divendres, 25 d’agost del 2023

Emissions especials via Hörby, Suècia, pels 1179 KHz

Hörby regains an ephemeral place on the airwaves. This year again, the Hörby Radio Association has received authorization from the PTS to broadcast on medium wave on the old Hörby frequency. 

The Hörby Radioförening transmitter will operate between 27/8 and 9/9 2023, as part of Veteran Sound Day 2023, on medium wave 1179 kHz. 
The call sign will be: SBH Hörby Radioförening. This call sign is the same one previously used by Hörby’s radio station. 
The transmitter is located in Karlsfält, where the first 10 kW medium wave transmitter was located between 1928 and 1937. Karlsfält is located about 5 km south of Hörby. 
During the years 1935-1937, the radio station and a new antenna were built in Grankarp. 
Hörby was known worldwide for its shortwave transmitters from Radio Sweden Stockholm which broadcast from 1952 until October 2010. 
During the day the transmitter has a limited range, but in the evening and early morning the transmission can go far: the only high power transmitter on this frequency is that of Galbeni (200 kW) near Bacau in the east from Romania. 
Reports are sent by e-mail to: lysnarrapport@veteranljuddagen.se 
Also visit Hörby Radioförening on Facebook and on the website

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