dijous, 28 de febrer del 2013

QSL Dankó Rádió

Dankó Rádió, 1251 KHz, nou canal de la ràdio nacional hongaresa. Rebuda carta QSL. Adreça: MTVA, Kunigunda útja 64, H-1037 Budapest, Hongria. v/s Miklós Kenderessy, Director Technical Department.

dimecres, 27 de febrer del 2013

QSL Polskie Radio

Polskie Radio, 225 KHz, emissora nacional polonesa en la seva freqüència d'ona llarga. Rebuda QSL sobre una postal per informe enviat a través del seu web: www.polskieradio.pl

dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Öömrang

Radio Öömrang, 15215 KHz, via Wertachtal, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a Media Broadcast, empresa que gestiona l'emissor de Wertachtal, entre d'altres. L'informe es va enviar a michael.puetz@media-broadcast.com. v/s Michael Puetz.
De moment, no hi ha hagut resposta per l'informe enviat directament a l'emissora, la qual emet només un programa l'any. Aquest cop va ser el passat 21 de febrer.

dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Zwarte Panter

Radio Zwarte Panter, 6435 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a zwartepanter1951@hotmail.com

diumenge, 24 de febrer del 2013

Nova QSL Geronimo Shortwave

Geronimo Shortwave, 9480 KHz, via MV Baltic Radio. Després de rebre ja aquesta setmana una E-QSL, avui he rebut una nova E-QSL confirmant el mateix informe enviat a geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

Logs 24 febrer

  • 1647 KHz, 19.25, Radio Witte Tornado?, music, 22442
  • 5780 KHz, 18.45, Radio Focus, E, music, rock, 23442
  • 6045 KHz, 09.00, Radio Iceman, music, ids, 55444
  • 6095 KHz, 09.35, KBC, E, ids, music, promos, 55444
  • 6210 KHz, 19.30, Sluwe Vos Radio, ids, music, playing Pink Floyd and Kraftwerk, 33443
  • 6450 KHz, 09.20, Radio Universe, E, ids, music, playing Beach Boys, 22442
  • 6450 KHz, 19.10, Radio Readymix, Dutch music, 33443
  • 6745 KHz, 18.25, Pink Panther Radio, E, ids, music, playing Duran Duran, Simon and Garfunkel, 23442
  • 7685 KHz, 09.15, FRSH, E, music, ids, playing Seal and Whitesnake, 34443
  • 9480 KHz, 09.40, Radio Gloria, via MVBR, E, music, 44343
All times UTC

dissabte, 23 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio City via HLR/MVBR

Radio City, 7265 KHz, emetent a través d'Hamburger Lokalradio/MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a citymorecars@yahoo.ca

divendres, 22 de febrer del 2013

QSL Geronimo Shortwave

Geronimo Shortwave, 9480 KHz, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

QSL European Music Radio

European Music Radio (EMR), 6005 KHz, via Radio 700, Alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a emrsw@sky.com 

dijous, 21 de febrer del 2013

Nou programa d'FRSH diumenge

Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) tornarà a emetre aquest diumenge. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Sunday February 24th 2013The Free Radio Service Holland have planned a full 5 hour broadcast upcoming Sunday February 24th. In preparation to that, we tested on 7685 kHz last Sunday February 17th: results were satisfactory and we are confident next Sunday a good signal will be aired over the European air waves. Next Sunday FRS-Holland will be on air between 08:52- 14:00 UTC/ 09:52- 15:00 CET. The broadcast is on 5800//7600 kHz and on 6070 kHz/ 49 metres as well.  Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters (except Paul Graham) and consists of FRS Magazine, the German Service, FRS Goes DX , Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News (also in the German Show!), letters, the day calendar and a number of  radio related items. In addition we pay tributes to two FR persons who recently passed away (German Show, FRS Goes DX part 2). 
It will be worth while. FRS-Holland brings true free radio into your receiver! Tune in....  Radio entertainment on a Sunday!

Internet StreamThat same day between 14:52- 20:00 UTC/15:52- 21.00 CET will see a full repeat on the Internet. Check on your computer < http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >. 
For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [helios.cloudnl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u] or [http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u]. 

