divendres, 29 d’abril del 2011

QSL Deutsches Radio Ulaanbaatar

Deutsches Radio Ulaanbaatar, 6005 KHz, via Radio 700. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a Centralpost Post Box 711, Ulaanbaatar, Mongòlia.

Es tracta d'una emissora de l'Institut Goethe de Mongòlia en col·laboració amb Deutsche Welle, que emet un programa en FM i va fer unes quantes emissions en ona curta via Radio 700. Web: http://dradioub.de/

This is a station which belongs to Goethe Institut in Mongolia in collaboration with Deutsche Welle. They broadcast a programme in FM and they produced some programmes on shortwave via Radio 700. Web: http://dradioub.de/

dijous, 28 d’abril del 2011

MV Baltic Radio

MV Baltic Radio emetrà aquest diumenge 1 de maig pels usuals 6140 KHz, de 09.00 a 10.00 UTC.
També hi haurà repeticions dels programes de R. Gloria International i de la mateix MV Baltic Radio pels 9480 KHz, dissabte i diumenge, a les hores indicades més avall.

MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday 1st of May 2011. The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 0900 to 1000 utc.
Repeated programmes this weekend on 9480 khz:
Radio Gloria Int will be on Saturday on 9480, at 12.30 UTC.
MV Baltic Radio will be on Sunday on 9480, at 12.30 UTC.

Nous programes via Radio 700

Aquest proper diumenge 1 de maig s'emetran nous programes via Radio 700. Es tracta de programes de R. Atlantic 2000, R. Joystick (ambdues pels 6005 KHz) i R. Gloria Schweiz (pels 6085 KHz). Més info a: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de

Next Sunday, 1st May, there will be new programmes via Radio 700. These are R. Atlantic 2000, R. Joystick (both on 6005 KHz) and R. Gloria Schweiz (on 6085 KHz). More info at: http://www.shortwaveservice.com/?page_id=27&lang=de

dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011

QSL RAI Piemonte

RAI Piemonte, programa regional, 999 KHz. Rebuda segona QSL de la sèrie de quatre (aquest cop amb el nom del programa regional) per informe enviat a raiway@rai.it. Els informes enviats a Torí no van rebre mai resposta.

RAI Piemonte, regional programme, 999 KHz. Received the second QSL card of a group of four(this time with mention of regional programme) for a report sent to raiway@rai.it. The previous reports sent to Torino were never answered.

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011

QSL Radio Sadaye Zindagi

Radio Sadaye Zindagi, 11755, emissora cristiana que emet cap a Afganistan, probablement via Gavar, Armènia. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@sadayezindagi.org

Logs 25 abril (pirates)

  • 6295 KHz, 21.15, R. Powerliner, E, id, e-mail, asking for reports, 33232

  • 6325 KHz, 21.35, R. Mustang, Dutch, id, pop music, 44444

All times UTC

dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2011

Logs 25 abril

  • 7410 KHz, 16.00, Voice of Croatia, Deanovec, E, px "Croatia today", nx, 54444

  • 9480 KHz, 15.50, R. Rossii, Moskva, Rus, 44343

  • 11755 KHz, 15.00, R. Sedaye Zindagi, via Gavar, Armenia, Dari, 34433

  • 11945 KHz, 08.40, R. Australia, Shepparton, E, 34443

  • 15085 KHz, 08.15, Voice of Iran, Kalamabad, G, 44444

  • 15090 KHz, 08.30, R. Azadi, Kuwait, mx, 44444

  • 15245 KHz, 14.15, Voice of Korea, Kujang, North Korea, F, talks, 34433

  • 15290 KHz, 14.20, R. Pakistan, Islamabad, Urdu, 34333

  • 15295 KHz, 09.05, Voice of Malaysia, Kajang, E, nx, id, at 09.15 "Voice of Islam", mx, 43433

