Radio Beograd 202, 1503 KHz, emissora sèrbia. Rebut e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a v/s Svetomir Cuckovic.
dimecres, 29 de febrer del 2012
dimarts, 28 de febrer del 2012
QSL Radio Bonofox
Radio Bonofox, 6300 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012
QSL Radio Iceman
Radio Iceman, 6045 KHz, via Nauen? or Wertachtal?, Alemanya. Després d'enviar un parell d'informes a, vaig rebre una resposta d'aquesta emissora holandesa en què se'm deia que si volia la QSL me la podia descarregar jo mateix al seu nou web: Com es pot veure és una QSL genèrica sense dades i a més amb "QLS" en lloc de "QSL".
This QSL can be downloaded from the new web of Radio Iceman:
diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2012
Logs 25-26 febrer
25 de febrer
- 6245 KHz, 16.43, Radio Telstar, Dutch, music, playing "Kung Fu fighting", 22332
- 6420 KHz, 17.20, Radio Mustang, music, 34443
- 6452 KHz, 17.25, Radio Fox 48, rock music, ids, 23332
- 6960 KHz, 17.40, Atlantic Radio, E, music, playing Robbie Williams, 33443
- 6970 KHz, 17.05, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23322
- 9290 KHz, 16.15, Radio Spaceshuttle, E, ids, music, playing Blondie, 23332
- 9295 KHz, 17.45, Radio Spaceshuttle, music, 24332
26 de febrer
- 6045 KHz, 09.35, Radio Iceman, via Nauen?, music, ids, 55444
- 6305 KHz, 09.20, Radio Malaysi, disco music, ids, 22332
- 7600 KHz, 08.40, FRSH, E, music, ids, 23332
- 9480 KHz, 08.30, EMR, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, E, music, 33333
- 9480 KHz, 09.00, Radio Gloria, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, E, music, id, 33333
- 12257 KHz, 09.15, WR International, E, music, 32332
All times UTC
dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2012
QSL Radio Alpenroos
Radio Alpenroos, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
divendres, 24 de febrer del 2012
Logs 24 febrer
- 3905 KHz, 21.00, Skyline Radio Int, music, 34333
- 6295 KHz, 22.05, Zender Ascona, Dutch, e-mail, id, 23442
- 6300 KHz, 17.20, Radio Bonofox, Dutch/E, id, e-mail, music, 22332
- 6300 KHz, 17.25, Zender Ascona, E, id, e-mail, music, 22332
- 6425 KHz, 21.05, Elvis Radio, music, 23442
- 6445 KHz, 22.10, Elvis Radio, Dutch, music, e-mail, 34443
- 6930 KHz, 17.00, Irish Music Radio, E, music, 22332
- 6960 KHz, 17.10, Atlantic Radio, E, music, playing "Losing my religion" by REM, 33443
- 6970 KHz, 17.20, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 23332
All times UTC
Nou programa de FRSH diumenge
El proper diumenge, 26 de febrer, Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) emetrà un nou programa. Aquest és el missatge rebut directament de l'emissora:
Dear FRS Friends,
Sunday February 26th 2012
Following our October & December 2011 broadcasts, FRS-Holland will take to the airwaves with its first 2012 activity next Sunday February 26th.
FRSH will be on 7600//6240 kHz for no less than 6 hours between 07.52- 14.03 UTC/ 08.52- 15.03 CET. Pxs will be presented by Jan van Dijk doing the German show, Dave Scott will be playing classic rock . Paul Graham will host another great 60s/70s FRS Golden Show. Peter Verbruggen will look back to what happened in the past on February 26th (Day Calendar) and plays a mix of mainly 80s/90s/00s music in FRS Magazine. He will also host a FRS Goes DX show with the latest news from the wonderful world of wireless.
As you will know, The Free Radio Service Holland is more than 'just playing music'. In all shows radio related items are included. This is for the keen free radio enthusiast vital and most interesting. Find out yourself what we have in store next Sunday.....