FRS NewsStill available: FRS News #36 special 30th Anniversary edition. FRS News #36 is all about our 30th anniversary. In contains no less than 24 pages in colour. In the past months FRS-Holland 
has been working very hard to produce this booklet covering 30 Years of FRS-Holland. It contains several photos and of course much information:
  • Memories on 30 Years of FRS-Holland from both former presenters and listeners;
  • a Number of Fact Files (Special moments to Remember, FRS Presenters 1980-2010, The Beginning);
  • Reflections on 30 Years of FRS-Holland;
  • The 1983 Raid;
  • Mailbox 2702 including the Anniversary mail;
  • How the 30th Anniversary broadcasts came about;
  • Last but not least a potted history 1980- 2010 !!
  • This is a true collector's item and no doubt it makes an interesting read! We never produced something similar in the past.
  • In case you are interested …you can obtain a hard-copy of our specially produced 30Years of FRS-Holland booklet for 5 euro/ 7 US dollars in cash.
Send your order to FRSH, POBox 2702, 6049 BE Herten, the Netherlands or do it via mail to [frs@frsholland.nl]..

Email addressPlease only use [frs@frsholland.nl] for your mails. 

QSL cardFor this broadcast we feature our  brandnew QSL Series entitled ‘FRS Through the Years’ QSL Series. This series will consist of at least 4 concecutive QSL cards. No doubt getting a hard copy (by writing to POB 2702)  is preferable to obtaining a e-QSL !! The hard copy is a large, full coloured one printed on high quality 200 grs paper….

Good listening next Sunday! We count on your support....
73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team: Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian, Bobby Speed & Roger Davis
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>

dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Vaticana via Tashkent

Radio Vaticana via Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 7585 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a gestfreq@vatiradio.va

dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Underground

Radio Underground, 6284 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda una altra E-QSL "gastronòmica" per informe enviat a radioundergroundsw@gmail.com

dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2013

QSL Pink Panther Radio

Pink Panther Radio, 6553 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

diumenge, 17 de febrer del 2013

Logs 17 febrer

  • 1638 KHz, 18.55, Unid, Greek music, 22342
  • 1647 KHz, 18.50, Radio Witte Tornado, Dutch music, 23442
  • 6200 KHz, 09.40, Radio Technical Man, music, 23442
  • 6250 KHz, 17.25, Radio Tante Foek, Dutch, greetings to listeners, music, playing "Volare", 44444
  • 6285 KHz, 18.25, Station Orion, Dutch music non stop, 22342
  • 6553 KHz, 18.15, Pink Panther Radio, id, music, playing "We love this city", 23442
  • 6900 KHz (LSB), 17.15, Baltic Sea Radio, music, playing "She's got the look", 23442
  • 9480 KHz, 09.45, EMR, via MVBR , E, music, playing "Sex machine" and "The year of the cat", (//6005 via Radio 700), 44343
  • 9480 KHz,10.00, Geronimo Shortwave, via MVBR, E, id, e-mail, address, music, playing "Simply irresistible" and "I was born to wonder", 44343
All times UTC

QSL Combinatie F16

Combinatie F16, 1620 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a studio.f16@home.nl

dissabte, 16 de febrer del 2013

QSL Report


Rádio Difusora de Macapá, 4915, full detailed letter in 16 weeks for report to Rua Cândido Mendes 525 Centro, CEP 68900-100 Macapá, Brasil. v/s Juliana Alves Coutinho, Gerente. Sent one US dollar. Previously I had received an e-mail confirmation by Mr. Martins Filho.

KBC, via Kostinbrod, 6150, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to themightykbc@gmail.com

Voice of Croatia, 7410, QSL in 12 weeks for e-report to hrt@hrt.hr and ir.radio@hrt.hr
Voice of Croatia, 1134, QSL letter in 2 weeks for e-report to mladen.golubic@oiv.hr. v/s Mladen Golubic.

CVC La Voz, 17680, special QSL in 6 months for e-report to ondacorta@cvclavoz.com and antonio@cvclavoz.cl. v/s Antonio Reyes.

Radio Orient, 1350, full detailed letter, promos, sticker, keyring in 3 weeks for report to 98 Boulevard Victor Hugo, 92110 Clichy, France. v/s Mazen Khalil, Directeur de la Production et des Programmes. Sent French mint stamps.