  • 15340 KHz, 14.27, HCJB Australia, Kununurra, Urdu, 44444

  • 15345 KHz, 14.25, R.TV Marocaine, Nador, Arabic, 54444

  • 15495 KHz, 15.30, Family Radio, Issoudun, Gujarati, id, 55444

  • 15580 KHz, 14.30, VOA, Sao Tome, Pinheira, E, nx, 34443

  • 15730 KHz, 13.55, VOA Talata Volondry, Somali, mx, 54444

  • 15735 KHz, 14.00, NHK, R. Japan, Tashkent, E, id, nx, 23332

All times UTC

diumenge, 24 d’abril del 2011

Logs 24 abril

  • 6140 KHz, 13.30, R. Gloria International, via Wertachtal, E, rock, 34443

  • 6205 KHz, 07.35, R. Star International, E, mx, 24432

  • 6276 KHz, 07.55, R. Delta, rock mx, id, 24442

  • 6300 KHz, 07.45, R. Merlin, E, mx, 24442

  • 9480 KHz, 08.00, MV Baltic Radio, test, continuous id, e-mail, again at 11.00 with rock music programme, 34433

All times UTC

dissabte, 23 d’abril del 2011

Radio Gloria / MV Baltic Radio / Radio City

Radio Gloria pels 6140 KHz aquest diumenge, de 13.00 a 14.00 UTC.
MV Baltic Radio, emissions de prova pels 9480 KHz els propers diumenge i dilluns. Hores: 08.00-09.00, 11.00-12.00 i 13.00-14.00 UTC.
Radio City cada tercer dissabte de mes via Challenger Radio pels 1368 i els 1566 KHz, de 19.00 a 20.00 UTC.

Radio Gloria is on the air this Sunday the 24th of April 2011. The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 1300 to 1400 utc. Also via coloRadio.org between 15-16 UTC
Address: Radio Gloria International (Email: radiogloria@aol.com), Box 540109, D - 01311 Dresden, Germany.
MV Baltic Radio. Between this Sunday and Monday MV Baltic Radio will broadcast some test- transmissions on 9480 khz. The time slots will be 8 - 9 UTC, 11 - 12 UTC and 13 - 14 UTC.
Reports to: info@mvbalticradio.de
Radio City - The Station of the Cars. Until further notice Radio City programmes will be repeated on the 3rd Saturday of the month on MW 1368 kHz from Padova, and on 1566 kHz in Rome at 21 - 22 hours Central European Time (at the moment corresponding to 19 - 20 hours GMT). Email: citymorecars@yahoo.ca

divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011

QSL i imatges de Radio Relmus

Radio Relmus, 1624 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL i fotos per informe enviat a relmusfm@hotmail.com

Nou programa de Radio Star International

Radio Star anuncia en el seu web un nou programa per al proper diumenge, 24 d'abril pels 5800 i els 6205 KHz, de 08.00 a 15.00 hora anglesa.

RSI will be back on air on Sunday 24th of April on 5800 and 6205 Khz from 0800 to 1500 BST

The schedule will be..
0800 Intermezzo
0830 Morning Melody
0900 Good Morning Sunday
1000 The Matt Roberts Radio Show
1100 RSI Mailbag with Christopher Phillips
1200 The Lunchtime Show
1300 Soul Time with Tim Anderson.
1400 The Rob Murray Show
1500 Closedown

dijous, 21 d’abril del 2011

QSL HLAZ, Corea del Sud

HLAZ, 1566 KHz, emissora religiosa pertanyent a FEBC. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Corea del Sud.

dimecres, 20 d’abril del 2011

Logs 20 abril

  • 7610 KHz, 15.00, Gunaz Radio?, Azeri, 34443

  • 9655 KHz, 15.25, The Overcomer Ministry, via Media Broadcast, tx in Moosbrunn, Austria, E, id, e-mail, web, Rlg, 54444

  • 9935 KHz, 16.00, ERT Thessaloniki, Greek, Holy Mass, 55444

  • 15190 KHz, 15.10, R. Africa, E, Religious, 43433

  • 15210 KHz, 16.15, Family Radio, via Ekala, Sri Lanka, E, Id, address, Religious programme, 43232