Other items include 'the Phrase that Pays’ and 'the listener of the month' (December 2011).
Between 14.52- 21.05 UTC/ 15.52- 22.05 CET the complete broadcast will be streamed via internet: <>
Still available: the FRS 30th Anniversary booklet (24 pages cramped with information- 5 euro/ 7 dollars) covering our 1980- 2010 history and the 3 Anniversary broadcasts.
Remember the 3rd and final one of that series took place exactly one year ago.
Last but not least: we would like to appeal on you, the listener, to support FRSH by sending in a correct reception report with some personal comments/ information. The quality of some reports is very poor which is frustrating and discouraging for a team that works very hard and serious to provide you with 6 hours of Sunday entertainment....
A reception report should (in our eyes) cover a period of 30 minutes and should contain information about your QTH (where do you listen from), receiver, antenna, times of
reception, SINPO codes and last but not least programme information (details about what you heard on air: pop music or jingle is not ok > Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones or
sonovox jingle FRS-Holland, Just a bit Different is much better!). I realize this should sound quite familiar to DX-ers...reality is however - to use our own slogan- 'just a bit different' !
We have quality QSL cards and stickers waiting for you (hard copy) if you write in to our Herten maildrop. Please enclose sufficient return postage: 2 euro/ 3 US dollars.
Remember our [] address will disappear very soon. The only correct email address left will be [].
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
FRS-Holland, POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>
Dear FRS Friends,
Sunday February 26th 2012
Following our October & December 2011 broadcasts, FRS-Holland will take to the airwaves with its first 2012 activity next Sunday February 26th.
FRSH will be on 7600//6240 kHz for no less than 6 hours between 07.52- 14.03 UTC/ 08.52- 15.03 CET. Pxs will be presented by Jan van Dijk doing the German show, Dave Scott will be playing classic rock . Paul Graham will host another great 60s/70s FRS Golden Show. Peter Verbruggen will look back to what happened in the past on February 26th (Day Calendar) and plays a mix of mainly 80s/90s/00s music in FRS Magazine. He will also host a FRS Goes DX show with the latest news from the wonderful world of wireless.
As you will know, The Free Radio Service Holland is more than 'just playing music'. In all shows radio related items are included. This is for the keen free radio enthusiast vital and most interesting. Find out yourself what we have in store next Sunday.....
Other items include 'the Phrase that Pays’ and 'the listener of the month' (December 2011).
Between 14.52- 21.05 UTC/ 15.52- 22.05 CET the complete broadcast will be streamed via internet: <>
Still available: the FRS 30th Anniversary booklet (24 pages cramped with information- 5 euro/ 7 dollars) covering our 1980- 2010 history and the 3 Anniversary broadcasts.
Remember the 3rd and final one of that series took place exactly one year ago.
Last but not least: we would like to appeal on you, the listener, to support FRSH by sending in a correct reception report with some personal comments/ information. The quality of some reports is very poor which is frustrating and discouraging for a team that works very hard and serious to provide you with 6 hours of Sunday entertainment....
A reception report should (in our eyes) cover a period of 30 minutes and should contain information about your QTH (where do you listen from), receiver, antenna, times of
reception, SINPO codes and last but not least programme information (details about what you heard on air: pop music or jingle is not ok > Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones or
sonovox jingle FRS-Holland, Just a bit Different is much better!). I realize this should sound quite familiar to DX-ers...reality is however - to use our own slogan- 'just a bit different' !
We have quality QSL cards and stickers waiting for you (hard copy) if you write in to our Herten maildrop. Please enclose sufficient return postage: 2 euro/ 3 US dollars.
Remember our [] address will disappear very soon. The only correct email address left will be [].
