divendres, 30 de novembre del 2012
QSL NOS Radio 1 - Nozema
NOS Radio 1, 648 KHz, emissora pública holandesa via Orfordness, Regne Unit. Després de rebre fa uns dies un e-mail de confirmació amb dades completes (vegeu entrada del 14 de novembre), he rebut ara una bonica QSL amb cert aire antic i algunes correccions a mà provinent de NPO, Postbus 26444, 1202 JJ Hilversum, Holanda.
Sembla una QSL antiga de Nozema que han fet servir per confirmar el meu antic informe. Malauradament no han especificat el nom de l'emissor, com van fer en el correu electrònic.
Nous programes d'HLR, Radio Gloria i MVBR demà
Demà dissabte, hi haurà nous programes d'Hamburger Lokalradio, Radio Gloria i MV Baltic Radio. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HH Lokalradio / R Gloria / MVBR Saturday + DX Transmissions
HH Lokalradio / R Gloria / MVBR Saturday + DX Transmissions
Saturday 1st of December 2012:
05 to 11 UTC, HLR on 7265 KHz m.kittner@freenet.de
11 to 17 UTC, HLR on 6190 KHz m.kittner@freenet.de
DX Transmissions
22 to 23 UTC, MVBR on 9480 KHZ info@mvbalticradio.de
23 to 24 UTC, RGI on 9480 KHz (Repeat broadcast) radiogloria@aol.com
dijous, 29 de novembre del 2012
American Forces Radio TV Service (AFRTS, també anomenada American Forces Network), 7811 KHz, emissora de l'exèrcit nord-americà emetent des de Key West, als Estats Units. Rebuda QSL i adhesiu (vegeu entrada anterior) per informe enviat a contactus@myafn.net i technologist@dma.mil. Adreça: AFN Broadcast Center, 23755 Z Street, BLDG 2730, Riverside CA 92518, Estats Units. v/s Swan Harrington.
dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2012
dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2012
QSL COPE Córdoba
COPE Córdoba, 1215 KHz. Rebuda després de múltiples intents una carta de confirmació per via electrònica (document pdf) reproduint també l'informe de recepció original.
Informe enviat a Plaza Cardenal Toledo 4, 14001 Córdoba i també a adm.cordoba@cadenacope.net. v/s Gabriel López, Director.
dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Echo 1
Radio Echo 1, 6735 KHz LSB, via Cool AM, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a reportecho1@gmail.com
diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012
Logs 25 novembre
- 6005 KHz, 09.10, Radio 700, rock music (//6085), 23442
- 6045 KHz, 09.15, Radio Iceman, E, music, thanks for reports, 54444
- 6085 KHz, 09.10, Radio 700, rock music (//6005), 23332
- 6095 KHz, 09.20, KBC, E, music, ids, promos, 54444
- 6215 KHz, 16.55, Radio Telstar, Dutch music, 22332
- 6240 KHz, 16.25, Radio Underground, E, music, 22442
- 6240 KHz, 18.05, Radio ACDC, music, id, greetings, playing "More than I can say" and ACDC, 23442
- 6280 KHz, 17.45, Radio Luxemburg, instrumental music, id, 34443
- 6285 KHz, 16.30, Radio Focus, E, talks, music, 22342
- 6555 KHz, 17.00, Radio Joey?, music, 22332
- 9480 KHz, 09.25, Atlantic 2000 International, via MVBR, F, id, e-mail, music, playing "Dust in the wind", 23442
- 9480 KHz, 10.00, Radio Gloria, via MVBR, G, id, music, 22442
All times UTC
dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Scotland International
Radio Scotland International, 6287 KHz, pirata holandesa malgrat el seu nom. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioscotland@hotmail.com
divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012
Nous programes aquest cap de setmana
Aquest cap de setmana tenim nous programes en l'ona curta d'EMR, HLR, Radio Gloria i Atlantic 2000 International. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HH Lokalradio- EMR- Radio Gloria and Atlantic 2000 this weekend
HH Lokalradio- EMR- Radio Gloria and Atlantic 2000 this weekend
Saturday 24th November 2012:
05.00 to 11.00 UTC -- HLR on 7265 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
11.00 to 17.00 UTC -- HLR on 6190 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
Sunday 25th November 2012:
07.00 to 08.00 UTC -- EMR --------- on 7265 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk
08.00 to 09.00 UTC -- EMR --------- on 9480 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk
09.00 to 10.00 UTC – Atlantic 2000 on 9480 KHz via MVBR atlantic2000international@gmail.com
10.00 to 12.00 UTC – Radio Gloria on 9480 KHz via MVBR radiogloria@aol.com
10.00 to 12.00 UTC – Radio Gloria on 9480 KHz via MVBR radiogloria@aol.com
EMR’s internet broadcasts are at the following times:0800, 1300, 1600 1900 on Sunday and Monday:
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” buttonwhich you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
QSL Rock FM Barcelona
Rock FM, 103.8 MHz, emissora de Barcelona. Rebut "Certificado de recepción" en un document de Word per informe de recepció enviat a tecnico.barcelona@cadenacope.net. v/s Álex García, Técnico.
dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Zwarte Arabier
Radio Zwarte Arabier, 1625 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a mediumwaver@hotmail.com
dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Witte Reus
Radio Witte Reus, 6375 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a rxradioreport@gmail.com
QSL Radio City
Radio City, 7290 KHz, via IRRS emetent des de Tiganesti, Romania. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a citymorecars@yahoo.ca
dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Blauwe Reiger
Radio Blauwe Reiger, 1642 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioblauwereiger@gmail.com
diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012
Logs 18 novembre
- 6045 KHz, 09.25, XVRB, E, music playing "Love me do", 54444
- 6085 KHz, 09.30, Radio 700, G, music, 23442
- 6095 KHz, 09.20, KBC, E, music, ids, 55444
- 6270 KHz, 16.40, Radio Merlin, music, ids in different languages, 33443
- 6287 KHz, 09.43, Radio Scotland International, rock music, test, id, 22442
- 6304 KHz, 16.35, Radio Underground, E, music, phone, 23442
- 6305 KHz, 09.05, Radio Merlin, E, music, 23442
- 7300 KHz, 10.10, U-Boat 66 Radio, music, playing Simply Red, 32332
- 7600 KHz, 08.50, Radio Polaris, music, 32332
- 7600 KHz, 08.57, FRSH, E, music, programmme "FRS Goes DX", problems with Polaris, 33333
All times UTC
QSL U-Boat 66 Radio
U-Boat 66 Radio, 7300 KHz, pirata italiana. Rebuda una E-QSL ja rebuda en el passat i una nova imatge com a confirmació d'un informe enviat a uboatradio@gmail.com
QSL Radio Underground
Radio Underground, 6421 KHz, pirata britànica. Rebuda nova E-QSL "gastronòmica" per informe enviat a radioundergroundsw@gmail.com
Logs 17 novembre
- 1611 KHz, 20.15, Radio Tower, music, 23442
- 1620 KHz, 19.57, Radio Quintus, QSO to Sapporo, 22332
- 1625 KHz, 19.25, Radio Zwarte Arabier, Dutch, music, id, greetings, 22442
- 1625 KHz, 21.40, Radio Relmus, música country, 33443
- 1650 KHz, 19.35, Radio Moby Dick, Dutch, id, music, playing "Carina", 23442
- 1675 KHz, 21.20, Matrix Radio, music, id, playing Boney M, 22332
- 4025 KHz, 19.20, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 33443
- 6220 KHz, 18.30, Radio Witte Reus, music, 23442
- 6280 KHz, 21.15, Radio Spaceshuttle, music, 23332
- 6284 KHz, 18.35, Radio Odynn, E/Dutch, music, ids, address, 23442
- 6550 KHz, 19.10, Radio Pink Panther, music, 22342
- 7290 KHz, 19.00, Radio City, E, music, via Tiganesti, playing "My generation", 55444
All times UTC
dissabte, 17 de novembre del 2012
Logs 16 novembre
- 1620 KHz, 19.30, Radio Relmus, Dutch, music, 23222
- 1630 KHz, 20.55, Radio Calypso, Dutch, id, music, greetings, 33333
