dimecres, 31 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Radio Tip and Elvis Show
Radio Tip and Elvis Show, 6240 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a t.eshow@hotmail.com
dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Catalunya Informació
Catalunya Informació, 98.2 MHz, emissora pública catalana que pertany al grup de la CCRTV. Rebuda QSL en forma de díptic per informe enviat a tecn_bus@catradio.cat.
Rebudes també dues QSLs similars més confirmant l'escolta de Catalunya Música i iCatFM en el seu últim dia d'emissió.
dilluns, 29 d’octubre del 2012
diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 28 octubre
- 5990 KHz, 10.55, Radio Face de Blatte, music, 22442
- 6045 KHz, 10.25, Radio Iceman, E, id, rock and roll, 55555
- 6095 KHz, 11.40, KBC, music, id, promos, 55555
- 6211 KHz, 16.55, Radio Sluwe Vos, music, playing "Love hurts", 23442
- 6214 KHz, 18.15, Radio Sluwe Vos, music, id, 34443
- 6240 KHz, 16.40, Tip and Elvis Show, E, music, playing Beatles and The Police, 54444
- 6275 KHz, 18.05, Radio Telstar, E, id, music, greetings to listeners/reports, 23332
- 6305 KHz, 17.20, Radio Merlin International, E, music, id, playing Rockwell and Peter Gabriel, 23342
- 6325 KHz, 16.35, Radio Python?, music, 22332
- 6325 KHz, 17.40, Black Bandit Radio, music, 44343
- 6335 KHz, 16.50, Radio Python, music, talks, instrumental songs, 22332
- 6525 KHz, 18.10, Radio Pink Panther, Dutch music, 22442
- 6735 KHz, 17.40, Radio Echo 1, via Cool AM, E, music, playing "Radio Gaga" by Queen, 22322
- 7600 KHz, 10.05, FRSH, E, music, ids, promos, 23442
- 9480 KHz, 11.20, Radio Gloria?, via MVBR, music, 32332
- 15060 KHz, 09.50, Mike Radio, E, music, id, playing "Money for nothing" by Dire Straits and "The eye of the tiger", 54444
All times UTC
divendres, 26 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Radio Klabautermann
Radio Klabautermann (nom que en català seria alguna cosa com Ràdio Follet o Barrufet), 6211 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a radioklabautermann@gmx.net
Nou programa d'FRSH
Aquest diumenge hi haurà un nou programa d'FRSH. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Dear FRS Friends,
Sunday October 28thSummer has gone and autumn is ruling. Propagation conditions have improved during day time.
Time to expand some activity. We have planned a full almost 6 hour broadcast upcoming Sunday October 28th.
In preparation to that, we tested on 7600 kHz Sunday October 14th. Although conditions weren't satisfactory, results were
satisfactory and we are confident next Sunday a good signal will be aired over the European air waves.
Sunday October 28th FRS-Holland will be on air between 08:52- 14:30 UTC/ 09:52- 15:30 CET. Remember next Sunday winter time comes into force!!
The broadcast is on 5800//7600 kHz. Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters (except Paul Graham) and consists of FRS Magazine, the German
Service, FRS Goes DX , Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the day calendar and a number of radio
related items. Radio entertainment on a Sunday. And...FRS has become 32 years. FRS-Holland brings true free radio into your receiver! Tune in....
Internet StreamThat same day between 14:52- 20:30 UTC/15:52- 21.30 CET will see a full repeat on the Internet. Check on your computer < http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >.
Alternatively you can use : [ helios.cloudnl.net:8000/frsh.m3u ]. For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [helios.cloudnl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u] or
[ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Still available: FRS News #36 special 30th Anniversary editionFRS News #36 is all about our 30th anniversary. In contains no less than 24 pages in colour. In the past months FRS-Holland has been working very hard to
produce this booklet covering 30 Years of FRS-Holland. It contains several photos and of course much information:
In case you are interested …you can obtain a hard-copy of our specially produced 30Years of FRS-Holland booklet for 5 euro/ 7 US dollars in cash.
Send your order to FRSH, POBox 2702, 6049 BE Herten, the Netherlands.
In the mean time FRS-Holland has become 32 years....
Email address
Please only use [frs@frsholland.nl] for your mails. The other mail address will disappear within a short period.
Good listening next Sunday! We count on your support....
Dear FRS Friends,
Sunday October 28thSummer has gone and autumn is ruling. Propagation conditions have improved during day time.
Time to expand some activity. We have planned a full almost 6 hour broadcast upcoming Sunday October 28th.
