Un blog sobre ràdio i DX de l'Artur Fernández Llorella
diumenge, 13 d’octubre del 2024
QSL Reykjavik Radio, Islàndia
Reykjavik Radio, 2187'5 KHz, emissora costanera islandesa, DSC. Rebut correu electrònic en un dia confirmant la recepció per informe enviat a reyrad@lhg.is
Hi Artur, congrats on this one. I tried the station before, no luck - don't know what I used as an address. But this one worked beautifully: got a reply in 5 minutes!
Hi Artur, congrats on this one. I tried the station before, no luck - don't know what I used as an address. But this one worked beautifully: got a reply in 5 minutes!
ResponEliminaGreat news, Peter!