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
FRS-Holland, POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
e-mail: <>
e-mail: <>
dijous, 23 de febrer del 2012
QSLs Voice of Russia
Voice of Russia, 1323/7270 KHz. Rebudes 2 QSLs per informes enviats a Les QSLs commemoren el 50è aniversari del primer viatge tripulat a l'espai.
dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2012
dimarts, 21 de febrer del 2012
QSL DZ Radio
DZ Radio, 6325 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebut e-mail de confirmació per informe enviat a Web: L'operador m'informa que l'emissió escoltada era feta a través d'una altra pirata, el nom de la qual no dóna.
dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2012
QSL Atlantic 2000 International
Atlantic 2000 International, 9480 KHz, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, Alemanya. Rebuda QSL i nou adhesiu per informe enviat a
diumenge, 19 de febrer del 2012
Logs 18-19 febrer
18 de febrer
- 6970 KHz, 09.45, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 22332
- 9480 KHz, 10.00, MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, G, id, music, 43433
- 6095 KHz, 09.40, KBC, Wertachtal, E, music, ids, 55444
- 7480 KHz, 09.50, Radio Thunderbird, music, id, e-mail, playing Bob Dylan, 22332
- 9480 KHz, 09.45, EMR, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, E, music, 43333
- 9480 KHz, 10.00, Atlantic 2000 International, via MV Baltic Radio, Göhren, F, music, id, repetition of programme of 12 Feb, 43333
All times UTC
dissabte, 18 de febrer del 2012
Nous programes d'EMR/MVBR/Atlantic 2000
Aquest cap de setmana hi haurà nous programes a trevés de l'emissor de Göhren (9480 KHz). Aquest és el missatge rebut amb la informació:
EMR – Atlantic 2000 & MV Baltic this Weekend
Dear Listeners,
EMR - Atlantic 2000 & MV Baltic Radio are on the air this Saturday and Sunday the 18th and 19th.
MVBR Schedule for 9480 KHz for Sunday the 19th of February 2012:
European Music Radio 09.00 to 10.00 UTC Tom & Mike Taylor
Atlantic 2000 Int 10.00 to 11.00 UTC Music Programme
European Music Radio Internet repeat times: 09.00 - 1400 - 18:00 - 21:00. Please visit and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
This Saturday and Sunday MV Baltic Radio will carry out some Test Transmissions on 9480 KHz. It is the aim to test a new system for computer control and automation of the transmitter.
The tests are on Saturday 18th at 10 UTC, (stress test) and Sunday 19th at 13 UTC, automatic control. All Test Transmission reports to:
EMR – Atlantic 2000 & MV Baltic this Weekend
Dear Listeners,
EMR - Atlantic 2000 & MV Baltic Radio are on the air this Saturday and Sunday the 18th and 19th.
MVBR Schedule for 9480 KHz for Sunday the 19th of February 2012:
European Music Radio 09.00 to 10.00 UTC Tom & Mike Taylor
Atlantic 2000 Int 10.00 to 11.00 UTC Music Programme
European Music Radio Internet repeat times: 09.00 - 1400 - 18:00 - 21:00. Please visit and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
This Saturday and Sunday MV Baltic Radio will carry out some Test Transmissions on 9480 KHz. It is the aim to test a new system for computer control and automation of the transmitter.
The tests are on Saturday 18th at 10 UTC, (stress test) and Sunday 19th at 13 UTC, automatic control. All Test Transmission reports to:
divendres, 17 de febrer del 2012
QSL Radio Cluj
Radio Cluj, 909 KHz, emissora regional romanesa. Després de múltiples intents durant els últims anys, rebuda per fi carta de confirmació per informe enviat a v/s Florin Pruteanu. Address: Str. Donath 160, 400293 Cluj Napoca, Romania.