Gemeinde Gottes Herford, 3995, via HCJB Weenermoor, QSL, personal letter in 8 weeks for e-report to info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de. v/s Nikolai Ernst.
Radio Freundes-dienst, via Wachenbrunn, 1323, QSL, calendar in 3 weeks for report via web.
Atlantic 2000 International, via MVBR, 9480 KHz, QSL in 10 days for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
KBC via Wertachtal, 9835/15470/21600, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to themightykbc@gmail.com. v/s Eric van Willegen.
EMR, via MVBR, 7265, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to emrsw@sky.com

KTWR, 11840, QSL, schedule, letter in 34 weeks for e-report to ktwrfcd@guam.twr.org. v/s Rebecca Philyaw. Address: Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928.

Kossuth Rádió, 1251, QSL letter in 7 weeks (by registered mail!). Address: MTVA, Kunigunda útja 64, H-1037 Budapest.

Radio City, 1368, via Challenger Radio, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to citymorecars@yahoo.ca

Radio Waves Int, 6055, via Sitkunai, QSL, CD, letter in 2 weeks for e-rpt to rwaves@free.fr
RMRC, 6035, via Sitkunai, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to mail@rmrc.de. v/s Michael Haun.

Monaco Radio, 8728/13146, QSL letter in 5 months for e-report to info@naya.mc

Radio Japan NHK, 11705, QSL in 3 weeks for report via web.

Polskie Radio, 15480, QSL (no mention of tx site), in 6 months for e-report to polska@polskieradio.pl and english@polskieradio.pl

Radio City, 7290, via Tiganesti, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to citymorecars@yahoo.ca
L'Echo de l'Europe, 7290, via Saftica, E-QSL in 1 week for e-report to contact@echoofeurope.eu

COPE Huelva, 1224, full detailed E-letter in 4 days for e-report to direccion.huelva@cadenacope.net. v/s Joaquín López Sáez, Director.
RNE Monforte de Lemos, 972, QSL (RNE-REE design), sticker in 5 weeks from RNE Madrid, though report was sent to Galicia. v/s Javier Sánchez, Dirección Técnica.
RNE La Rioja, 729, QSL in 1 week from Madrid. v/s Javier Sánchez, Dirección Técnica.

WYFR via Trincomalee, 13735, QSL, info, schedule in 5 months for e-report to international@familyradio.com

WWCR, 5935, QSL in 15 weeks for e-rpt to qsl@wwcr.com
Kol Israel, via WRMI, 9955, QSL in 5 months for e-report to radiodirector@iba.org.il.
Radio Ciudad Global, via WRMI; 9955, QSL in 6 months for e-report to radiociudadglobal@gmail.com. v/s Omar Ortiz, QSL Manager.

Halloween Radio, 6216, E-QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to halloweenradio@gmx.net
Radio Moby Dick, 1650, non detailed e-letter in 3 weeks for e-report to radio-moby@hotmail.com
Studio 69, 1660, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to studio69@hetnet.nl
Cupid Radio, 6265, E-QSL in 1 day for r-report to cupidradio@hotmail.com
Radio Oliebollenbakers, 1625, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to relmusfm@hotmail.com
Radio Marabu, 6210, QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to info@radiomarabu.de
Radio Merlin, 6305, 3 E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Ronex Radio, 6255, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to ronexradio@hotmail.com
Radio Uniek, 1651, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radiouniek@hotmail.nl
Radio Armada, 1690, E-QSL, E-letter in 1 day for e-report to radioarmada@gmail.com
SWCH, 6451, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiolowland@hotmail.com
Radio Mistletoe, 6240/6260, 2 E-QSLs for e-reports to radiomistletoe@live.com
Radio Black Arrow, 6925, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to radioblackarrow@hotmail.com
Trans Universe Radio, 6935, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to transuniverse@hotmail.com
Radio Witte Tornado, 1647, E-QSL in 16 days for e-report to wittetornado@ziggo.nl
Radio Matrix, 1675, QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to stationmatrix@hotmail.com
Radio Sterrekijker, 1620, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiosterrekijker@hotmail.com
Hot Radio, 6735, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to info@hotamradio.tk
Radio Goudenster, 6210, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to sunnyradio1@hotmail.com
Blueman Radio, 6740 via Hot Radio, E-QSLs in 1 day for e-report to bluemanradio@hotmail.de
Pink Panther Radio, 6553, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com
Albatros Radio, 1655, QSL in 1 week for e-report to albatros1512am@hotmail.nl
Mustang Radio, 6290, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to mustangradio.live.nl
Radio Odynn, 6284, E-QSL in 8 weeks for e-report to shortwaveman@gmail.com