  • 15620 KHz, 15.20, DW Kigali, Rus, German lesson, 54444

  • 15850 KHz, 15.40, Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv, Hebrew, mx, 33333

All times UTC

dimarts, 19 d’abril del 2011

QSL Magic AM

Magic AM, 3940 KHz (error en la QSL), pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a magic.am@online.nl

dilluns, 18 d’abril del 2011

MW logs 18 abril

  • 1026 KHz, 04.50, R. Asturias, Sp, local nx, mix with R. Salamanca and R. Reus, 34333

  • 1044 KHz, 04.55, R. Valladolid, Sp, local nx, 43333

  • 1224 KHz, 05.50, COPE Donostia, Sp, id, local nx, mix with COPE Mallorca and COPE Albacete, 33333

  • 1242 KHz, 05.00, Absolute Radio, E, mx, (//1215), 23332

  • 1368 KHz, 05.15, Challenger Radio, oldies Italian mx, 34443

  • 1431 KHz, 05.20, RAI Puglia, It, regional px, nx, sports, 34333

  • 1530 KHz, 05.10, R. Vaticana, E, Rlg, 44444

  • 1566 KHz, 05.05, TWR Benin, African language, Rlg, 34433

All times UTC

Logs 17 abril

  • 6203 KHz, 09.30, Unid, Scotland?, mx, 23222

  • 6305 KHz, 08.30, R. Merlin Int, E, mx, 23322

  • 6935 KHz, 08.20, Mike Radio, E. id, mx, 23332

  • 12256 KHz, 08.15, WR International, E, mx, 23332

All times UTC

dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2011

Logs 15 abril

  • 1653 KHz, 21.35, R. Barones, mx, playing blues, 34443

  • 3905 KHz, 21.20, R. Skyline Int, Dutch, mx, playing Cindy Lauper, 44444

  • 4026 KHz, 21.30, Laser Hot Hits, E, mx, 24432

  • 6295 KHz, 20.50, R. New Wave, non stop music, 34433

  • 6305 KHz, 21.40, R. Marconi, testing, mx, 44343

All times UTC

QSL Family Radio, via Tanshui

Family Radio (WYFR), emissora religiosa nord-americana, via Tanshui, Taiwan, 6280 KHz. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a international@familyradio.com

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2011

Imatges de Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker

Imatges de l'equipament de l'emissora pirata holandesa Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. L'operador afirma usar actualment una potència d'1'5 Kw, tot i que espera arribar als 7 Kw!

Images of the equipment used by the Dutch free station Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. The operator states that he uses 1.5 Kw, but he hopes to reach soon 7 Kw!

dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011

QSL Onda Melodía

Onda Melodía (emissora de Girona), 90.4 MHz. Emissora pertanyent al grup Onda Cero. Rebuda carta de confirmació de l'escolta per informe enviat a girona@ondacero.es

dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011

Logs 12 abril

  • 5930 KHz, 17.15, R. Rossii, Monchegorsk, Russian, 34333

  • 5940 KHz, 17.00, Gemeinde Gottes Herford, via HCJB, via Sitkunai, G px "Botschaft des Heils", Relig, id, 44444

  • 5990 KHz, 17.20, R. Liberty, Russian, Id "Radio Svoboda", via ?, 44444

  • 9515 KHz, 16.50, KBS, Kimjae, E, id, 34433

  • 9635 KHz, 17.30, R. Internazionale di Serbia, Italian px, id, nx, 34333

  • 9860 KHz, 17.40, CNR 1, Beijing, Chinese (//9845), 34433

  • 9870 KHz, 17.25, All India Radio, Bangaluru, Hindi mx, 44444

All times UTC

dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2011

QSL Free Radio Nova

Free Radio Nova, 3935 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL molt original per informe enviat a info@freeradionova.com

diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2011

Logs 9-10 abril

9 d'abril

  • 3905 KHz, 19.00, Continental Radio, mx, 23322

  • 3920 KHz, 21.45, R. Likedeeler, E/Dutch, mx, playing Blues Brothers, 24432

  • 3931 KHz, 19.40, R. Bogusman, E, slow songs, 34333

  • 3935 KHz, 19.20, Free Radio Nova, mx, 23222

  • 6930 KHz, 19.15, Irish Music Radio, E, id, mx, 24442

  • 6935 KHz, 09.55, Mike Radio, mx, test, 23222

10 d'abril

  • 5820 KHz, 08.00, Orion Radio, mx, 23222

  • 6005 KHz, 08.10, R. 700, G, mx, 23332

  • 6912 KHz, 08.50, Cactus Jack Radio, disco mx, 55444

  • 12256 KHz, 08.20, WR International, E, mx, 24432

divendres, 8 d’abril del 2011

QSL Studio DX, via Challenger Radio

Studio DX, programa diexista d'AWR, 1368 KHz, via Challenger Radio. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a info@bclnews.it i via web http://www.studiodx.net/

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

QSL European Music Radio

European Music Radio, via Wertachtal, Alemanya, 6140 KHz. Rebuda QSL i fulletó informatiu sobre l'emissora per informe enviat a emrsw@sky.com

dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2011

Novetats FM

90.4 MHz, Onda Melodía. Nova emissora pertanyent a Onda Cero. De fet, ocupa l'antiga freqüència d'Onda Cero Girona, que ara surt pels 98.9 MHz. Programa amb música non stop i identificacions com "Onda Melodía, música siempre" o "Onda Melodía, la mejor emisora para escuchar música".
95.7 MHz, Emissora llatina sense nom definit. S'ha reactivat aquesta freqüència amb identificacions com "95.7, mucha música" i anuncis dient que es tracta d'una "Emisión de pruebas".

90.4 MHz, Onda Melodía. New station which belongs to Onda Cero. In fact, it uses the old frequency of Onda Cero Girona, which is now on 98.9 MHz. Non stop music and identifications as "Onda Melodía, música siempre" or "Onda Melodía, la mejor emisora para escuchar música".
95.7 MHz, Latin station with no concrete name, testing. This frequency is again on air with identifications like "95.7, mucha música" and anouncements saying that it is a test: "Emisión de pruebas".

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2011

QSL Radio Free Asia

Radio Free Asia, 7460 KHz, via Ulaanbaatar, Mongòlia, tot i que la QSL només indica "Asia" com a lloc d'emissió. Informe enviat a qsl@rfa.org

dilluns, 4 d’abril del 2011

QSL RNE Salamanca, Radio 5

Radio Nacional de España (RNE) en Salamanca, Radio 5, 1314 KHz. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a emisiones.sa.rne@rtve.es. v/s M. Molano

diumenge, 3 d’abril del 2011

Free Radio Nova

L'operador de Free Radio Nova acaba d'informar-me que el seu missatge dient que havia aconseguit una llicència per a emetre legalment era una broma de la festivitat de l'1 d'abril (una mena de sants innocents europeu). Per tant, la informació publicada ahir és falsa! En fi...

The operator of Free Radio Nova has just informed that his e-mail from yesterday saying that he had got a license to operate legally was a joke of the 1st April. So, the information published yesterday was false! Well...

dissabte, 2 d’abril del 2011

Free Radio Nova

He rebut un missatge de Frank Carson, operador de Free Radio Nova, que sembla haver aconseguit una llicència per emetre legalment. La idea és començar a emetre pels 3935 KHz per l'estiu d'aquest any. El missatge és el següent:

This afternoon we have just heard from the 'Agentschap Telecom' and the great news is that the shortwave radio license for Free Radio Nova has been granted! This means our team behind the application now has a maximum of two years to fund and set up the radio studios needed to broadcast legally Free Radio Nova on 3.935 kHz.
Free Radio Nova' project coordinator said in the 'Algemeen Dagblad', "This is a massive boost to the shortwave community group, and we look forward to being the extra voice. We realise there is now a new list of things to do, and the work will be long and hard - but our plan is to start official broadcastings by Summer 2011."
Free Radio Nova upon launching, will broadcast for a total of five years, and openly encourages anyone and everyone with an interest in shortwave broadcasting, to get in touch. Tony, a resident from Kijkduin says, "This radio station is for all the people, and we invite everybody to get involved at whatever level they wish. If you have an interest in presenting a radio programme, then, with a small amount of training, why not come and present your own show?"
We can be contacted through our website.
Best Reagards Frank Carson, owner and operator of the fully licensed shortwave radio station Nova

