dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2024

QSL Radio Briscola, Itàlia

Radio Briscola, 1449 KHz, emissora italiana de la localitat de Lenta, al Piemont. Rebut correu electrònic de confirmació de la recepció i aquesta imatge, tot sense dades, per informe enviat a radiobriscola@gmail.com. v/s Gianfranco Giudice, qui m'informa que l'emissora emet amb 500 watts i que de moment només fa tests els caps de setmana.

3 comentaris:

  1. I have heard Radio Briscola on 1449 khz in october 2024. up north of the Arctic Circle with an 800 meter wire antenna and an SRT CR304 A receiver. I record the station id and sent it to the stations emailadress and to Gianfranco Giudice together with some info of my hearing, technical info. I havent heard anything from him. Try to get a confirmation from Radio Briscola of my hearing, it will means a lot for me. Do You know how i can get a confirmation from Radio Briscola. Regards from Mr. Kjell Eriksson, Lulea, Sweden. Email: kjelleriksson.58@gmail.com

  2. Hi Kjell, I am sending you an email with info.