MW Logs 11-15 febrer

06.30- 07.10 UTC

  • 207 KHz, Radiodiff. Marocaine, Arabic, 23442
  • 900 KHz, COPE Granada, regional news at 06.53, announcement of programme "Destino Andalucía", 23442
  • 1026 KHz, Radio Jaén, regional news at 06.50, id: "Cadena SER Andalucía, Servicios informativos", 33443
  • 1098 KHz, RNE Lugo and RNE Ávila mixed with regional programmes at 06.50, 23442
  • 1215 KHz, COPE Cantabria, local news at 06.57, 23442
  • 1224 KHz, COPE Almería, local news at 06.57, id: "La Mañana, COPE Almería", 22342
  • 1269 KHz, COPE Ciudad Real, regional news at 06.53, 23432
  • 1323 KHz, Gold, Brighton, E, music, id, publ, 23442
  • 1485 KHz, Radio Zamora, regional news at 06.50, id: "SER castilla y León", 22442

16.30-18.00 UTC

  • 153 KHz, Antena Satelor, Brasov Bod, Romanian, 34443
  • 153 KHz, Deutschlandfunk, Donebach, German (//207, 1422), 23332
  • 207 KHz, Deutschlandfunk, Aholming, German (//153, 1422), 23442
  • 261 KHz, Radio Horizont, Vakarel, Bulgarian, news, 34443
  • 639 KHz, Ceský Rozhlas, Czech talks, 33333
  • 648 KHz, Radio Murski Val, Nevcamci, Slovenian, folk music, 44444
  • 855 KHz, Radio Romania Actualitati, Tancabesti, Romanian, 33333
  • 954 KHz, Ceský Rozhlas, Czech news, 55444
  • 972 KHz, NDR, Hamburg, German, 33443
  • 1044 KHz, MDR, German news, id: "MDR Info", 23442
  • 1251 KHz, Radio Lybia, Arabic, music, id as "Radio Lybia", 55444
  • 1251 KHz, Dankó Rádió, Hungarian, classical music, 32332
  • 1323 KHz, Radio Târgu Mures, Romanian, id, music, publ, 43443
  • 1332 KHz, Radio Romania Actualitati, Galati, Romanian, music, 32332
  • 1395 KHz, Golos Rossii, Yerevan, Russian, news, 33443
  • 1449 KHz, Radio Lybia, Misrata, Arabic, announcements, 55444
  • 1458 KHz, China Radio Int, Fllakë, 54444
  • 1476 KHz, Euskadi Irratia, Biribilondo, Basque, announcement of programme "Musikatea" (//1386), 55444
  • 1512 KHz, ERA Chania/Era Sport, Greek, sport news, 34443
  • 1530 KHz, VOA Sao Tomé, Pinheira, Portuguese, 34443
  • 1548 KHz, Voce dalla Russia, Italian, via Grigoriopol, id, news, 32332
  • 1575 KHz, Radio Farda, Dhabaya, UAE, 33443
  • 1612 KHz, Unid, Greek talks, pirate, 23442

divendres, 15 de febrer del 2013

QSL Mustang Radio

Mustang Radio, 6290 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a mustangradio@live.nl

Nous programes aquest cap de setmana

Aquesta és la informació rebuda sobre els nous programes aquest cap de setmana de

HH Lokalradio, R.City, E.M.R. and R.Geronimo this weekend
HLR Saturday and  Wednesday:
06.00 to 08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz
08.00 to 11.00 UTC on 6190 kHz11.00 to 15.00 UTC on 7265 kHz

All reports to:    redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  
Radio City Friday and Saturday:

Radio City between 19 - 20 UTC via IRRS on 7290 kHz, and Challenger Radio on 1368 kHz, and also repeated on Saturday February 16th at 09 - 10 UTC on 9510 kHz. On Saturdays a separate programme via R Merkurs in Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz at 20 - 21 UTC. Also via Hamburger Lokalradio on the 4th Saturday of the month on 7265 kHz at 13 - 14 UTC. The address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca  
EMR is on this Sunday the 17th of February between:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 10.00 UTC on 6005 & 9480 KHz
All reports to:  studio@emr.org.uk    Thank you!
EMR's internet broadcasts are at the following times: 
0900, 1400, 1700, 2000 on Sunday & Monday:
 Radio Geronimo Sunday 17th of February:
10.00 to 12.00 UTC 9480 KHz
All reports to:  geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

dijous, 14 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Ciudad Global

Radio Ciudad Global, 9955 KHz, via WRMI, Radio Miami International, Florida, EEUU. Després de llarga espera, rebuda QSL per informe enviat a radiociudadglobal@gmail.com. v/s Omar Ortiz, QSL Manager.
Aquesta emissora colombiana emet els seus programes a través del seu web, Radio México i WRMI.

dimecres, 13 de febrer del 2013

QSL RMRC via Sitkunai

Rhein-Main-Radio-Club (RMRC), 6035 KHz, emetent un programa especial en homenatge a Roger Kirk via Sitkunai, Lituània. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a mail@rmrc.de.
v/s Michael Haun.

Geronimo SW aquest diumenge

Geronimo Shortwave emetrà aquest diumenge via MV Baltic Radio. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:

Just to let you know that Geronimo shortwave will be relayed by MV Baltic on 9480 Khz 31 mtrs this coming weekend Sunday the 17th of February at  1100 UTC for 2 hours only one of the RGSW time will be on air at that time 

dimarts, 12 de febrer del 2013

QSL Odynn Radio

Odynn Radio, 6284 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a shortwaveman@gmail.com

Imatges de Radio Flying Stardynn

Imatges rebudes de Radio Flying Stardynn, projecte en què col·labora Odynn Radio.

dilluns, 11 de febrer del 2013

QSL Albatros Radio

Albatros Radio, 1655 KHz, pirata holandesa (Compte! Cal no confondre-la amb una altra pirata també holandesa amb gairebé el mateix nom, Radio Albatros, la QSL de la qual es pot veure en l'entrada del 15 de novembre de 2011 en aquest mateix bloc). Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a albatros1512am@hotmail.nl.

diumenge, 10 de febrer del 2013

Logs 9 febrer

  • 1647 KHz, 20.35, Radio Moby Dick, Dutch music, 22332
  • 1620 KHz, 20.45, Combinatie F16, Dutch, playing Beatles and a song called "Michaela"?, 23442
  • 1629 KHz, 21.15, Farmers from Holland, Dutch/E, greetings to listeners, playing "One night in Bangkok", 23442
  • 3905 KHz, 19.45, Radio Technical Man, music, 33443
  • 6210 KHz, 19.30, Radio Goudenster, music, 22332
  • 6285 KHz, 20.00, Radio Osaka, Dutch music, 44444
  • 6298 KHz, 19.50, Radio Black Arrow, QSO to Boomerang, 33443
  • 6435 KHz, 19.35, Radio Zwarte Panter, Dutch, music, id, e-mail, 23442
  • 6553 KHz, 20.15, Radio Pink Panther, music, playing Beatles, 22442
  • 6950 KHz, 20.10, Radio Bluestar, test, playing Phil Collins, 44444
All times UTC

divendres, 8 de febrer del 2013

QSLs Pink Panther Radio

Pink Panther Radio, 6553 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebudes juntes aquestes dues E-QSLs per dos informes de recepció diferents enviats a pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

Nous programes d'HLR i EMR

Hamburger Lokalradio i EMR tornaran a emetre aquest cap de setmana:
Saturday and Wednesday:
05.00 to 10.00 UTC, H.L.R   on  7265 KHz
10.00 to 13.00 UTC, H.L.R   on  6190 KHz
13.00 to 17.00 UTC, H.L.R   on  7265 KHz
 All reports to:    redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  Thank you!
 NEXT Sunday the 17th of February EMR is on:
7265 KHz between 08.00 to 09.00 UTC
6005 & 9480 KHz between 09.00 to 10.00 UTC

I per a demà la informació actualitzada per a HLR és la següent:
Saturday – 09th February 2013