In preparation to that, we tested on 7600 kHz Sunday October 14th. Although conditions weren't satisfactory, results were
satisfactory and we are confident next Sunday a good signal will be aired over the European air waves.
Sunday October 28th FRS-Holland will be on air between 08:52- 14:30 UTC/ 09:52- 15:30 CET. Remember next Sunday winter time comes into force!!
The broadcast is on 5800//7600 kHz. Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters (except Paul Graham) and consists of FRS Magazine, the German
Service, FRS Goes DX , Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the day calendar and a number of radio
related items. Radio entertainment on a Sunday. And...FRS has become 32 years. FRS-Holland brings true free radio into your receiver! Tune in....
Internet StreamThat same day between 14:52- 20:30 UTC/15:52- 21.30 CET will see a full repeat on the Internet. Check on your computer < http://nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u >.
Alternatively you can use : [ helios.cloudnl.net:8000/frsh.m3u ]. For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [helios.cloudnl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u] or
[ http://nednl.net:8000/frsh24.m3u].
Still available: FRS News #36 special 30th Anniversary editionFRS News #36 is all about our 30th anniversary. In contains no less than 24 pages in colour. In the past months FRS-Holland has been working very hard to
produce this booklet covering 30 Years of FRS-Holland. It contains several photos and of course much information:
- Memories on 30 Years of FRS-Holland from both former presenters and listeners;
- a Number of Fact Files (Special moments to Remember, FRS Presenters 1980-2010, The Beginning);
- Reflections on 30 Years of FRS-Holland;
- The 1983 Raid;
- Mailbox 2702 including the Anniversary mail;
- How the 30th Anniversary broadcasts came about;
- Last but not least a potted history 1980- 2010 !!
In case you are interested …you can obtain a hard-copy of our specially produced 30Years of FRS-Holland booklet for 5 euro/ 7 US dollars in cash.
Send your order to FRSH, POBox 2702, 6049 BE Herten, the Netherlands.
In the mean time FRS-Holland has become 32 years....
Email address
Please only use [frs@frsholland.nl] for your mails. The other mail address will disappear within a short period.
Good listening next Sunday! We count on your support....
dimecres, 24 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Onda Caliente
Onda Caliente, 6307 KHz. Rebuda una nova E-QSL d'aquesta emissora pirata per informe enviat a ondacaliente@googlemail.com
dimarts, 23 d’octubre del 2012
QSL NHK Radio Japan via Bonaire
NHK Radio Japan, 6080 KHz, emetent des de Bonaire, Antilles Holandeses. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a través del seu web: www.nhk.or.jp
dilluns, 22 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Atlantic 2000 International
Atlantic 2000 International, 9480 KHz, emissora francesa que emet via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a atlantic2000international@gmail.com
diumenge, 21 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 21 octubre
- 5805 KHz, 17.35, Radio Bluestar, music, 23442
- 6005 KHz, 08.00, EMR, via Radio 700, E, music, ids, 23442
- 6045 KHz, 09.15, XVBR, E, id, thanking for reports, 55444
- 6095 KHz, 09.20, KBC, E, music, id, publi, 55444
- 6207 KHz, 18.10, Radio Powerliner, music, ids, 24442
- 6285 KHz, 07.50, Radio Lowland, Dutch music, 22442
- 6285 KHz, 17.45, UNID, music, playing A. Celentano, 23342
- 6300 KHz, 07.55, Radio Tower, music, 23442
- 6307 KHz, 17.50, Onda Caliente, F, music, ids, 22342
- 6910 KHz, 18.30, Radio Tropiq?, music, 23442
- 7600 KHz, 17.30, Lighting Radio, music non stop, playing Flaming Lips, 22332
- 9480 KHz, 08.00, EMR, via MVBR, E, music, ids (//6005), 34443
- 9480 KHz, 09.10, MVBR, music, 34443
- 12257 KHz, 08.55, WR International, E, music, oldies, 33443
All times UTC
dissabte, 20 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 19 octubre
- 6211 KHz, 19.00, Radio Klabautermann, music, c/d at 19.10, 22332
- 6301 KHz, 19.05, Radio Mustang, music, 44444
- 6325 KHz, 19.15, Radio Caroline/Rainbow, music, 23442
- 6925 KHz, 18.30, Radio Trans Europe, music, playing OMD, 33443
- 6937 KHz, 19.25, IMR, E, music, 22332
All times UTC
Nou test de KBC
The Mighty KBC farà un nou test aquesta nit dirigit als EEUU. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
The Mighty KBC has changed the date and frequency for our second test
to Canada, USA and South America.
