diumenge, 22 de juliol del 2012

Programes via Radio 6150

Radio 6150 està fent aquests dies i fins a l'agost una emissió de programes d'antigues emissores com Radio NorthSea International, Caroline, Atlantis i Laser pels 6070 KHz. Aquest és el missatge rebut de l'emissora:

Since last Sunday we are on air without interruptions, using 500 to 800 watts PEP.

Today, the last of June, Radio Vatican ceases broadcasting on 6075 kHz, so from tomorrow on our 6070 should be nearly completely free of disturbances from adjacent channels.

In August there will be a relaunch of our station with a new (old) name. At the same time a new transmitter will go in service, that should increase our signal all around Europe definitely.

At the moment you can listen on 6070 kHz to old PXes from Radio Northsea, Caroline, and Atlantis and Laser as 

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