Deutsche Welle, via Wooferton, Regne Unit, 9545 KHz. QSL especial commemorant el 20è aniversari de la reunificació alemanya. Informe enviat a
dimarts, 30 de novembre del 2010
dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010
QSLs Radio Waves Int, via Sitkunai, Lituània
Radio Waves International (RWI), via l'emissor de Sitkunai, Lituània, 6055 KHz. Rebudes dues QSLs (i altres materials) per informes enviats a
dissabte, 27 de novembre del 2010
Programes especials Radio Gloria, Suïssa
- 28 novembre
- 5, 12, 19 desembre.
- Diàriament des del 24 de desembre fins al 2 de gener.
Hora: 08.00-14.00 UTC
Freqüència: 6085 KHz
QSL especial per informes enviats a Postfach 540, CH-6281 Hochdorf, Suïssa. Es demana IRC.
- 28 November
- 5, 12, 19 December
- Daily from 24 December to 2 January
Time: 08.00-14.00 UTC
Frequency: 6085 KHz
Special QSL for reports to Postfach 540, CH-6281 Hochdorf, Suïssa. Return postage required in form of IRC.
divendres, 26 de novembre del 2010
QSL Radio Scotland Int.
Radio Scotland International, 6400 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
dimecres, 24 de novembre del 2010
QSL Shoreline Radio
Shoreline Radio, 15065 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda nova E-QSL per informe enviat a
dimarts, 23 de novembre del 2010
QSL Radio Merlin International
Radio Merlin International, 6325 KHz, pirata anglesa. Nova E-QSL per informe enviat a
dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2010
diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010
Logs 21 novembre
- 3905 KHz, 16.45, FRN, Free Radio Network, E, mx, id, playing Tina Turner, 23332
- 4026 KHz, 16.10, LHH, E, mx, id, 23332
- 5820 KHz, 08.55, Orion Radio, mx, 24432
- 6005 KHz, 09.00, FRSH, via R. 700, Kalle, E, id, mx, playing INXS, 32332
- 6170 KHz, 09.12, R. Borderhunter, E, mx, playing Van Halen, 33333
- 6200 KHz, 09.50, R. Borderhunter, E, mx, playing "Rock and roll is king", 34443
- 6220 KHz, 09.20, Unid, non stop mx, 23332
- 6280 KHz, 09.45, R. Merlin, E, mx, 23332
- 6300 KHz, 14.40, R. Hortensia?, Dutch, mx, off at 14.46, 34443
- 6325 KHz, 14.50, R. Merlin, E, mx, playing Tears for fears, 24442
- 6391 KHz, 09.55, R. Scotland, E, mx, 24442
- 6956 KHz, 15.35, R. Jan van Gent, mx, 23222
- 9290 KHz, 09.25, Shoreline Radio, mx, 24442
- 15065 KHz, 10.40, Shoreline Radio, E, mx, playing Rod Stewart, 34333
- 15070 KHz, 10.30, Shoreline Radio, mx, 23222
- 15810 KHz, 15.20, R. Borderhunter, E, dance mx, 23222
All times UTC. Receivers: Sangean ATS 909, Brigmton BT-360
dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2010
QSL Shoreline Radio
Shoreline Radio, 9290 KHz, pirata holandesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010
dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010
QSL Central Radio International
Central Radio International, 6325 KHz, pirata anglesa. E-QSL per informe enviat a
dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010
dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010
QSL Atlantic Radio