- 1642 KHz, 18.57, Radio Blauwe Reiger, Dutch/E, music, greetings to listeners, 22332
- 1650 KHz, 20.50, Radio Vrolije Mijnwerker, Dutch, music, 33433
- 3905 KHz, 18.00, Radio Skyline International, music, 33433
- 6055 KHz, 21.00, Radio Waves International, via Sitkunai, Lithuania, E, music, lots of ids, special 29th anniversary programme, playing Elvis Presley, La Bamba, Macarena, etc, 54444
- 6288 KHz, 18.05, Pirates for peace, music, playing Madonna, 23432
- 6300 KHz, 18.10, Unid, music, 23222
All times UTC
QSL Radio Free Asia
Radio Free Asia, 5820 KHz. Rebuda QSL commemorant el 16è aniversari de l'emissora per informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org
divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012
Programes especials de RWI
The BIG RWI 29th birthday 's shows on airwaves
Special broadcasts Relay from Lithuania (North of Europe)
Schedule special 29th birtday on the airwaves
Beaming to Europe on November 16, 2012 21:00-23:00 UTC 6055 kHz 100kW 259°
Beaming to America on November 18, 2012 02:00-04:00 UTC 7415 kHz 100kW 310°
Beaming to Asia on November 18, 2012 13:00-15:00 UTC 9895 kHz 100kW 79°
email :rwaves@free.fr web-site www.wrwi.fr or http://go.to/rwi
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
Nous programes d'HLR, EMR i Radio City
HH Lokalradio, EMR and Radio City this weekend:
Saturday 17th October 2012:
05.00 to 10.00 UTC -- HLR on 7265 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
10.00 to 11.00 UTC -- HLR on 6190 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
Radio City will be on the air on Saturday 17th:
19.00 to 20.00 UTC - R. City on 7290 kHz via IRRS citymorecars@yahoo.ca <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/mjewv27lu9pv/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=citymorecars @yahoo.ca>
20.00 to 21.00 UTC - R. City on 1485 kHz via R. Merkurs in Riga (every Saturday evening)
Sunday 18st October 2012:
NO Transmissions on 9480 KHz this weekend
09.00 to 10.00 UTC -- EMR on 6005 KHz via R.700 studio@emr.org.uk <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/1vx6iyyvt13ib/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=studio@emr. org.uk>
09.00 to 10.00 UTC -- EMR on 7265 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/1vx6iyyvt13ib/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=studio@emr. org.uk>
11.00 to 12.00 UTC -- EMR on 7265 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk
EMR's internet broadcasts are at the following times: 0900, 1400, 1700, 2000 on Sunday and Monday: Please visit <http://www.emr.org.uk/> www.emr.org.uk and click on the "EMR internet radio" button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
Nova emissió d'FRSH
Dear FRS Friends,
Following our October 28th broadcast three weeks ago, FRS-Holland will again take to the air next Sunday November 18th.
Between 09:00- 10:30 UTC / 10:00- 11:30 CET both 30 min. editions of FRS goes DX will be repeated as well as the FRS Golden Show. The latter suffered from heavy interference from a legal station on 7600 kHz during the October broadcast. Our next full broadcast will be over the Holiday Season.
Either on Sunday December 23rd or on Sunday December 30th FRS-Holland will continue a long time tradition. And that means we invite you- the listener– to participate. Forward your very own personal Season's Greetings to the Free Radio Service Holland and we will make sure it’ll be read out during our broadcast. You can dedicate your greetings to friends etc. but you can also make a 'general' NY Greeting. It can be written or (preferably!) taped (cassette, CD, MD or MP3 file) and send to P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands.