We are now testing on Sunday 21 October between 00.00 - 02.00 UTC on 9500 kHz.
If you have any questions or remarks feel free to contact us
divendres, 19 d’octubre del 2012
HCJB, 11920 KHz, emissora religiosa emetent (sembla ser) des de Wertachtal, Alemanya. Rebudes dues QSLs pel mateix informe enviat a la secció brasilera de l'emissora: hcjb@hcjb.com.br.
Nous programes d'EMR, HLR i MVBR
Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
HH Lokalradio, EMR and MV Baltic Radio this weekend
Saturday 20th October 2012:
05.00 to 17.00 UTC -- HLR on 7265 KHz via MVBR m.kittner@freenet.de
Sunday 21st October 2012:
08.00 to 09.00 UTC -- EMR on 6005 KHz via R.700 studio@emr.org.uk <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/1vx6iyyvt13ib/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=studio@emr. org.uk>
08.00 to 09.00 UTC -- EMR on 9480 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/1vx6iyyvt13ib/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=studio@emr. org.uk>
09.00 to 10.00 UTC -- MVBR on 9480 KHz via MVBR info@mvbalticradio.de
10.00 to 11.00 UTC -- EMR on 7265 KHz via MVBR studio@emr.org.uk <http://mail.google.com/a/sky.com/h/1vx6iyyvt13ib/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=studio@emr. org.uk>
More up-dates from MV Baltic Radio Tomorrow! EMR's internet broadcasts are at the following times: 0800, 1300, 1600 1900 on Sunday and Monday: Please visit <http://www.emr.org.uk/> www.emr.org.uk and click on the "EMR internet radio" button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
Tests de Radio Spaceshuttle
Missatge rebut de la pirata finlandesa Radio Spaceshuttle:
Radio Spaceshuttle TESTS of High Frequencies this weekend 19th to 20th October.
Dear friends, Radio Spaceshuttle will be on 19 mb 15.8 MHz area this weekend from Friday evening to Saturday evening. Each of our transmissions will be very short (perhaps 15 minute to 30 minutes long), But hoping to have many of them. So, main frequency will be 15880 kHz (AM and LSB), but operating area might vary from 15.770 up to 15.880 kHz range.
Testing time from Friday evening 21 UTC to 6 UTC Saturday. And daytime on Saturday 9-13 UTC (several short tests).
Please, send reception reports for these tests, if audible! spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com.
Radio Spaceshuttle TESTS of High Frequencies this weekend 19th to 20th October.
Dear friends, Radio Spaceshuttle will be on 19 mb 15.8 MHz area this weekend from Friday evening to Saturday evening. Each of our transmissions will be very short (perhaps 15 minute to 30 minutes long), But hoping to have many of them. So, main frequency will be 15880 kHz (AM and LSB), but operating area might vary from 15.770 up to 15.880 kHz range.
Testing time from Friday evening 21 UTC to 6 UTC Saturday. And daytime on Saturday 9-13 UTC (several short tests).
Please, send reception reports for these tests, if audible! spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com.
dijous, 18 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Overcomer Ministry via WWRB
The Overcomer Ministry, 3185 KHz, via WWRB. Rebuda QSL de l'emissora religiosa The Overcomer Ministry per un informe enviat a WWRB. Com que una part de l'informe feia referència a un programa d'Overcomer emès per WWRB, sembla que des de WWRB es va enviar l'informe a Overcomer i aquests últims han enviat la QSL. Decebedor. Em pregunto si és possible aconseguir una QSL de WWRB...
dimecres, 17 d’octubre del 2012
QSL TWR India, via Tashkent
Trans World Radio India, 11725 KHz, emissora religiosa que emet via Tashkent, a l'Uzbekistan. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a fabraham@twrindia.org. v/s Franklin Abraham.
dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012
dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 14 octubre
- 6240 KHz, 17.50, Top Radio, Dutch music, 22332
- 6255 KHz, 17.25, Radio Telstar South, music, 23442
- 6281 KHz, 17.20, Radio Mazda, music, 22442
- 6287 KHz, 17.30, Radio Luxemburg, music, playing Pet Shop Boys or U2, 23442
- 6326 KHz, 17.45, Radio Caroline-Rainbow, music, 23332
All times UTC
diumenge, 14 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Onda Caliente
Onda Caliente, 6240 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a ondacaliente@googlemail.com
dijous, 11 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Voice of Russia, via Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky
Voice of Russia, 13775 KHz, via el llunyà emissor de Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky, a Sibèria. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a world@ruvr.ru.