dijous, 16 de febrer del 2012
MW Logs 15-16 febrer
- 648 KHz, 19.40, RNE Badajoz, Sp, 33443
- 810 KHz, 19.30, Radio Skopje, Greek programme, news, 44444
- 900 KHz, 06.50, COPE Vigo, Spanish, id, local news, 23322
- 909 KHz, 17.20, Radio Cluj, Romanian, news, id: "Radio Cluj", 33443
- 918 KHz, 06.30, Radio Intercontinental, Madrid, Spanish, 34433
- 945 KHz, 17.25, România Actualităţi, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romanian (//1152, 1422), rock music, 34333
- 954 KHz, 16.00, Ceský Rozhlas 2, Czech news, 34443
- 972 KHz, 16.15, NDR Info, Hamburg, G, news, 34333
- 1089 KHz, 16.10, Golos Rossii, Tbilisskaya, Russian, news, 34443
- 1107 KHz, 16.05, RAI 1, Roma, Italian, 24332
- 1152 KHz, 17.25, România Actualităţi, Cluj, Romanian (//945, 1422), rock, 44444
- 1152 KHz, 16.25, LBC News, E, news, 33443
- 1251 KHz, 16.20, Radio Libya, Arabic, reactivated, 55444
- 1314 KHz, 17.15, Antena Satelor, Romanian, talks, 34443
- 1368 KHz, 19.45, Manx Radio, E, id, pop music, 24442
- 1422 KHz, 17.27, România Actualităţi, Olanesti, Romanian (//945, 1152), rock, 23342
- 1440 KHz, 17.25, Radio Freundesdienst, via RTL, G, religious, id, 44444
- 1566 KHz, 17.00, BBC Somerset, E, news, id: "BBC Somerset", 34443
- 1566 KHz, 17.50, TWR Benin, E, religious programme, 34443
- 1575 KHz, 17.20, Radio Farda, Al Dhabiya, Farsi, 33443
- 1602 KHz, 19.35, Radio Vitoria, Spanish, publ, 34433
All times UTC
dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2012
QSL COPE Almería
COPE Almería, 1224 KHz. Rebuda carta de confirmació per informe enviat a v/s Francisco Mínguez, Director.
dimarts, 14 de febrer del 2012
QSL JSWC via Nauen
Japan Short Wave Club (JSWC) dins del programa DX Wavescan d'AWR, emetent des de Nauen, Alemanya, 17510 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Kazuhiko Iwasa, QSL Manager.
dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2012
The Mighty KBC, via Wertachtal, Alemanya, 6095 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a v/s Eric. Com es pot llegir en la QSL, és possible aconseguir una QSL impresa també.
diumenge, 12 de febrer del 2012
Logs 12 febrer
- 6095 KHz, 09.30, KBC, via Wertachtal, E, music, ids, 55444
- 6220 KHz, 09.55, Unid, probably Radio Merlin, E, music, 22332
- 7490 KHz, 09.50, Geronimo Shortwave, music, 33333
- 9480 KHz, 09.00, Atlantic 2000 Int, via MVBR, F, ids, music, e-mail, 44444
- 12257 KHz, 09.45, WR International, E, music, id, 33343
All times UTC
dissabte, 11 de febrer del 2012
Nou programa d'Atlantic 2000 demà
Demà diumenge, Atlantic 2000 International emetrà un nou programa via MVBR pels 9480 KHz. Aquest és el missatge rebut de l'emissora:
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 12 February, from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CET) on 9480 kHz, and at the same time on our website, with music and radio news. Don't forget to listen !
Atlantic 2000 sera sur les ondes ce dimanche 12 février. Au programme, musique et informations radio. Rendez-vous de 09:00 à 10:00 UTC (10:00 à 11:00, heure française) sur 9480 kHz, et en streaming sur notre site Internet.
Visit our website :
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 12 February, from 09:00 to 10:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CET) on 9480 kHz, and at the same time on our website, with music and radio news. Don't forget to listen !
Atlantic 2000 sera sur les ondes ce dimanche 12 février. Au programme, musique et informations radio. Rendez-vous de 09:00 à 10:00 UTC (10:00 à 11:00, heure française) sur 9480 kHz, et en streaming sur notre site Internet.
Visit our website :
divendres, 10 de febrer del 2012
QSL Radio Târgu Mures
Radio Târgu Mures, 1323 KHz, emissora regional romanesa. Rebuda QSL i adhesius per informe enviat a v/s Virgil Natea, Marketing and PR Coordinator.