06.00 -08.00 UTC on 7265 kHz

08.00-11.00 UTC on 6190 kHz

11.00-15.00 UTC on 7265 kHz

DX prg 06.30-07.00 - Glenn Hauser 1555

DX prg 14.30-15.00 - Glenn Hauser 1555

dijous, 7 de febrer del 2013

QSL Monaco Radio

Monaco Radio, 8728/13146 KHz. Després de llarga espera, rebuda QSL per informe enviat a info@naya.mc

dimecres, 6 de febrer del 2013

QSL Hot Radio

Hot Radio, 6740 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per un informe sobre un programa especial en què va emetre un programa de Blueman Radio i després uns minuts de propi. Informe enviat a info@hotamradio.tk.

dimarts, 5 de febrer del 2013

QSL RNE La Rioja, Radio 1

RNE La Rioja, Radio 1, 729 KHz. Després de no haver aconseguit cap resposta pel meu informe enviat directament a Logroño, vaig enviar-lo a Madrid i he rebut així una altra QSL genèrica de REE/RNE amb dades completes confirmant-lo. Tot gràcies a l'amabilitat del Sr. Javier Sánchez, que és qui signa la QSL.

dilluns, 4 de febrer del 2013

QSLs Blueman Radio

Blueman Radio, 6740 KHz, emissora pirata alemanya via Hot Radio. Rebudes 3 E-QSLs per un únic informe enviat a bluemanradio@hotmail.de

diumenge, 3 de febrer del 2013

Logs 3 febrer

  • 4025 KHz, 18.15, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, playing "Roxanne" by The Police, 23442
  • 6284 KHz, 17.35, Radio Underground, E, ids, greetings to listeners, music, playing "Yellow sun of Equador", 33333
  • 6553 KHz, 18.00, Pink Panther Radio, E, ids, music, playing "Feel so real" by Steve Arrington or "Felicità" by Albano e Romina, 23442
  • 6740 KHz, 17.15, Blueman Radio via Hot Radio, music, ids, c/d at 17.20, 22442
  • 6740 KHz, 17.20, Hot Radio, instrumental music, ids, c/d at 17.30, 22442
All times UTC

dissabte, 2 de febrer del 2013

Logs 1 febrer

  • 1620 KHz, 19.50, Radio Sterrekijker, Dutch, music, 23442
  • 1630 KHz, 19.45, Unid, Dutch music, 23332
  • 1642 KHz, 21.15, Radio Wadloper, Dutch, music, ids, playing B52, Blondie, Billy Idol, 23442
  • 1646 KHz, 20.15, Radio Vrolije Mijnwerker, music, 33443
  • 1647 KHz, 19.57, Albatros Radio, Dutch, music, ids, changed to 1655 KHz at 20.12, 22442
  • 3905 KHz, 21.45, Radio Skyline, music, 23222
  • 4025 KHz, 21.40, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23442
  • 6210 KHz, 21.47, Radio Marabu?, music, 33333
  • 6553 KHz, 21.00, Pink Panther Radio, music, id, playing Culture Club, 22342
All times UTC

divendres, 1 de febrer del 2013

QSL Radio Matrix

Radio Matrix, 1675 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a stationmatrix@hotmail.com

Nous programes d'HLR i Radio Gloria

Hamburger Lokal Radio (HLR) i Radio Gloria tornen a emetre aquest cap de setmana:
HH Lokalradio:  
Saturday 02th of February                  
05.00 -- 08.00 UTC on 7265 KHz   
08.00 -- 11.00 UTC on 6190 KHz   
11.00 -- 17.00 UTC on 7265 KHz

All reports to:    redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de  
Radio Gloria International:
Sunday 03th of February                  
08.00 -- 10.00 UTC on 9480 KHz
All reports to:    radiogloria@aol.com  
 This Sunday, MV Baltic Radio will be working on the transmitter after 10 UTC.

Últim programa d'XVRB

Aquest diumenge XVRB farà el seu últim programa. Aquesta és la informació:

XVRB -The Music Museum- will be on the air on Sunday, February 3rd. The extra February broadcast comes after the 6045 kHz transmitter failed to start up on January 20th. Because of that, no Mike Wilson show was on the air. If you like the music of XVRB, don't forget to tune in next Sunday (0900-1000 UTC 6045 kHz SW).