divendres, 1 d’abril del 2011

QSL Report

GERMANY RTR2 Powerstation, 6180 KHz, via Wertachtal, QSL in 2 weeks for report and 1 US $ to Postfach 1142, 52157 Roetgen, Germany. Atlantic 2000 Int, via R. 700, 6005 KHz, QSL, letter in 1 week for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com R. Gloria Schweiz, via R. 700, 6085 KHz, QSL info, cards in 11 weeks for e-report to qsl@radiogloria.eu. v/s Peter Galliker. Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn, 1323 KHz, QSL in 5 weeks for e-report to world@ruvr.ru INDIA AIR Bhopal, 4810 KHz, QSL in 33 weeks for e-report to bhopal@air.org.in and spectrum-manager@air.org.in ITALY Challenger Radio/AM Italia, 1368 KHz, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to challenger@challenger.it. v/s Maurizio Anselmo. 39 Dover Street, via Challenger Radio, 1368 KHz, QSL in 10 days for e-report to doverstreet@tiscali.co.uk RAI Piemonte, 999 KHz, QSL (but without any mention of tx site or regional px) in 10 days for e-report to raiway@rai.it. No answer was received for direct reports to Torino regional centre. NORTH MARIANAS RFA Tinian, 6095 KHz, QSL (14 years RFA) in 3 months for e-report to qsl@rfa.org PORTUGAL R. Sim, 594 KHz, QSL in 10 days for e-report to mail@radiosim.pt SLOVAKIA R. City, via IRRS, Rimavska Sobota, 9510 KHz, E-QSL in 2 hours for e-report to citymorecars@yahoo.ca R. Joystick, via IRRS, Rimavska Sobota, 9510 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to chapri@radiojoystick.de SPAIN R. Salamanca, 1026 KHz, full detailed letter in 10 weeks for e-report to radiosalamanca@cadenaser.com. v/s Álvaro Acedo, Técnico. UNITED KINGDOM R. Nederland, via Orfordness, 1296 KHz, QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to cartas@rnw.nl USA WINB, 9405 KHz, QSL in 5 weeks for report and 1 US $ to Box 88, Red Lion PA 17356, USA. FREE RADIO R. Supersound, 6265 KHz, E-QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to superstudio1a@gmx.de Geronimo Shortwave, 5800/6220/6240 KHz, two E-QSLs in 1 day / 4 weeks for e-report to geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com R. Tonair, 7840 KHz, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiotonair@hotmail.com Sallandse Boer, 6301 KHz, non detailed thank you card in 3 months for e-report to sallandseboer@msn.com R. Spaceman, 3904 KHz, E-QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to 3927am@rock.com R. Waves Int, 7480 KHz, QSL, CDs, letter, info in 2 weeks for e-report to rwaves@free.fr Baltic Sea Radio, 14350 KHz (USB), E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to balticseapirate@gmail.com R. Paardenkracht, 6300 KHz, full detailed E-letter, info, recordings in 4 days for e-report to paardenkracht@draait.nl Trans Europe Radio, 6325 KHz, E-QSL in 6 days for e-report to radiotranseurope@gmail.com R. Rainbow Int/R. Caroline Int, 6375 KHz, E-QSL in 10 days for e-report to radiorainbow@hotmail.com R. Star Int, 6400, E-QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to rsi@live.co.uk R. Batavia, 3930 KHz, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to radiobatavia@hotmail.com Pink Panther Radio, 6325 KHz, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to pinkpantheram@hotmail.com Cactus Jack Radio, 6912 KHz, E-QSL in 28 weeks for e-report to cactusjackradio@hotmail.com Volle Melk Radio, 6375 KHz, E-QSL in 21 weeks for e-report to Dr. Tim, doctortim@t-online.de