dissabte, 13 de juliol del 2019

Nou programa d'FRSH

Dear FRS Friends,

We have some good news...FRS-Holland  will be on air with two Summer evening broadcasts.
In the past 5 years, these typical evening broadcasts proved to be very successful. Not only because of good reception
but also because of the thematic programmes which were certainly to the taste of many SW/ Free Radio enthusiasts.

The first Summer evening broadcast will take place on Sunday July 28th
Details: go to  http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/132-frs-on-air-sunday-evening-july-28th.html

The 2nd one will be our 39th Anniversary  being planned for Sunday September 1st. Details will follow in the 2nd half of August.
Have a good weekend...'see' you soon on the SW free radio bands!

73s, Peter V. on behalf of the FRS crew

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