Adhesius de Radio Târgu Mures
dijous, 9 de febrer del 2012
dimecres, 8 de febrer del 2012
dimarts, 7 de febrer del 2012
KWRN, via Orion Radio, 5820 KHz, pirata alemanya. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dilluns, 6 de febrer del 2012
diumenge, 5 de febrer del 2012
Logs 5 febrer
- 6085 KHz, 09.10, Pur Radio 1, via Kall, G, music, 24432
- 6095 KHz, 11.50, KBC Wertachtal, E, music, ids, 55444
- 6219 KHz, 09.15, Radio Bluestar, music, 23442
- 6970 KHz, 09.30, Laser Hot Hits, E, music, 22322
- 9480 KHz, 09.00, R. Gloria, via Göhren, E, music, 44444
- 9480 KHz, 10.00, MVBR, Göhren, G, music, id, 44444
All times UTC
dissabte, 4 de febrer del 2012
Nou programa d'MVBR i Radio Gloria diumenge
S'anuncia un nou programa d'MV Baltic Radio & R Gloria demà diumenge. El missatge rebut és el següent:
Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio and Radio Gloria are on the air this Sunday the 5th of February 2012
MVBR Schedule for 9480 KHz with 1 KW:
Station Name Time Slot Programmes
Radio Gloria 0900 to 10.00 UTC (repeat from last month)
MV Baltic Radio 1000 to 1100 UTC The real music Station
MV Baltic Radio 1300 to 1400 UTC (repeat from 1000 UTC)
Please send all R Gloria reception reports to:
Please send all M.V.B.R reception reports to:
PS: Main Schedule for 9480 KHz for 2012:
1st Sunday MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday E M R
4th Sunday R Gloria
Technical Information for Receiving 9480 KHz:
The transmitter at Göhren is using A3H (carrier with upper side band) modulation.
If you use a normal AM - shortwave receiver, please tune exactly to 9480 KHz.
If you use a SSB - receiver, please tune to 9480 KHz, USB - mode.
This will give you the best results.
Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio and Radio Gloria are on the air this Sunday the 5th of February 2012
MVBR Schedule for 9480 KHz with 1 KW:
Station Name Time Slot Programmes
Radio Gloria 0900 to 10.00 UTC (repeat from last month)
MV Baltic Radio 1000 to 1100 UTC The real music Station
MV Baltic Radio 1300 to 1400 UTC (repeat from 1000 UTC)
Please send all R Gloria reception reports to:
Please send all M.V.B.R reception reports to:
PS: Main Schedule for 9480 KHz for 2012:
1st Sunday MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday E M R
4th Sunday R Gloria
Technical Information for Receiving 9480 KHz:
The transmitter at Göhren is using A3H (carrier with upper side band) modulation.
If you use a normal AM - shortwave receiver, please tune exactly to 9480 KHz.
If you use a SSB - receiver, please tune to 9480 KHz, USB - mode.
This will give you the best results.
divendres, 3 de febrer del 2012
QSL Report
CHU, 7850 KHz, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to v/s Bill Hoger, Technical Officer.
WYFR Issoudun, 15495 KHz, QSL in 6 months for e-report to
MV Baltic Radio, 9480 KHz, E-QSL in pdf in 2 days for e-report to v/s Roland.
Radio Saxonia, 9480 KHz, via MVBR, QSL and view card in 4 weeks for e-report to
Atlantic 2000 Int, 9480 KHz, via MVBR, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to
Pur Radio 1, via Kall, 6085 KHz, QSL in 9 days for e-report to and
EMR, via MVBR, 9480 KHz, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to and
AWR-KSDA, 11805 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to
Wavescan, via KSDA, 11805 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to
RNE La Rioja, Radio 5, 1107 KHz, QSL, stickers in 22 weeks for e-report to v/s Javier Gracia, Responsable Técnico.
Radio Reus, 1026 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to v/s Àngel Palau, Cap d'emissions.