Of course the easy & quick way is by sending an e-mail to. You can add something special to our December broadcast by participating. So….don't hesitate and take part in the FRS Seasonal Party that day. It'll be great fun. Make sure your contribution reaches us in time....before December 9th. We are looking forward hearing from you !!! Tune in December...it’ll be worth while!!! Go and tell your friends...
In December FRSH will be on 7600//5800 kHz for at least 5 hours. Pxs will be presented by Jan van Dijk doing the German show. Dave Scott will be playing classic rock and has a few interesting radio related items. we are very happy that Roger Davis (Britain Radio Int.) has joined the FRS ranks. He will be hosting his debut show....it'll be another classic FRS Golden Show with great (and rare!) 60s/ 70s stuff as well as a feature on a landbased pirate radio station from years gone by. Peter Verbruggen will look back to what happened in the past (Day Calendar) en plays a mix of 80s/90s/00s records in FRS Magazine. He will also host FRS Goes DX with the latest news from the wonderful world of wireless . During the programmes we will read out October mail and Season's Greetings. There also is the Phrase that Pays’. FRS will most likely commence at 07.52 UTC/ 08.52 CET . Most likely that day FRS will likely also be heard via the Internet. Very soon we will inform you about the definitive date: December 23rd or December 30th....
Good listening next Sunday!
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....FRS-Holland
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
Following our October 28th broadcast three weeks ago, FRS-Holland will again take to the air next Sunday November 18th.
Between 09:00- 10:30 UTC / 10:00- 11:30 CET both 30 min. editions of FRS goes DX will be repeated as well as the FRS Golden Show. The latter suffered from heavy interference from a legal station on 7600 kHz during the October broadcast. Our next full broadcast will be over the Holiday Season.
Either on Sunday December 23rd or on Sunday December 30th FRS-Holland will continue a long time tradition. And that means we invite you- the listener– to participate. Forward your very own personal Season's Greetings to the Free Radio Service Holland and we will make sure it’ll be read out during our broadcast. You can dedicate your greetings to friends etc. but you can also make a 'general' NY Greeting. It can be written or (preferably!) taped (cassette, CD, MD or MP3 file) and send to P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands.
Of course the easy & quick way is by sending an e-mail to
In December FRSH will be on 7600//5800 kHz for at least 5 hours. Pxs will be presented by Jan van Dijk doing the German show. Dave Scott will be playing classic rock and has a few interesting radio related items. we are very happy that Roger Davis (Britain Radio Int.) has joined the FRS ranks. He will be hosting his debut show....it'll be another classic FRS Golden Show with great (and rare!) 60s/ 70s stuff as well as a feature on a landbased pirate radio station from years gone by. Peter Verbruggen will look back to what happened in the past (Day Calendar) en plays a mix of 80s/90s/00s records in FRS Magazine. He will also host FRS Goes DX with the latest news from the wonderful world of wireless . During the programmes we will read out October mail and Season's Greetings. There also is the Phrase that Pays’. FRS will most likely commence at 07.52 UTC/ 08.52 CET . Most likely that day FRS will likely also be heard via the Internet. Very soon we will inform you about the definitive date: December 23rd or December 30th....
Good listening next Sunday!
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format....FRS-Holland
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012
QSL Deutsche Welle via Meyerton
Deutsche Welle, 9800 KHz, via Meyerton (Sud-àfrica). Rebuda aquesta nova QSL per informe enviat a info@dw-world.de
dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012
QSL NOS Radio 1
NOS Radio 1, primer canal de l'emissora pública holandesa emetent des d'Orfordness, Regne Unit, pels 648 KHz. Després de diversos intents per correu i a través del seu web, he rebut finalment un e-mail de confirmació (amb dades completes, incloent-hi l'emissor) de distributie@omroep.nl. v/s NPO-Directie, Distributie & Uitzenden.