dimecres, 10 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Radio Free Asia
Radio Free Asia, 5820 KHz, via Tinian. Rebuda QSL especial commemorant el 60è aniversari del club DX Japan Short Wave Club, a més dels JJOO de Londres. Informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org
dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Radio Vaticana via WRMI
Radio Vaticana, 9955 KHz, emetent a través de WRMI, Florida, Estats Units. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a gestfreq@vatiradio.va
dilluns, 8 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Pirates for Peace
Pirates for Peace, 6300 KHz, programa especial d'aquest projecte que engloba diferents emissores pirates. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a piratesforpeace@hotmail.com
diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 7 octubre
- 4026 KHz, 18.00, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, ids, 23442
- 6210 KHz, 18.45, Radio Marabu?, music, 23442
- 6240 KHz, 18.55, Onda Caliente, F, music, ids, 22332
- 6270 KHz, 18.25, Radio Borderhunter, rock music, 23442
- 6305 KHz, 18.10, Radio Powerliner, music, 44343
- 6525 KHz, 18.15, Radio Pink Panther?, music, 22432
- 6565 KHz, 18.20, Radio Powerliner, test, playing Abba, 44343
All times UTC
dissabte, 6 d’octubre del 2012
Logs 5 octubre
- 1629 KHz, 21.30, Radio Relmus, music, 43443
- 1647 KHz, 20.50, Radio Barones?, Dutch music, 22442
- 4026 KHz, 21.15, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23442
- 6289 KHz, 20.20, Pony Radio, music, playing "I've got the power" or "A kind of magic", c/d at 20.43, 44444
- 6301 KHz, 20.10, Radio Sallandse Boer, music, playing "She drives me crazy", 33443
- 6450 KHz, 20.55, Radio Readymix, music, Dutch, playing Dutch music and AC/DC, 44444
- 6942 KHz, 20.45, Irish Music Radio, E, music, id, 23442
All times UTC
Nous programes aquest cap de setmana
Nous programes aquest cap de setmana de MVBR, Radio Gloria (RGI) i KBC. Aquesta és la informació rebuda:
Relays via MV Baltic Radio
Saturday, October 6th:
05.00 to 17.00 UTC, Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 KHz
Sunday, October 7th: |
08.00 to 09.00 UTC, RGI on 9480 KHz (repeat broadcast)
09.00 to 10.00 UTC, MVBR on 9480 KHz
10.00 to 11.00 UTC, RGI on 7265 KHz (repeat broadcast)
11.00 to 12.00 UTC, MVBR 7265 KHz (repeat broadcast)
The Mighty KBC Test Transmission:
00.00 to 02.00 UTC, KBC are testing on Sunday October 7th
on 9400 kHz beamed to the USA, South America and Canada.
For more Information: http://www.kbcradio.eu/index.php?dir=news/detail&id=225
divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012
Fama FM, 102.7 MHz, emissora llatina de València. Després de múltiples intents, rebut finalment e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a cadenalatinafm@hotmail.com. v/s Grupo Paesypi (sic).
Aquesta emissora pertany al mateix grup que La Calle FM (92.9 MHz, també de València) i té un web: http://www.famafm.es
QSL Ràdio Sant Cebrià
Ràdio Sant Cebrià, 103.2 MHz, emissora municipal de Sant Cebrià de Vallalta. Després de múltiples intents, rebut e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a radiosantcebria@diba.cat
dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2012
QSL CVC 1Africa
CVC 1Africa, 9505 KHz, emissora religiosa que emet des de Zàmbia. Rebuda QSL i carta de confirmació (vegeu següent entrada) per informe enviat a 1africa@cvc.tv.
Tot i que l'emissor és a Zàmbia, la resposta va arribar des de Sudàfrica. Adreça postal: Box 3933, Tygervalley 7536, Sudàfrica.
dimarts, 2 d’octubre del 2012
QSL Rádio Voz Missionária
Rádio Voz Missionária, 5940 KHz, emissora religiosa de l'estat de Santa Caterina, Brasil. Rebuda enorme QSL (mida DIN A4) per informe enviat a Rua Joaquim Nunes 244 Centro, Camboriú SC 88340-000, Caixa Postal 2004, Brasil. v/s Luiz Carlos Machado, Diretor, tot i que la QSL està signada per dues persones més.
dilluns, 1 d’octubre del 2012
RTL/BCE Radio Luxembourg, 234 KHz. Després de rebre fa unes setmanes una confirmació amb una QSL antiga de l'emissora, vaig tornar a escriure reclamant la QSL específica de l'emissor d'ona llarga, que ha arribat per fi.
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)