Radio Spaceshuttle, 12805 KHz, E-QSL in 14 weeks for e-report to
Radio Mistletoe, 6205/6295 KHz, 2 E-QSLs in 4 days for e-reports to
Radio Universe, 6450 KHz, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to
Geronimo Shortwave, 6920 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to
Radio Grutte Pier, 6422 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to
Radio Saxonia, 6255 KHz, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to
Radio Zeewolf, 6325 KHz, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to
Radio Black Bird, 15480 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to Free Radio Victoria, 6294 KHz, 2 E-QSLs for e-report to
Radio Star International, 6205/7600 KHz, E-QSL in 19 days for e-report to
Radio Doctor Tim, 6300/6417 KHz, 2 E-QSLs for e-reports to
Radio Caroline Int, 6240 KHz, E-QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to
Radio Batavia, 1635 KHz, E-QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to
CHU, 7850 KHz, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to v/s Bill Hoger, Technical Officer.
WYFR Issoudun, 15495 KHz, QSL in 6 months for e-report to
MV Baltic Radio, 9480 KHz, E-QSL in pdf in 2 days for e-report to v/s Roland.
Radio Saxonia, 9480 KHz, via MVBR, QSL and view card in 4 weeks for e-report to
Atlantic 2000 Int, 9480 KHz, via MVBR, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to
Pur Radio 1, via Kall, 6085 KHz, QSL in 9 days for e-report to and
EMR, via MVBR, 9480 KHz, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to and
AWR-KSDA, 11805 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to
Wavescan, via KSDA, 11805 KHz, QSL in 13 weeks for e-report to
Voice of Russia, Tbilisskaya, 1089 KHz. QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to
IBRA Radio, Armavir, 11655 KHz, E-QSL in 14 weeks for e-report to v/s Maria Levander.
IBRA Radio, Meyerton, 12125 KHz, E-QSL in 15 weeks for e-report to v/s Maria Levander.
SPAINRNE La Rioja, Radio 5, 1107 KHz, QSL, stickers in 22 weeks for e-report to v/s Javier Gracia, Responsable Técnico.
Radio Reus, 1026 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to v/s Àngel Palau, Cap d'emissions.
RFA Sri Lanka, 9385 KHz, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to
Radio Free Sarawak, 17560 KHz, E-QSL in 12 days for e-report via their web and to info@radiofreesarawak.orgFREE RADIO
Radio Spaceshuttle, 12805 KHz, E-QSL in 14 weeks for e-report to
Radio Mistletoe, 6205/6295 KHz, 2 E-QSLs in 4 days for e-reports to
Radio Universe, 6450 KHz, E-QSL in 4 days for e-report to
Geronimo Shortwave, 6920 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to
Radio Grutte Pier, 6422 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to
Radio Saxonia, 6255 KHz, E-QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to
Radio Zeewolf, 6325 KHz, E-QSL in 5 days for e-report to
Radio Black Bird, 15480 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to Free Radio Victoria, 6294 KHz, 2 E-QSLs for e-report to
Radio Star International, 6205/7600 KHz, E-QSL in 19 days for e-report to
Radio Doctor Tim, 6300/6417 KHz, 2 E-QSLs for e-reports to
Radio Caroline Int, 6240 KHz, E-QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to
Radio Batavia, 1635 KHz, E-QSL in 9 weeks for e-report to
QSL Geronimo Shortwave
Geronimo Shortwave, 6920 KHz, emissora pirata. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dijous, 2 de febrer del 2012
QSL Wavescan, via AWR Guam
Wavescan, programa DX produït per WRMI, Radio Miami International, emès a través d'AWR Guam i escoltat el mateix dia que la QSL anterior. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
Adventist World Radio (AWR-KSDA), Guam, emissora religiosa, 11805 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a v/s Adrian M. Peterson.
dimecres, 1 de febrer del 2012
QSL Family Radio via Issoudun
WYFR, Family Radio, emissora religiosa nord-americana emetent via Issoudun, França, 15495 KHz. Després de diversos recordatoris, rebuda finalment QSL per informe enviat a
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)