Malauradament ja fa mesos que aquestes emissions via Anglaterra han acabat.
Emissió d'HLR avui
Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) emetrà avui un parell de programes. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Hamburger Lokalradio will be on air Tomorrow
Wednesday 14th November 2012:
05.00 to 10.00 UTC on 7265 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
10.00 to 11.00 UTC on 6190 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
dimarts, 13 de novembre del 2012
QSL EMR via Radio 700
European Music Radio (EMR), via Radio 700, Alemanya, 6005 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a emrsw@sky.com
dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2012
QSL COPE Puertollano
COPE Puertollano, 1134 KHz. Rebut e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a COPE Ciudad Real, de qui depèn aquesta emissora: adm.ciudadreal@cadenacope.net. v/s José Andrés Antón, Departamento Técnico.
diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2012
Logs 11 novembre
- 6285 KHz, 16.00, Unid, playing Tubular Bells, 22332
- 6325 KHz, 15.40, Unid, music, 43443
- 6375 KHz, 16.30, Radio Witte Reus, E, music, id, playing "Jump" by Van Halen and "Born to be wild", 22442
- 6420 KHz, 16.07, Radio Underground, music, moved to 6421 at 16.14, playing "Eighteen", id, 33443
- 6425 KHz, 16.20, Radio Cupid, music, E, id, phone number, 33333
- 6450 KHz, 16.10, Radio Lowland, music, 44444
- 15065 KHz, 15.45, Radio Trans Europe, test, music, id, e-mail, 33333
All times UTC
dissabte, 10 de novembre del 2012
Hamburger Lokalradio avui
Avui dissabte, Hamburger Lokalradio torna a emetre via MV Baltic Radio. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HH Lokalradio this Saturday
05.00 to 11.00 UTC on 7265 KHz via MVBR
11.00 to 17.00 UTC on 6190 KHz via MVBR
divendres, 9 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Face de Blatte
Radio Face de Blatte, 5990 KHz. Rebuda una nova E-QSL d'aquesta emissora pirata francesa per informe enviat a radio.rfb@gmail.com
dijous, 8 de novembre del 2012
QSL Wavescan via AWR Nauen
Wavescan, programa DX d'AWR, emissora religiosa emetent des de Nauen, Alemanya, 17510 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
QSL Wavescan via KSDA Guam
Wavescan, programa DX d'AWR, emissora religiosa emetent des de Guam, 11825 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a wavescan@awr.org. v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Vitoria
Radio Vitoria, 1602 KHz, emissora pública basca. Rebuda QSL. Els informes han de ser enviats a Radio_vitoria@eitb.com.
dimarts, 6 de novembre del 2012
QSL VMW, Wiluna, Austràlia
VMW, Wiluna, WA, 16528 KHz (USB), emissora del servei meteorològic del govern australià. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a N.Chandran@bom.gov.au. v/s Navin Chandran. Web: www.bom.gov.au (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government).
dilluns, 5 de novembre del 2012
diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012
QSLs Radio Merlin
Radio Merlin International, 6305 KHz, pirata anglesa. Rebudes 4 E-QSLs diferents per un mateix informe enviat a radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk
Logs 4 novembre
- 4025 KHz, 16.15, Laser Hot Hits, E, dance music, id, 23442
- 6200 KHz, 16.40, Radio AC DC, heavy music, c/d at 16.55, 22442
- 6275 KHz, 16.35, Radio Marabu, music, 23332
- 6300 KHz, 16.30, Mustang Radio, music, Dutch, playing Simon and Garfunkel, 33443
- 6525 KHz, 16.10, Radio Pink Panther?, music, 22442
All times UTC
dissabte, 3 de novembre del 2012
QSL Radio Luxemburg
Radio Luxemburg, 6288 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioluxemburg@live.nl
divendres, 2 de novembre del 2012
QSL Trans Europe Radio
Trans Europe Radio, 6925 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radiotranseurope@gmail.com
dijous, 1 de novembre del 2012
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)