dijous, 19 de gener del 2023

QSL Cesky Rozhlas

Cesky Rozhlas, 88.5 MHz, canal de la ràdio nacional txeca escoltada en l'esporàdica del juliol passat. Davant de la impossibilitat de rebre confirmació del servei nacional, rebuda finalment una QSL del servei internacional per informe enviat a cr@radio.cz

3 comentaris:

  1. I have received a QSL from the national radio for a domestic service, they use the same cards with the identic front page, but instead of the top on the background, it is written "CZECH RADIO". I did only achieve that by sending a report (along with one for the regional network) of the national network to the seat of one regional CR Radio station. they did forward my letter (regarding the part of the national network) to Prague.

  2. Thanks for the info, my friend, but what address did you use to send your report, please?

  3. to Radio Sever (North) and they forwarded it to the technical department of CR in Praha
