradio) with a special program. The SDXF-Special BC runs from11.00-12.00 UTC. For correct reception Reports SDXF send back a special QSL card!! Contact add is qsl@sdxf.se. Happy listening.
EMR, HLR i Radio City aquest cap de setmana
Nous programes de EMR, HLR i Radio City aquest cap de setmana:
European Music Radio, HLR & Radio city Relays
Radio City:
Radio city will be on the air today Friday June 13th on 7290 kHz via IRRS from Romania with 150 KW, and via Challenger Radio, Italy on 1368 kHz at 18.00 to 19.00 UTC with 10 KW.
Radio city will also have a repeat Transmission on Saturday June 14th between 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz.
There is also the weekly transmission via Radio Mercurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz on Saturday evenings at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC.
The 4th Saturday of the month there is a transmission via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz (carrier and upper side band) at 12.00 to 13.00 UTC
Please send all reports to: citymorecars@yahoo.ca Thank you!
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
05.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Every Sunday the programme of HLR
11.00 to 15.00 UTC program in German 0n 9485 kHz
Please send all reports to: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!
EMR 15th of June (Testing for the summer conditions):
9485 KHz between 15.00 - 16.00 UTC
7265 KHz between 16.00 - 17.00 UTC
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
European Music Radio, HLR & Radio city Relays
Radio City:
Radio city will be on the air today Friday June 13th on 7290 kHz via IRRS from Romania with 150 KW, and via Challenger Radio, Italy on 1368 kHz at 18.00 to 19.00 UTC with 10 KW.
Radio city will also have a repeat Transmission on Saturday June 14th between 08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 9510 kHz.
There is also the weekly transmission via Radio Mercurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz on Saturday evenings at 19.00 to 20.00 UTC.
The 4th Saturday of the month there is a transmission via Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz (carrier and upper side band) at 12.00 to 13.00 UTC
Please send all reports to: citymorecars@yahoo.ca Thank you!
Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR:
05.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
11.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
Every Sunday the programme of HLR
11.00 to 15.00 UTC program in German 0n 9485 kHz
Please send all reports to: redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de Thank you!
EMR 15th of June (Testing for the summer conditions):
9485 KHz between 15.00 - 16.00 UTC
7265 KHz between 16.00 - 17.00 UTC
Please send all E.M.R. reports to: studio@emr.org.uk
dijous, 12 de juny del 2014
dimecres, 11 de juny del 2014
Logs FM 9-10 juny
Primera propagació tropo amb certes condicions d'aquest estiu, dirigit sobretot a València i una mica a les Balears. Moltes emissores conegudes d'altres estius i alguna de nova. Escoltes fetes a primera hotra de la tarda:
88.5 MHz, Emissora llatina, "La número 1, Valencia, 88.5 FM", Ex-Aire Latino?, música llatina.
89.3 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Benicàssim, programa nacional.
89.5 MHz, Kiss FM, Mallorca, música, ids.
89.6 MHz, COPE Dènia?, programa nacional.
91.3 MHz, Europa FM, Marina Alta, música, identificacions, RDS: /EUROPA FM/
92.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Benicàssim, programa nacional.
92.9 MHz, Ràdio Marratxí, Mallorca, música.
93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, música, RDS: /ROCK FM/
93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
95.3 MHz, Hot FM, Benidorm, programa en anglès, música, publicitat, ids.
98.7 MHz, Nivel 10 FM, Alzira, música, publicitat, ids.
101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Mallorca (//102.7), programa musical.
101.5 MHz, Remember the Music FM, València, música, identificacions, RDS: /REMEMBER/THE MUSIC/101.5 FM/
101.9 MHz, Aire Radio, Torrent, València, programa tarot.
102.7 MHz, Radio Balear, Menorca (//101.4), programa musical.
102.7 MHz, Energía Estéreo, València, emissora llatina, id com "Energía 102.7".
102.9 MHz, Factoría FM, València, emissora llatina: "Factoría FM, la radio que activa tu vida".
104.1 MHz, Onda Cero Radio Sagunto, notícies locals del Camp de Morvedre.
104.4 MHz, Radio Klara, València, tertúlia.
104.7 MHz, Vaughan Radio, Torrent, programa en anglès.
105.6 MHz, Radio One Mallorca, programa musical en anglès, ids.
105.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Es Mercadal, Menorca, programa nacional
105.9 MHz, Aire Radio, Torrent, programa tarot.
106.0 MHz, Onda Cero La Ribera, tertúlia actualitat local.
106.3 MHz, Activa FM, programa musical.
88.5 MHz, Emissora llatina, "La número 1, Valencia, 88.5 FM", Ex-Aire Latino?, música llatina.
89.3 MHz, RNE Radio 1, Benicàssim, programa nacional.
89.5 MHz, Kiss FM, Mallorca, música, ids.
89.6 MHz, COPE Dènia?, programa nacional.
91.3 MHz, Europa FM, Marina Alta, música, identificacions, RDS: /EUROPA FM/
92.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Benicàssim, programa nacional.
