dissabte, 31 de juliol del 2010

Atlantic 2000

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday 31, at 19:00 UTC on 7610 kHz, and at the same time on our website. Before that, we are streaming on the Internet this Friday 30, at 19:00 UTC.

Ce vendredi soir à 19:00 UTC (21:00 heure de Paris) ne ratez le 5ème volet dela folle histoire des radios FM, à écouter en shoutcast sur notre site.

Demain samedi 31 juillet, à 19:00 UTC (21:00 heure de Paris), Atlantic 2000émettra sur 7610 kHz en ondes courtes, et simultanément en shoutcastsur notre site Internet.--

Visit our website :http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr

dijous, 29 de juliol del 2010

QSL Cactus Jack Radio

E-QSL en 1 dia per informe a cactusjackradio@hotmail.com

dimarts, 27 de juliol del 2010

QSL Radio Free Asia, via Saipan

Logs 27 juliol 2010

  • 4840 00.35 WWCR, Anglès, mx, Rlg 43333
  • 5025 00.45 R. Rebelde, La Habana, Castellà 23322
  • 5755 00.37 WTWW, Lebanon, TN, Anglès, Rlg 44444
  • 5810 00.40 EWTN, Vandiver, Castellà, Rlg 33333
  • 6060 00.50 R. Habana Cuba, La Habana, Castellà (//6000, 6110) 43443
  • 6190 00.10 Deutschlandfunk, Berlin-Britz, Alemany, mx clàssica (//1422, 756) 23322
  • 7440 00.00 R. Ukraine Int, Lviv, Anglès, ID, nx 34433
  • 9665 00.30 R. PMR, Grigoriopol, Alemany, nx. (00.45: Px en anglès) 54444

Logs 24 juliol 2010

  • 5960 21.35 China Radio Int, Cerrik, Anglès 54444
  • 6040 21.40 RNW Kishinev, Holandès, nx (//6125 Nauen, 6040 Rampisham) 55444
  • 6280 21.30 All India Radio, Bangaluru, Anglès, Hindi mx 43443
  • 7345 22.20 R. Tunis, Sfax, Àrab, mx 55444
  • 7450 22.40 R. Makedonias, Avlis, Grec, mx 34443
  • 7580 21.50 R. Farda, Iranawila, Farsi, mx 43443
  • 7610 21.55 R. Amica, Italià 23322
  • 9860 21.45 RNW Kigali, Àrab, mx 43443
  • 11820 22.15 R. Riyadh, Àrab, mx (//11930) 55444

    Receptor: Sangean ATS 909. Antena telescòpica.

dilluns, 26 de juliol del 2010

E-QSL Radio Pridnestrovie

E-QSL rebuda en 1 dia per informe enviat a radiopmr@inbox.ru

divendres, 23 de juliol del 2010

dijous, 22 de juliol del 2010

QSL Report


- Cesky Rozhlas, 1332, QSL of Radio Prague in 5 months for e-report to info@rozhlas.cz


- Seed-Time Ministries, via Wertachtal, 11900, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to admin@seed-time.org. www.seedtime.net.
- Christliche Wissenschaft, 6055, QSL, letter, magazines in 2 weeks for e-report to csradio.d@gmx.de. v/s Ute Keller.
- Deutschlandfunk, 756, QSL in 3 days for e-report to hoererservice@dradio.de
- MDR Info, 1188, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to Technik@mdr.de.
- WDR, 720, QSL, stickers, sked, music CD and magazine in 3 weeks for e-report to radio@wdr.de
- NDR, 972, QSL in 7 weeks for e-report to info@ndrinfo.de.


- ERA 1, 729, Full detailed e-letter in 4 weeks for e-report to ntheleriti@ert.gr.


- Studio DX, 1566, via Challenger Radio, full detailed e-letter in 6 months! for e-report to info@bclnews.it. v/s Roberto Scaglione.


- R. 538, 891, E-QSL letter. v/s Rene van de Kolk, Technical Coordinator.
- R. Mi Amigo, 1395, via Big L, special programme, QSL via their web in a few seconds. www.radiomiamigo.eu.


- R. Sim, 963, QSL in 2 weeks for e-report to mail@radiosim.pt


- R. Rasant, via IRRS, Rimavska Sobota, 9510, QSL (with tx site) and touristic brochure of Sundern in 3 weeks for e-report to redaktion_radio_rasant@yahoo.de. v/s Reinhard Marx.
- JSWC, via DX Partyline, via IRRS Rimavska Sobota, 9510, QSL (with tx site), info, sked of NHK in 6 weeks for 2 US $. Address: JSWC, Box 44, Kamakura 248-8691, Japan. v/s J. Ohtake.


- IBRA Radio, via Kigali, 9595, E-QSL (with tx site) in 3 weeks for e-report to info@ibra.se. v/s Maria Levander.


- R. Damasco, 9330, QSL, pennant, stickers, personal letter in 7 weeks for e-report to radiodamasco@yahoo.com. v/s Amelia Puga.


- Marfil Estéreo, 5910, QSL, stickers in 4 months. Address: Apartado Aéreo 67751, Bogotá DC. v/s Rafael Rodríguez.


- Family Radio, 7360, QSL, book, sked, sticker in 7 months for e-report.


- Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 11670, scanned QSL via e-mail (because lack of budget!) in 20 months after some f/ups! v/s Freddy Santos.


- R. Star Int., 6400, partly detailed E-lr of confirmation for e-report to rsi@live.co.uk in 4 days.
- Orion R., 5815, QSL for e-report to info@orionradio.nl in 7 weeks.
- R. Merlin, 6305, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk.
- Atlantic Radio, 6400, QSL, postcard, personal letter in 9 weeks for e-report to info@atlanticradio.ie. v/s Stephen Prendergast.
- Playback, 6305, E-QSL in 18 weeks for e-report to playbackinternational@googlemail.com
- Atlantic 2000 Int, via R. Amica, 7610, QSL, info in 2 weeks for e-report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com. v/s Tiphanie.