Atlantic Radio, 6960 KHz. Pirata irlandesa. Rebuda nova QSL per informe enviat a
diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010
Logs 14 novembre
- 5820 KHz, 08.15, Orion Radio, mx, 23432
- 6200 KHz, 10.43, R. Borderhunter, E, mx, playing Bruce Springsteen, 33443
- 6210 KHz, 11.05, R. Mustang, mx, playing "Pretty woman", 24332
- 6210 KHz, 16.50, LHH, E, mx, 24432
- 6250 KHz, 10.10, R. Scotland, sounds of F1 racing, 23222
- 6265 KHz, 11.10, R. Geronimo, G, rock music, Id, 23332
- 6287 KHz, 09.45, R. Scotland, E, id, mx, 24442
- 6305 KHz, 16.20, Unid, non stop polka mx, 24442
- 6313 KHz, 16.15, Unid, mx, 23332
- 6325 KHz, 16.25, Central R, E, playing "San Francisco" or "Let it be", 24442
- 6390 KHz, 11.55, Baken 16, QSO to Scotland and Ridiculous, 24332
- 6400 KHz, 09.23, R. Scotland, E id, mx, 24442
- 6912 KHz, 08.30, Cactus Jack Radio, disco mx non stop, 34443
- 6912 KHz, 16.10, Cactus Jack Radio, disco mx, 55444
- 6945 KHz, 08.20, Mike Radio, E, playing "Eye of the tiger", 34443
- 6953 KHz, 16.40, R. Jan van Gent, Dutch mx, 23222
- 9290 KHz, 09.00, Shoreline Radio, playing "Felicità" or "YMCA", 23332
- 12257 KHz, 08.40, WR International, E, mx, 24332
All times UTC. Receivers: Sangean ATS 909 / Brigmton BT-360
dissabte, 13 de novembre del 2010
Logs 12 novembre
- 1665 KHz, 20.20, R. Relmus, mx, playing "What's a woman", 34433
- 6055 KHz, 21.30, R. Waves Int, E/F, via Lithuania, mx, 34333
All times UTC.
divendres, 12 de novembre del 2010
FM QSL Report
Últimes QSLs rebudes (després d'alguns recordatoris) d'emissores FM escoltades l'estiu passat:
Last QSLs got (after some reminders) from FM stations listened last summer:
COPE Valencia, 93.4, E-QSL in word document in 4 weeks for e-report to
La Mega Radio, 107.1, full detailed E-letter in 5 weeks for e-report to v/s Javi López, Director.
Latinos FM, 102.9, full detailed E-letter in 6 weeks for e-report to
Sí Ràdio, 97.8, paper QSL, personal letter, stickers in 14 weeks for report to Avda Blasco Ibáñez 136, 46022 Valencia. v/s César Sánchez, Jefe Técnico.
Radio France Int, Barcelona, 105.3, full detailed letter in 15 weeks for report sent to Institut Français de Barcelona, Moià 8, 08006 Barcelona. v/s Mónica Bieto.
COPE Denia, 89.6, full detailed E-letter in 9 weeks for e-report to v/s Ricardo Sepulcre, Técnico.
Last QSLs got (after some reminders) from FM stations listened last summer:
COPE Valencia, 93.4, E-QSL in word document in 4 weeks for e-report to
La Mega Radio, 107.1, full detailed E-letter in 5 weeks for e-report to v/s Javi López, Director.
Latinos FM, 102.9, full detailed E-letter in 6 weeks for e-report to
Sí Ràdio, 97.8, paper QSL, personal letter, stickers in 14 weeks for report to Avda Blasco Ibáñez 136, 46022 Valencia. v/s César Sánchez, Jefe Técnico.
Radio France Int, Barcelona, 105.3, full detailed letter in 15 weeks for report sent to Institut Français de Barcelona, Moià 8, 08006 Barcelona. v/s Mónica Bieto.
COPE Denia, 89.6, full detailed E-letter in 9 weeks for e-report to v/s Ricardo Sepulcre, Técnico.
