dimarts, 25 de maig del 2021

FM QSL Report


Ràdio Fogars, 106.7, full detailed letter in 1 month for e-report to veidefogars@hotmail.com. v/s Àngels Paset, Coordinació Ràdio Fogars.

Vida FM, 96.6, full detailed E-letter in 7 months for e-report to contacto@centrodeayudaesp.es. v/s Rebekah Díaz.


Italiana FM Mallorca, 105.2, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to radio@italiana.fm. v/s Alex Martinelli, CEO, Direttore Artistico.

The One Ibiza, 101.1, full detailed E-letter in 1 days for e-report to info@theoneibiza.eu. v/s Derek D.

Catalunya Ràdio (transmitter in Alfàbia, Mallorca), 93.3, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to tecn_bus@catradio.cat. v/s Marc Olive.

Isla 106, 106.7, non detailed confirmation via Facebook in 2 weeks.


À Punt Ràdio, 102.2, E-QSL in 4 months for e-report to contacte@apuntmedia.es. v/s Victòria Piñeiro, Cap d'Explotació i Continuïtat À Punt Mèdia.

Hispana FM, 92.9, Full detailes E-letter in 7 weeks for e-report to hispanafmredes@gmail.com. v/s Héctor Bolívar.

Más Fiesta Europa, 91.8, full detailed E-letter in 6 days for e-report to masfiestaeuropa@gmail.com

Top Remember, 97.5, full detailes E-letter in 1 day for e-report to info@topremember.com. v/s Ramón Soler, Director.

La Patrona FM, 102.9, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to lapatronafmvalencia@gmail.com. v/s César Augusto Portilla, Director general.

On Radio, 88.0, non detailed confirmation via Facebook in 3 weeks


Radio Intereconomía Salamanca, 92.7, full detailed E-letter in 1 day for e-report to redaccion@intereconomiasalamanca.es. v/s Fernando Barbero, Director.


Los 40 Dance Pontevedra, 92.7, full detailed E-letter in 1 month for e-report to secretaria@radiopontevedra.com. v/s Jorge Hermida, Director.


Radio Dzungla, Doboj, 101.1, full detailed E-letter in 25 days for e-report to marketing@dzungla.net. v/s Velibor Petrovic.

RTRS Radio Republike Srpske, 92.7, full detailed E-letter in 6 weeks for e-report to rtrs@rtrs.tv. v/s Dragan Sukalo


Radio Evangelo Sardegna, 102.6, full detailed confirmation via Facebook in 1 day.

Radio Sportiva, 93.2, full detailed E-letter in 7 days for e-report to info@radiosportiva.com. v/s Roberto Castellani.


Mega Hits, 92.9, QSL in 6 weeks for e-report to mail@megahits.fm


Radio Trinitas, 95.3, full detailes E-letter in 15 days for e-report to contact@radiotrinitas.ro. v/s Daniel Moraras.

Digi FM, 95.7, non detailed confirmation via Facebook in 11 days.

Mariá Rádió Erdély, 89.7, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to several addresses. v/s Gábo Tarr, Technics Director.


Radio Beograd 1, 95.3, full detailed E-letter in 22 days for e-report to several addresses. Answer came from radiomaster@rts.rs. v/s Dragan Scepanovic.


TRT Radyo 1, 95.2, QSL in 10 months for e-report to Spanish International Service. No answer from the National Network.

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