92.9 MHz, Ràdio Marratxí, Mallorca, música.
93.1 MHz, Rock FM, València, música, RDS: /ROCK FM/
93.4 MHz, COPE Valencia, notícies.
95.3 MHz, Hot FM, Benidorm, programa en anglès, música, publicitat, ids.
98.7 MHz, Nivel 10 FM, Alzira, música, publicitat, ids.
101.4 MHz, Radio Balear, Mallorca (//102.7), programa musical.
101.5 MHz, Remember the Music FM, València, música, identificacions, RDS: /REMEMBER/THE MUSIC/101.5 FM/
101.9 MHz, Aire Radio, Torrent, València, programa tarot.
102.7 MHz, Radio Balear, Menorca (//101.4), programa musical.
102.7 MHz, Energía Estéreo, València, emissora llatina, id com "Energía 102.7".
102.9 MHz, Factoría FM, València, emissora llatina: "Factoría FM, la radio que activa tu vida".
104.1 MHz, Onda Cero Radio Sagunto, notícies locals del Camp de Morvedre.
104.4 MHz, Radio Klara, València, tertúlia.
104.7 MHz, Vaughan Radio, Torrent, programa en anglès.
105.6 MHz, Radio One Mallorca, programa musical en anglès, ids.
105.8 MHz, RNE Radio 3, Es Mercadal, Menorca, programa nacional
105.9 MHz, Aire Radio, Torrent, programa tarot.
106.0 MHz, Onda Cero La Ribera, tertúlia actualitat local.
106.3 MHz, Activa FM, programa musical.
dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014
Programa especial d'Atlantic 2000 diumenge
Atlantic 2000 torna a emetre demà diumenge. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 8th of June from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC (10:00 to
11:00 CEST) on 6005 and 9485 kHz.
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
For this 32nd anniversary show, all correct and detailed reception reports will be confirmed by a special QSL-card.
Atlantic 2000 émettra sur 6005 et 9485 kHz ce dimanche 8 juin de 08:00 à 09:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris).
L'émission sera diffusée à la même heure sur notre site internet.
A l'occasion de notre 32ème anniversaire, les rapports d'écoute complets et détaillés seront
confirmés par une carte QSL spéciale.
Visit our website :11:00 CEST) on 6005 and 9485 kHz.
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website.
For this 32nd anniversary show, all correct and detailed reception reports will be confirmed by a special QSL-card.
Atlantic 2000 émettra sur 6005 et 9485 kHz ce dimanche 8 juin de 08:00 à 09:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris).
L'émission sera diffusée à la même heure sur notre site internet.
A l'occasion de notre 32ème anniversaire, les rapports d'écoute complets et détaillés seront
confirmés par une carte QSL spéciale.
Nou programa d'FRSH diumenge
Aquest és el missatge rebut:
Hallo FRS Friends,
Next Whit Sunday June 8th FRS-Holland will be on air with a regular Sunday evening broadcast.
We start at 15:52 UTC/ 17:52 CEST and 6 hours later close down will be at 22.03 UTC/ 00:03 CEST.
Frequencies will be 7700 kHz/ 39 metres as well as 9301 kHz/31 metres.
Programmes will consist of the well known line up including FRS Magazine/PV, the German Show/Jan van Dijk, Dave Scott/Radio Waves, 1980s Show/Paul Graham & FRS Golden Show/Roger Davis. Previous reports will be verified as soon as possible.....don't worry!!
On Sunday June 15th we will repeat the broadcast via the Internet: [http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u].
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Enjoy next Sunday's broadcast...
73s, the FRS team
Hallo FRS Friends,
Next Whit Sunday June 8th FRS-Holland will be on air with a regular Sunday evening broadcast.
We start at 15:52 UTC/ 17:52 CEST and 6 hours later close down will be at 22.03 UTC/ 00:03 CEST.
Frequencies will be 7700 kHz/ 39 metres as well as 9301 kHz/31 metres.
Programmes will consist of the well known line up including FRS Magazine/PV, the German Show/Jan van Dijk, Dave Scott/Radio Waves, 1980s Show/Paul Graham & FRS Golden Show/Roger Davis. Previous reports will be verified as soon as possible.....don't worry!!
On Sunday June 15th we will repeat the broadcast via the Internet: [http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u].
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Enjoy next Sunday's broadcast...
73s, the FRS team
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....FRS-Holland
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
dimecres, 4 de juny del 2014
QSL Radio Impala
Radio Impala, 17540 KHz, emissora clandestina que emet cap a Rwanda via Madagascar. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a l'empresa que gestiona els emissors, MGLOB. E-mail: monitoring@mglob.mg. Adreça: P.O. Box 404, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar.
L'informe enviat directament a Radio Impala (E-mail: info@radioimpala.com) no ha donat cap resposta.
dimarts, 3 de juny del 2014
QSL AWR-Wavescan via Trincomalee
Adventist World Radio (AWR) i el seu programa DX Wavescan, 11995 KHz, aquest cop via l'emissor de Trincomalee, a Sri Lanka. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
QSL AWR-Wavescan via Issoudun
Adventist World Radio (AWR) i el seu programa DX Wavescan, 15670 KHz, via Issoudun, França. Després de rebre una QSL indicant que l'emissor era Nauen, vaig tornar a escriure-hi preguntant si era un error. Ara he rebut aquesta QSL amb la dada de l'emissor correcta, que és Issoudun, a França. Informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
diumenge, 1 de juny del 2014
QSL Radio Experience
Radio Experience, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a experienceshortwave@gmail.com
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