dijous, 11 de novembre del 2010
dimecres, 10 de novembre del 2010
dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010
MW Logs 9 novembre
- 990 KHz, 18.30, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Berlin, G, mix with R. Bilbao, 33433
- 1008 KHz, 18.25, Grootnieuwsradio, mx, mix with Ser Girona, 43333
- 1026 KHz, 18.15, R. Asturias, Sp, nx, weather info, 33433
- 1044 KHz, 18.10, R. Valladolid, Sp, nx, "La Ventana Castilla y León", 34333
- 1134 KHz, 17.10, Croatian Radio, E px, id "Glas Hrvatska", 43443
- 1152 KHz, 17.45, R. Romania Actualitati, Cluj, Romanian, 23432
- 1287 KHz, 18.35, R. Castilla, nx, 34433
- 1332 KHz, 18.00, Ceský Rozhlas, Czech, nx, 44444
- 1341 KHz, 16.00, BBC R. Ulster, E nx, 23342
- 1566 KHz, 17.55, County Sound Radio, E, oldies, Id, 24442
- 1602 KHz, 18.20, R. Vitoria, Sp, local nx, 44343
All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909
dilluns, 8 de novembre del 2010
QSL Free Radio Victoria
Free Radio Victoria, 7630 KHz. Pirata holandesa. Rebuda QSL per informe enviat a
dijous, 4 de novembre del 2010
Logs MW 4 novembre
- 720 KHz, 20.30, Antena 1, Port, 43443
- 747 KHz, 20.25, RNE Cádiz R.5, Sp, nx, national px, 34333
- 756 KHz, 20.35, R. Romania Actualitati, Lugoj, Romanian, mx, 43443
- 765 KHz, 19.20, RSR Option Musique, Sottens, F, mx, 55444
- 810 KHz, 20.45, Makedonske Radio, mx, mixed with SER Madrid, 34333
- 828 KHz, 07.50, R. 10 Gold, Dutch, oldies, publ, 34443
- 828 KHz, 19.15, NDR Info, G, nx, mixed with R. 10 Gold, 23322
- 1017 KHz, 15.45, SWRCont.Ra, Wolfsheim, G, nx, 34333
- 1089 KHz, 16.00, Voice of Russia, Tbilisskaya, Russian, mixed Talk Sport, 34333
- 1314 KHz, 17.20, Antena Satelor, Romanian, 43333
- 1341 KHz, 17.15, Magyar Katolikus Rádió, Hungarian, 44343
- 1377 KHz, 16.15, Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia, Farsi, 43433
All times UTC. Receiver: Sangean ATS 909
Programes especials de Radio Waves International
27th Birthday on the air 1983-2010
in addition of our own txs on 7480 & 11401 khz (that we hope to operate at same time
here is the winning number is : 6055 Khz
Stay tune and reports via email or snail mail and get a special QSL a& Gifts too.
info line for sms
outside France 00 33 6 75 44 70 26 In France 06 75 44 70 26
Indeed a sepcial QSL Card wil be available for each day of broadcast
keep on F.F.F.R !
Peter HILLS & Philippe
Flash INFOS: 1983-2010
Radio will celebrates its 37th years of Free Radio on the airwaves using its own TXs
We will add relay from Lithuania
on the channel of 6055khz from the 49 meters band
every Saturday night on November 6 ,13,20 & 27 de 21.30 à 22.30 UTC
extra program on Friday November from 0 to 22.30 UTC
with a power of 100 000 Watts !
Now listen to us on the net via
Country music show, French service,Rock City &Pirate memories
the sounds on short-waves around the world
"on the highway to freedom"
Peter HILLS & Philippe " The terrible twins"
For review and airplay send your promos to :
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
27th Birthday on the air 1983-2010
in addition of our own txs on 7480 & 11401 khz (that we hope to operate at same time
here is the winning number is : 6055 Khz
Stay tune and reports via email or snail mail and get a special QSL a& Gifts too.
info line for sms
outside France 00 33 6 75 44 70 26 In France 06 75 44 70 26
Indeed a sepcial QSL Card wil be available for each day of broadcast
keep on F.F.F.R !
Peter HILLS & Philippe
Flash INFOS: 1983-2010
Radio will celebrates its 37th years of Free Radio on the airwaves using its own TXs
We will add relay from Lithuania
on the channel of 6055khz from the 49 meters band
every Saturday night on November 6 ,13,20 & 27 de 21.30 à 22.30 UTC
extra program on Friday November from 0 to 22.30 UTC
with a power of 100 000 Watts !
Now listen to us on the net via
Country music show, French service,Rock City &Pirate memories
the sounds on short-waves around the world
"on the highway to freedom"
Peter HILLS & Philippe " The terrible twins"
For review and airplay send your promos to :
BP 130
92504 RUEIL Cedex
dimecres, 3 de novembre del 2010
QSL Radio Face de Blatte
Radio Face de Blatte, 6515 KHz, pirata francesa. Rebuda E-QSL per informe enviat a
dimarts, 2 de novembre del 2010
QSL Radio Jan van Gent
Radio Jan van Gent, 6953 KHz, pirata holandesa. E-QSL per informe enviat a
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